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School shooting in Colorado


Dec 29, 2014
United States
I just gave you a link that proves you wrong.

It seems you haven't spent many years actually dealing with the illegal drug trade.

... and I totally forgot I'm arguing with someone who never can clearly state his stance on anything and is never wrong. So I'm done with you (and should make a mental note that talking with my dead cat is more productive).

It's nice outside. Not going to sit on my ass, eat a lot of crappy food and blame my obesity on some rare generic disorder called "fat lazy bitch syndrome".

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Far left shooter, one of whom is trans-watch this get memory holed and the MSM ignore it as it doesn't fit their Anti Trump narrative

The Liberal "news" is just entertainment for ratings meant to control others and get them (the Liberal leaders) more power (and your money). They rarely post about anything that doesn't attune to their agenda (which is proof by itself that they are trying to take over this country and turn us into a modern age Socialist shit-topia). It basically breaks down to this - they want money and power and don't care what they have to do or say to get it.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
It seems you haven't spent many years actually dealing with the illegal drug trade.
I've interacted with my share of drug dealers, not that it has anything to do with the statistics you're ignoring.

... and I totally forgot I'm arguing with someone who never can clearly state his stance on anything and is never wrong.
I've reinforced all my points with evidence. God forbid you ever do the same, right? Maybe I should just start throwing out random reactionary bullshit like you instead?

Last edited by Xzi,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Far left shooter, one of whom is trans-watch this get memory holed and the MSM ignore it as it doesn't fit their Anti Trump narrative
> Literally every mainstream outlet covers the shooting.

> "MSM is ignoring it."

Every single time. It's become a cliche at this point.

Yes, we'll forget about it as soon as the next mass shooting occurs. That has nothing to do with media, and everything to do with the fact that much of America has the memory/attention span of a goldfish. Too many people simply tune it out altogether at this point.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
You guys collectively are pretty horrible, do you know that? No, no - its my single aspect theory that causing it, no its mine - no I have a friend, who raised his kids without exposure to the real world, and they turned out so cortious... No - there is a reason, why there are labels on movies, because they are bad for them children...

I wouldnt want to get caught with you on a long trainride, If I had do listen to stuff like that..

The only thing we pretty much agree on, is that its an issue, if folks get raised just to follow whatever the dogma of the day is, an not to apply critical thinking. ;)

Here is my perspective on a few things here.

Limiting you childrens access to media is something you can do. Should it be hyped to the heavens as the perfect mode of parenting, because you are preventing them from all the negative impulses of modern media (what?) probably not. If your kids turn out level headed, great - if they turn out asocial, because you hawk over them going to the cinema with their friends, while they are never able to talk about favourite TV shows with their peers, and have a culture shock later in life, when they expose themselves to some of the stuff - you failed at parenting. You know that, right? But oh his kids where so level headed.

There are ratings on products for a reason. Ha - yeah. Lets pull those two arguments together and let me present you with a story to set both of them in context.

I actually set through a presentation of a ratings board once, and through a lecture of a TV censor at another time, that explained why and to what extent they censor motherflipping scenes, in motherflipping movies on TV.

Here is the jinx of it. The people that got drawn to the ratings board presentation, where all in all - entirely horrible morons. That where of the impression, that exposure of their children to violent or 'horror' content would ruin their poor existences. I raised my hand on the panel to ask how censors would react to ironic content in something like zombie games (I believe Dead Rising had come out right around that time), which can be rather camp and self reflective, and the answer pretty much was, that they couldnt account for that - within their set of rules. All the other questions, and I kid you not - where all about how to better save them youths from all those violence out there. In them action movies, and videogames. So I got a pretty good understanding of what "part" of humanity drives those ratings and censorship attempts. Again, people who might be somewhat detached, sheltered, and for what ever reason have made their single point of focus to prevent others from experiencing certain aspects of humanity. I talked to the actual censors, afterwards, they were pretty ok, actually - probably because they saw all kinds of movies - uncut, for living.. ;) We joked around a bunch.

