Hardware psp 1k, 2, 3k or go


Dec 11, 2011
United States
i can probably get them at the same price ranges so which one should i get.
the main things im looking for are:
-hackability(is it easy to hack/do i need to downgrade/do i loose any functions if i go with a non permanent cfw)
-processor speed(are the games gonna work right or fast/ does the psp go have the best chance since its the latest model)
-memory(are there any types of memory cards i should buy or is recomended)
-ps store(will i be able to acces the store without any problems)
-do i need to buy any acessories/batteries to be able to hack or is it as easy as plugging it in and hacking it like that

any other info will be appreciated thanks

p.s. i havent been updated on psp hacking lately so yeah bear with my questions plz ^-^

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
I throw my hat in for the Go. It's my current PSP and one of the best handhelds I've played with... If you hack it, of course.

For your list:

- Rather easy to hack, I literally got it in the mail and cracked it almost out of the box. I think you still need an earlier firmware though to hack it. It's not permanent so you lose stuff like popsloader but pretty much all the homebrew games/apps/emus run fine, games run fine, etc.
- It's definitely improved over the PSP 1000 (my last PSP) so I assume it has the higher speeds of the 2000/3000.
- 16GB internal storage is good enough for me, Memory Stick Micros are really cheap too if you want to go to 32GB. But I'm fine with 16GB, especially when my 1000 ran on a 4GB and a 2GB card.
- The Go is completely based around the PSN Store so you can access it fine, even with CFW.
- I haven't bought any accessories. Only suggestion would be maybe another USB cable. It's a proprietary port so you won't be finding another cable in your random box of cables. It's always a pain to unplug the cable from my charger, plug it into my PC (the two aren't that close to each other) and then plug it back in.

I may be a bit behind on the Go scene but I haven't updated my CFW since I got the device a good time ago and it still runs everything perfectly from games to homebrew. Once you adapt to the smaller control scheme, it's a lovely device. I got mine for about $100 used, I hear people saying they get it for around that or less than that for a new one too. It's really compact and easy to travel with, well built, and the internal storage is a huge plus. Definitely go with the Go.


Dec 3, 2008
3000 for the bigger screen.

Go if you are ok with the way controls are lined up and a slightly smaller screen.

Both can get Perma CFW on certain Firmware,

I have a 6.20 3000 with Permanent CFW


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
I would have to agree with this I just got mine few days ago used at gamestop for $100 and I own a 2000 since its first release with perma 6.60 PRO - B10. I was against the Go at first but its grown on me and I take it to work to kill time when I do graveyard shifts. I have to suggest getting a M2 for extra storage if you want more games or media. Cause in my case I have BlazBlue CS2, White Knight: Origin, Final Fantasy Type -0 (Disc 1 and 2), Gran Turismo, God Eater Brust, and Final Fantasy Tactics and ran out of space. Of course there ISO not CSO too lazy to do it. lol. But yeah I suggest GO with 6.60 PRO - B10.

I throw my hat in for the Go. It's my current PSP and one of the best handhelds I've played with... If you hack it, of course.

For your list:

- Rather easy to hack, I literally got it in the mail and cracked it almost out of the box. I think you still need an earlier firmware though to hack it. It's not permanent so you lose stuff like popsloader but pretty much all the homebrew games/apps/emus run fine, games run fine, etc.
- It's definitely improved over the PSP 1000 (my last PSP) so I assume it has the higher speeds of the 2000/3000.
- 16GB internal storage is good enough for me, Memory Stick Micros are really cheap too if you want to go to 32GB. But I'm fine with 16GB, especially when my 1000 ran on a 4GB and a 2GB card.
- The Go is completely based around the PSN Store so you can access it fine, even with CFW.
- I haven't bought any accessories. Only suggestion would be maybe another USB cable. It's a proprietary port so you won't be finding another cable in your random box of cables. It's always a pain to unplug the cable from my charger, plug it into my PC (the two aren't that close to each other) and then plug it back in.

I may be a bit behind on the Go scene but I haven't updated my CFW since I got the device a good time ago and it still runs everything perfectly from games to homebrew. Once you adapt to the smaller control scheme, it's a lovely device. I got mine for about $100 used, I hear people saying they get it for around that or less than that for a new one too. It's really compact and easy to travel with, well built, and the internal storage is a huge plus. Definitely go with the Go.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Go seems to be slower than the 2000/3000

I meant in terms of processor speed. Games run smoother on the 2000/3000 than the 1000 for example and there's like no ghosting on the Go.

Controls are also pretty good once you get a hang of them, definitely wouldn't say they're any worse than a typical PSP control scheme.

For the smaller screen, it's smaller but the games look a bit more crisp on them because they're downsized. I guess it's a trade off there though.


