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Pinky's PS Vita Tutorials

Pinky’s PS Vita/PSTV Tutorials


How To Install Themes for PS Vita & PlayStation TV

This tutorial will show you how to install themes as well as dump/transfer files from your memory card.

Step 1: Write an email to the email account associated with your vita. within the body of the email write:


Now, make sure that this is a link rather than normal text.

Note: If you can't get this to work, try another email account (the one you're writing from).

Step 2: Once you open the email on your vita, click or touch the link to open up a new email with the app.db as an attachment. write this one to an email linked to your computer.

Step 3: Open the email, grab the attachment and place it on your desktop

Step 4: Grab the theme you want and place that on your desktop as well

Step 5: Create a folder on your ps vita with the name THEMES. this can be anywhere on the memory stick, 'cause the theme location will be inside the app.db. you can create folders either with vita ftp or psp filer btw.

Step 6: Place the theme folder within the THEMES folder on your vita.

Step 7: Open ps vita db theme installer, click on your app.db, and click on the theme's xml to get all the correction information. for main folder path, write down the path to the theme's folder on your ps vita. make sure you include the entire path as well.

Step 8: Send the app.db to your ps vita with the file being named #0 and the subject line reading:

Step 9: Open the email on your vita, click on the camera icon (don't push ok), and exit out of the email app with the home button.

Step 10: Reset your vita.

Step 11: Go into the themes' section of the settings section to apply your theme.
You're done!


How to Make a CMA Backup for Anyone

This registry hack will show you how to make a CMA backup for anyone.

Considering a lot of people r angry about what some in the Vita scene are doing, I thought I'd explain how it's done. It's fairly easy actually, but

Note: You will be forced to format your memory card to do so.

Also, you can't create backups from the ps vita to the pstv or vice-versa. They should both use the same cma id anyway if you're trying to backup/restore to your own systems. In addition to this, backups do not backup the licensing information nor the defiler client/etc. of rejuvenate's unity. Unity will be backed up, just not the files to make it functional. Just run through the rejuvenate setup again with a usb cable to get them back. If you still have the original licensing files, you can just use those instead of going through the entire "setup" tutorial. Then, you'll just need to go through the defiler/client setup which should only take a minute or two. :)
It's been a while since I've written a tutorial...anyway...

Step 1: This is assuming you already have the mail writer eml to dump and replace files; if you haven't done so, see


Anyway, write an email to the email on your PS Vita/tv with this in the body of the email:


Note: The subject is irrelevant unless replacing a file.

After you've done this, write another email to the email on your PS Vita/tv with this in the body:


Note: The system.ireg is not exactly used in the tutorial, but it's needed to decrypt the system.dreg. :

Also, download this file:


Anyway, write an email to the email on your PS Vita/tv with this in the body of the email:


Note: The subject is irrelevant unless replacing a file.

After you've done this, write another email to the email on your PS Vita/tv with this in the body:


Note: The system.ireg is not exactly used in the tutorial, but it's needed to decrypt the system.dreg. :)

Also, download this file:


Step 1: Create an empty file on your computer, and name it #0.

Step 2: Open your email writer, attach #0 to the email, and write this in the subject line:


Now, send the email to your vita's email address.

Note: ...no dot since that's only for dumping files. :)

Step 3: On your vita, open the email, click on the icon shaped like a camera (don't hit okay), and exit the mail application with the PlayStation home button.
Now, you can swap the memory card. :)


How To Use Vita Update Blocker

This tutorial will show you how to use Vita Update Blocker.

Step 1: Open Vita Update Blocker and open CMA or qcma from a coldboot position to prevent any issues.

Note: Do not open CMA on the Vita until you're ready.

Step 2: Transfer the credentials of Vita Update Blocker to the PS Vita (i.e. = ip address
8080 = port

Step 3: Select System Update/Update Using Wifi. It should say you're on the latest firmware, and the cmd window of Vita Update Blocker should display your actual firmware version x.xx as well as the fact that it's been spoofed to the latest firmware x.xx. DON'T CLOSE VITA UPDATE BLOCKER like it says to.