Now am I a splatter and horror fanatic? Far from it. I saw horror flicks in cinema, when I was far too young for them (with the disgression if the cinema clerks that where on ticket duty at the time), I probably watched Event Horizon while staring at the outer edge of the cinema screen half of the time, just to calm me down, I saw Scream when it was fresh at the cinemas (enjoyed it), and I saw Takashi Miike flicks, just for the experience, later on in life. Those I wouldnt even recommend for you to look up if you are near the mindset of the save our children through censorship crowd. All those were experiences. All those didnt warp my mind to where I... Finish the rest of the sentence on your own. ;)

Parenting. Yes, yes - everything is bad parenting in your minds. And with just the proper education, and with just the proper parenting style - this would never happen to your children. Good. As long as you pay attention to them you are probably right. What we havent talked about is the school environment. Take an intellectually gifted person, stick them into a class with a bunch of morons, and you've got yourself a drifter. Take a socially challenged person, and stick them in an environment where chocks rule the earth, and you've got yourself someone with a target on their back, take a child of a helicopter style parent - and expose them to an active youth scene - and they may become shellshocked. Then add all kinds of moronic societal pressures of what defines a "proper" child of that age, and you get self doubts, segmentation by rank, social outcasts, mobbing, ... All of that to a larger degree in the american school system - at at least from what your movies like to represent (liberal hollywood, I know..) is dysfunctional as can be. Yes, teach your child to become a cheerleader, and they will bring it far in life.

I dont know - has anyone of you ever seen "The Breakfast Club" (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088847/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1). I really liked that movie. And not once have I sat through watching it and thought to myself - well, how well adjusted could those children have been, if only they got proper parenting.

So that tagline - is for morons.

The threshhold, not to produce a psychotic mass murderer of a child is so low - that any properly adjusted family or friends circle as an environment will do. Dont fancy yourself and your "proper" children education methods, just for fucks sake - pay attention to your child - and you should be ok.

Now - in the case of the person with a different body image, than what they were born with. That stuff might get more complicated, because in that case its not only environment. In other school shooter cases it might not be as well. I dont know where to take this one. Maybe - if your child has special needs, dont neglect them either. I dont know.

Cannabis, isnt known to induce violent psychosis very often either, alcohol is. Apart from that I have no opinion on that matter, I'm not a pro legalization advocate. (De-criminalization, sure - if your bar is "we have the biggest prison population in the world by a factor of 3-4x" again, you are failing as a society.)

Trump in this thread? Why. Does that guy even follow you to your sleep by now? Or do you get the narratives drilled in by Fox and friends to an extend, where you think that talking about your president in each and every thread makes it more political? (Even your late night hosts seem to have that problem.. ;) ) Have some decency. Leave some of the agitation potential untouched.

Also - just to get this straight - if you want to shelter your children while they are growing up, by all means do. But if they seek out other experiences by themselves, dont become what I see you becoming in my minds eye - because you fashion yourself a perfect parent. You have a strong impact/grasp over the first 12 years of your childs upbringing. You dont have so much over the second 12. The art in my mind, much rather is to find a balance there - than to fancy yourself the perfect parent. Chances are that you make this up for show on online forums anyhow.

I dont believe a word of it. ;)
Also - maybe no automatic rifles in the living room.
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2015
Ummm, you could call it that. Developmental disorder is what is has been changed to in modern psychological dialect but basically it's called the parents didn't do their job.
By the way, I have friends who raised their children with zero exposure to modern forms of entertainment. No TV and no games. They let them watch limited programming from the past which was much less violent and they only played old nes and pc games.
Their children are some of the most rational, level headed, courteous young people I've ever met.
Still tv or games.don't make children school shooters. So you gonna keep denying all that research done by professionals with the same outcome over and over. Not watching tv a lot or games isn't the cause of that good behaviour you described but is getting constant care and education from your parents vs a lack off. That's what it's about and not what you're describing. If a kid gets the same care and still can watch a lot of tv the result isn't going to be so much different
Last edited by kumikochan,
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Makin Temp great again
Apr 17, 2015
United States
You guys collectively are pretty horrible, do you know that? No, no - its my single aspect theory that causing it, not its mine - no I have a friend, who raised his kids without exposure to the real world, and they turned out so cortious... No - there is a reason, why there are labels on movies, because they are bad for them children...