Jul 14, 2008
Controls are also pretty good once you get a hang of them, definitely wouldn't say they're any worse than a typical PSP control scheme.

I think you'd find the majority of people wouldn't agree that they're comparable to the standard layout. The controls on the Go (both layout and the buttons/controls themselves) are most definitely one of the reasons people opt for, or go back to, the bigger consoles.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2011
I would actually get the PSP-2000 or 3000 depending on what you feel like and price of where you get them. The Go is alright if you cna get used to the controls but I couldn't.

I bought a pre-owned PSP-2000 a while back since it was much cheaper than the 3000 and it was lighter than the original and I love it. I got the CFW for it and been enjoying play PSP games on it for a while now.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
So today I got myself a brand new PSP Go for 114€, aparently they dropped in price alot since they were discontinued, at least that's what the Gamestop clerk told me. I handed in my launch PSP-1000 and my 4GB Memory Card, they were worth 50€+9€ in store credit aparently.

Came home, had to charge it for a few hours before I could do anything. Then updated it to 6.20 (it came with 5.70 OFW installed), and installed the permanent CFW 6.20 PRO B-10 (thank you Rydian for the fantastic and easy to follow guide by the way).

So after trying it out for a few hours I can say with certainty that I'm very happy with my purchase. I have alot more storage space, the console is more aesthetically appealing and lighter compared to my old one and the screen is alot crisper even though it's slightly smaller. One thing I noticed was that it has a weird pixel, it's neither stuck nor dead, it's just deep blue when it should be black but otherwise works fine with other colours for whatever reason. It annoys the dick out of me, but that's just cause I'm a nit picker, it wouldn't be noticeable to most people probably. The sliding of the screen feels great and the buttons are, for the most part, well placed and feel good when you press them. It takes a couple extra seconds longer to start up compared to my old one, no biggie to me. Loading times for games feel the same for the most part as well. Also I now have the ability to play PSP games on my bigass HDTV, which I couldn't do before.

I guess that's the extent of my experience so far, can't comment on battery life yet as I haven't had it for long.

tl:dr: I upgraded from a PSP-1000 to a PSP Go and am really happy with it.

Hope that helped, happy gaming!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
I haven't notice longer load times since I unlocked the CPU to the maxed for game play on both my 2000 and Go. Since we see longer load times on Consoles there's really no need to nit pick on the handheld.

- It's definitely improved over the PSP 1000 (my last PSP) so I assume it has the higher speeds of the 2000/3000.

Go seems to be slower than the 2000/3000

Funny thing is no one knew about the PSP Go in my group of friends until I showed them it xD. Now even my Co worker is going to buy one. Personally think PSP Go was misunderstood and I blame Sony for poor execution in terms of expanding the PSP Library to digital and offering discount for digital vs UMD. Along with helping existing users to Import their UMD's to Digital. Demand 3rd party support to extend the Life in all regions. Kinda Sucks that Japan is getting more games at the end of its life and its now becoming retro. Vita has along way to go in compare its Predecessor.​

So today I got myself a brand new PSP Go for 114€, aparently they dropped in price alot since they were discontinued, at least that's what the Gamestop clerk told me. I handed in my launch PSP-1000 and my 4GB Memory Card, they were worth 50€+9€ in store credit aparently.

Came home, had to charge it for a few hours before I could do anything. Then updated it to 6.20 (it came with 5.70 OFW installed), and installed the permanent CFW 6.20 PRO B-10 (thank you Rydian for the fantastic and easy to follow guide by the way).

So after trying it out for a few hours I can say with certainty that I'm very happy with my purchase. I have alot more storage space, the console is more aesthetically appealing and lighter compared to my old one and the screen is alot crisper even though it's slightly smaller. One thing I noticed was that it has a weird pixel, it's neither stuck nor dead, it's just deep blue when it should be black but otherwise works fine with other colours for whatever reason. It annoys the dick out of me, but that's just cause I'm a nit picker, it wouldn't be noticeable to most people probably. The sliding of the screen feels great and the buttons are, for the most part, well placed and feel good when you press them. It takes a couple extra seconds longer to start up compared to my old one, no biggie to me. Loading times for games feel the same for the most part as well. Also I now have the ability to play PSP games on my bigass HDTV, which I couldn't do before.

I guess that's the extent of my experience so far, can't comment on battery life yet as I haven't had it for long.

tl:dr: I upgraded from a PSP-1000 to a PSP Go and am really happy with it.

