Gaming Metroid Other M... or: why team ninja is killing the franchise


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Oct 12, 2007
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Guild McCommunist said:
Hells Malice said:
The story is pretty nice too. It's kinda cool to finally get some insight into who Samus actually is.

It's unfortunate they drew Samus as the equivalent of a whiny teenager. I hope they see this as a "never happened" in terms of Samus as a character and redraw her to be, you know, not a whiny little teenager with daddy issues.

i was under the impression she was like this in the manga though?
also, i would not even say she was emo/"whiny teenager".

i keep seeing stuff like "omg she isnt using her items she has because adam is telling her not to when she can blah blah blah". its about respect.
if i was in a situation like this and i met with a commanding officer (and i was not part of his troop), and he told me not to do certain things until he gave me i would sure as hell do what he says.


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Aug 2, 2009
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MFDC12 said:
Guild McCommunist said:
Hells Malice said:
The story is pretty nice too. It's kinda cool to finally get some insight into who Samus actually is.

It's unfortunate they drew Samus as the equivalent of a whiny teenager. I hope they see this as a "never happened" in terms of Samus as a character and redraw her to be, you know, not a whiny little teenager with daddy issues.

i was under the impression she was like this in the manga though?
also, i would not even say she was emo/"whiny teenager".

i keep seeing stuff like "omg she isnt using her items she has because adam is telling her not to when she can blah blah blah". its about respect.
if i was in a situation like this and i met with a commanding officer (and i was not part of his troop), and he told me not to do certain things until he gave me i would sure as hell do what he says.
Even if your about to die? Although I don't get the "why can't I use the items" complaint. It's really stupid. I've said it before but it's not a flaw in the game, rather a hole in the plot.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
MFDC12 said:
Guild McCommunist said:
Hells Malice said:
The story is pretty nice too. It's kinda cool to finally get some insight into who Samus actually is.

It's unfortunate they drew Samus as the equivalent of a whiny teenager. I hope they see this as a "never happened" in terms of Samus as a character and redraw her to be, you know, not a whiny little teenager with daddy issues.

i was under the impression she was like this in the manga though?
also, i would not even say she was emo/"whiny teenager".

i keep seeing stuff like "omg she isnt using her items she has because adam is telling her not to when she can blah blah blah". its about respect.
if i was in a situation like this and i met with a commanding officer (and i was not part of his troop), and he told me not to do certain things until he gave me i would sure as hell do what he says.

They make manga for anything. Thinking she's like that because it said so in the manga is pretty inaccurate.

And she acts like your typical "I'm nonconformist" teenager. She's like "LOOK AT ME I'M GIVING A THUMBS DOWN BECAUSE I'M SO RADICAL!" And she only complies with Adam because she wants him to give a shit about her or something, even if it means getting your ass handed to you because Samus is too much of a stupid broad to turn on the right stuff when she fucking needs it.

Samus is an awful character in the game. They gave us some useless backstory but they never flesh her out well and what they do try to flesh out is stuff you didn't want. I preferred Samus as the mysterious girl behind the mask, not as this dumb bitch.


New Member
Sep 21, 2008
TrapperKeeperX said:
I honestly love this game and the game is fun I love the music in the game too!

I absolutely agree with you. I don't know what these fucktards are talking about. I've tried Ninja Gaiden's latest PS3 game and was worried they'd somehow miss the mark with getting it right. But I was so impressed I finished it in a few days. Team Ninja developed something actually unique while they simplified it in ways that Prime could be daunting to some (ie. a million rooms called a million things on a dozen planets) and switched up the combat a little so that Samus has some variety. Morph balls and missles are quite complimented by the evasion controls. And no one can deny that Samus' melee counterattacks aren't bitchy. When you learn how to pull them off, it's rewarding seeing her throw these bitches around. And finally, the story is actually a little long and drawn out at times but it's some top-notch quality storytelling. So many games that I've seen have these cheese-filled stories that aren't coherent or very epic whatsoever. They told Samus' story in a way that will be a definitive example that I hope Nintendo chooses to follow a little (cough *Link*).

For all of you haters wanting Team Ninja-esque boob-tech to be front and centre, piss off.

.....just saying......

-Andrew Canali
Toronto, ON


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warmijwilfaain said:
DarkFocus said:
, the graphics are terrible,
Only quoted this as the other parts of this post were just opinion-

the graphics are terrible? What? Play it on a HDTV while using component cables and come back to me and say that again, for a Wii game, the graphics are brilliant.

Same. I saw many people say (Before Other M) was released) that Metroid Prime 3's graphics were better, but there is no way.

