Using devolution to play gamecube games on a family wii or a wiiu

I. INTRODUCTION: heard something about gamecube games being playable on every wii and wiiu. Either from friends, guys at the internet, the front page or even at a friend's house. And upon hearing this, you thought something in the lines of "God damn! I want to know how to do that too! :D ".

If've come to the right place. In this tutorial, I'll be explaining everything there is to know about it. But I've got to warn you: make sure you've got all the requirements before you get too excited. The list is longer than you may expect...

* a wii that is able to play gamecube games (I'll be referring this to as 'the old one')
* one or more retail gamecube games
* a family wii or wiiu (referred to as 'the new one')
* devolution; revision 200 or higher (can be downloaded here)
* a program to rip your gamecube games (I'll be using cleanrip here)
* a FAT32-formatted USB drive or SD card, large enough to store your game(s) (note: this is to be used on your new one)
* a wiimote, preferably not a third party one (as the previous requirement: this also is to be used on the new one)
* one of the following: a wii classic controller (normal or pro), a wiiu pro controller or a PS3 controller. For the latter two, you'll also need a USB-to-mini USB cable (should normally ship with the controller).
* basic knowledge on how to hack a wii


Yes...I know the first two requirements seem a bit out of place. If you cannot obtain or at least borrow those...sorry, but there's no point in reading further. If you want, you can vent some opinions in this discussion on anti-piracy...but please don't bother those who actually can obtain this. Thank you.

So...with that out of the way...let's make sure your old and new ones are hacked correctly. :)

If either or both of your old or new one is completely unhacked, I suggest you do so now. There are some quality tutorials for this out there. I (and most on this forum) will recommend modmii (keep note: this will void the warranty. If you want to keep the warranty on your device...stop reading now).

Anyhow...purely for getting this to work, you need surprisingly little. You will need (both on the old and the new one):
* IOS58. If you're on firmware 4.3, you already have this one. Family wiis and wiiu's have this as well. And if you somehow don't have it ( followed modmii, right?)...just install it from this source
* the homebrew channel. As simply EVERY HACKED WII AND WIIU should have.

That and the software linked in the requirements are enough to really get started. Oh...but perhaps this: if you're using priiloader to boot into a loader when starting your wii...turn that off for now on both devices. You will need the wii menu to pair your wii wiimote.


Note in advance: while there are other (and depending on legislation in some countries: illegal) ways to obtain iso's, ripping them yourself is preferred. For one: compressed or out-of-region iso's may work on other means (DIOS-MIOS), but not on devolution. So unless the disk has some particular nasty sectors, I wouldn't even consider it.

Cleanrip is a simple but efficient program to create an iso of your gamecube disk. Put it on the drive (\apps\cleanrip), check for sufficient free space for your medium (every gamecube disk will require 1.35 GB), connect said drive to 'the old one' and run it like any other homebrew.

The interface literally couldn't be more simple. Your medium is formatted in FAT (note: though cleanrip can rip to NTFS, devolution won't be able to detect it). Insert the drive when it asks you to. And if your old one is connected to the net, you can even check for a verification online.

In any case: just let it rip. Once done, you can immediately rip the next one. Rip all the disks you want to play.

Connect the drive to your PC again. On the root, you will see for each game a .bca file, a -dumpinfo.txt and a .iso file. Create a \games folder directly under the root of the drive and move the .iso files there. And I suggest renaming them from their internal name (something like 'GPTP41') to their full name ('PoP: sands of time). Check to dumpinfo file for the full name of the game.

In addition, put devolution on the list of apps (if you want, you can remove's no longer needed). If you already had a previous version of devolution, you can just overwrite it (and I hope for your sake that you skipped part IV ;) ).


Connect the drive to the old one again (if not done already), and start devolution from the homebrew channel. This program serves both as a verifying tool as the actual loader. Make sure to eject the disk from the drive.

Wait: I'll repeat this as this isn't a detail as it may sound: eject whatever disk was there from your drive.

