Homebrew wup installer gx2


Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
United Kingdom
haxchi (the launcher) seems to crash more often than work not sure why.
ive just installed a game using wup installer ymod, anyone know why it didnt appear on the main screen, even though on data management it shows the game on my hdd


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
you talk about haxchi (the channel) which crash, when you launch it?
what do you mean "the launcher has a problem", it stays on white screen? it freeze you have to reboot? etc.
when you use which option? sysmenu or HBL?
or you have problem with CFW in general because WUP installed didn't do its work properly?

if you see it in data management, delete it, and reinstall.
maybe the game is not fully installed and crashed before the end of the install process?
maybe the game is not a good dump, and has md5 issues? maybe you should verify the files.
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Apr 3, 2020
United Kingdom
After using this to "successfully" install a game. the system freezes with a graphics glitch on my screen. when i force restart theres no icon for the game.
its interesting that if i use wupinstaller.y.mod.1.3 this also successfully installs the game, but theres no icon on my wii u homescreen, however if i look in data management, the icon for the game is on my hdd...

hmm weird?
i run mocha first as i figure that patches the sig


Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
United Kingdom
you talk about haxchi (the channel) which crash, when you launch it?
what do you mean "the launcher has a problem", it stays on white screen? it freeze you have to reboot? etc.
when you use which option? sysmenu or HBL?
or you have problem with CFW in general because WUP installed didn't do its work properly?

if you see it in data management, delete it, and reinstall.
maybe the game is not fully installed and crashed before the end of the install process?
maybe the game is not a good dump, and has md5 issues? maybe you should verify the files.
i bought donkey kong which i used with haxchi.
if i run the launcher on my homescreen it gives me an error message, but the actual icon which says haxchi seems to work.
i think the one that crashed is the one that haxchi installed using my donkey kong game


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
sorry, I'm confused.

the launcher on your homescreen gives an error message <-- so it doesn't work
the actual icon which says haxchi seems to work <-- so it works
wait, it does or doesn't work?

the one that crashed is "the one" that haxchi installed <-- what is "the one" ? do you have more than one haxchi channels on your wiiu menu? (it's okay if you know why and what you are doing)

I don't understand what you mean by "the launcher" on your homescreen, isn't the launcher the "haxchi icon"?

Which error message ?
error message are usually the solution to the problem.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
having 2 threads about that problem is confusing, people helping in the other are not seen here and you'll get duplicate help, or conflicting help.
I merged your other messages here (which you bumped an old unrelated thread for no reasons)

You said you launch mocha first, it means you don't have CFW before ?
what do you use to go to HBL? haxchi? internet hax? anything else?
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Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
United Kingdom
having 2 threads about that problem is confusing, people helping in the other are not seen here and you'll get duplicate help, or conflicting help.
I merged your other messages here (which you bumped an old unrelated thread for no reasons)

You said you launch mocha first, it means you don't have CFW before ?
what do you use to go to HBL? haxchi? internet hax? anything else?
i kind of use both, because sometimes using haxchi, if i run wup installer, it says it needs a patched sig.
mocha doesnt seem to do that : /

i installed haxchi onto donkey kong tropical island.
bit confused with the two icons on my main menu, cause one is called haxchi the other is a launcher.
i just followed the steps here

btw sorry for posting in two threads, I don't normally post in forums I replied to a thread that came up in google, then that got moved and i don't know how to get back into threads, so i keep the tabs open now : /


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
you still doesn't explain to me what you are doing or how you are using haxchi.

Haxchi is NOT a cfw.
haxchi is a forwarder to launch either :
- a patched firmware (this is actually CFW)
- HBL (it does NOT patch the firmware)

There are two ways to actually get CFW :
- haxchi with the option to PATCH the firmware (depends the installation guide you followed, it most probably be set to "press a specific while launching haxchi")
- with (probably) default option to go into HBL, AND FROM HERE you launch a firmware patcher (I don't recommend Mocha !!! use sigpatch2hbl if you plan to launch an app which requires sigpatch).

so, this is either :
Choice A
Boot > sys menu > Haxchi > check if a button is pressed > from here, either :
1) default behavior (user defined, so I can't tell you what is default for you)
> sysmenu : reboot the console and patch sysmenu with CFW and sigpatch > launch HBL (with sigpatch) > Launch WUP installer (with sig patch)


Choice B
Boot > sys menu > Haxchi > check if a button is pressed > from here, either :
2) launch a homebrew (usually HBL if you didn't define another homebrew)
> HBL > launch HBL (without sigpatch) > launch a firmware patcher without reboot >
-sigpatch2HBL : patch signature and return to HBL (to install a game)
-sigpatch2sysmenu : patch signature and return to sysmenu (to launch a game)


choice C
Boot > sys menu > Haxchi > check if a button is pressed > from here, either :
2) launch a homebrew (usually HBL if you didn't define another homebrew)
> HBL > launch HBL (without sigpatch) > Launch a firmware patcher with reboot >
Mocha : ask for lot of options > reboot the console and patch firmware
from here two choices :
- play a game (with sigpatch)
- launch HBL > launch WUP installer (with sigpatch)

to me, you don't understand what haxchi is or how to use it.
maybe read the stickied thread name "what is CBHC and haxchi ?"

