Blog entries by Nujui

Though most of you probably don't even care :P. Haven't made a blog in forever, nor have I really posted a lot either in awhile besides my computer issues. It was mostly because of school work being piled onto me neverendingly and working on some projects of mine. Though it's summer time now so...
Specs: I'm very happy with it, been wanting one for awhile now.
In fact it's been awhile since I've taken a look at blogs in general :lol: But anyways, lifes been good. I finally completed the long task of Persona 4 and now watching the anime, take one ep on my Ds a day, gives me something to do during the 24 min long "enrichment" in our school. I'm now on...
I got up early in the morning and felt this burning sensation on my chest, I thought it was just heartburn so I shoved it off, but then it got even worse, and right when I went out of my room, I upchucked 3 times. I was planning on helping with the phonebook route today. but now that that...
I was once on a little kids bowling group for quite awhile when I was around 10, though I quit it after sometime. I played the usually fun game with the family, though never got into it seriously. Well, since it's high school, there's a bowling team, so I decided to sign up and start bowling...
For anyone that doesn't know, since I was born I've had a case of autism, though not a sever one, it shows whenever I try to talk sometimes. Either I'll sound like Porky Pig, my mouth talking faster then my mind does and me having to stop and collect my thoughts, or I can't even say a simple...
I've been interested in learning this language for quite awhile, and I finally made myself read Densetsu guide. I'm going to try and learn Kana in my spare time, it's probably going to take me a great deal of time and effort for me to understand and actually speak the language itself. Years or...
According to gbatemp that is :lol: It's not really my birthday till tomorrow, but might as well say something if gbatemp says it's my birthday a day early.
ALGEBRA I : 95.83 A AM HISTORY: 95.63 A ART I: 85.00 B- ENGLISH 9: 96.00 A HEALTH: 96.49 A PHYSICAL SCIENCE: 100.44 A WOODS I: 82.67 B- Me is happy.
It was my prebirthday present. He's a 2 Year dachshund / terrier mix (I'm guessing). Pretty happy right now :D. His name is Kirby :P.
Well, according to the weekly news paper, my school was going to cut out art and wood, that's what it said. Now, see, the thing is, when I got my schedule, it said I still had those things. That's what I've been saying for some time now that my paper has been saying. If the levy failed I would...
You know, a lot of good members have left. And the site feels like it's kinda lost it's appeal to me or something. I actually spend more time in the shoutbox then I would do other things. This isn't a "leaving" thread or anything, I just feel that the site isn't as great as it use to be...
I'm need to do something with it :lol: So if anyone would like to play, pm me.
For the people that I was giving free stuff too that are curious about why they haven't received them, I'm making this thread as a little clarification since I got my clarification, which I knew was bound to happen. My family is going through some pretty rough finical problems. Since my mother...
Welll...School is about to start, high school in fact. It's gonna be a downgrade from building size, and plus I don't have to wake up at 5:00 in the morning anymore. Also I've feel as though I've been pretty clutyz lately. I seem to forget things more often and drop things. Maybe it's because...
Well, sometime ago (Couple weeks) there was another levy for my School that would pretty much mean this. If it passed: I would be able to ride the bus again, my mother doesn't quit her job, and we would have money. If it didn't pass: No busing, she quits her job so that she can drive me...
Well, I had Persona 3 Portable on my psp for about a month without never really touching it, decided I pick it up again. I've been off and on that game for quite awhile now, and finally I just beat it today. Took me 2 days total (Even though to me it feels like a whole month :P) Anyway, now...
I'm about getting sick and tired of this. I'm not one for watching Tv shows that much anymore, hell I even disconnected my tv from our cable because I never watch anything on it cause most of it is crap. Though I do sometimes watch anime on our big tv from time to time. Though, when ever I...
Well, with the releasing of Catherine and other games I finally decided after a year of not playing my xbox, I did something with it. For starters I updated my drives cfw (My drive is flashed :P) And then I made a xbox live account, that makes all of the console in my household online...
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