I need some good PS2 games.

I'm gonna start playing my PS2 again. Recommend me some good games plz.


Persona 3.
Persona 4.
Twisted Metal: Black if you're into that sort of thing
FFX if you enjoy Final Fantasy games
Ratchet and Clank in general
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
If you want a really easy, short, time waster than go for Seek & Destroy. It's a tank simulator type game I used to play a lot as a child, and it's pretty cool. Not highly regarded, though, which is a shame.
If you like the Hot Shots Golf series go for HSG3, that one was pretty damn good. Uhh..
Tales of the Abyss
Silent Hill...2 I think it was? That one was bitching.
I have Persona 3 for the PSP.

I'll give Persona 4 a shot.

Is isn't Ratchet & Clank just Jak & Dexter?

Played both KH games. WOOT.

SH scares me...

Tales of Abyss sounds interesting.
The best Tales game for the PS2 is Tales of Legendia, it by far surpasses Abyss in story and characters (well fans of the Tales series prefer Legendia over Abyss while people that don't care about the series prefer Abyss instead).

I'll give a list of some games that I like, they're all RPG's btw:

-Tales of Legendia (explained above)
-Metal Saga (Metal Max game for the PS2)
-.Hack (first series has 4 games)
-.Hack//G.U. (it has an anime that serves as prequel callet Roots, you should watch that 24 ep anime before playing the game or you won't fully understand the story).
-Inuyasha Secret of the Cursed Mask (good if you're a fan of the series, since you have your own main character in the game).
-Monster Hunter (the very first, still a pretty good game, although boring sometimes when alone)
-Sakura Wars 5 (A strategy rpg with dating sim elements)
-MS Saga A New Dawn (if you like Gundams and mechs, this game is friggin aweome cuz you can fully create your Mobile Suits and change all parts and weapons).
-Namco X Capcom (a strategy RPG, kinda like SRW games but with crossovers from Capcom instead, it only came out in Japanese but it has a full translation patch, oh, and the combat is awesome)
-Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 (If you like dating sims then this is an rpg with lots of dating sim elements)
-Wild Arms 3/4/5 (An rpg serieswith old west elements, def not an average rpg)
-Magna Carta (A really good Korean rpg with gorgeous art)
-Shining Tears (a game belonging to Sega's 'Shining' series an anime was released based on the same universe as the game but with a dif story and characters)
-Suikoden 3/4/5 (A game where you pretty much have 108 party members that you need to find through the game and you only get the real endings if you manage to recruit all of them, they're all really good lenghty games)

And those are the ones I can think from the top of my head...
Oh, and Ratchet and Clank is much better han Jak and Dexter imho.
A good PS2 game?
GTA: San Andreas.
If you have a bro or sis I suggest Digimon Rumble Arena 2 since all other games have been taken above XD
Digimon Rumble Arena2 is a heck of fun if you are playing it with people especially if you are a fan of the first 3 generations of Digimon (The golden age to me XD)
Holy cow there's a lot of dross mentioned this far, when at this point we could just name essential plays! The PS2 is my main gaming console so it's awful to see so many of the mediocre games i've played recommended. Hyro-Sama, what sort of games do you want to play?
GTA: San Andreas
Kingdom Hearts
Ratchet and Clank
(Nicktoons Unite anyone? :P )
Jak 3
If you're a Sims fan, Sims Bustin' Out is said to be absolutely awesome. But I hate Sims, so I have no opinion.
[quote name='pyromaniac123' timestamp='1334772945'] I can't believe no one has recommened Dragon Quest 8. [/quote]

Because Dragon Quest is bad.

No one suggested MGS2 or MGS3? Although there's not much reason to play them if you have access to a Xbox 360/PS3 and just buy the HD Collection instead.
Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System with v0.22 English Patch
Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Of everything mentioned there are very few amazing choices...