You need to learn how haxchi is working.
you need to learn how to launch HBL from haxchi (Do not launch haxchi multiple times! launch Miimaker instead)
you need to learn how to patch CFW with haxchi, without launching HBL. because you don't need to use another CFW patcher.

Personnaly I do this:
default behavior of haxchi, when you don't press any button : patch the firmware and return to sysMenu.

once done, you are now in a CFW and can do whatever you want : launch a game, go to HBL, etc.
if I need to go to HBL
run haxchi with a button pressed to access HBL
or run HBL channel ! (that's maybe the "other" icon you talk about?)

bit confused with the two icons on my main menu, cause one is called haxchi the other is a launcher.
I still don't understand what you describe.
it should not have 2 icon on the menu!

you 2 icon are identical?
they are both "haxchi" ?
are they different visually?
what does they look like?
maybe you don't call them with the right name, so it's harder to help you.

are you sure you don't have :
1. Haxchi
2. HBL channel ?

the HBL channel NEED CFW !
haxchi can give you CFW.

1. run haxchi to patch Firmware
2. run HBL channel to go into HBL (NOT HAXCHI)

setup your haxchi properly BEFORE installing it to donkey kong!

your problem is probably following random guides providing "step by step" without explaining why, what the steps are used for and their effect on the console after that, and without asking the user what he really needs or wants.
it's forcing the user to use one setup, not the best, without explanation.
users are then left alone to use something they don't understand, thinking "following a guide" is a miracle solution to piracy. but hacking requires understanding, or else you risk brick, ban, losing data, etc

All non official channel need CFW to be launched.
- homebrew channels
- unsigned (pirated) games

your haxchi is an official game (it's NDS donkey kong) so you can launch it without CFW.
this haxchi should be used to patch the console into CFW (NOT TO LAUNCH HBL) the default settings of haxchi installer MUST be edited.
then, once you are on a CFW mode, you use you use (I suppose) "launcher" channel that you can launch without an error ! because you are now in CFW, you can launch non official channels.
Last edited by Cyan,


Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
United Kingdom
you still doesn't explain to me what you are doing or how you are using haxchi.

Haxchi is NOT a cfw.
haxchi is a forwarder to launch either :
- a patched firmware (this is actually CFW)
- HBL (it does NOT patch the firmware)

There are two ways to actually get CFW :
- haxchi with the option to PATCH the firmware (depends the installation guide you followed, it most probably be set to "press a specific while launching haxchi")
- with (probably) default option to go into HBL, AND FROM HERE you launch a firmware patcher (I don't recommend Mocha !!! use sigpatch2hbl if you plan to launch an app which requires sigpatch).

so, this is either :
Choice A
Boot > sys menu > Haxchi > check if a button is pressed > from here, either :
1) default behavior (user defined, so I can't tell you what is default for you)
> sysmenu : reboot the console and patch sysmenu with CFW and sigpatch > launch HBL (with sigpatch) > Launch WUP installer (with sig patch)


Choice B
Boot > sys menu > Haxchi > check if a button is pressed > from here, either :
2) launch a homebrew (usually HBL if you didn't define another homebrew)
> HBL > launch HBL (without sigpatch) > launch a firmware patcher without reboot >
-sigpatch2HBL : patch signature and return to HBL (to install a game)
-sigpatch2sysmenu : patch signature and return to sysmenu (to launch a game)


choice C
Boot > sys menu > Haxchi > check if a button is pressed > from here, either :
2) launch a homebrew (usually HBL if you didn't define another homebrew)
> HBL > launch HBL (without sigpatch) > Launch a firmware patcher with reboot >
Mocha : ask for lot of options > reboot the console and patch firmware
from here two choices :
- play a game (with sigpatch)
- launch HBL > launch WUP installer (with sigpatch)

to me, you don't understand what haxchi is or how to use it.
maybe read the stickied thread name "what is CBHC and haxchi ?"

You need to learn how haxchi is working.
you need to learn how to launch HBL from haxchi (Do not launch haxchi multiple times! launch Miimaker instead)
you need to learn how to patch CFW with haxchi, without launching HBL. because you don't need to use another CFW patcher.

