When Are You "Too Old" For Something?

Can you ever truly be "too old" for something?

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See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States

Hey again! First of all, I am sure that someone is going to have the question of "What the heck is a Studio Ghibli thing doing on my front page?" There is a bit of an explanation for that later on. What ended up happening was yesterday, I spent a rare day messing around with some friends, both male and female, and I asked everyone what they wanted to watch. I have a rather extensive viewing library, like the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, you name it. Oddly enough, the majority of the group wanted to watch the Studio Ghibli epic film Princess Mononoke. We're watching that, and about midway through, one of my folks comes down and made fun of us for watching animated films as college students. We kind of laughed it off, but then someone wanted to pause the movie and ask the question of what is considered too old. Needless to say, a healthy debate followed, and I am going to ask the same thing here and elaborate on my own thoughts of this issue.

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This is a bit of a delicate issue that needs some expansion. Obviously, there are going to be some lines that need to be drawn in this case. The debate that my group had was very interesting. Personally, I feel like there is no concrete definition of being too old to do things. For instance, I am twenty years old, yet I have that five year old child feeling when I'm looking ahead to the next release of Pokemon X and Y, because I have this boyish excitement in exploring new areas. I am strange like that. There are things that I grew up with and held dear, and movies like My Neighbor Totoro or Disney's The Lion King are held very close and in high regard. One of the major questions I want to bring up with this community is, why is it that some adults feel shame knowing that their own sons or daughters like something that they have grown up with? It was not like we grabbed a bunch of old Fisher-Price toys and starting amusing ourselves with them. The thing I like about Studio Ghibli is that their films can be geared towards children yet there are distinct messages that adults can pick up on and enjoy right off the bat. So why is it that some adults just don't pick up on these cues?

At this point, you're probably bored already, and you are wondering why this kind of article is on the front page with no references to video games. Fear not, there is still more to come with that. For future reference, with (almost) every editorial that I come out with, there will always be a reference to a video gaming subject somewhere within the article. Like I said earlier, we were watching Princess Mononoke. One of the driving characters (or, animal, I should say) was the Deer God, who bears a similar resemblance to the legendary Pokemon mascot of the new X and Y games, Xerneas. I did bring this up with the group and of course, we start a debate on the Pokemon franchise, and we were all debating about whether or not we were too old for that, too. I can tell you're probably looking at me like, dude, you need new friends.

It is a wondrous thing that this deer creature from Princess Mononoke could be the spark of a debate that lasted several hours.

Pokemon is an interesting franchise. It is evident that the series is geared towards children; you collect cute monsters and raise them in a battle, but when you go into the nitty gritty, it can be a bit mortifying. I can bring this up with my environmental ethics professor and he would probably go ballistic and declare that animals are hurting each other and how Peter Singer warned that this is bad for the ecosystem. Think about it for a second. You have pets battling each other out for human reward. This is classic environmental ethics in which we as humans are not accounting for the interests of other animals, or in this case, Pokemon. Yes, I am that kind of person. I will turn a happy topic like Pokemon battling, and I will turn it into a morbid sob story, because I like looking at things from another angle. When you look at other aspects of the Pokemon franchise, you realize that there are a lot of elements that most children would probably disregard, such as the competitive battling meta game that underscores the battling system. I can say that no eight or nine year old would be caring much for their Pokemon's EV/IV stats or the importance such systems have on the game. Most kids that I see playing the game do not even know the system exists! Meanwhile, I can go to my university's gaming lounge, and find a full on group of students playing the Pokemon games and discussing the inner workings of the competitive battling system.

This goes back to my primary question: are we ever too old for something? Seeing a bunch of university students playing Pokemon does not seem like the case. I know lots of people in their late forties who still enjoy gaming on the side, or watching animated films or anime in general. Does that feeling of embarrassment and shame really matter in the long run? I feel that as long as I am happy with what I am doing, it should not have to impact my own standing as a person. I should not have to be judged as immature or childish for doing something I enjoy. My doing something that could be considered "childish" in the eyes of an adult should not have to impact my own personal enjoyment and connection with the subject.

I am going to close my argument and say that personal enjoyment is an entirely subjective experience. There are and should not be any specific "rules" that govern whether not something is too old for somebody. However, I do acknowledge that there are lines that need to be drawn. For instance, if I see a father figure person playing with toddler level toys, I would have to raise a questioning eyebrow. Where the lines start to get blurry, however, is where the beauty of a healthy debate can form.