I wouldnt want to get cought with you on a long trainride, If I had do listen to stuff like that..

The only thing we pretty much agree on, is that its an issue, if folks get raised just to follow whatever the dogma of the day is, an not to apply critical thinking. ;)

Here is my perspective on a few things here.

Limiting you childrens access to media is something you can do. Should it be hyped to the heavens as the perfect mode of parenting, because you are preventing them from all the negative impulses of modern media (what?) probably not. If your kids turn out level headed, great - if they turn out asocial, because you hawk over them going to the cinema with their friends, while they are never able to talk about favourite TV shows with their peers, and have a culture shock later in life, when they expose themselves to some of the stuff - you failed at parenting. You know that, right? But oh his kids where so level headed.

There are ratings on products for a reason. Ha - yeah. Lets pull those two arguments together and let me present you with a story to set both of them in context.

I actually set through a presentation of a ratings board once, and through a lecture of a TV censor, that explained why and to what extent they censor motherflipping scenes, in motherflipping movies on TV.

Here is the jinx of it. The people that got drawn to he ratings board presentation, where al in all - entirely horrible morons. That where of the impression, that exposure of their children to violent or 'horror' content would ruin their poor existences. I raised my hand on the panel to ask how censors would react to ironic content in something like zombie games (I believe Dead Rising had come out right around that time), which can be rather camp and self reflective, and the answer pretty much was, that they couldnt account for that - within their set of rules. All the other questions, and I kid you not - where all about how to better save them youths from all those violence out there. In them action movies, and videogames. So I got a pretty good understanding of what "part" of humanity drives those ratings and censorship attempts. Again, people who might be somewhat detached, sheltered, and for what ever reason have made their single point of focus to prevent others from experiencing certain aspects of humanity.

Now am I a splatter and horror fanatic? Far from it. I saw horror flicks in cinema, when I was far too young for them (with the disgression if the cinema clerks that where on ticket duty at the time), I probably watched Event Horizon wile staring at the outer edge of the cinema screen half of the time, just to calm me down, I saw Scream when it was fresh at the cinemas (enjoyed it), and I saw Takashi Miike flicks, just for the experience, later on in life. Those I wouldnt even recommend for you to look up if you are near the mindset of the save our children through censorship crowd. All those were experiences. All those didnt warp my mind to where I... Finish the rest of the sentence on your own. ;)

Parenting. Yes, yes - everything ins bad parenting in your minds. And with just the proper education, and with just the proper parenting style - this would never happen to your children. Good. As long as you pay attention to them you are probably right. What we havent talked about is the school environment. Take an intellectually gifted person, stick them into a class with a bunch of morons, and you've got yourself a drifter. Take a socially challenged person, and stick them in an environment where chocks rule the earth, and you've got yourself someone with a target on their back, take a child of a helicopter style parent - and expose them to an active youth scene - and they may become shellshocked. Then add all kinds of moronic societal pressures of what defines a "proper" child of that age, and you get self doubts, segmentation by rank, social outcasts, mobbing, ... All of that to a larger degree in the american school system - at at least from what your movies like to represent (liberal hollywood, I know..) is dysfunctional as can be. Yes, teach your child to become a cheerleader, and they will bring it far in life.

I dont know - has anyone of you ever seen "The Breakfast Club" (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088847/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1). I really liked that movie. And not once have I sat through watching it and thought to myself - well, how well adjusted could those children have been, if only they got proper parenting.

So that tagline - is for morons.

The threshhold, not to produce a psychotic mass murder of a child is so low - that any properly adjusted family or friends circle as an environment will do. Dont fancy yourself an your "proper" children education methods, just for fucks sake - pay attention to you child - and you should be ok.

Now - in the case of the person with a different body image, than what they were born with. That stuff might get more complicated, because in that case its not only environment. In other school shooter cases it might not be as well. I dont know where to take this one. Maybe - if your child has special needs, dont neglect them either. I dont know.

Cannabis, isnt known to induce violent psychosis ver often either, alcohol is. Apart from that I have no opinion on that matter, I'm not a pro legalization advocate. (De-criminalization, sure - if your bar is "we have the biggest prison population in the world by a factor of 3-4x again, you are failing as a society.)