Step 4: Go to Content Manager Assistant (CMA) on the vita, connect your system to CMA using a numeric (may require you to use wifi first, before usb). You should now be able to connect to your computer to transfer content. it's really as simple as that. Make sure to do these steps in the same order to prevent issues with CMA or update nags.


How To Create The Package Install Bubble

This tutorial will show you how to create the package install bubble.

Step 1: Note: Let me preface this tutorial by saying the pkg installer is only functional on 3.00-3.18 (Vita) or 3.20 (PSTV). The pkg installer is capable of being installed up to 3.52, but it's nonfunctional aside from the aforementioned firmware.

This is assuming you already have the mail writer eml to dump and replace files; if you haven't done so, see


Transfer your app.db to your pc or laptop with this link (make sure it's a hyperlink with gmail or something similar within the body of the email)


Step 2: Open the app.db with SqliteBrowser.

Step 3: Select the tbl_appinfo_icon from the drop-box.

Step 4: Create a new record and set the title to ★ Package Installer, the iconPath to vs0:app/NPXS10031/sce_sys/icon0.png. and the titleID to NPXS10031

Step 5: Now, rename the 'app.db' file to '#0' without any extension.

Step 6: Lastly, attach the "#0" without the quotes to a new email with


as the subject line of the email.

You're done. Restart the system if necessary. :)

Note: You must use qcma to transfer/install pkg files over the network. Place your packages in PSV Packages.


How To Hack Trophies

This tutorial will show you how to unlock and modify trophy data.

Step 1: This is assuming you already have the mail writer eml to dump and replace files; if you haven't done so, see


Send an email to your vita with this as the subject:


Note: This must be a hyperlink. gmail is a good email to use for this. :)
Once that's done, open the email and click on the link using the square button. This should open a new email with the trophy_local.db as an attachment.

Step 2: Open your email client on your pc/laptop, and save the attachment to your desktop. Now, open Sqlitebrowser and select the trophy_local.db.

Step 3: Browse to tbl_trophy_flag to get a listing of your trophies. You may modify these as follows:
title_id - Every Game has it's own number 1, 2, 3..
unlocked - 0 = locked, 1 = unlocked trophy
grade - 1 = Platinum, 2 = Gold, 3 = Silver, 4 = Bronze
hidden - 0 = normal, 1 = hidden Trophy
title     - The Trophy Title
description - The Trophy's description

Step 4: Once you're done, save the modified trophy_local.db. Now, rename the file to "#0" without the quotes.

Step 5: We're going to send the file back to its original location, so attach the #0 file to an email (the one on your vita), and put this as your subject line:


Note: There's no dot this time as the dot is only for dumping the file(s). :)

Step 6: Restart your system (if necessary), and see if the modifications worked.

Note: I'd highly recommend not syncing (if you can), because that could lead to a ban.

You're done. :)


How to install the Smallest Games that don't work with CMA

Step 1: Download the desired game or demo on the PS3

Step 2: Transfer your game or demo to the PSP.

Step 3: Delete the game (probably in the game folder of the memory stick. Now, grab the license in the LICENSE folder.

Step 4: Now, sign-in to:


Step 5: Select "Media", then select the game or demo to plan to use. Choose download to download the xpd.

Step 6: Then, open the xpd with "Microsoft Word Pad."

Step 7: Copy and paste the game/demo's pkg file location into your browser's address bar.

Step 8: Once you have the pkg file, place it in your qcma's PSV Packages folder (can find by clicking on qcma; usually C:\Users\"Username"\PSV Packages).

Step 9: Now, on your psv/pstv, make sure u have: 212.47:229:76 as your primary dns with the second being in case the first dns is overloaded (thanks Atreyu187. Try to update (it won't force u, but this is just to make sure updates are being blocked. The next step will update your system without your consent unless your blocking updates.

Step 10: Open Cex2IDU, you'll now be in IDU (Kiosk mode). I'd suggest plugging your system in, because you might want to circumvent the five-minute time limit. Once the system is plugged in, enter standby mode. After the system is in standby mode, unplug the cable. You should now be free of the five-minute time limit. This will only work until you power off the system again. If you do, you'll have to negate the time limit again. This helps because I had issues with using usb only (CMA) on the vita. I was able to get it eventually, but you don't need to stress over it. Also, if you plug the device in after removing demo mode (next step), then go into standby mode, u can unplug the device and use it without the time limit as well (thanks Atreyu187.