So, with all that being said, I would like to see what the GBAtemp community has in terms of input! I have laid out my argument and ideology on the table with a bit of justification from my own experiences; now, I would like to see you guys talk about this issue as a collective. As usual, please keep it civil!


RIP Yuzu. "It is always morally correct..."
Jun 22, 2007
United States
i was the first person who voted no and no one else voted at the time

I felt like Butters from South Park

once you give up a passion, a hobby or something you love...you start to become old. And the critics are jealous because THEY gave up their hobby or passion to cave in to society standards in "what is right" and they wish they could go back. But admitting you're old and going back to a "childish" hobby is seen as immature "never growing up" so they never go back. And thus try to tell everyone to follow them because they will feel better watching more people follow the same mistake they did instead of suffer alone.

One of my friends did that. We had a group where we watched Anime like Code Geass and Death Note. LOVE THE SIG btw. And he left because his girlfriend told him he was too old for it. Now his p***y whipped ass tells us all the time that WE are too old for it and should stop watching "kid animation" I still know that he likes anime. But after denouncing his hobby, he can never go back to it...and he suffers because now he finally admitted he's getting old. And once you start to "get old"

it all goes downhill


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
United States
Just to provide some perspective on the topic, being "too old" for something is entirely cultural and not a universal thing. It's interesting that Ghibli came up as your topic to mention this issue, as I have lived in America my whole life and I'm currently studying in Japan. Let me just say that the perspective is completely different here. Cartoons are very very common in all forms of advertising, for example. I've seen people in their 30s and 40s carrying a 3DS around with them. (And this is not a rare thing; I see several people with a 3DS every time I'm in Tokyo). Just a few nights ago I watched Arrietty with a group of 10 or so people. (Male and female, we are all college students). The Women's Dorm Director is known for being a huge Ghibli and manga expert.

In Japan, cartoons and video games are not childish; you are never too old. So from my perspective, no, you cannot be too old for something. Regardless of what the culture you live in says, it's just a fabricated pseudo-reality of expectations.


Guy gamer and proud!
Jun 14, 2008
United States
You can never be too old to enjoy something. If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. As long as it's not hurting someone else.

*I do mean physically hurt*


A deer god?
Dear god!

I think that the part where you mentioned Fisher Price toys is important.
While people may not think it is possible to grow "too old" for something such as animated movies, I would tend to say the same cannot be said for Fisher Price toys (or most toys aimed towards children of low age, really.)

I voted "No", though. But where do we draw the line between "Cannot grow too old for" and "Can grow too old for"? Because whenever someone says "you can't grow too old for X", it's usually because X has something that can legitimately appeal to an older audience.

One of my friends did that. We had a group where we watched Anime like Code Geass and Death Note. LOVE THE SIG btw. And he left because his girlfriend told him he was too old for it. Now his p***y whipped ass tells us all the time that WE are too old for it and should stop watching "kid animation" I still know that he likes anime. But after denouncing his hobby, he can never go back to it...and he suffers because now he finally admitted he's getting old. And once you start to "get old"

Sounds like she's only speaking out of pure ignorance.
Heck, I bet that if every Death Note episode was remade in live-action (down to every detail), she wouldn't be saying that purely because it wouldn't be a "kid's animation."

(And TBH, I think that your friend should have a talk with his girlfriend, because a relationship where either side of the couple wants to control the other person and force them to stop liking certain things is not a healthy relationship at all. Not that watching anime is more important than his girlfriend, but as long as he isn't neglecting her in favor of watching anime, it shouldn't matter.)
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Global Moderator
Jul 15, 2009
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
United States
There's a social norm for everything, and I think it's fairly acceptable to push those to a healthy limit before it becomes too weird. I like animated media as much as I like live acted media, as long as it's good - that goes for both sides.

Video games - if you enjoy it, you enjoy it. I've got no reservations about pulling my 3DS out in public whatsoever.

But bronies. God, man, that's pushing it to a limit that gets weird. There's something a bit unsettling about a bunch 20+ year old guys fawning over a little girl's cartoon.


Cat's best friend
May 27, 2013
happy land
United States
You're never too old for sex; there was this 80 year old grandma and smoke was coming out of her room... uh, well, never mind; guess it's not important/appropriate to discuss here...

No seriously, you're never too old for something. Although people might question why you still like those things. I remember when they had Max Steel dolls and the Shogun racers; they were cars that could transform: some into planes, etc. Now that I brought this up, I'd like to have one of those cars again; they were awesome. And the Lego Alpha Team or the old Star Wars sets; those are awesome.