Also...devolution's to say this? :unsure: The capabilities of devolution stand to their interface as Leonard of Quirm's inventions stand to his ability to name the things.
Or, in layman's terms: don't let the harsh interface of devolution misguide you of what it can do.

First off: if you have a classic controller or classic controller pro: plug these into your wiimote. If you have a wiiu pro controller or PS3 controller, plug these via the mini-USB to USB cable into your wii and make sure they're in neutral position.*

Second: in devolution, the controls are more made to mimic the gamecube's controller. As such, the naming is skewed up. Here's a small overview:

physical name on the button -> what button is registered by devolution (both the interface as the game)
B -> A
Y -> B
X -> Y
A -> X

In other words: if you want to load from your usb drive (on screen: 'press X to ...') you will need to press A.
USB loaders can incorporate this and use direct mapping to correct for this, but for now...just stick to it.

After that, just select your game and acknowledge with A...sorry. I mean B. Press the B button. And keep the game disk in hand.

If you didn't like the white text on black background then, you're not going to like the next thing: total blackness. And seemingly no activity for some time (20-30 seconds). Then the drive will start blinking a blue light. This is your cue to do two things (IN ORDER):

1. connect your wiimote. It will blink on and off, kind of in the same tempo as the drive. Doing this marks the wiimote as the place to store the verification files (okay...this is not completely true. But it's best to remember it as this for now).
I have heard that it's possible to enable multiple wiimotes at this time. While this is obviously an advantage, I cannot say I tested it. Feel free to tell me the results and I'll update this part. :)

2. Once this is done, insert the disk. A bit of spinning will ensure, some more fluorescent lightning will appear and then some more nothingness. Then the game will start.
Take note: while it may appear as if the drive is reading, that isn't true. It's just the disc light that goes ballistic. In fact, you can just eject the drive at this point and it just keeps on playing.

There's something to be said on the controls here. There are quite a few shortcuts which are described in the readme. They're worth checking out. Here, I'll just outline what I think is important:

* each wiimote (as well as the other controller) has three states. Off, blinking and active. Off (it can't get much clearer than that). A controller with a full light on a certain position (1->4) will emulate a gamecube controller in that position. It's the blinking (called 'inactive') position in which you can use all the funky shortcuts that tueidj provided.
* the home button (or PS button) will switch between active and inactive.
* the most interesting shortcut: plus/start when inactive. This will swap between ports.

And so on. There are some extra, but you won't need those on a daily basis. For this guide, you'll need one additional one: a short press on the power button of the wii will quit devolution to the homebrew channel.


Obviously: you've got to do V. for every game you have. It's not as long as it may sound, though. But of course...If you've got a collection of 200 games or more, I hope you can also afford a butler, house maid or sexual slave to do this tedious task for you.

In any case...sooner or later, all your games are verified (or verified again, as verifications from a build below 200 must be done anew for r200). Eject the last disk, put all those disks back wherever they were stored, unplug the drive (and cables, unless you've got two televisions) and connect the drive to the new one.

Remember what I said about disabling priiloader and stuff? This is why: you will need to (re-)sync your wiimote (or wiimotes) to the new one. From there on, get to the homebrew channel and start devolution.

For the verification, at least two things are very important:
1. it's the same physical drive. ripping and verifying it on an SD card, then moving it to a USB drive? It ain't going to happen.
2. the wiimote. I don't know how exactly, but the one you turned on just before the disc verification is what will actually let your game play. You must have this one turned on, at the very least when starting the game.

And...that's it, really. The first time you start a game, it will take a bit longer to write some things (damned if I know what). But it will start. and it will be fun. :)

What about memory cards? How do these work?
This part is remarkably simple. I advise to always use memory card emulation. This will create a 'memcard.bin' file in \apps\gc_devo. This virtual card can be backed up, copied, restored and probably even used by friends if you want to. Just put them in \apps\gc_devo and enable memory card emulation when it asks you to. The data will be readable.
In any case: I never had any problems with it (unlike the actual physical cards I tended to use).

