Brexit! Brexit is not only a victory for UK but for a free Europe from EU!

What I said on the title, I can't really say in real life sadly just because I don't want to get punched or physically attacked and be called "racist" or "Nazi" but by suppressing myself, it's oppressing free speech. Such a shame Europe doesn't have the 1st and 2nd Amendments as the US does.

I've been following the news of how fucked the situation is in France and I hope to god that Le Pen wins the elections.
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Trading without a deal is one of the two options I listed; trading without a deal (under the terms of the WTO agreement)

We won't have London, as we know it, if we leave the free market - "London" will move across Europe.
If we want to retain access to the Free Market,the Norway deal is all that will be on offer - which won't resolve any of your perceived problems.
And are you fucking retarded? What does an ISLAND export, hmm? Fish for one. Also we are a huge OIL manufacturer, and we produce more barrels of oil per day than the rest of the member states combined... I hope you like those cars without any fuel ;)
First off why are you such a racist? You sound like a white supremacist. Germany will be much better off without Britain..why you might ask because now the EU doesn't need to do so much for English...the only country that speaks as a native language would be Ireland (only 4 million people) so for France and Germany this is a big chance tio help spread German and French. And I hope you understand without immigration Europe won't exist in 200 years...I mean sure Turkey will but everything else will be gone.
They will just buy oil from the Arab states in Western Asia..and fish...well there is Norway....
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Germany is not even close to collapse. Check top global exporters right now. They're like number 2. Btw, we get our oil from here and the middle east. If fish is your answer your more delusional then I thought.
@I_AM_L_FORCE We can't just trade with America. Or do you mean trading with EU countries via a deal with America? That sounds sensible, doesn't it???
Duh, Of course I know its Gaelic but the majority of Ireland speak English...An I'm sorry I confused you with another user although that German comment was terrible and untrue...its still not I will give you that.
Right... and that solves the issue of trading with the rest of the world.... how, exactly?
Seriously though, we're pretty much locked in with germany, Japan and china. Good luck on trade
I know its fucking awesome right. Now no more ignorant twats will cry all the time about terrible deals when they get benefits other member states don't get~!

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