Trump in this thread? Why. Does that guy even follow you to your sleep by now? Or do you get the narratives drilled in by Fox and friends to an extend, where you think that talking about your president in each and every thread makes it more political? Have some decency. Leave some og the aggitation potential untouched.

Also - just to get this straight - if you want to shelter your children while they are growing up, by all means do. But if they seek out other experiences by themselves, dont become what I see you becoming in my minds eye - because you fashion yourself a perfect parent. You have a strong impact/grasp over the first 12 years of your childs upbringing. You dont have so much over the second 12. The art in my mind much rather is to find a balance there - than to fancy yourself the perfect parent. Chances are that you make this up for show on online forums anyhow.

I dont believe a word of it. ;)
You have some interesting theories. I do not agree with them but still they are interesting.
So let's use your methodology in a probable scenario. Let's say child A is allowed to be exposed to whatever influences the world has to offer. She is allowed to drink at a very early age. She is allowed to smoke cigarettes at a young age. She is allowed to use profanity when she wants. She is allowed to watch adult themed movies (Rated R, X, whatever) as a child and she is allowed to dress provocatively while still a youth. Because she exhibits this type of behavior and lives this lifestyle, child A's circle of friends are of the same caliber.
On the other hand, let's take a look at child B. Child B is denied the opportunity to immerse herself in those same worldly pleasures. No drinking, smoking, adult movies, provocative attire or profanity. Instead she is shielded from those things until her adolescent mind is mature enough to handle them. But she does get to go to the theatre and watch movies carefully screened by her parents with friends who are similarly shielded. She gets to go skating, hiking, biking and have friends over for slumber parties and movie nights. She dresses conservatively and is taught to be respectful to her elders and kind and polite to friends, teachers, etc. She is taught to use polite, respectful words in her language.
So which one of these children, A or B, is the most likely to end up becoming pregnant at a young age and not married? Which one is most likely to be caught drinking and driving? Which one is most likely to become addicted to drugs? Which one is most likely to end up in trouble at school, in trouble with authorities or even in jail?
Hmmmm, I wonder. :unsure:
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Dec 29, 2014
United States
You guys collectively are pretty horrible, do you know that?

For decades people had rifles sitting in unlocked gun cases and we didn't see their kids going to school to kill other students because they were being bullied due to the fact that they are trying to become another sex, were stoned to shit and couldn't deal with it. I suppose now a days it would be wise if you didn't want your guns used in such a manner to lock them up from the children you and society are failing or totally remove the guns and they will simply use whatever other means they have access to.

I can't imagine the stress, frustration and other mixed up emotional problems the trans person was experiencing and in his (or her?) mind what he-she did was probably justified. It's sort of like natural selection at work. The weak produce offspring that are even more weak and kill the other weak ones and what do you have left? Less weak people? It's kind of a harsh thing to say due to the loss of life, but the nature of all life is to die and if you're a Liberal this freedom is freely taken away from babies before they even get a chance to open their eyes and see their mother (not to mention being sucked out of said mother and being processed into small bits). So don't go pulling the "life is precious crap" - at least I have the balls not to hide behind this and say something.

Is watching an single R rated film a guarantee that you child is going to become a murderer? No, but if you expose them these sorts of things that desentualization them to the violence, cursing and other things that the movie ratings warns the parents of isn't going to help the situation and there is clear evidence that media does harm a child's development hence the creation of the rating systems. It's not the fault of the creators that the parents of these children chose to ignore the ratings. Did you think I was joking when I mentioned mothers that sit their children down in front of a video game and let them play for 8 hours straight so they can update their status of Facebook and did you think this is happening to 5 year olds? It is and more than it should be.

Cannabis, specifically the chemical compound THC is known to cause episodes of psychosis and I admit that it doesn't cause them as often as alcohol does, but it is an addicting substance with a high rate of abuse and you do realize that the entire "legalization" effort and the business model behind it is to get people "hooked" for return business. Don't kid yourself about the negative impact the misuse and abuse of the drug has on the person using it. It's not as addictive as opium based products (or chemicals similar to them) as it won't kill you to suddenly quit smoking it, but it does have a lot of negative drawbacks (like being worse on the lungs than tobacco, being addictive, costing a lot of money and the negative mental health consequences when abused).