What are these .dvv files in \apps\gc_devo?
These are the verification files of the games. But apart from 'if you delete them, you will have to re-verify the game', I don't know anything about them. For those jolly pirates still reading (stubborn, eh? :P ): It's not that simple to get around it. But feel free to try and fail.

Is there any way to make the family wii accept gamecube disks for verification?
As a matter of fact, there is. Buckchow made a very nice post about his findings if you follow this link. Yes, it involves bending a piece of metal on the inside of your wii (which is sort of a hardware mode), but it certainly deserves mentioning. :)

Can my favorite loaders load games from Devolution?
Probably. CFG, wiiflow, GX and postloader used to be able to play them fine. While I haven't seen (or at least tested) one that worked, it will only be a matter of time before it'll be okay. :)
EDIT: should be okay already (perhaps it's just postloader who's a bit behind? Or my config?)

What about third-party controllers?
Hard to say. The readme doesn't give guarantees on wiimotes. I haven't had success with a third party PS3-controller (a D3mon). Anything else...let me know. :)

I thought loading gamecube games from USB was impossible?'ve been living under a rock for some time, now. It used to be an issue, but not for quite some time.

What about this streaming audio bug I'm hearing about?
This used to be a common problem on some other loaders/modchips (DIOS MIOS, DML, Wode, swiss). It was about some games not displaying some audio. IIRC, devolution was the first to completely solve it. I'm not sure on the status of the other loaders, but I hear that nintendont should also have this fixed.

Now you mention it: What about nintendont?
Nintendont is a project from Crediar (author of DML and dios mios). It also aims to bring gamecube games to the wiiu. As of writing, nothing is released yet, and it's to be seen what features it may or may not have. In any case: it's out of scope for this tutorial. Use google

Erm...sexual slave?
If you're below eighteen, you shouldn't be reading that. And if you's not like you can't use your imagination on this one. ;)

Original devolution thread (note: tueidj is the author. Though he isn't active on the 'temp for some time, the link to the program is still the most recent one)
Devolution compatibility list

*unfortunately, I cannot properly vouch for this, as I don't have one of these myself. I'm basing myself on the included readme, here.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
bending that part prevent the console from ejecting the disc.
You can't play the game, but at least it should let you read/dump it.
Be careful not to break your drive.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2010

Thanks for posting this guide. Apologies in advance if these seem like silly questions, just want to check before I even attempt to install anything because I've only ever used the the GAG newbie proof guide for any homebrew. The guide in this thread assumes a bit of prior knowledge from what I can see.

1. Does this work with all GC games? I know Dios Mios has issues running some games, just want to check if it's the same here.

2. Does this prevent users from using the disc channel on the Wii from playing GC games like Dios Mios does?

3. I understand I need two Wii systems, an old (with GC ports) and a new one (without GC ports or a Wii U). Is this imperative? I don't have a Wii U but I do have two Wii systems, and they both have the GC controller ports. One is a NTSC model and the other is a PAL model. Will this still work? Is there any explanation for why you need two systems?

4. I'm a bit confused about the disc verification part. Any chance this can be elaborated?

5. If there's a guide for dummies somewhere, please point me to it.


Deleted User


Can play GC audio streams
Use Wii-Mote in-lieu of GC controller (for those that don't have GC BC)
Very good compatibility with most games (all 50 of mine in fact)
Only con is you'll spend a bit of time verifying each game (but only once)
Only downside is you need a legal copy of the game. (Not really a downside, just prevents piracy, a good thing)
Memcard emulation is perfect


GC Controller only
Cannot play GC audio streams
Memory Card Emu is buggy at best. Hit or miss.
Doesn't require any AP checks
Compatibility is 75-80% of my library. Some games refuse to run, or have issues.


Very limited controller support
Project was abandoned in Dec, couple members picked it up, but still in early stages
Very limited number of games currently compatible if any
Still some major issues
Needs some serious dev love to get going (according to JoostinOnline)

I may be wrong, but hopefully point you in the right direction.

