My Life as a Cashier (Jun 19 2008)

Doomsday Forte

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Apr 22, 2007
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I was going to post here the other day about how I wasn't going to quit despite my previous posts, but that drastically changed as of today. So currently, I'm unemployed, having quit my job this morning at around 4:30am, though it didn't go into effect until maybe three hours later.

So here's what happened.

There's a CSM I work with who treats me and the other cashiers like trash. I mean, the kind of boss you'd rather not work for, the kind of guy you'd rather slug and be done with. He would never ask you to do something, he would order you. I had recently taken to referring to him as Captain or whatnot, a militaristic reference given how he runs his ship. Night before last, I found out that he doesn't like me either, therefore I made it my mission to be as big of a thorn in his ass as humanly possible. I unfortunately let that slip tonight, if somewhat.

So I'm helping the cashier on 2 with her bags since she had a customer, and I was going to take the trash so I needed the cardboard boxes anyway. So that CSM comes up to me, wonders what I'm doing. I explain that I thought it'd be nice to help out, and he tells me that I have my job to do and she has hers, therefore I'm out of line. I react badly, since what the fuck am I hurting? Here I am helping this older woman out of the goodness of my heart and I'm getting chewed out for it? So I'm all "okay, let me finish here and I'll get to work." No. That's not good enough, I have to go and do it NOW. And then the best part. He doesn't say anything and he keeps looking at me. Staring, maintaining eye contact.

"You can stop with the eye contact now."
"The eye contact is--*he looks away*"
"Thank you."

I then leave to go take out the trash as I had been previously ordered, my heart pounding furiously in my chest, a rush of adrenaline sweeping through my system. Some time passes.

I get called over for a little meeting with the manager for the night, and of course Mr. CSM is there too. I refer to him as though he isn't there, and I explain myself, end of story go back to work, right? Well, not quite. I slipped up here so this escalated.

Claims are things that we cannot put back on the shelf for whatever reason, be it opened, stolen, or in need of inspection/etc. Considering CSM told me all of my duties as I was helping the cashier on 2 and then had the standoff with him, my memory didn't work out so well. I was supposed to have zoned Aisle 6 and then took out Claims, but I took Claims first. When I came back, we had yet another talk with CSM and manager, with the other CSM who's actually nice there too. So it's determined that I am intentionally acting out of line by doing things in the improper order, so I was to be written up. And there's where I drew the red line.

"By the end of this shift tonight, I will not come back here to work."

Manager talked with me some more and I left to do the rest of my work. Word spreads fast though, already people that weren't nearby were coming up to me about it, and giving me support too, which was very reassuring. I even talked with the manager again one-on-one and explained myself, and she said that I can actually continue to come in, just that I will have to be disciplined or moved to another area or whatever, but I was going to quit by the end of this month since I need to go on this trip and I hadn't had my time off approved, so as to not be fired...yeah.

Rest of the night goes rather seamlessly. Lots of protesting on the part of...well, everyone on the front end that wasn't the CSM, which was further bolstering.
; And granted, I feel bad about this since they actually liked me and I probably was what kept them going with Chuckles at the helm, but I currently have something in the works now that I hope is going to effect some change. I talked with the manager of the store after my shift, and explained the above, and stated my views and everything: I filed a formal complaint against him. I made damn sure to let her know that that kind of behavior doesn't fly, especially with me. You don't get good results from people who are depressed and come to hate their jobs. And, no one could come forward on the front end because they were scared of retaliation. Not in the type of losing their jobs (which I doubt Mr. CSM had the power to do), but he could easily make their lives even more miserable and that hurts everyone. And, people have to put up with it because they're effectively "stuck" there, as they have to work there or be on the streets. I mean, they have to have a job, Wal-Mart has hired them and are paying, so what's a lot of bullshit? If you were doing all you can to make ends meet, you'd overlook some things if it ensured that your income was secure. You would have to take it in that case; you couldn't leave since it'd be difficult to find work (especially if you had put in many years of work there), and doing anything to make yourself a target is just suicide.

When it comes to someone like me who willingly applied for a job for some extra money, I apparently exist outside of this scope, therefore I have nothing to lose now that I don't have a job. And, I explained this to the store manager too, I didn't come forward earlier because I didn't need another black mark on my resume after what happened at my previous job, so like everyone else, my job security was my priority, but seeing how my resume is relatively safe, I'm free to act out as the "people's voice" in a way, and I have inspired others to come forward too, so hopefully my sacrifice of sorts will do some good. The store, that shift especially, needs it and badly.