Of those mentioned here i have real issues with (and i'm specifically being picky because you want the cream of the crop)

Okami - IT NEVER ENDS!!! It's fun to start with, and even for the length of a regular RPG, but after 20 or 30 hours and multiple plot gear changes and travelling it just becomes tedious to finish it. Yes i quite enjoyed it, but boy is it an epic slog that gets a bit dull and tedious.
Tales of the Abyss - It's ok, but on the PS2 where there are SO MANY better RPG's available i wouldn't waste your time. Again it suffers from being long for no reason other than being long, and because of that it becomes a trudge. The plot and characters aren't that great either....and Legendia is worse than this one....
Sakura Wars - You want games? Well this isn't really one. Unless you like Visual Novel's with a bit of exploration and an SRPG tacked on the end of each chapter avoid. I tried, honestly i did, but boy was it a waste of time.
Magna Carta Tears of Blood - Potentially one of the worst RPG's i've ever played on the PS2. Really really bad....and that voice acting makes you want to kill yourself (well if the repellent gameplay and awful plot don't kill you first)
Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 - Painfully average. The second is potentially better than the first because of the added rogue "psychic" element (although they're nigh on identical other than that) but there's nothing special. I played the other Gust RPG's at the same time and if you really want a Gust game (read simplistic, slightly dated RPG) then play Atelier Iris which has a naive charm and is quite fun in a retro fashion. The sequel was awful which put me off the third, but the first Atelier Iris was a fun thing to play....simplistic but ok.
Suikoden 3/4/5 - I played these and really found them a chore, steeped in old fashioned gameplay styles. It really comes down to whether you like the Suikoden style of storytelling and play. And i gave them a good 20 hours a piece....awkward and slightly boring.
Most of Skelletonike's list - well all of it really.....i'm not a fan of games which don't get a full english translation because it detracts from the experience, and many he's listed are primarily Japanese. Also nearly all of them are painfully average....i mean i picked out the best ones above as games NOT to play....
Also...NOT...Xenosaga. Those games were painful...

So which ones would i recommend?

Well of those mentioned thus far, if you enjoy that open world slightly empty feeling of the Rockstar games then both Bully and GTA:San Andreas are worth a shot, with Bully being a relatively short but different take on the genre. Both are pretty fun and worth a shot if you like that semi-sandbox style where you can do what you want in the world around you. Psychonauts was also fun (and could kind of fit in this category or perhaps the next) but the final bits, and some of the bugs, left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. It's fun though, albeit annoying in parts.

The Jak & Daxter and Ratchet and Clank games are also very good, albeit differing experiences. Personally i'd go through the Jak games first, because i enjoyed them more (partly due to the presence of Daxter), but bear in mind that the first Jak game is essentially completely different to the other two in gameplay terms, and that the second is relatively hard. Avoid Combat Racing though. People lazily claimed that R&D was a knockoff of J&D. It's not but i can see why they felt that way. Again you need to be a bit picky with the series but start with the first to get an idea of what you're in for.

Devil May Cry 3 is a really great game (third person, relatively hard action-adventure) that refined all the great bits of the first one. I love the first game too and really think it's worth playing before this one but i can see why people would argue it's a bit dated now.....i'd still recommend going through it to hone your skills, perhaps even take on S ranking it. DMC3 added so many elements to the game and notched up everything by the nth degree, so even if the first game doesn't take your fancy definitely give the third a go.

Radiata Stories and Star Ocean 3 are controversial choices. Radiata Stories had an immensely likeable protagonist and charming game world, with a decent plot and nice gameplay mechanic (i'd also almost recommend using a recruitment guide and saving at the split point). Some people didn't like the combat (watch a video to get an idea) but overall this is a hidden gem in my book. SO3 is another game people had issues with, mainly due to "THE TWIST". Nevertheless there are far worse plot twists out there and if you put it out your mind and experience the world and characters as you go along (and enjoy the great combat and item creation) then it's very fun.

Valkyrie Profile Silmeria and Dark Cloud 2 (or Dark Chronicle for Europeans). Another two choices that people may dislike, and whilst i'd rank the first as an essential in my games the second is a love hate type game. VPS is great, amping up all the good elements of the first game (which you don't need to have played) and being very fun. If you were considering Tales of the Abyss play this instead. whilst i had slight issues with Dark Cloud 2's level design (and stupid ending battle series) the characters and weapon customisation was fun and overall i'd say this is another hidden classic.