People with Trump Derangement Syndrome are the same as the people that had Obama Derangement Syndrome - they are fed so much bullshit fake gossip news from their so called "news" outlets (who are entertainers with an agenda hiding behind the press) that they can't think for themselves. They lost and can't get over it. I dealt with this crap for 8 years after Obama won and now the "other" side is doing the exact same thing that they accused the mislabeled racist oppressors they hate so much (you know, their love, peace and tolerance at work). I'm not sure what the point is of bringing up someone that had nothing to do with the school shooting does exactly, but as you said these idiots see Trump in their sleep.

If you ignore your child, expect the schools to raise them, don't even pay for their lunches, but walk around with an iphone and Nike sneakers and are more worried about your "online status" then you are a big part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2015
For decades people had rifles sitting in unlocked gun cases and we didn't see their kids going to school to kill other students because they were being bullied due to the fact that they are trying to become another sex, were stoned to shit and couldn't deal with it. I suppose now a days it would be wise if you didn't want your guns used in such a manner to lock them up from the children you and society are failing or totally remove the guns and they will simply use whatever other means they have access to.

I can't imagine the stress, frustration and other mixed up emotional problems the trans person was experiencing and in his (or her?) mind what he-she did was probably justified. It's sort of like natural selection at work. The weak produce offspring that are even more weak and kill the other weak ones and what do you have left? Less weak people? It's kind of a harsh thing to say due to the loss of life, but the nature of all life is to die and if you're a Liberal this freedom is freely taken away from babies before they even get a chance to open their eyes and see their mother (not to mention being sucked out of said mother and being processed into small bits). So don't go pulling the "life is precious crap" - at least I have the balls not to hide behind this and say something.

Is watching an single R rated film a guarantee that you child is going to become a murderer? No, but if you expose them these sorts of things that desentualization them to the violence, cursing and other things that the movie ratings warns the parents of isn't going to help the situation and there is clear evidence that media does harm a child's development hence the creation of the rating systems. It's not the fault of the creators that the parents of these children chose to ignore the ratings. Did you think I was joking when I mentioned mothers that sit their children down in front of a video game and let them play for 8 hours straight so they can update their status of Facebook and did you think this is happening to 5 year olds? It is and more than it should be.

Cannabis, specifically the chemical compound THC is known to cause episodes of psychosis and I admit that it doesn't cause them as often as alcohol does, but it is an addicting substance with a high rate of abuse and you do realize that the entire "legalization" effort and the business model behind it is to get people "hooked" for return business. Don't kid yourself about the negative impact the misuse and abuse of the drug has on the person using it. It's not as addictive as opium based products (or chemicals similar to them) as it won't kill you to suddenly quit smoking it, but it does have a lot of negative drawbacks (like being worse on the lungs than tobacco, being addictive, costing a lot of money and the negative mental health consequences when abused).

People with Trump Derangement Syndrome are the same as the people that had Obama Derangement Syndrome - they are fed so much bullshit fake gossip news from their so called "news" outlets (who are entertainers with an agenda hiding behind the press) that they can't think for themselves. They lost and can't get over it. I dealt with this crap for 8 years after Obama won and now the "other" side is doing the exact same thing that they accused the mislabeled racist oppressors they hate so much (you know, their love, peace and tolerance at work). I'm not sure what the point is of bringing up someone that had nothing to do with the school shooting does exactly, but as you said these idiots see Trump in their sleep.

