Surgery Tomorrow

Hello everyone, I've been out of school for over 5 days now. Friday to Monday was a long weekend, and spent all of yesterday and spending today on eye drops in prep for a surgery tomorrow. I'm getting a lens implant on my left eye with an iris repair.

I'm scared, so please pray for me or/keep me in your thoughts. This is the first surgery I'll remember in my life, I can't remember the cataract removal surgery and my strabismus surgery back when I was a little dude.

Thanks a lot
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I'm OK, the thing is that I'm half-blind. I can't see with my left eye at all, I had cataract surgery and grew up depending on my right eye. I can't see as how people usually do with the left eye. For example, I can see the whole screen over here, the colors and everything but can't read or identify what is what. I'm not expecting a significant change in the surgery but I'm getting it so I can get the best vision as possible. My brain isn't trained to use two eyes since I see with this right eye all my life.
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Take care man, I pray for you!

Fun fact, I can't see shit with my left eye either, but this is not because of a cataract.
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argh, eyes surgery, it sounds scary.

If you never used two eyes, and your brain is not trained, surgery will maybe not make your vision better.
Your brain will still not see, even if your new iris does.
Let me know if it improves your vision ! I know someone with a bad left eye too, she said operation wouldn't help her, but I'm curious now to know your experience.

Oh, she also has different eyes color (one blue, one green, the blue one being the one with bad vision).
Do you have different eyes color too?
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Fun fact, me bf had some sort of problem with his left eye as well, left him half blind on it.

Hey, in the worst case, you'll have a bit of trouble with depth perception, medical advances these days have come a long long way.

Anyway good luck lad!
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Thanks a lot everyone, and @Cyan, I agree it won't be better--but I'll let you know of the outcome. My eyes have the same color.
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That actually, wow, that sounds exactly like my left and right eye; I was born with amblyopia (lazy eye), where the left eye was turned on, forcing my body to use my right eye as the dominant one. I tried patches, etc when I was younger. Eventually, I had surgery in 2002 to straighten it but it was only cosmetic, but with advances in medical science, there's hope for me yet. Best of lucky, buddy, take it easy, okay?
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@the_randomizer That's EXACTLY what I went through. When I was offered the option of surgery back in August, a bunch of doctors explained to me that I have a high degree of amblyopia. I even used eye-patches and contacts as well but as a Kid i always took them off. Thanks a lot, the_randomizer; hopefully one day with medical advances I'll do great.
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I hope all goes well! I can't imagine surgery on my eye...I don't want to imagine surgery on my eye. Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable. I guess that means you're braver than I am! :rofl2:
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My dad changed out his lens last year, or if it was early this year (can't remember now).
He wasn't nervous before the surgery, and afterwards he was just amazed. There were no problems at all, and he thinks it is 10 times worse to cut your toe nails. That's how painless and non-scary it was for him.

Good luck!!
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@ComeTurismO I guess technically today is the day. I think you'll be fine. Best of luck brother.
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    @AncientBoi, me neither
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    V means split legs you cucumber
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    @K3Nv2, I still didnt have sex
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    Good for you dude. Once you've had it, you'll never stop.
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    I stopped once I saw ancientboi nude
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    [closes my curtains to a peeping tom ken]
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You keep knocking on my door already naked
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    :shy: oops. yea. :blush::evil:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    "Room service.. Me come fluff your pillows?"
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    Well 🛑 calling me over in the middle of the night then :blush:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You call yourself offer the law already told you about this
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    awwwhman my meds. BBL guys
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    "Ok I fluff pillows anyways." (Family guy reference)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Fluff my junk
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Didn't your dentist do that to you today. Prob even told you to spit, not swallow, afterwards.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    God stop being so jealous
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Lol insurance our supervisor will tell you the same thing then I hear oh we can do that
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Lol insurance our supervisor will tell you the same thing then I hear oh we can do that