Also, forgot to add. Devolution and Nintendont don't require system IOS modification, where as DIOS MIOS replaces the default MIOS.

Deleted User

Depends on the Black Wii. If it has GC ports and can read the discs, then yes.

If no GC ports, then you'll need another wii to verify the discs with. (Believe it uses controller memory temporarily, like the WiiU transfer)


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
omg this is awesome , take it nintendo! fr making the ulgy wiifamily without gamecube suport! XD
well and making a ps3 controller possible to use!! man this is just awesome lol I wonder if these usb-ps2 like work as well? :B

well I have an old wii and I was looking for playing gamecube via USB (since I want to try some hacks :v ), but will it work with retails as well? with this I still can use my physical memory card (since I bought it anyway lol) with this I can use both GC controller, classics and ps3 one? :v I'm very forever alone nintendo with my friends near me, but being able to play with PS3 controller I can call my friends that have ps3 near me to play haha >w>
another question, it work only with it on a cable? not via the bluetooth yet? :v (that mean, I can oly use One ps3 controller and the HDD since wii have 2 usb ports?)
Thanks :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
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You just need the iso of the game ... but the Fairest was if you have the original game ...
(since hacking the console tecniccaly still ileggal lol)


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
In the shadows behind you
You just need the iso of the game ... but the Fairest was if you have the original game ...
(since hacking the console tecniccaly still ileggal lol)
There's nothing about fairness in the gaming industry anymore. Games are way overpriced. We first complained about the prices of games so they dropped them but raised the price of DLC and added In App Purchases so instead of games actually costing less they now cost double or triple what they did. Example is Battlefield 4. We (In Australia) used to pay $120 for a new game. Now they dropped the price to $80. Ok its a drop BUT to get the full game you now pay $180.
What I mean by full game is all the DLC. Thats still part of the game, it all comes for free with the premium pack which costs $180 so they have gone from a $40 price drop that we think it is to the reality of a $60 price increase and you pay for that?
And people wonder why piracy is so high. If they are going to rip us off then we might as repay the favor.

So, back on topic, I did find a way to play GC IOSs on the WiiU without the original disc. Use the other app not this one. When they remove the DRM I will try this one again.
Now dont get me started on DRM, that is the worst as it punishes purchases as pirates just use a patch to remove it. DRM is hurting the wrong people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
There's nothing about fairness in the gaming industry anymore. Games are way overpriced. We first complained about the prices of games so they dropped them but raised the price of DLC and added In App Purchases so instead of games actually costing less they now cost double or triple what they did. Example is Battlefield 4. We (In Australia) used to pay $120 for a new game. Now they dropped the price to $80. Ok its a drop BUT to get the full game you now pay $180.
What I mean by full game is all the DLC. Thats still part of the game, it all comes for free with the premium pack which costs $180 so they have gone from a $40 price drop that we think it is to the reality of a $60 price increase and you pay for that?
And people wonder why piracy is so high. If they are going to rip us off then we might as repay the favor.

So, back on topic, I did find a way to play GC IOSs on the WiiU without the original disc. Use the other app not this one. When they remove the DRM I will try this one again.
Now dont get me started on DRM, that is the worst as it punishes purchases as pirates just use a patch to remove it. DRM is hurting the wrong people.

Whai is DMR?
Well I know what you talk about ... but here the prices is ever high, with or without DLCs :B you maybe had saw about "Ps4 at 4 thounsad" in Brazil right?We complained a lot and it down a bit but still high on my opinion .. but is the common price for consoles here :B we have so much taxes :Pn
Like.. in eshop here a new game is R$150 (about 63 Obamas ). don´t look much more then it should, but it was before the taxes and dollar value increcease here xAx
and for me, region lock is a total fairness thing to nintendo keep up, comeone , being "one nintendo" in each part of the world is so much 80's :B the world is finally almost all together and they keep it? derp