If you ignore your child, expect the schools to raise them, don't even pay for their lunches, but walk around with an iphone and Nike sneakers and are more worried about your "online status" then you are a big part of the problem.
The M rating came about because of angry parents. Not by psychologists saying it is bad for you but solely by angry parents. Also decades ago it also happened. News wasn't just as widespread as it is now and it didn't travel around that much making also statistics not accurate when looking from year to year base
Last edited by kumikochan,


Dec 29, 2014
United States
You have some interesting theories. I do not agree with them but still they are interesting.
So let's use your methodology in a probable scenario. Let's say child A is allowed to be exposed to whatever influences the world has to offer. She is allowed to drink at a very early age. She is allowed to smoke cigarettes at a young age. She is allowed to use profanity when she wants. She is allowed to watch adult themed movies (Rated R, X, whatever) as a child and she is allowed to dress provocatively while still a youth. Because she exhibits this type of behavior and lives this lifestyle, child A's circle of friends are of the same caliber.
On the other hand, let's take a look at child B. Child B is denied the opportunity to immerse herself in those same worldly pleasures. No drinking, smoking, adult movies, provocative attire or profanity. Instead she is shielded from those things until her adolescent mind is mature enough to handle them. But she does get to go to the theatre and watch movies carefully screened by her parents with friends who are similarly shielded. She gets to go skating, hiking, biking and have friends over for slumber parties and movie nights. She dresses conservatively and is taught to be respectful to her elders and kind and polite to friends, teachers, etc. She is taught to use polite, respectful words in her language.
So which one of these children, A or B, is the most likely to end up becoming pregnant at a young age and not married? Which one is most likely to be caught drinking and driving? Which one is most likely to become addicted to drugs? Which one is most likely to end up in trouble at school, in trouble with authorities or even in jail?
Hmmmm, I wonder. :unsure:

Yeah, the odds greatly favor your level headed example. Liberals will be quick to bring "but, in a few cases" as like they are all about defending the minority, but then ask them how they feel about the minority who voted for Trump and how that's an exception and you'll start to see the blantant bullshit they call a thought process. The odds are, in your example, that the person who was raised differently than the drinking, smoking, fucking, slut of a women will end up not doing those sorts of things.

Oh, I'm back :) I went for a 22 mile bike ride. I would have gone for a longer one, but the trail ended. See, when the doctor told me that being overweight would kill me and told me I need to take 5 different pills a day due to problems caused by being a fat lazy idiot I chose to exercise and eat better - so no pills, diabetes almost in remission, less risk of a sudden heart attack or stroke and there are also a ton of other benefits I'm experiencing. I could have blamed being fat on all of the conditions that the doctor told me I had, but I decided to skip the bullshit sympathy clause and do something about it.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

The M rating came about because of angry parents. Not by psychologists saying it is bad for you but solely by angry parents. Also decades ago it also happened. News wasn't just as widespread as it is now and it didn't travel around that much making also statistics not accurate when looking from year to year base

Well, do what you want. You can sit your child down in front of sex, violence and profanity and allow them to "play games" with online predators all you want. Hey, they are your kids. I'm not going to tell you what to do with them, but I will tell you it's not a good idea and it's proven not to work out well.

I mean, I could also tell you that inserting a Nintendo 64 game cartridge into an stock/unmodified Atari 2600 isn't going to work and you'll never going to get the Nintendo 64 game to play, but I'm not going to stop you from doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results in the process. I'll just sit back and experience the emotions someone experiences when they see a helpless idiot do their thing (because it's all about "how you feel", right?)
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Cannabis, specifically the chemical compound THC is known to cause episodes of psychosis and I admit that it doesn't cause them as often as alcohol does, but it is an addicting substance with a high rate of abuse and you do realize that the entire "legalization" effort and the business model behind it is to get people "hooked" for return business. Don't kid yourself about the negative impact the misuse and abuse of the drug has on the person using it. It's not as addictive as opium based products (or chemicals similar to them) as it won't kill you to suddenly quit smoking it, but it does have a lot of negative drawbacks (like being worse on the lungs than tobacco, being addictive, costing a lot of money and the negative mental health consequences when abused).
If cannabis was found in the bloodstream of nine out of ten mass shooters, do you think it ever would've been legalized to begin with? The only thing you're very likely to kill after smoking a bowl is a bag of Cheetos. There's a reason Nazis used meth pills as combat stimulants in WW2, and not weed.

I'm truly puzzled as to why you thought you needed to bring it into this conversation in the first place.