Metroid Other M is one of the best looking games on the Wii, hands-down. Honestly, with some newer Wii titles, I forget I am playing in SD.


Back on to the topic:

I haven't gotten very far in Other M, but I love the game. I think it was better than the Prime games (I liked them, but was never a big fan).

The people who are disappointed with the game are probably used to normal Metroid games, and liked how they were. Obviously, a new developer means different gameplay/style. Personally, I like the style much more than the Prime games, but I can easily see how you prefer other Metroid games over Other M.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
awssk8er said:
warmijwilfaain said:
DarkFocus said:
, the graphics are terrible,
Only quoted this as the other parts of this post were just opinion-

the graphics are terrible? What? Play it on a HDTV while using component cables and come back to me and say that again, for a Wii game, the graphics are brilliant.

Same. I saw many people say (Before Other M) was released) that Metroid Prime 3's graphics were better, but there is no way.

Metroid Other M is one of the best looking games on the Wii, hands-down. Honestly, with some newer Wii titles, I forget I am playing in SD.

Metroid Prime 3 looks better by any standards. As did SMG, SMG2, and a lot of other games. The character models here are as good as Super Mario Galaxy but environments aren't as good as Metroid Prime 3.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
Guild McCommunist said:
Hells Malice said:
The story is pretty nice too. It's kinda cool to finally get some insight into who Samus actually is.

It's unfortunate they drew Samus as the equivalent of a whiny teenager. I hope they see this as a "never happened" in terms of Samus as a character and redraw her to be, you know, not a whiny little teenager with daddy issues.

Yeah it's unfortunate people didn't figure out what Samus is being portrayed as. Instead people wrongly think what you just stated, which is falsely what Samus was supposed to be shown as. If you can look past the shallow first layer of what it looks like Samus is, her character is developed a lot better then you'd think. But like I said before, the game took a more mature stance on the story front, so a lot will just go over peoples heads.

As for Samus not using her items because Adam says so, it's a game. Obviously they don't let you use everything off the bat. So that's the best way they could stick it in without her losing everything for the umpteenth time. Give the game a break, christ.

Deleted User

Guild McCommunist said:
awssk8er said:
warmijwilfaain said:
DarkFocus said:
, the graphics are terrible,
Only quoted this as the other parts of this post were just opinion-

the graphics are terrible? What? Play it on a HDTV while using component cables and come back to me and say that again, for a Wii game, the graphics are brilliant.

Same. I saw many people say (Before Other M) was released) that Metroid Prime 3's graphics were better, but there is no way.

Metroid Other M is one of the best looking games on the Wii, hands-down. Honestly, with some newer Wii titles, I forget I am playing in SD.

Metroid Prime 3 looks better by any standards. As did SMG, SMG2, and a lot of other games. The character models here are as good as Super Mario Galaxy but environments aren't as good as Metroid Prime 3.
I've played both on a HDTV and don't see how they are, got any pictures of both games to compare for me?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2006
I'm into the game at 11:35min. ( I guess I'm almost done with it ) and so far I'm loving it.
The thing is there are so many games today ( I have a huge collection and a big back catalog of games that I plan to play ), and still when this baby came around I started playing it and I'm so hooked so far that I wouldn't think of playing anything but the Other M.
I'm not nitpicking on the graphics, or the story, or the music and so on ....... it's just that the game on the whole is hard to put down, I keep going back at it a lot,I even changed my daily routine in order to play it some more, and that didn't happen to me in a long time..........not even with SMG or Okami or any of the games in the past couple of years.
Last time I was so hooked on a game must have been the first and second week after the Wii launch in north America that I purchased on day one along with Zelda TTP............
So I would say the game succeeded in capturing my interest, and that's all it matters.
Honestly people complaining about the so called low res texture in such a great game in every respect should go and shoot them self, or get a life or something, you simply can't judge such a huge game by its textures, it goes far beyond that and it becomes a way of art and I will surely remember it for a log time because it belongs up there with the best games of all time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2008
Sure Metroid Other M isn't the best metroid ever, but it's really worth playing ALOT imo!
and i loved F-Zero GX and Starfox Command and Adventures! Assault; not so much...

besides, it's not like Samus hasn't talked before other M, it's just the first time we heard voice acting for her (apart from grunts). Now if Link talked, then i'd go nerd rage.

but yeah, i think Retro Studios was better at Re-Inventing Metroid with Prime Series, not to say Team Ninja did bad, they did good too. just not as much as Retro Studios (hoping they'll be just as good in DKCR)


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
I was so looking forward to this game since I first saw it announced at E3 last year. Now because I like my retail games legit, I was gonna buy this on release but my Wii stopped reading dual-layered discs so I got a new one free of charge from Ninty (although I now have to do most of my games again since I couldn't copy a lot the saves over to an SD card). I saw it in Tesco this morning and grinned with excitement. Got home, started playing it. It was a good game. For the first hour.