FFXII (read up about the Zodiac system and decide if you want the restrictions.....i don't know what best to advise for a first play) is a no brainer. It's the best FF on the PS2 and despite compressed audio making everyone sound like they're wearing buckets over their heads, and a slightly different story mechanic compared to other FF games, it's an innovative and enjoyable take on making FF evolve. The Gambit system was a fantastic idea. Dragon Quest VIII (sorry Guild i loved this one too) is magical, full of charm, great Voice acting and a world that lives and breathes. Yes it still retains it's traditional roots but characters can evolve differently and it even has a double ending! Plus it has some of the best snow crunch sounds i've heard.

Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 (Substance and Subsistence). I love 'em, and challenge myself to no alert, no kill games to be the ultimate operative but many don't....yes they're exposition heavy, and lecture you about the evils of the world, but it's done so well in these games that it's hard to mind. I'd play the PSX MGS first then these two (one after another taking care to read all the story bits that are offered in the menu's) for a great experience. The problem you'll have is that 3 will probably be spoiled for you....i went in not knowing anything other than it was a Metal Gear game and when everything gets revealed it was great....i'm guessing you probably won't have that. Either way if you like the espionage story telling gameplay of MGS these two are great.

Shadow Hearts Covenant and Rogue Galaxy. Shadow Hearts Covenant is everything you need in an RPG....i'm running out of adjectives but it's good. Great even. Rogue Galaxy is how i'd have like KotOR to be.i.e. a fun Space Opera. Yes there's not much new but it tells a decent tale, with some nice characterisation and nice levels that look different (plus weapon customisation) I thought it was worth tracking down.

To be honest there are so many really amazing PS2 games that it'd be tough to go through them all. Persona 4 is if anything a step down from 3 unless you REALLY like Scooby Doo, and the other PS2 SMT games are inferior to 3 and 4 (although the Devil Summoner games might be worth a shot) Obviously the God of War games, Black was a fun FPS, Shadow of the Colossus was novel (and ICO too), Fatal Frame 3 is the best horror game i've ever played, the Prince of Persia games are also pretty damn enjoyable despite the criticism of them going off tangent with the second and third games.

At this point there's no reason to tolerate dross. So don't.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' timestamp='1334785908'] [quote name='pyromaniac123' timestamp='1334772945'] I can't believe no one has recommened Dragon Quest 8. [/quote] Because Dragon Quest is bad. No one suggested MGS2 or MGS3? Although there's not much reason to play them if you have access to a Xbox 360/PS3 and just buy the HD Collection instead. [/quote]

GTFO >:|
Definitely ratchet and clank!
Also i found tony hawks fun without getting into skating and all that.
Kingdom Hearts.

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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nuh that be wasting it, I'd drink it and walk.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You have your homes plumbing system connected to the factory
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That would be cool. I'd get drunk when showering.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You did that in elementary
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty you could get the basic idea watching a few episodes
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I had to buy a battery for my truck last week, freaking $280. I remember when batteries used to be like $50.
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @BigOnYa where did you buy it from? Autozone? Autozone has their stuff overpriced, Sams club and walmart is cheaper
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @BigOnYa the 50$ lifetime warranty ones, yall had it good
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I gotta buy new windshield wipers pretty soon least they're cheap so many different brands these days
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Costco actually, Its a Diehard battery.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Heard ceramic is the material to go with now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But mine has 5 hamsters in it...Top of the line.
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @BigOnYa I thought batteries came with 6 hamsters? what did you do to the 6th hamster?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Him being in Ohio probably fried it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Hot seller in Ohio https://a.co/d/5M1McyB
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    These are selling out quickly, hard to find:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You'd think it would have documents on that
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    This damn tower fan is leaking oil lol
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Maybe its made by Diddy Co.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Got arrested flipping the switch to hide all evidence
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So that's why every useless gadget has wifi now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I bet lube sales have plumented...
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Baby oil and lube are two words only mj would say together
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Baby oil and lube are two words only mj would say together