Granted, Wal-Mart does have a common image of treating its employees like trash, but it's people like him who perpetrate it which trickles down to the cashiers and stuff which then is seen by the public, hence said image. There ARE good bosses, even CSMs there, but they are regrettably too few and far between. Hell, the CSM I do like is doing and has done a kickass job thus far. She's never ridden me about anything and she's someone I can actually look to as not someone I should follow due to power, but should respect. And I do. Given the bosses and even people with seniority I've dealt with, she ranks the best.

I told the store manager, when she asked me what should be done, that he should be humbled. Firing him might be good for all of us, but with someone as big of an ego as he has, he should be bumped down to cashier or even people greeter (seeing how our people greeter is the one he's the worst to). Firing would be too easy, but I want him to suffer for his actions. And I'm not going to stop until he's put in his place or he's clinging to life at my hands. I'll go as high as the president of the company if I have to.

End the Oppression™.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland

Employees get treated like trash by higher-ups in pretty much every single job. Sounds like you've done him a favour by quitting because now they'll just hire another obediant little troll to do the job that you left, either that or your former colleagues will just jump all over your extra hours.


I Pwn n00bs.
Nov 5, 2005
Outer Space
gacktgacktgackt said:

Employees get treated like trash by higher-ups in pretty much every single job. Sounds like you've done him a favour by quitting because now they'll just hire another obediant little troll to do the job that you left, either that or your former colleagues will just jump all over your extra hours.


The only job I ever worked where the people higher than me weren't assholes was at a Bulk Barn. Even where I work right now there's still one person who likes to point the fingers at me and make mountains out of molehills when not necessary, but I've got the rest of the company standing behind me should he go too far. Of course it wouldn't make me quit my job (although sometimes I've definitely thought about it), but I just stand tall and do a good job so everyone can recognize it. If 99% of the company can see I am doing a good job, and he doesn't and chews me out for something stupid, I won't get in trouble for taking my complaints to HR.

Either way, good luck finding a job, there's tons of opportunities out there. Let it be a lesson to the rest of you to *not* work for Fail-Mart.

Doomsday Forte

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Apr 22, 2007
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gacktgacktgackt said:

Employees get treated like trash by higher-ups in pretty much every single job. Sounds like you've done him a favour by quitting because now they'll just hire another obediant little troll to do the job that you left, either that or your former colleagues will just jump all over your extra hours.
Gee, I always seem to attract these types.

Yes, everyone everywhere gets treated like trash no matter where you go, but only because no one bothers to do anything, and for those who do, they hit a wall and give up after a while. Bosses have bosses have bosses, you know. =P And I already mentioned why people generally don't do anything. I've recently heard in the news about airline industry whistleblowers who have been docked in pay or even demoted for standing up for themselves/others, so yeah, I can understand why people take this shit and try to shrug it off.

I'm not really doing him that big of a favor seeing how I'm trying to take him down. Would you honestly hire someone who had been fired from his last two jobs? What about from the last job? I lucked out there. This is probably the most opportune time for me to do something seeing how acting any other time would've possibly gotten me shit-canned, meaning my future in terms of work would be non-existing. But hey, everyone wins in this case. He gets rid of me, I'm home free, and his face isn't caved in due to excess blunt-force trauma.

hankchill: It's actually good you have so much of your workplace behind you, since very few people can say that and still be in a position without much power. I was in a place that recognized you only when you fucked up, so working hard slipped down my and everyone else's priority list. Why bust your ass if no one's going to notice? Or at least in my case, anyone to whom it actually mattered. ;P And thanks too. Considering I was going to quit anyway in a few weeks/a month, this was going to happen, just without the loggerheads. I'm a graduating college student, and I'd rather not spend the rest of my days working there when I have this degree putting my family into debt. It was a decent experience, and if anything it proved that I should probably not react so badly to people starting shit, since as already stated, he wins in that regard. Maybe next time I'll remember that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2008
Gambia, The
Eww... I always had reeeeaaally nice bosses. Oh well, great, one of them was a pedophile and my parents did file charges against him after we found out by chance (no, he never did anything to me
) anyways, except for that all my jobs were great. Well, maybe the job was not, but the boss always was.

When I worked at the video rental store my boss was this 26 y/o freshly married turkish guy who was like super awesomely nice, whenever we had shifts together we'd make lots of stupid jokes and he'd treat me to pizza or something. He always made me work in the porn section too which was funny. XD

I guess it's a little different when you work someplace like Wal-Mart, though friends of mine did and well in Germany it isn't that bad at all.. oO

Anyways, I would hate working in a super market or something like that... I'd prefer to be a waitress or work in video stores or some small boutique, something like that. Those are fun jobs and yeah, I don't think it's too hard to find a job like that. Even when being a guy. :>

I think it's good you quit and it's nice (see you ARE too soft ;D) to stand up for the others! I really do hope it'll have a positive effect!

