Gaming Your Zelda BotW Disappointments?


lacking both style and grace
Dec 6, 2011
United States
the story was atrocious. not at all what i expect from a mainline zelda game

that said, while it isn't a great zelda game, it's still an incredible game.
also i want the hookshot back


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2004
Akkala Tower should have been a dungeon like Hyrule Castle, it was a big disappointment not entering it. It really needed more places like that with plots relevant to the time you are playing the game, not 100 years ago.
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Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States

but if i was being more serious, there is 3 things.
  1. Weapon durability
  2. Stamina gauge
  3. Weather effects (including rain, thunder, hot/cold) and the like
The story is probably the last thing that comes to mind, is bad, that is it. The ending is just disappointing.

The game isn't bad, I don't think is the worst game in the series either, there is plenty of fun and cool concepts, but I could have done without those three things, if they wanted to make the game challenging, i wish they found other ways. Other minor things is not having a worthy reward for most of the side quest, DLC items are actually useful, but won't be obtainable until you get closer to the end of the game or even pay $20 first.

But no one cares what I think so I'm going back to my rock.... Oh gosh! There was a korok hiding under there, those broccoli things are everywhere. :blink:


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
for me i didnt like:
1) lacking story
2) no sense of direction, you just ran aimlessly in the hope to find something
3) shrines were very basic and repetitive
4) devine beasts felt same as shrines but with a repetitive boss equal to ones before it other than its elemental power
5) weapon system was poor, especially when you obtained what is known as the legendary master sword and hylian shield
6) enemy ai was flawed, in most cases their health was set far greater than you, unlimited ammo for them but nothing for you
7) due to lack of levels you had no direction to take you from one place to the next
8) same applied with side missions, i would have preferred if at some point you had to do set side missions in order to gain access to or unlock mission based levels.
9) cant believe how hard it was to gain entrance to the castle walls and get to gannon then when you meet him the battle is a piece of piss, when some enemies (especially lynels).

considering we never had a new zelda title for the wii u, i find it hard to believe that this title was the reason why, the shrines and devine beasts just felt like a tech demo of short mini game/puzzles based on the joy con motion controls and then thrown into a massive map and slapped zelda in to it.

i dont get why the fans are exploding over this titles, yes wow you can:
run freely around a massive map..... yea weve already had this
you get to collect weapons and shields that break..... yea weve had this already too
you somewhat get to chose the order you do things, again been there done that
you get to collect food items and make meals, sigh again seen it done that
you get side missions, yup your right only difference is weve had games that have tied these into the main story

the only thing you dont get in botw is a story, this to the fans is not important because you get to do all the above, yet bore off, we have played games that offer all the above while still telling a story.

people seem to think i hate anything nintendo do, when fact is zelda has always been one of my favourite games, i wasnt keen on Wind Waker due to the constant sailing and then the part where you have to find all the triforce parts if i remember correctly there was a part where you had to do floor after floor (and loads of them) to get a shard of it.

wasnt that keen on Skyward Sword but still played it, i think its Twilight Princess model feel merged with Wind Wakers cell shading kind felt odd.

I didnt mind twilight princess but felt it didnt do good setting its what i thought would have done better, been horror setting with the dark twilight.

i never really played it on the nes, i was more for sega on that one, but then the snes came out and i enjoyed link to the past, even got the gba for that one, loved ocarina and still play it now and then on the N64, but majoras mask has always been my fave and think this was more open world than BoTW, it added more pressure having the 3 day limit, it had a story, it was simple to know where your next mission is without having to run aimlessly to find it.

it had side missions that were required in order to get access to other areas/levels and even to fully complete the game.

again to the fans if you dont like my reasons for not loving the game you love, then this is what you call opinion, if you dont share the same then dont quote me forcing yours. because in doing so claiming i must accept your opinion, then take a mental note and accept others opinions.
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Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
for me i didnt like:
1) lacking story
2) no sense of direction, you just ran aimlessly in the hope to find something
3) shrines were very basic and repetitive
4) devine beasts felt same as shrines but with a repetitive boss equal to ones before it other than its elemental power
5) weapon system was poor, especially when you obtained what is known as the legendary master sword and hylian shield
6) enemy ai was flawed, in most cases their health was set far greater than you, unlimited ammo for them but nothing for you
7) due to lack of levels you had no direction to take you from one place to the next
8) same applied with side missions, i would have preferred if at some point you had to do set side missions in order to gain access to or unlock mission based levels.
9) cant believe how hard it was to gain entrance to the castle walls and get to gannon then when you meet him the battle is a piece of piss, when some enemies (especially lynels).

considering we never had a new zelda title for the wii u, i find it hard to believe that this title was the reason why, the shrines and devine beasts just felt like a tech demo of short mini game/puzzles based on the joy con motion controls and then thrown into a massive map and slapped zelda in to it.

i dont get why the fans are exploding over this titles, yes wow you can:
run freely around a massive map..... yea weve already had this
you get to collect weapons and shields that break..... yea weve had this already too
you somewhat get to chose the order you do things, again been there done that
you get to collect food items and make meals, sigh again seen it done that
you get side missions, yup your right only difference is weve had games that have tied these into the main story

the only thing you dont get in botw is a story, this to the fans is not important because you get to do all the above, yet bore off, we have played games that offer all the above while still telling a story.

people seem to think i hate anything nintendo do, when fact is zelda has always been one of my favourite games, i wasnt keen on Wind Waker due to the constant sailing and then the part where you have to find all the triforce parts if i remember correctly there was a part where you had to do floor after floor (and loads of them) to get a shard of it.

wasnt that keen on Skyward Sword but still played it, i think its Twilight Princess model feel merged with Wind Wakers cell shading kind felt odd.

