experimenting is fun

whether its cooking for me or playing a game. I love doing some tpe of experimentation. lol.

found out recently I love fry bread and since I've got alot of native american indian in my blood. i decided to look up an old friend and tey gave me te recipe. XD

today's experiment is with games. too many new ones to try out and I don't know where to start.
I already got a few in mind. but still it's a hard decision.

next will definitely be drawing. since i do have several characters of mine I need to redo. It'll be a fun sort of experiment.

If ya see this do you experiment?? and please keep it pg. lol.
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I made cookies and biscuits from scratch recently. Next is a cake and pizza. Eventually, I'll make some pasta noodles.

I do a lot of cooking and baking.
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Pasta and sauce is really nice made from scratch, also the satisfaction of knowing you made it yourself.
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I would like to see these drawing when they've been done.
I always start drawing something and ends up only being a sketch because of the laziness.
Lately, I'm messing up with 3d modeling and I think I need to draw at least some references because I cannot always find on internet exactly what I'm looking for
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I also enjoying cooking and it's something I have enjoyed since I first started to live on my own. I also enjoy writing and I'm in the middle of writing my second book. My hope is to become a writer for a living but I fear that it's going to be a long time before I'm at that level.
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oh of course. im good at drawing and teaching it too. i'll definitely post them. if i knew where i put my last drawings id post em. but i dont. ive ad 3 laptops in 2 years and alot has gone missing due to that. anymew i do 3d modeling too. on the zbrush. it is quite fun. sometimes its just good to experiment in it for some inspiration before you take on a big modeling project.
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@Thirty3Three lol. well if thats your boat. float it. I am a firm believer in doing what makes one happy.

Good to hear. I completely agree. Not against it by any means. Just... was expecting... it... based... on... the title...
lol. im an open book. so with that said I pretty much don't mind anything. XD @Thirty3Three is there some other form of experimenting there??
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