Oh I'll reply to your mail laters, hokay? I need to do some cleaning now.. meh. ;_;

Doomsday Forte

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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miruki said:
Eww... I always had reeeeaaally nice bosses. Oh well, great, one of them was a pedophile and my parents did file charges against him after we found out by chance (no, he never did anything to me
) anyways, except for that all my jobs were great. Well, maybe the job was not, but the boss always was.

When I worked at the video rental store my boss was this 26 y/o freshly married turkish guy who was like super awesomely nice, whenever we had shifts together we'd make lots of stupid jokes and he'd treat me to pizza or something. He always made me work in the porn section too which was funny. XD

I guess it's a little different when you work someplace like Wal-Mart, though friends of mine did and well in Germany it isn't that bad at all.. oO

Anyways, I would hate working in a super market or something like that... I'd prefer to be a waitress or work in video stores or some small boutique, something like that. Those are fun jobs and yeah, I don't think it's too hard to find a job like that. Even when being a guy. :>

I think it's good you quit and it's nice (see you ARE too soft ;D) to stand up for the others! I really do hope it'll have a positive effect!

Oh I'll reply to your mail laters, hokay? I need to do some cleaning now.. meh. ;_;
Hehe, it is nice to hear that not all bosses are hardasses anyway. You'd think it was a myth, like a female who plays video games...=P Though, I guess it's just different with a place like Wal-Mart, and especially on the graveyard shift. Something like that. I personally would be fine going back to my old job at the Kroger (supermarket) deli, since I had to deal with my bosses for a whole hour or so and I was left alone for the rest of the entire night to do as I had pleased. Looking back now, that level of freedom was amazing, but also I was only temporary work and they always scheduled me for under 40 hours so I wasn't there as often as I would be if I were to go full-time. Oh, I had my complaints, but mainly with the work and some of the coworkers, nothing like this.

I've applied to Gamestop (eww!) a few times now, but whatever, I don't think they're going to hire me. Which I guess is fine, I mean, I don't really like the place to begin with so...XD Living in a small town doesn't leave open very many options. Wal-Mart is honestly the only place to go around here apart from Kroger. Marsh (another supermarket) is on its last legs somehow.

Pssh, I'm rather proud of myself for having the nerve to actually quit. I didn't think I'd have the balls to do it. And go ahead and clean, I know you to be slow on your replies! *run*


What!? I can change this??
Dec 3, 2006
New York
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I suffered through abunch of crap jobs before I got a decent job here or there. Life is a box of chocolates...given to a diabetic. Its alittle cruel sometimes. I'm going to lay down a brief job history for you, just to show you things can get better....

1. Worked as dishwasher in dirty fish and grease place. Was 15, horrible night time hours working as the only dishwasher for the whole shift sometimes...and cleaning up afterward.
2. Working at a local dollarstore, rude people with few teeth and crotchedy grandmas telling me how to do my job. Walked the same 5 short aisles all day for 8 hours at a time. Stocked shelves and unloaded trucks. Have you ever experienced a cardboard cut? haha... Even if everything was all square I had to keep going. Wasn't allowed to work cash because I draw an 8 with too much lean
3. Farm labor. Picking apples, weeding cranberry bogs by hand no gloves..*ouch*, Digging ditchs, laying irragation pipes, Shingling the store, staining, spending 4 hours at a time doing cranberry quality control in a cold warehouse with my neck craned down. Apple packing etc etc.

Those jobs blew...but when I got into college it turned into

4. Computer lab supervisor...Load paper into tray, check toner, replace toner, if someone prints..I get up and give them the print job from the backroom. Turn computers off, turn computers on...

5. Math building computer help...sit in my own corner office with on a computer all day. Wait for someone in the faculty or staff to need help. When they do I help...take apart computers, scrap them, install simple software...make CAT-5 cables...but towards the end of that job I was recording old math lectures from VHS to DVD...I would go acouple buttons and then leave cause thats all I had to do. I'd be getting paid for nothing...

Then...after kinda slowed down

I moved back to a rural town myself after graduating college...and the only jobs available were the type I didn't even need to graduate high school to get...and here I was with a B.A in Psychology, cum laude. No one wants to pay me a college grad I suck it up and go back to meaningless odd jobs while I try to figure out my future at a grad school.

I ended up working at a dump...except I was sitting in my car all day and letting dump trucks in and out of the gates. They gave me a garage door openner....I just sat in my car reading, playing DS, watching movies and pressing a garage door openner once or twice every 1-2 hours.

My current job is working for a neurologist. I'm a receptionist...and I'm just trying to survive until I can make my way into a college lab so I can get some recommendations for grad school programs.

Hope you luck out sometime soon and get a job that treats you fairly.

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