Step 11: Now, once in idu-mode, hold down L, R, start, and up on the directional pad). This will get rid of demo mode.

Step 12: Next, open up henkaku again (offline installer or online one). Then, once your in henkaku, click on uricaller and press start. This will force you into pkg installer. If you get kicked out of it, reopen it. Don't mess with uricaller aside from pressing start, 'cause you could damage the system.

Step 13: Anyway, install the pkg file. Once that's done, click on CEX2IDU to get back to normal mode with the IDU flag.

Step 14: Lastly, transfer the LICENSE to ux:\pspemu\PSP\LICENSE. Now, try loading the game.

Note: To change the You can use a fake license (i.e. renaming the one from Vita Shell to the content ID of your game) with adrenaline, but that doesn't seem to work with Ark or VHBL. The game must be bootable for Ark and VHBL. Though, it could be the game itself that determines whether or not you can use a fake license. You can find the content id (what the license is named after) 9inside the xpd file. Good luck.
If you want to change the name of your game, open your app.db with sqlitebrowser 3 or similar program. Now, in the icon table (tbl_appicon), scroll down to the title ID of your game and replace the text with whatever you want. Also, you might change the tbl_appinfo to the same name (value) using keys: 4007071428 and 572932585. Don't worry. If you screw up, the worst that could happen is a rebuild of the database. You can essentially fix what you messed up and just transfer the app.db back to make it look like you never rebuilt the database. :)

If you want to change graphics, drop the your files into ur:\appmeta\title id of the game your using for icon0.png and the rest of the pics in ur:\appmeta\title id\contents.

Note: Make sure to change the icon0 from icon0.dds to icon0.png in the icon table (tbl_appicon) of your app.db or else you'll get a blank icon.

If you want to add text to the background, open your app.db with sqlitebrowser3 again. Scroll down to tbl_livearea_frame, and add these lines. For title ID, type the title ID of your game (you can find this in the xpd file). Inside Frame ID, type frame2. Next, for type, type 1. Now, for frameMulti, frameAutoFlip, and frameRev, type 0. Then, type this in item0_xml: <liveitem><text valign="bottom" align="left" text-align="left" text-valign="bottom" line-space="3" ellipsis="on"><str color="#ffffff" size="50" bold="on" shadow="on">Adrenaline</str></text></liveitem>

Replace the green with whatever text you want displayed.

Now, go to the next line, type your title ID as well as type in the same information aside from using frame3 this time. In icon0_xml, type: <liveitem><text valign="top" align="left" text-align="left" text-valign="top" line-space="2" ellipsis="on"><str size="22" shadow="on">by The_FloW</str></text></liveitem>

Replace the blue with whatever you'd like.

Lastly, do another line (frame4 this time) with all of the same info except icon0_xml should look like this: <liveitem><text align="right" text-align="right" word-wrap="off" ellipsis="on"><str size="18" color="#ffffff" shadow="on">v0.01</str></text></liveitem>
Your done. If you don't want to rebuild the database for games with a pboot inside, open the tbl_appinfo with sqlitebrowser3, and search for this key: 3022202214 . Now, change this from eboot.pbp to pboot.pbp. Your done!

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damage you may cause to your PS Vita. Just follow the instructions, and you’ll be fine! :)
Last edited by godreborn,


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2007
United States
Tutorial on Installing the Smallest Games that don't work with CMA (WIP)

Step 1: Download the desired game or demo on the PS3

Step 2: Transfer your game or demo to the PSP.

Step 3: Delete the game (probably in the game folder of the memory stick. Now, grab the license in the the LICENSE folder.

Step 4: Now, sign-in to: here

Step 5: Select "Media", then select the game or demo to plan to use. Choose download to download the xpd.

Step 6: Then, open the xpd with "Microsoft Word Pad."

Step 7: Copy and paste the game/demo's pkg file location into your browser's address bar.

Step 8: Once you have the pkg file, place it in your qcma's PSV Packages folder (can find by clicking on qcma; usually C:\Users\"Username"\PSV Packages).