and well I'm not all totally agaisnt piracy, I thik if you are poor but want to play, you should be able, if you have money for that go and buy, dont get for free just because you can get free :B
and more, they should be more acessessible as well...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
In the shadows behind you
Whai is DMR?
Well I know what you talk about ... but here the prices is ever high, with or without DLCs :B you maybe had saw about "Ps4 at 4 thounsad" in Brazil right?We complained a lot and it down a bit but still high on my opinion .. but is the common price for consoles here :B we have so much taxes :Pn
Like.. in eshop here a new game is R$150 (about 63 Obamas ). don´t look much more then it should, but it was before the taxes and dollar value increcease here xAx
and for me, region lock is a total fairness thing to nintendo keep up, comeone , being "one nintendo" in each part of the world is so much 80's :B the world is finally almost all together and they keep it? derp

and well I'm not all totally agaisnt piracy, I thik if you are poor but want to play, you should be able, if you have money for that go and buy, dont get for free just because you can get free :B
and more, they should be more acessessible as well...

Yep. I've heard of the Brazilian taxes and they are the stupidest in the world. Well, that and Germany forced to have green blood in their games.
What is it, a 1000% markup on gaming consoles? What do they hate gamers there or they just love making money from the smallest thing? Even a 50% markup whould make them lots of money, 100% would be the highest before its in the insane stupid mark but 1000% is ridiculous. They are forcing all gamers to import consoles and pirate games, thats all.

Just because you can pirate games and do pirate games DOESN'T mean you wont buy that game. I own hundreds of PS3 games. Yea, I also download them like Thief BUT I still buy them. I will buy thief when it becomes available locally.
If a game is so bad like Rambo I just delete it and glad I didn't waste my money.
It comes down to many factors and as you said Region Locking is another very valid factor. Another one is again availability. I have a few games that are banned here in Aus. As they aren't available and region locked I have no choice but to get the pirated version. Their loss. If they didn't region lock it and didn't ban it I would own it but that wont stop me playing it.

And the rules or laws or whatever you call them guidelines, whatever are really stupid too. Thief had a few things removed as "it promotes stealing" WTF!!! The game is called THIEF and you remove features because it promotes stealing? HOW STUPID ARE YOU!

I better stop ranting about piracy. But when a piracy app comes along that has DRM its just really stupid. You CANT play ANY GC game on the WiiU so doesn't matter what you do its still piracy so having DRM in your app is stupid.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Yep. I've heard of the Brazilian taxes and they are the stupidest in the world. Well, that and Germany forced to have green blood in their games.
What is it, a 1000% markup on gaming consoles? What do they hate gamers there or they just love making money from the smallest thing? Even a 50% markup whould make them lots of money, 100% would be the highest before its in the insane stupid mark but 1000% is ridiculous. They are forcing all gamers to import consoles and pirate games, thats all.

Just because you can pirate games and do pirate games DOESN'T mean you wont buy that game. I own hundreds of PS3 games. Yea, I also download them like Thief BUT I still buy them. I will buy thief when it becomes available locally.
If a game is so bad like Rambo I just delete it and glad I didn't waste my money.
It comes down to many factors and as you said Region Locking is another very valid factor. Another one is again availability. I have a few games that are banned here in Aus. As they aren't available and region locked I have no choice but to get the pirated version. Their loss. If they didn't region lock it and didn't ban it I would own it but that wont stop me playing it.

And the rules or laws or whatever you call them guidelines, whatever are really stupid too. Thief had a few things removed as "it promotes stealing" WTF!!! The game is called THIEF and you remove features because it promotes stealing? HOW STUPID ARE YOU!

I better stop ranting about piracy. But when a piracy app comes along that has DRM its just really stupid. You CANT play ANY GC game on the WiiU so doesn't matter what you do its still piracy so having DRM in your app is stupid.