Now I really hate giving games (especially Nintendo ones) bad rep but this is awful beyond the first hour. The story is OK, the controls are great but the design is horrible. "Shoot this down." OK. "Oh sorry, you killed yourself. Now you're going to have to climb up this room all over again which you hated the first time around."
"Move to this area. Yes we have put loads of annoying enemies in the way and no you can't go back to the chamber to save and heal, we blocked the way back off. What, you want health from the enemies? We really should have done but we don't do that anymore."
"Looks like you've got 1 health left. How about you try and restore it by holding the Wiimote differently and holding A. Whoops, too many enemies. You're dead."

From here it really only can get better and I hope it does. It is by far the worst Metroid game in the series and one of the worst games to come from Nintendo. They should never have teamed up with Team Ninja. Now I'm in a bad mood.


May 18, 2010
United States
frogmyster3 said:
I was so looking forward to this game since I first saw it announced at E3 last year. Now because I like my retail games legit, I was gonna buy this on release but my Wii stopped reading dual-layered discs so I got a new one free of charge from Ninty (although I now have to do most of my games again since I couldn't copy a lot the saves over to an SD card). I saw it in Tesco this morning and grinned with excitement. Got home, started playing it. It was a good game. For the first hour.

Now I really hate giving games (especially Nintendo ones) bad rep but this is awful beyond the first hour. The story is OK, the controls are great but the design is horrible. "Shoot this down." OK. "Oh sorry, you killed yourself. Now you're going to have to climb up this room all over again which you hated the first time around."
"Move to this area. Yes we have put loads of annoying enemies in the way and no you can't go back to the chamber to save and heal, we blocked the way back off. What, you want health from the enemies? We really should have done but we don't do that anymore."
"Looks like you've got 1 health left. How about you try and restore it by holding the Wiimote differently and holding A. Whoops, too many enemies. You're dead."

From here it really only can get better and I hope it does. It is by far the worst Metroid game in the series and one of the worst games to come from Nintendo. They should never have teamed up with Team Ninja. Now I'm in a bad mood.
Don't take this the wrong way but seriously.. what you're saying is that you just suck at the game and that's why call it bad. You probably never played Metroid on NES or Super Metroid(?) Other M is like them.. but with new gfx and gameplay.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
makezione said:
frogmyster3 said:
I was so looking forward to this game since I first saw it announced at E3 last year. Now because I like my retail games legit, I was gonna buy this on release but my Wii stopped reading dual-layered discs so I got a new one free of charge from Ninty (although I now have to do most of my games again since I couldn't copy a lot the saves over to an SD card). I saw it in Tesco this morning and grinned with excitement. Got home, started playing it. It was a good game. For the first hour.

Now I really hate giving games (especially Nintendo ones) bad rep but this is awful beyond the first hour. The story is OK, the controls are great but the design is horrible. "Shoot this down." OK. "Oh sorry, you killed yourself. Now you're going to have to climb up this room all over again which you hated the first time around."
"Move to this area. Yes we have put loads of annoying enemies in the way and no you can't go back to the chamber to save and heal, we blocked the way back off. What, you want health from the enemies? We really should have done but we don't do that anymore."
"Looks like you've got 1 health left. How about you try and restore it by holding the Wiimote differently and holding A. Whoops, too many enemies. You're dead."

From here it really only can get better and I hope it does. It is by far the worst Metroid game in the series and one of the worst games to come from Nintendo. They should never have teamed up with Team Ninja. Now I'm in a bad mood.
Don't take this the wrong way but seriously.. what you're saying is that you just suck at the game and that's why call it bad. You probably never played Metroid on NES or Super Metroid(?) Other M is like them.. but with new gfx and gameplay.

I've got the original Metroid on Virtual Console, Fusion on GBA and the Prime games including Hunters and I find them fine, they're fairly straightforward so it's not necessarily that I suck at this because I have experience playing Metroid games with little to no trouble at all. I think the case with this one is that they've changed the dynamics in how the game operates. When I run low on health which is usually after a large boss battle, I'm used to shooting enemies to get small bits back until I can heal fully. That isn't the case with Other M and the only way to get health is to find a save station or using the regeneration which only lets you get so much back and usually during a boss fight where I end up dying trying to heal because that's the only time it will let you do it. Don't get me wrong, I love a challenge, but this isn't a challenge. It's just a bit unfair and unbalanced.