Step 9: Now, on your psv/pstv, make sure u have: 212.47:229:76 as your primary dns with the second being in case the first dns is overloaded. Try to update (it won't force u, but this is just to make sure updates are being blocked. The next step will update your system without your consent unless your blocking updates.

Step 10: Open Cex2IDU, you'll now be in IDU (Kiosk mode). I'd suggest plugging your system in, because you might want to circumvent the five-minute time limit. This doesn't work via usb. Your system has to be plugged into the wall. This helps because I had issues with using usb only (CMA) on the vita. I was able to get it eventually, but you don't need to stress over it. Also, if you plug the device in after removing demo mode (next step), then go into standby mode, u can unplug the device and use it without the time limit as well.

Step 11: Now, once in idu-mode, hold down L, R, start, and up on the directional pad). This will get rid of demo mode.

Step 12: Next, open up henkaku again (offline installer or online one). Then, once your in henkaku, click on uricaller and press start. This will force you into pkg installer. If you get kicked out of it, reopen it. Don't mess with uricaller aside from pressing start, 'cause you could damage the system.

Step 13: Anyway, install the pkg file. Once that's done, click on CEX2IDU to get back to normal mode with the IDU flag.

Step 14: Lastly, transfer the LICENSE to ux:\pspemu\PSP\LICENSE. Now, try loading the game.

Note: To change the You can use a fake license (i.e. renaming the one from Vita Shell to the content ID of your game) with adrenaline, but that doesn't seem to work with Ark or VHBL. The game must be bootable for Ark and VHBL. Though, it could be the game itself that determines whether or not you can use a fake license. You can find the content id (what the license is named after) 9inside the xpd file. Good luck.

If you want to change the name of your game, open your app.db with sqlitebrowser 3 or similar program. Now, in the icon table (tbl_appicon), scroll down to the title ID of your game and replace the text with whatever you want. Also, you might change the tbl_appinfo to the same name (value) using keys: 4007071428 and 572932585. Don't worry. If you screw up, the worst that could happen is a rebuild of the database. You can essentially fix what you messed up and just transfer the app.db back to make it look like you never rebuilt the database. :)

If you want to change graphics, drop the your files into ur:\appmeta\title id of the game your using for icon0.png and the rest of the pics in ur:\appmeta\title id\contents.

Note: Make sure to change the icon0 from icon0.dds to icon0.png in the icon table (tbl_appicon) of your app.db or else you'll get a blank icon.

If you want to add text to the background, open your app.db with sqlitebrowser3 again. Scroll down to tbl_livearea_frame, and add these lines. For title ID, type the title ID of your game (you can find this in the xpd file). Inside Frame ID, type frame2. Next, for type, type 1. Now, for frameMulti, frameAutoFlip, and frameRev, type 0. Then, type this in item0_xml: <liveitem><text valign="bottom" align="left" text-align="left" text-valign="bottom" line-space="3" ellipsis="on"><str color="#ffffff" size="50" bold="on" shadow="on">Adrenaline</str></text></liveitem>

Replace the red with whatever text you want displayed.

Now, go to the next line, type your title ID as well as type in the same information aside from using frame3 this time. In icon0_xml, type: <liveitem><text valign="top" align="left" text-align="left" text-valign="top" line-space="2" ellipsis="on"><str size="22" shadow="on">by The_FloW</str></text></liveitem>[/COLOR]

Replace the blue with whatever you'd like.

Lastly, do another line (frame4 this time) with all of the same info except icon0_xml should look like this: <liveitem><text align="right" text-align="right" word-wrap="off" ellipsis="on"><str size="18" color="#ffffff" shadow="on">v0.01</str></text></liveitem>

Your done. If you don't want to rebuild the database for games with a pboot inside, open the tbl_appinfo with sqlitebrowser3, and search for this key: 3022202214 . Now, change this from eboot.pbp to pboot.pbp. Your done!

Man I get no respect LOL Glad my info and research helped you


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
will this tutorials work in 3.63?

no, sorry. most of these tutorials require access to the vita file system which is only doable on 3.60 and below. some of the older tutorials r still using the eml trick which is slower than henkaku. I need to correct the formatting of the tutorials, slowly but surely, since they're messed up in a few places due to copying and pasting them from a different site with different bb tags. I'll get there though.

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