Personnaly I do this:
default behavior of haxchi, when you don't press any button : patch the firmware and return to sysMenu.

once done, you are now in a CFW and can do whatever you want : launch a game, go to HBL, etc.
if I need to go to HBL
run haxchi with a button pressed to access HBL
or run HBL channel ! (that's maybe the "other" icon you talk about?)

I still don't understand what you describe.
it should not have 2 icon on the menu!

you 2 icon are identical?
they are both "haxchi" ?
are they different visually?
what does they look like?
maybe you don't call them with the right name, so it's harder to help you.

are you sure you don't have :
1. Haxchi
2. HBL channel ?

the HBL channel NEED CFW !
haxchi can give you CFW.

1. run haxchi to patch Firmware
2. run HBL channel to go into HBL (NOT HAXCHI)

setup your haxchi properly BEFORE installing it to donkey kong!

your problem is probably following random guides providing "step by step" without explaining why, what the steps are used for and their effect on the console after that, and without asking the user what he really needs or wants.
it's forcing the user to use one setup, not the best, without explanation.
users are then left alone to use something they don't understand, thinking "following a guide" is a miracle solution to piracy. but hacking requires understanding, or else you risk brick, ban, losing data, etc

All non official channel need CFW to be launched.
- homebrew channels
- unsigned (pirated) games

your haxchi is an official game (it's NDS donkey kong) so you can launch it without CFW.
this haxchi should be used to patch the console into CFW (NOT TO LAUNCH HBL) the default settings of haxchi installer MUST be edited.
then, once you are on a CFW mode, you use you use (I suppose) "launcher" channel that you can launch without an error ! because you are now in CFW, you can launch non official channels.

thanks for your detailed and concise post.
I now understand that I press haxchi once (but don't keep a button pressed) when i return to the main menu, i can now run (which I learned from you is hbl) without a problem and no crash.
i understand that haxchi loads custom firmware and this allows me to run hbl

I gather that haxchi or hbl don't patch the sig. which im also guessing also nnu patcher also doesn't patch the sig? i think that might be for just the shop. from what i understand i must also use the sig patcher you mentioned to do certain things.

thanks for your help, im learning from scratch here. im still trying to figure out why nusgrabber games arent working, i choose full titles but i guess im missing the ticket files.
its a lot to take in all at once, but im getting there :wacko:


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
I press haxchi once (but don't keep a button pressed)
this behavior is user defined.
before installing (or re-installer to change the behavior) you need to edit sd:/haxchi/config.txt

that file contains the buttons and action attached to them.
by default I think it's like this :

A=sd:/fw.img <--- don't care about it, but keep it, it can unbrick if needed.

swap the default= and B=
then reinstalle haxchi orver donkeykong.

you can add more button if you want, like :
Y=sd/wiiu/apps/wupinstaller_ymod/wup.elf <-- or whatever the path to wup installer y mod is.

that way, you don't even need to go to HBL to run wup installer.

Haxchi without button = CFW
then re-run haxchi with Y to launch the wup installer (you need CFW first, running Y without being in CFW first will only work for signed channels)

I gather that haxchi or hbl don't patch the sig. which im also guessing also nnu patcher also doesn't patch the sig?
exact, NNU is not patching sig.
it's patching "no new update" value to trick the console thinking there are no new update.

firmware patchers are here :
don't try them.
this is just for information.
if you have haxchi you don't need to use any other, except maybe CBHC.

ColdBootHaxchi is "haxchi at console boot", which means you don't have to run it yourself once, the console does it at boot, you get into CFW right away, always, no need to worry anymore if you patched the console yet or not.

thanks for your help, im learning from scratch here.
sorry I didn't understand right away what you explained.
I'm just feeling bad that most guides don't explain to users. they just "step by step" guide them, and let them in the wild, lost.

they usually explain "what is a homebrew" "what I need to do" and "how to install games", without explaining how the console works, or how to use homebrew.
"what homebrew is" is not enough to understand what how are working.

im still trying to figure out why nusgrabber games arent working, i choose full titles but i guess im missing the ticket files.
you are right.
NUS grabber get files from official nintendo servers.
this is where the game data is stored, and these files are publicly available.
but the ticket, which is generated when you actually buy the game from eshop, is not provided for free.

you need a ticket (from someone else).
that ticket from someone else is tied to HIS/HER console.
so it needs to be edited to work on ALL consoles, but editing the ticket make the "signature check" fail.
so you need "signature check" patch to still accept the wrong and edited ticket to work on your console.

this is the "sigpatch" you want on custom firmware.
but up to you to find these illegal to share tickets.
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