I didnt mind twilight princess but felt it didnt do good setting its what i thought would have done better, been horror setting with the dark twilight.

i never really played it on the nes, i was more for sega on that one, but then the snes came out and i enjoyed link to the past, even got the gba for that one, loved ocarina and still play it now and then on the N64, but majoras mask has always been my fave and think this was more open world than BoTW, it added more pressure having the 3 day limit, it had a story, it was simple to know where your next mission is without having to run aimlessly to find it.

it had side missions that were required in order to get access to other areas/levels and even to fully complete the game.

again to the fans if you dont like my reasons for not loving the game you love, then this is what you call opinion, if you dont share the same then dont quote me forcing yours. because in doing so claiming i must accept your opinion, then take a mental note and accept others opinions.
This. I sank up to 150 hours into this game, but didn't enjoy as much as say... Skyrim.. It was the only game I had at the time (Switch launch) and it was something to do. I can't be damned to accept it as a Zelda game, as a lot of what made a good Zelda game was lacking or entirely missing. The whole game was a repetitive mess from start to finish.

You could easily beat the game without collecting everything. There's no end game reward for collecting everything. Hell, there's barely an end game.. The shrines were so far beyond shallow and easy that even some free phone puzzles were more difficult and time consuming.

The Divine Beasts were way, WAY too easy. The boss fights took mo time to figure out. Hell I beat the water boss drunk...

You get all the "powers" like the bomb and stasis and crap right out the gate. No risk, no reward kind of thing with that.

I honestly don't believe it should have won GOTY. My opinion apparently.
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Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
This. I sank up to 150 hours into this game, but didn't enjoy as much as say... Skyrim.. It was the only game I had at the time (Switch launch) and it was something to do. I can't be damned to accept it as a Zelda game, as a lot of what made a good Zelda game was lacking or entirely missing. The whole game was a repetitive mess from start to finish.

You could easily beat the game without collecting everything. There's no end game reward for collecting everything. Hell, there's barely an end game.. The shrines were so far beyond shallow and easy that even some free phone puzzles were more difficult and time consuming.

The Divine Beasts were way, WAY too easy. The boss fights took mo time to figure out. Hell I beat the water boss drunk...

You get all the "powers" like the bomb and stasis and crap right out the gate. No risk, no reward kind of thing with that.

I honestly don't believe it should have won GOTY. My opinion apparently.
U get a nice turd for your reward. Nintendo's way of saying fuk U.
Do something more useful in your life.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2016
Weapon durability. The reason I haven't even bought the game or bothered emulating it is precisely this. It devalues the fun in getting some cool ass weapon because if I use it all the time it'll just break. What's the point? I don't care that I can stock up on like 25 other blades. Let me use the one I want to use.
Yeah i'd love that too. Just make other weapons more stronger than others


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
Gambia, The
I was disappointed that there weren't any elaborate cave systems to explore. What an opportunity they had to put cave systems throughout that majestic landscape. Caves would have been the perfect way to round off that game. Cave systems would have added another dimension to the game, especially given how they focused so much on exploring the topography of the land. Going underground into the depths of the land would have been as spectacular as it is to scale the highest peaks in the land.

isnt there this cave-like system where you meet the night time merchant? somewhere in the north-west...
huge af pillar in the middle.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2016
United States
The Wii-U tablet features I was speaking of would have been a companion to the display on your TV. The Wii-u can have dual display features, the Switch cannot, it has nothing to do with Touch.

Touch menus on the tablet screen was what I meant.


That One Guy
Editorial Team
Oct 27, 2014
United States
BotW was the first Zelda game i have ever completed because I always forget what I was doing when I come back to the other ones after a break. Id say it deserves a score of 8/10 or higher.
My biggest disappointment was the ending. At the very least, I was hoping that you could keep the bow of light. The final boss battle was a tad bit too easy but that was the point of you defeated all the divine beasts.
What almost ruined the experience for me was the weapon durability. During the game, I would save specific weapons because they looked cool or were powerful but I would end up not using them and wasting storage space.
English voice acting was below expectations and I had to switch to Japanese to not cringe during the cutscenes.
May 28, 2015
United States
Not being able to upgrade equipment the same as Armor.
The system would work as when a weapon breaks, you get a useless weakened version of said weapon. You can get rid of it or repair it. After so many upgrades, it starts to deal more damage or have more stability, hell even get to the point of not breaking. I just want a way to use my amiibo rewards without them disappearing then spamming amiibos another 172 times. The lack of an advanced weapons system is what disappointed me I guess.


The inadequate, autocratic beast!
Global Moderator
Aug 5, 2007
I never learned to snowboard with the shield... and I to this day have no idea where I learn it.

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