So my R4i Gold 3DS Plus cards all started glitching at the same time. I ordered them in 2018. I know they aren't supposed to have timebombs, but SOMETHING happened, as even an unopened card glitched when I tried it. I tried multiple combinations of DS lites, SD cards, etc.
you guys helped me before, and I'm still sort of a noob to all this. What card should I buy now?
I can't find the r4i gold 3DS Plus ANYWHERE.
Any other suggestions that run wood and don't have timebombs, or, can you swinging gbatemp hepcats turn me on to a seller for more r4i gold 3ds plus?
I use them just to play ds games, and a little GB and GBC, and I gave them to my niece and nephew, too, and wife, and brother, and had one unopened. And, yeah, after going on 2 years, they all crashed. Not sure if it was a bad batch or what.
any help would be appreciated greatly.