I've heard some people say that you're not grown up if you play videogames. Maybe this might be a reason why we've got 14 year olds playing M rated games...
But bronies. God, man, that's pushing it to a limit that gets weird. There's something a bit unsettling about a bunch 20+ year old guys fawning over a little girl's cartoon.
The Powerpuff Girls doesn't count, does it? I don't think so.


My frothing demand for 3ds homebrew is increasing
Sep 20, 2010
Engine Room with Cyan, watching him learn.
Sorry to be 'that guy' who voted yes, but I consider myself too old to eat mashed potatoes with my hands. :P

That and other old practices are ok to grow out of, but I still play games cause they entertain me. I think its ok to do childish things as an adult, just not to take it too far and be a childish person.


Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
Just to provide some perspective on the topic, being "too old" for something is entirely cultural and not a universal thing. It's interesting that Ghibli came up as your topic to mention this issue, as I have lived in America my whole life and I'm currently studying in Japan. Let me just say that the perspective is completely different here. Cartoons are very very common in all forms of advertising, for example. I've seen people in their 30s and 40s carrying a 3DS around with them. (And this is not a rare thing; I see several people with a 3DS every time I'm in Tokyo). Just a few nights ago I watched Arrietty with a group of 10 or so people. (Male and female, we are all college students). The Women's Dorm Director is known for being a huge Ghibli and manga expert.

In Japan, cartoons and video games are not childish; you are never too old. So from my perspective, no, you cannot be too old for something. Regardless of what the culture you live in says, it's just a fabricated pseudo-reality of expectations.

Is this really such a shift, though? I mean...
1) Animated cartoons are still pretty common in the United States, especially if we group in "CG animation" here.
2) Gaming on the go is more popular with older crowds than ever before. They just game from the convenience of their phones/tablets more often than not.
3) College students love their animated films without a hint of irony, from movies like The Lion King to the Pixar stable. Shit, my university recently held a screening of The Lion King and had to change the venue because so many students were in attendance.
4) Adults love animation, too. There are tons of wildly successful animated shows geared towards adult audiences; Fox, a major network, has two entire scheduling blocks based around them. The Simpsons is often lauded as one of the greatest comedies ever created, animated or otherwise.
5) Let's not forget that Japan shits on "otaku" plenty, treating them with utter disdain and contempt.

I have no doubt that there are some differences, but the US' attitude isn't so far removed when you get down to it.

(Some people may condemn animation as being for children and babies only, but I think that's more on an individual basis, not a societal one.)


Global Moderator
Jul 15, 2009
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
United States
The Powerpuff Girls doesn't count, does it? I don't think so.

On a matter of principal I think I have to say yes, because that too is a little girl's cartoon more than anything else it could be considered. It does have its share of adult references, as does MLP, but it still falls into the same prime category.

However, it's also not the "in" thing right now. Beings as its an old(er) cartoon, you don't have as many people watching it as you do MLP. Not to bring this to a point of hipsterism, but I think a good portion of the people who watch MLP watch it due to a peer-pressure influenced, "well, he watches it so I have to give it a shot too" situation. Anyone who watches PPG at this point is practically gonna be because they stumbled upon it on an old Cartoon Network rerun.

You also don't have as much porn of PPG as you do MLP... yes, I know it does exist... but the stuff I've seen of PPG compared to the stuff I've seen of MLP.. I've seen some shit.

On a matter of principal, I think that I have to say yes, the Powerpuff Girls does count. But considering the other stuff, I also have to say no, it doesn't.

I'll chalk that up to "Yeah, I used to watch it a bit when I was younger, same with Sailor Moon and Totally Spies, if you wanna go there. I can't really say any of those would be on my "I guess this is okay" list while channel surfing at this age. I've grown out of them."


5) Let's not forget that Japan shits on "otaku" plenty, treating them with utter disdain and contempt.[...]

And America shits on otakus (weeabos) AND bronies!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Anywhere at the moment
United States
In my perspective, it depends on your motives with the material in question. For example, someone could watch anime for their own personal enjoyment and attend anime conventions to buy things or meet up with the VAs, which I see nothing wrong with. On the other hand, some older guys use this interest as an excuse to take pictures of young girls (or guys) who happen to be cosplaying the characters for their own personal 'use', which I'd say 'yeah... you need to stop that'. Games are the same way, people simply play Pokemon because they enjoy playing it or they use to try to talk to children over some Pokemon Forum. I say if you are enjoying your interest without bothering others, it's not a problem. Shoot, I'm going to be 30 in less than two years and I don't feel my love for Pokemon, Mario, or Legend of Zelda is gonna dry up any time soon.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2013
United States
video games and animation are just another genre of entertainment... people who say that they're just for kids are probably close minded ppl who grew up with pong consoles thingy (just an example :3) video games today are on par with AAA movies... awesome soundtracks , stunning visuals , and deep plots (rapelay anyone? )...

Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
I think your too old for something if you no longer enjoy it, if you still enjoy it then continue to do so regardless of age.

Finding something you enjoy is rare in this life so to limit your pleasures to make some one else happy is just plain silly. If some one isn't happy that your happy with something... perhaps it is them who should try to find something that does make them happy and leave you alone. (Not everyone likes the same things.)

Princess Mononoki was awesome and as soon as my grandson is old enough to watch it I will enjoy watching it with him.

Now if only I could get my wife to this level of awareness.... She tends to be one of those "Well I don't like this... Why do you like it?" kind of people. To her credit she also liked Princess Mononoki so we do agree on some things :)


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
Just to provide some perspective on the topic, being "too old" for something is entirely cultural and not a universal thing. It's interesting that Ghibli came up as your topic to mention this issue, as I have lived in America my whole life and I'm currently studying in Japan. Let me just say that the perspective is completely different here. Cartoons are very very common in all forms of advertising, for example. I've seen people in their 30s and 40s carrying a 3DS around with them. (And this is not a rare thing; I see several people with a 3DS every time I'm in Tokyo). Just a few nights ago I watched Arrietty with a group of 10 or so people. (Male and female, we are all college students). The Women's Dorm Director is known for being a huge Ghibli and manga expert.

In Japan, cartoons and video games are not childish; you are never too old. So from my perspective, no, you cannot be too old for something. Regardless of what the culture you live in says, it's just a fabricated pseudo-reality of expectations.

Yep, I have actually heard similar stories about how wildly different Japan is in terms of their culture. Thanks for the input though! :)

A deer god?
Dear god!

I think that the part where you mentioned Fisher Price toys is important.
While people may not think it is possible to grow "too old" for something such as animated movies, I would tend to say the same cannot be said for Fisher Price toys (or most toys aimed towards children of low age, really.)

I chose that particular line of attack with FP for a reason. ;) And yeah, DEAR GOD! :) There definitely has to be a line drawn somewhere. While I say that you can't be too old, lines have to be drawn to be accepted within a social norm.

And guys. If you haven't watched a movie from Studio Ghibli, you're missing out. And you need to change that right now. Some of those films are deep.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
This reminds of an interesting video about this very same topic

I say it boils down to the situation what you consider yourself to be too old for, but I also say forcing oneself to give up something like say playing Pokemon despite enjoying it doesn't make you more mature. In all honesty this is all subjective and boils down to what one considers to come with maturity verse what another thinks comes with it.


Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
Well, if those "Age of Consent" laws are anything to go by...

On topic, eh, it's not something you could pin down exactly. Everyone's answer is going to differ, but I imagine the general feeling is pretty similar. Like what you like, just don't be an obnoxious ass about it, have some self-awareness, and you're fine. There's a fine line between, say, enjoying something aimed at children and obsessing over it like a child, after all.


Samus Aran
Nov 2, 2012
Unknown region of space
For something YES, but if you think you're to old for something than you will be.
I mean i usually say NO, because you are newer to old with spirit, but if body can't follow than spirit is helpless, it will only do harm to ourselves.

I clicked YES, but deep down i feel like clicking NO!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
In the shadows behind you
You can NEVER be too old for anything except things like nappies and using the potty. Even pissing the bed you cant be too old just too drunk.

If you like something then F**K what anyone else thinks. When I was younger I liked those he-man dolls. They said I was too old but I didn't care as to me they were fun and what I wanted at the time so I enjoyed myself.
These days I watch anything I like. My 10yo daughter says she's too old for some shows but I'll gladly watch them and laugh my ass off. I even have an episode of Peppa Pig in my iPad I find really funny. When I play it she joins in and laughs with me then when its finished she says shes too old for that now.
Its fun so enjoy it for as long as you can as society will tell you "your too old" but they are the ones that are too old and they NEED to grow up and get a sense of humor and ENJOY whatever.
If you like it ENJOY IT and WHO CARES what age group its meant for.

Oh, about nappies, they go from age 0-5 then 60-100 so if your grand parents can wear nappies you can enjoy cartoons.
I love those Rocko's Modern Life cartoons. Its for kids but its just so funny and enjoyable. :D I think I play more games than my 10yo does. Well I've been playing games for the last 30+ years and still going and not going to stop.

As I always say "Gamer, real life is just a hobby"

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