I see but well one thing I like on console hacking is that it boost the console capacity, I mean, originally you can't play GC games on WiiU, looks how awesome!
but it was kinda stupid from nintendo because a lot of Wii games you can play with GC controller, so keep this port
and since wii let you play GC games, so a lot of people keept their games or get some with to play on wii because never had a GC (like me lol), and the GC controller still awesome, so why not KEEP IT? the console can do it anyway and isn't emulation, right?
Some people are also thinking that maybe nintendo sell GC games as virtual media...
well IDk they still can update the console to read GC discs and make a USB think to allow use the original controllers and memorycard, right? XD

About game sin Australia, its affiliated no EUR nintendo right? if the game don't get to Europe, no chance to get in autralia, right? but the "region lock" isn't the Eur one, is one just for australia?

BTw I dont want to make it too long but I can say that piracy ruined the business of my family :B we had a Video rental store, but then the DVD writers fpr computers got popular and some people win they lives by selling pirated movies by low prices ... a bit more you payed to rent a movie you could get a pirate almost forever lol so nobody rent it anymore :B and now with better speed internet, everybody just download or watch online, this is from the netflix come, right?:v

I'm most mad with the region lock because cultural stuffs, like .. I really can't agree that the "kimono Girls"on pokemon g/s/c/HG/SS have japanese names on western version, that are not the same from the japanese version .. seriously WTF xp but it isn't the worse for me... like (still in pokemon as example), until Platinum that bas based on japan "omg its so japanese, we cant let it like this, let make it look western, everything that looks oriental can be seen like a "chinatow" on pokemon world" and now with XY based on France "oh good it not look french enough! lets make it look more french! "xp go to hell lol I can't accept these xenophobia .. if it's wrong for western to something look oriental on a oriental work, don't buy this thing and change, go make something you own xp I bet if capitan america be changed into "capitan Australia" there, all the american would make fun and hatting about it, but why wen they change orthers works its ok?

gah sorry lol
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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
In the shadows behind you
About game sin Australia, its affiliated no EUR nintendo right? if the game don't get to Europe, no chance to get in autralia, right? but the "region lock" isn't the Eur one, is one just for australia?

hehehe, I wont get started on that region difference thing as I will go on forever about it but yea, Australia is mainly EU games so if its not available in Europe there is no way it'll be available in Aus. They actually have more games as a lot are banned here. Either banned or cut. There is an Australian version of GTA4 just because they didn't like 1 in game movie where someone got shot so they cut that part out. And Saints Row 4 is also cut for Aus, there are missions and weapons we are missing just because the censors dont like it here. Stupid reasons really. In SR4 they didn't like the penetrator gun. so they cut it out of the game. And there was 1 mission where your team mates smoke crack and they run as fast as you normally do but as they smoke the crack it also got cut out. DIdn't involve your character so why did it get cut? The censors here are butt hurt over the smallest thing. There was 1 game, Where you train surf, that also got banned for that. It's a great game of graffiti but got banned for train surfing.

I'm not sure if Aus get region locked Nintendo games? Ive seen some Aus games but most here are EU games. Maybe they can region lock to Aus only? Nintendo just do it all wrong. The world is so small now and there are people from all parts of the planet living everywhere else so why are they stopping Japanese people living in USA from playing those Japanese games they love? All region locking does is punish the gamer, it doesn't help anyone and again it forces people to piracy.
Thats probably why there are emulators. You can play whatever you like in whatever region on whatever device. If you want to play a GBA game on your PC thats region locked to USA then you can thanks to piracy so who is the region locking really helping?
Its things like this that really need to be heard by companies like Nintendo and get them to realise Region Locking doesn't help it hinders.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
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hehehe, I wont get started on that region difference thing as I will go on forever about it but yea, Australia is mainly EU games so if its not available in Europe there is no way it'll be available in Aus. They actually have more games as a lot are banned here. Either banned or cut. There is an Australian version of GTA4 just because they didn't like 1 in game movie where someone got shot so they cut that part out. And Saints Row 4 is also cut for Aus, there are missions and weapons we are missing just because the censors dont like it here. Stupid reasons really. In SR4 they didn't like the penetrator gun. so they cut it out of the game. And there was 1 mission where your team mates smoke crack and they run as fast as you normally do but as they smoke the crack it also got cut out. DIdn't involve your character so why did it get cut? The censors here are butt hurt over the smallest thing. There was 1 game, Where you train surf, that also got banned for that. It's a great game of graffiti but got banned for train surfing.