Edit: He must've put me on ignore, rofl. Just another alt-right snowflake that can't handle any dissenting opinion.
Last edited by Xzi,


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2015
Yeah, the odds greatly favor your level headed example. Liberals will be quick to bring "but, in a few cases" as like they are all about defending the minority, but then ask them how they feel about the minority who voted for Trump and how that's an exception and you'll start to see the blantant bullshit they call a thought process. The odds are, in your example, that the person who was raised differently than the drinking, smoking, fucking, slut of a women will end up not doing those sorts of things.

Oh, I'm back :) I went for a 22 mile bike ride. I would have gone for a longer one, but the trail ended. See, when the doctor told me that being overweight would kill me and told me I need to take 5 different pills a day due to problems caused by being a fat lazy idiot I chose to exercise and eat better - so no pills, diabetes almost in remission, less risk of a sudden heart attack or stroke and there are also a ton of other benefits I'm experiencing. I could have blamed being fat on all of the conditions that the doctor told me I had, but I decided to skip the bullshit sympathy clause and do something about it.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Well, do what you want. You can sit your child down in front of sex, violence and profanity and allow them to "play games" with online predators all you want. Hey, they are your kids. I'm not going to tell you what to do with them, but I will tell you it's not a good idea and it's proven not to work out well.

I mean, I could also tell you that inserting a Nintendo 64 game cartridge into an stock/unmodified Atari 2600 isn't going to work and you'll never going to get the Nintendo 64 game to play, but I'm not going to stop you from doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results in the process. I'll just sit back and experience the emotions someone experiences when they see a helpless idiot do their thing.
If that would the case then all people in Belgium would be alcoholics, agressive and so forth seeing the drinking age is 16 but you can easily get drunk in a bar as a 12 year old and get cigarettes as easily from that age 2 and so forth. But ey guess by that logic we're all drunks, agressive and school shooters.


Dec 29, 2014
United States
If that would the case then all people in Belgium would be alcoholics, agressive and so forth seeing the drinking age is 16 but you can easily get drunk in a bar as a 12 year old and get cigarettes as easily from that age 2 and so forth. But ey guess by that logic we're all drunks, agressive and school shooters.

Well, most people I know at least use alcohol and are aggressive, but that doesn't guarantee you're going to shoot someone - it just doesn't help the situation and probably in your country the parents won't allow their kids to go the bars or buy smokes. You know, they are actually doing their job? That might have something to do with it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2015
Well, most people I know at least use alcohol and are aggressive, but that doesn't guarantee you're going to shoot someone - it just doesn't help the situation and probably in your country the parents won't allow their kids to go the bars or buy smokes. You know, they are actually doing their job? That might have something to do with it.
actually they do exept the smoking part. Not a lot of people do smoke and everyone is quitting because the goverment jacking up prices. But the bars, parties thing they do. People have a more open minded mindset here. It's best to do everything at a younger age and be done with it at a younger age than to do everything at a later age. Most people stop consuming alcohol and going out completely around the age of 21-24 and solely focus on their future
Last edited by kumikochan,


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
United States
y'know. I thought of something, simple but brilliant:

Take all the CURRENT guns, and melt 'em. Yes. Melt 'em. Give a voucher for up to 3 guns based on how many you gave up.

Then make new ones. These are chipped so that they can be tracked by local law enforcement, and won't operate without the chip. What does this mean? Well with the right systems, you could make it so when some dumbass walks close enough to a school with a chipped gun, it alerts the school. If the idiot keeps it in his glove compartment and drives by a school, then WTF is he doing bringing a gun like that so close to a school?

This would drastically make tracking crime easier. It would help prevent School shootings because excluding illegally obtained old guns, they would not be able to get close enough to cause mass havoc usually. And the NRA? Gets to sell guns at a huge price hike, making guns even LESS desirable as a 'hobby' because of the higher prices into making 'em.

And if anyone says "But my freedom" they can go suck it at this point, because there is no better alternative available other than "Let's maintain the status quo".

Edit: And removing these chips would probably cause them to send off a nice loud signal, allowing law enforcement to contact you about replacing your gun.

Last edited by VartioArtel,


Dec 29, 2014
United States
y'know. I thought of something, simple but brilliant:

Take all the CURRENT guns, and melt 'em. Yes. Melt 'em. Give a voucher for up to 3 guns based on how many you gave up.

