The_randomizer's internship animal adventures

Edit 9/20/13!

I also have a fox blog on Tumblr in addition to this thread here. I will post in both here and on my blog and both will contribute to adding cuteness to the internet. Also noted one will not detract from the other. Crazy Cute Foxes!

Also located in my signature!

I've decided to make a thread that shows not only pictures of foxes, but other animals as well, including a coyote. These are pictures from my adventures at my internship. I work there every other week as a volunteer, taking care of them, cleaning their cages or what have you, but after I finish, I get to play with them, talk to them and build relationships of trust. I didn't want to clutter up my old thread with off-topic pictures, and I also wanted something a little more up-to-date. I'll also provide a bit of background for the animals whose pictures I'll be posting:

Just a small disclaimer: The animals in question are under the best care possible and due to their circumstances, being in a near-domesticate state, releasing them in the wild is an impossibility and would be a major detriment due to their inability to survive. The reason I could not enter the cages is the owner was putting on a show for elementary school students and couldn't let me in unsupervised, but she trusted me enough to sit next to the animals and get them to know me better. But keep in mind that I am aware that there is a small possibility of being nipped at by animals, that risk still exists, and I respect that. I take very precaution possible to avoid that at all costs. I approach them slowly, and on my knees (eye-level), and if they willingly approach me, it's safe to assume that they won't bite.

Skitter: One of three foxes who is very loving, sociable and downright adorable. Despite having wild instincts, she's essentially domesticated and very hyper. Play-biting, pulling on shoelaces and stealing cameras maybe, but hardly dangerous. Very friendly and fluffy, the way it should be. Call her name and she'll run towards you while making funny noises (squeaking/squealing fox noises) :P

Tazzina: A rescued coyote; she was brought in by a hunter who killer who mother, but took pity on the poor animal and gave it up for adoption. Original infected with fleas, mange and poor health, she was nursed back to excellent health and lives a wonderful life with the couple who own the sanctuary. She is also taken on walks and also enjoys the company of people. Like Skitter, she too will go crazy and lovey-dovey whenever people go up to her pen and will kiss you all day long given the chance. While affection is uncharacteristic for a coyote, it's very heartening to be near a predatory animal and not get attack.

Here's Tazzina, the adorable coyote
















Now, for Skitter, who went bonkers when she heard me call her name. Nuzzled my hand on several occasions and that made my heart explode from the gesture. Very unexpected :P


















I hope you all enjoy them as I much as I have. I believe animals deserve to be loved and respected and not abused in a horrific manner. There are profound psychological benefits to interacting and petting them. Enjoy!
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I chose animals above humans at all times.
I still want a tattoo of animal rights on me c:

Sure, if you want to. But I think it's pretty awesome that my internship gets me involved with animal interaction, being able to pet them, take pictures, hear their adorable noises when excited. The drive is worth it for that reason alone, and I have many more pictures I plan on posting. I just need a thread as a means of asylum from all the crazy crap that's been going on, and so far, it works; whenever I look at my pictures, I look back and say, "holy crap, I can't believe I actually go to play with exotic animals".
Sure, if you want to. But I think it's pretty awesome that my internship gets me involved with animal interaction, being able to pet them, take pictures, hear their adorable noises when excited. The drive is worth it for that reason alone, and I have many more pictures I plan on posting. I just need a thread as a means of asylum from all the crazy crap that's been going on, and so far, it works; whenever I look at my pictures, I look back and say, "holy crap, I can't believe I actually go to play with exotic animals".

You can't imagine how badly I want to pet them :c
You can't imagine how badly I want to pet them :c

It's worth it, trust me. I was stressed out the morning I took the pictures (the owner was upset since the school that was going over for a field trip failed to leave ahead of time), there was a mix up and she was stressing. Not at me, but I felt her annoyance, but instead of interning, she allowed me to sit next to them while she did the program, so in total, I took about 130 pictures and posted them on Facebook. As soon as I started petting them, I felt much better and felt happiness from doing so. They're so bloody adorable, I can't stand it! :wub:

Sure, I'm a guy, I'm 27 and go to college, but nothing makes me lose my manliness card faster than seeing adorable animals. If you can, try finding a sanctuary.
Skitter wasn't nuzzling your hand, she was just seeing how you tasted.

I didn't mind either way :rofl2: Still, she nuzzled it, then licked it to get the taste of human flesh. When cute animals do that, beware, they'll lick you to death :lol: The happy fox faces are the best ones I think.
Very recently I was victimized by the phenomenon known only as RickRoll'd, luckily enough a fellow temper who saw me in distress, recommended this thread as a means of therapy. I was distraught lost and damn near crying, but sure enough as soon as I saw the images of Tazzina and Skitter I'm happy to say that most of the symptoms of RickRolle'd-ness are gone, only mild symptoms persist, but sure enough as soon the_randomizer returns to the sanctuary and gives us more pics I should be well on my way to a full recovery. Thanks the_randomizer! I couldn't have done it w/o you!

In all honesty Tazzina looks so bad ass!! XD, I mean skitter and foxes are cute as $&!@ and everything, but come on nothing says don't piss me of mofo or I'm gonna kill you like a nice coyote stare down!
Very recently I was victimized by the phenomenon known only as RickRoll'd, luckily enough a fellow temper who saw me in distress, recommended this thread as a means of therapy. I was distraught lost and damn near crying, but sure enough as soon as I saw the images of Tazzina and Skitter I'm happy to say that most of the symptoms of RickRolle'd-ness are gone, only mild symptoms persist, but sure enough as soon the_randomizer returns to the sanctuary and gives us more pics I should be well on my way to a full recovery. Thanks the_randomizer! I couldn't have done it w/o you!

In all honesty Tazzina looks so bad ass!! XD, I mean skitter and foxes are cute as $&!@ and everything, but come on nothing says don't piss me of mofo or I'm gonna kill you like a nice coyote stare down!

Tazzina does look pretty fierce in some of the pictures, but despite her appearance, she has the disposition of a puppy. Glad I could be of help! :P I'll be sure to post more. There are numerous studies that indicated animal-human interaction has profound psychological benefits. B-) Oxytocin, the same hormone mothers release when bonding with a newborn child, beta-endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and general feel-good chemical, serotonin, a natural anti-depressant, among others. Granted, it's not all rainbows and sunshine, as taking care of such animals is a difficult and often frustrating task (making sure it's immunized, well-fed, socialized, loved, etc), and there are time they do naughty things to see how much they can get away with.

Regardless, it's hard to look at them and stay mad, it's near-impossible to get mad without feeling bad about it.
I will be posting all of Skitter and Tazzina's pictures in here (including ones I either forgot to post, or posted at the wrong time, etc) from here on out. Here are some from about a month ago this Thursday. I was allowed to go into her cage on 6/6/13 since she trusted me to do so, for which I'm glad she was. I will be posting more on the 9th. This is a repost, in case anybody missed the last wave of pictures :P Yes, these sanctuary animals still retain some of their innate wild attributes, but despite that, I felt perfectly safe in her pen and the coyote as well. I respect them and the possibility of getting nipped at or bitten, but as long as I give them their space, approach them at eye-level (kneeling) and slowly, I will be fine. Even though there's an inherent "danger", these animals are very friendly to people. Curious, naughty (such as stealing wallets, etc) maybe, but not dangerous. I can't emphasize the fact she's an absolute sweetheart enough :wub:




















More pictures! This was from the second time I went there with my sister, brother-in-law, and my mom

This right here further strengthened my love for animals:wub:



















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