I'm not sure if Aus get region locked Nintendo games? Ive seen some Aus games but most here are EU games. Maybe they can region lock to Aus only? Nintendo just do it all wrong. The world is so small now and there are people from all parts of the planet living everywhere else so why are they stopping Japanese people living in USA from playing those Japanese games they love? All region locking does is punish the gamer, it doesn't help anyone and again it forces people to piracy.
Thats probably why there are emulators. You can play whatever you like in whatever region on whatever device. If you want to play a GBA game on your PC thats region locked to USA then you can thanks to piracy so who is the region locking really helping?
Its things like this that really need to be heard by companies like Nintendo and get them to realise Region Locking doesn't help it hinders.
Omg they do just like USA and Europe did at first:B (and still do sometimes) .. it´s like cutingsomething that already have cut lol

I Agree you, come on at first, wen the famicon became a NES on USA, WHY IT NEED TO BE CHANGED? COME ON!!!! why change the design and stuffs at first??? This is too much ant-patriotic something japanese on your country, be like it wa son japan? lol

Yes region locking is punishment for the gamers ... until de "DSi enchaced "the portable devices where region free(You was wrong about GBA btw, it is regionfree XD) I'm not sure if was hard to import games at these times of GBA but I bought Spyro 2 for GBA and latter I discovered that it was Euur game, I even saw a lot of japanes games selling here as well :B

I Totally agree that the world isso small today, but it was even .. at least here in Brazil... come on it was a colony country, they kicked out the natives and started coming people form all the world XD this way who have near relatives around the world, get console/games of these region from the parents (Like one of my friends that have a japanese wii, hs father was on japan and bought it for him) but with region lock it´s difficult to get games :B (Like that friend, thanks to this, he only played pirates lol)
and in FB I see everywhere, people trying to sell/trade EUR and JAP 3DS games/consoles (I even saw and Au one time lol) It's great that they don't block online gaming but, come on we are one world, not "few regions"
I'm sure that US nintendo will get some problem with region free because on the EUR nintendo, they are starting releasing portuguese game translations, and US still not (come on Brazil have a BIG commerce of games, even with high prices, I can bet that it bigger than all spanish talking country in americas, but a long time they had spanish game opion there ...) , but the "Brazilian" Eshop, all the descriptions are on EUROPEAN PORTUGUESE, so why don´t bring us at least DLC for this translation for us? Isn't the same language but is similar enough to be playable.
Nintendo fans even make fun of sony for even copying nintendo sutffs, so why nintendo don´t copy the good stuffs of sony? like the region free and these language dlc opitions? better chat option as well (It´s frustrating having camera and microphone in the 3DS but being useless on online mariokart playing, at least with friends :B)

well I think we got a bit out the main subject of this the XD sorry for that , should we start one thread? XD
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Guys, stop the talk about AP, DRM, fair, unfair...etc.

This is not the topic that was meant for that.
WE Know.. was just the moment , as you can see my last post I asked for sorry and asked if we should made a topic for that :B
BTW, nobody answered my question about the topic :B lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
hey I got a problem here .. I was trying to play on a old one with the gamecube controller (just to test the devolution) , using my japaneses smash bros melee ( my console is US with priiloader to region free), well it dont worked maybe because I was using the gamecube controler? idk... but then I just turned it off by the console on/off, and now I turned it on again, but now the image are in black&white, what just happened here? o-o how can I solve this? >A<

Deleted User

Easiest way if you have an old Wii, just delete the DVV file off your storage medium and relaunch the title. It will then require a re-verify where you can sync it up with the system/remotes.

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