Then make new ones. These are chipped so that they can be tracked by local law enforcement, and won't operate without the chip. What does this mean? Well with the right systems, you could make it so when some dumbass walks close enough to a school with a chipped gun, it alerts the school. If the idiot keeps it in his glove compartment and drives by a school, then WTF is he doing bringing a gun like that so close to a school?

This would drastically make tracking crime easier. It would help prevent School shootings because excluding illegally obtained old guns, they would not be able to get close enough to cause mass havoc usually. And the NRA? Gets to sell guns at a huge price hike, making guns even LESS desirable as a 'hobby' because of the higher prices into making 'em.

And if anyone says "But my freedom" they can go suck it at this point, because there is no better alternative available other than "Let's maintain the status quo".

Edit: And removing these chips would probably cause them to send off a nice loud signal, allowing law enforcement to contact you about replacing your gun.


Sounds like a practical idea, except who controls access to the gun? If the Government controls if and when you can use a gun than there would be no point in owning a gun and it would be in violation of the second amendment which was made to protect us from the government. I find the loss of life acceptable from shootings that are influenced by a lot of other things than just access to a gun to maintain our freedom to protect ourselves. Bad things happen and there are bad people in this world. The difference is if/when they come for me I'm going to fight them, not ask them to wait for me to take out my cellphone so I can call 911 and then ask them to wait for the police to show up when I stand in a "safe space" before they shoot me and take all of my money. I honestly don't think the people who are against arming themselves have ever been in a situation where they had to defend themselves.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
In Europe they have a "knife" murder problem. What's next, take away knives?

Oh please, the US has as much of a knife murder problem as Europe.
Roughly 13% of per capita murder victims in the US have been murdered with a knife (not even including other non gun related murder weapons like blunt objects).
The total per capita murder rate of the EU is roughly 19% of the US.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
To the argument, that there always were guns around.

Please remember, that statistically we are talking about an issue that maybe kills 3 times as many people in the US every year as beestings.

So we are constantly surfing on the verge of is this an issue at all - just based on numbers (But the americans made a heck of a deal out of 9/11, changing all our societies, .. ok I save myself the speech there.. ;) ).

So you really are talking about isolated cases. But you are talking about them, because they are isolated cases of mass murder, in an environment, where most people would have maybe the strongest expectation of safety they can have (I give my children to those institutions).

So essentialy the Situation is a mindfuck on its own. Cat nip for emotion junkies. But then actual mass murder. But also only in isolated cases - that kind of kept trending upwards.

On the macro level - maybe even doing nothing about it is ok. But no parent ever in that, or near that situation will ever agree to that. And you could do so much better - if the 'importance of guns' wasnt so essential in your societies. Presumably.

But then some of you still see weaponized resistance against collective political action as a viable means of politics - so you really have fractions there.

And yes, you've probably have it all but normalized at this point. That said, the NRA lost large amounts of contributor numbers (membership fees) and sponsor last year, so something is moving. But - you will always deal with a very motivated minority - thats against changing anything in that context (gunrights), because it restricts their supposed freedoms.

And if you go with Freud, the guns really are what make those people "man". ;) And if you go with military culture aftermath, its important, that that kind of "rough and tumble" also is allowed in certain segments of your culture - if you are playing military world police.

So maybe 300x the victim numbers of Canada really is the answer.

But then we are back that parents literally give their children out of their hands to be safe in those institutions.

One more thing the "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun" is completetly bogus. In principal, logically - its just... its not real. If push comes to shove the gun carrying teacher will probably cover behind a desk sucking on his pistol, and in all the 99.9% of other cases he will fancy himself a strong man with borrowed authority - which is exactly the wrong thing to teach children in their puberty. Maybe. Also, you have to count on misuse of that authority.

Its a tough issue, but its not going away, so eventually - something will probably change. Banning assault rifles (outside of fireing ranges f.e.) is probably a good thing to do. In case you are up against your own military, those dont help anyways (drones?), and no man really needs the ability to mow down a gaggle of humans (not even animals, they arent made for that), in 6 seconds flat.
If you are into that because of "power"... Well, I dont know what I can tell you.
Last edited by notimp,

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