May 18, 2010
United States
frogmyster3 said:
makezione said:
frogmyster3 said:
I was so looking forward to this game since I first saw it announced at E3 last year. Now because I like my retail games legit, I was gonna buy this on release but my Wii stopped reading dual-layered discs so I got a new one free of charge from Ninty (although I now have to do most of my games again since I couldn't copy a lot the saves over to an SD card). I saw it in Tesco this morning and grinned with excitement. Got home, started playing it. It was a good game. For the first hour.

Now I really hate giving games (especially Nintendo ones) bad rep but this is awful beyond the first hour. The story is OK, the controls are great but the design is horrible. "Shoot this down." OK. "Oh sorry, you killed yourself. Now you're going to have to climb up this room all over again which you hated the first time around."
"Move to this area. Yes we have put loads of annoying enemies in the way and no you can't go back to the chamber to save and heal, we blocked the way back off. What, you want health from the enemies? We really should have done but we don't do that anymore."
"Looks like you've got 1 health left. How about you try and restore it by holding the Wiimote differently and holding A. Whoops, too many enemies. You're dead."

From here it really only can get better and I hope it does. It is by far the worst Metroid game in the series and one of the worst games to come from Nintendo. They should never have teamed up with Team Ninja. Now I'm in a bad mood.
Don't take this the wrong way but seriously.. what you're saying is that you just suck at the game and that's why call it bad. You probably never played Metroid on NES or Super Metroid(?) Other M is like them.. but with new gfx and gameplay.

I've got the original Metroid on Virtual Console, Fusion on GBA and the Prime games including Hunters and I find them fine, they're fairly straightforward so it's not necessarily that I suck at this because I have experience playing Metroid games with little to no trouble at all. I think the case with this one is that they've changed the dynamics in how the game operates. When I run low on health which is usually after a large boss battle, I'm used to shooting enemies to get small bits back until I can heal fully. That isn't the case with Other M and the only way to get health is to find a save station or using the regeneration which only lets you get so much back and usually during a boss fight where I end up dying trying to heal because that's the only time it will let you do it. Don't get me wrong, I love a challenge, but this isn't a challenge. It's just a bit unfair and unbalanced.

But you whine like you have never experienced a real Metroid game before. So what if after a boss battle you cant get health, who cares? It gives more fo a challenge. You want this game to be one of those "just walk and shoot through" games? I'm glad Team Ninja didn't make it that way.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
makezione said:
frogmyster3 said:
I've got the original Metroid on Virtual Console, Fusion on GBA and the Prime games including Hunters and I find them fine, they're fairly straightforward so it's not necessarily that I suck at this because I have experience playing Metroid games with little to no trouble at all. I think the case with this one is that they've changed the dynamics in how the game operates. When I run low on health which is usually after a large boss battle, I'm used to shooting enemies to get small bits back until I can heal fully. That isn't the case with Other M and the only way to get health is to find a save station or using the regeneration which only lets you get so much back and usually during a boss fight where I end up dying trying to heal because that's the only time it will let you do it. Don't get me wrong, I love a challenge, but this isn't a challenge. It's just a bit unfair and unbalanced.

But you whine like you have never experienced a real Metroid game before. So what if after a boss battle you cant get health, who cares? It gives more fo a challenge. You want this game to be one of those "just walk and shoot through" games? I'm glad Team Ninja didn't make it that way.

At what point was I whining? I was pointing out the dismay I felt with this game not living up to expectations. As I said I do love a challenge but this really isn't a challenge, it feels more of a chore. And it certainly feels like more a "just walk and shoot through" game than Metroid normally is. Yes the exploration is there but in almost every room there's a dozen enemies to kill. Anyway, on the bright side the game is looking slightly better after that rough patch I experienced but it's still not earned it's place in the greats.


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Aug 3, 2006
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Alright, i don't know what gave it away(maybe the Other in Other M), but this is meant to be a different take on the series. Team Ninja and Nintendo never said "This is going to be the same as every other Metroid game just to make everybody happy!" . The main idea behind this game is to explore new types of gameplay to expand upon the franchise. I feel this game does justice to the Metroid franchise with its story-telling and remarkable visuals as well as its challenging game play mechanics that only Team Ninja could conjure up. Basically what I'm trying to say is too much of the same thing is never a good thing, and this new take on the series does a very good job of mixing things up.

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