Hope that helped, happy gaming!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2011
Funny thing is no one knew about the PSP Go in my group of friends until I showed them it xD. Now even my Co worker is going to buy one. Personally think PSP Go was misunderstood and I blame Sony for poor execution in terms of expanding the PSP Library to digital and offering discount for digital vs UMD. Along with helping existing users to Import their UMD's to Digital. Demand 3rd party support to extend the Life in all regions. Kinda Sucks that Japan is getting more games at the end of its life and its now becoming retro. Vita has along way to go in compare its Predecessor.​
I don't think that its just bad digital distribution that let it down but when compared to the 2000/3000 its controls are only suited to some people, I found that it was uncomfortable and slightly clunky with the controls so close to each other. I'm not saying the Go is bad but i'm sure alot of people prefer the 2000/3000 to it.


Apr 2, 2011
United States
Funny thing is no one knew about the PSP Go in my group of friends until I showed them it xD. Now even my Co worker is going to buy one. Personally think PSP Go was misunderstood and I blame Sony for poor execution in terms of expanding the PSP Library to digital and offering discount for digital vs UMD. Along with helping existing users to Import their UMD's to Digital. Demand 3rd party support to extend the Life in all regions. Kinda Sucks that Japan is getting more games at the end of its life and its now becoming retro. Vita has along way to go in compare its Predecessor.​

I don't think that its just bad digital distribution that let it down but when compared to the 2000/3000 its controls are only suited to some people, I found that it was uncomfortable and slightly clunky with the controls so close to each other. I'm not saying the Go is bad but i'm sure alot of people prefer the 2000/3000 to it.
I'm pretty certain that the lack of UMD port (thus only being able to play digital games) is a more major problem. The design is fine for me, but I guess that just varies per person.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2011
Funny thing is no one knew about the PSP Go in my group of friends until I showed them it xD. Now even my Co worker is going to buy one. Personally think PSP Go was misunderstood and I blame Sony for poor execution in terms of expanding the PSP Library to digital and offering discount for digital vs UMD. Along with helping existing users to Import their UMD's to Digital. Demand 3rd party support to extend the Life in all regions. Kinda Sucks that Japan is getting more games at the end of its life and its now becoming retro. Vita has along way to go in compare its Predecessor.​

I don't think that its just bad digital distribution that let it down but when compared to the 2000/3000 its controls are only suited to some people, I found that it was uncomfortable and slightly clunky with the controls so close to each other. I'm not saying the Go is bad but i'm sure alot of people prefer the 2000/3000 to it.
I'm pretty certain that the lack of UMD port (thus only being able to play digital games) is a more major problem. The design is fine for me, but I guess that just varies per person.
Well that too but by comparison standards if you have a PSP-2000/3000 with CFW and a PSP Go with CFW then the result is pretty much the same since you can just download the ISOs and put them on it so I hardly see lack on UMD port a problem now a few years ago but the factor that changed is the control scheme and I think that as well as bad digital distribution that makes it not horrible but not as popular.

I bought a preowned PSP-2000 a month ago and I love it, okay I had a choice between a 1000, 2000, 3000 and Go and I was considering the 3000 but it was quite expensive where I am and the Go looked awesome but after trying it the controls felt a bit clunky and awkward for me but I probably have big fingers. That being said I love the design of the Go but its just not for me.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
I'd go for a 2k and a decent sized memory stick. I don't think my mem stick is very big at all and i've got a ton of games on it. Dirt cheap.

The Go is nice thanks to its internal memory, but it's ugly as hell and I greatly prefer a normal PSPs layout.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2004
Funny thing is no one knew about the PSP Go in my group of friends until I showed them it xD. Now even my Co worker is going to buy one. Personally think PSP Go was misunderstood and I blame Sony for poor execution in terms of expanding the PSP Library to digital and offering discount for digital vs UMD. Along with helping existing users to Import their UMD's to Digital. Demand 3rd party support to extend the Life in all regions. Kinda Sucks that Japan is getting more games at the end of its life and its now becoming retro. Vita has along way to go in compare its Predecessor.​

I don't think that its just bad digital distribution that let it down but when compared to the 2000/3000 its controls are only suited to some people, I found that it was uncomfortable and slightly clunky with the controls so close to each other. I'm not saying the Go is bad but i'm sure alot of people prefer the 2000/3000 to it.
I'm pretty certain that the lack of UMD port (thus only being able to play digital games) is a more major problem. The design is fine for me, but I guess that just varies per person.
Well that too but by comparison standards if you have a PSP-2000/3000 with CFW and a PSP Go with CFW then the result is pretty much the same since you can just download the ISOs and put them on it so I hardly see lack on UMD port a problem now a few years ago but the factor that changed is the control scheme and I think that as well as bad digital distribution that makes it not horrible but not as popular.

Actually, that is exactly what the psp go review here on gbatemp says. Specifically, don't bother unless you pirate but if you do then go for it.


Pip Pip Cheerioink!
Jul 31, 2006
Guys, If I go now and buy one of those E100 PSPs on an European store, will the firmware on it be hackable, i.e. is it 6.60 or lower?!

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