Hacking [IN PROGRESS] New Homebrew Launcher Exploit for 3DS

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
Ok, i'm just going to say firstly: your title is misleading there's no new exploit.

Secondly, i don't believe you possess the knowledge to do this. Even if you recruited 2 other people (who? people who know how wouldn't have needed you to tell them this).

I have this similar thing where i look at exploit A and B then look at C and think something is possible to make; but the difference is you have to realize your limitations and not actually try and do it. Because if it's obvious like this, then someone smarter who can code and understand ARM ASM a lot more than you and me can already do it, and will do it.

Fucking around with the 'most interesting stage' as you put it, is an easy way to brick the 3DS, ask yellows8.. please don't continue this unless i'm wrong and you truly understand what you are doing. I know it's exciting when you think of something that can definitely work, but hasn't been done, but you don't understand the finer details.

Yifanlu doesn't even have a 3DS you know? He just did a quick pseudo-analysis of the whole thing and took details from other people - it's not even close to rebuilding what GW does. Smea's is more detailed but he doesn't say everything either. Once you are at the kernel level minor mistakes or modifications will brick the system, the people doing this stuff don't risk this anymore i'm guessing they got their debug methods.

I'll give an example; i believe i know another game like Cubic Ninja that is exploitable, all signs point to yes, and a developer involved even hinted to me it was tested. I have no clue how to actually port the exploit. I'm not going to attempt it. An idea like this, is immediately obvious to coders so don't worry about it, i'm sure they will do it.

tl;dr i dont think you are prepared or able to do this so please don't post about it especially before no work is done, this is just an (obvious) theory that is possible


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
Also don't even try and use GW's later stages, use smea's HB code if you are seriously capable of doing anything (most people who are capable don't announce beforehand). Because you will fall into traps and you will not separate GW from the HW. Just my advice sorry if it sounded harsh.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2014
tl;dr i dont think you are prepared or able to do this so please don't post about it especially before no work is done, this is just an (obvious) theory that is possible



The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
Well, this is certainly news I'll love to follow! ^_^ And given the fact the 3DS can be downgraded, heh heh heh....

Ok, i'm just going to say firstly: your title is misleading there's no new exploit.

Secondly, i don't believe you possess the knowledge to do this. Even if you recruited 2 other people (who? people who know how wouldn't have needed you to tell them this).

I have this similar thing where i look at exploit A and B then look at C and think something is possible to make; but the difference is you have to realize your limitations and not actually try and do it. Because if it's obvious like this, then someone smarter who can code and understand ARM ASM a lot more than you and me can already do it, and will do it.

Fucking around with the 'most interesting stage' as you put it, is an easy way to brick the 3DS, ask yellows8.. please don't continue this unless i'm wrong and you truly understand what you are doing. I know it's exciting when you think of something that can definitely work, but hasn't been done, but you don't understand the finer details.

Yifanlu doesn't even have a 3DS you know? He just did a quick pseudo-analysis of the whole thing and took details from other people - it's not even close to rebuilding what GW does. Smea's is more detailed but he doesn't say everything either. Once you are at the kernel level minor mistakes or modifications will brick the system, the people doing this stuff don't risk this anymore i'm guessing they got their debug methods.

I'll give an example; i believe i know another game like Cubic Ninja that is exploitable, all signs point to yes, and a developer involved even hinted to me it was tested. I have no clue how to actually port the exploit. I'm not going to attempt it. An idea like this, is immediately obvious to coders so don't worry about it, i'm sure they will do it.

tl;dr i dont think you are prepared or able to do this so please don't post about it especially before no work is done, this is just an (obvious) theory that is possible

TL;DR, don't tell the OP what he can or can't do, you're not a programmer or a hacker. Debby Downer much? You don't have the knowledge either, so what can you contribute to the 3DS hacking scene? Discouragement and negativity? Go kiss Gateway's ass, I'm sure they need more sycophants.


Real Aloha
Jul 27, 2007
United States
wow what a jerk. This is why GBAtemp can't have nice things is because of people like infinity. Why can't more people be supportive?

If this can let me run .3dsx files from a web exploit, I'm looking forward to it. keep up the hard work! If I were capable of assisting I would, but I'm not.

Also, ignore the gateway slaves. they're just butthurt because they already spent the money to pirate and they don't want others to pirate for free. Maybe true that we wouldn't be where we are today without gateway, but that doesn't mean we can't have choices going forward.


The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
wow what a jerk. This is why GBAtemp can't have nice things is because of people like infinity. Why can't more people be supportive?

If this can let me run .3dsx files from a web exploit, I'm looking forward to it. keep up the hard work! If I were capable of assisting I would, but I'm not.

Also, ignore the gateway slaves. they're just butthurt because they already spent the money to pirate and they don't want others to pirate for free. Maybe true that we wouldn't be where we are today without gateway, but that doesn't mean we can't have choices going forward.

Well, he's a programmer of course, he knows what he's talking about, right? Obviously, as a programmer, what he says is definitive and absolute, as such, his words cannot be refuted /sarcasm :rolleyes: He's clearly a butthurt GW sheep, sent on a mission to discredit any hacks that are freely available to 3DS users who wish to hack their console without spending 60-80 dollars on a flashcard. In his world, a free softmod is tantamount to a federal crime :creep: Thanks to lemmings like him anyways. I think he doesn't want there to be a free solution.
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Cold Beverage Lover
Jan 9, 2015
United States
It's nice to see you working on this, friend. I hope that the little bit of information I gave you helps a bit. You can always message me to talk about it. As for using the gateway webkit hack, it would be safer to use the site shinyquagsire23 hosts. It does the same thing, and it is a lot less likely to throw a brick through your screen. You can check it out at go.plxhack.us.

As for the disbelievers, there are currently MANY people working on things like this, collaborating, sharing information. With each new release, we learn little bits more. Yifan has does a wonderful break down of how things work, and Smea's write-up explains the GPU DMA well. It's silly to disbelieve someone can do something simply because you can not.


The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
It's nice to see you working on this, friend. I hope that the little bit of information I gave you helps a bit. You can always message me to talk about it. As for using the gateway webkit hack, it would be safer to use the site shinyquagsire23 hosts. It does the same thing, and it is a lot less likely to throw a brick through your screen. You can check it out at go.plxhack.us.

As for the disbelievers, there are currently MANY people working on things like this, collaborating, sharing information. With each new release, we learn little bits more. Yifan has does a wonderful break down of how things work, and Smea's write-up explains the GPU DMA well. It's silly to disbelieve someone can do something simply because you can not.

To the doubters and haters who don't like the idea of free CFW or free mods, haters gonna hate. Deal with it. :P
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
I don't even have a Gateway you retards, and you don't even know what i have or have not done. But i've looked and understood enough to know when something is difficult or not and if the person seems capable of doing it. i'm not being harsh i'm giving him advice based on my own inability to hack - i was not personally insulting the guy. I know what it's like. It doesn't mean i've done nothing at all ever - i bet you 100% you used something i helped with in the past.

I support GW because they are reputable. It's better for the long-term if their flashcart is the main method for piracy, i can tell this because since they hacked 4.5 entirely - nobody has even fully recreated that work publicly. It's good the best pirate hackers are paid for their effort.

I was involved in the PSP scene it was free CFW all the way. It meant people working for free having to catch up with Sony on each FW and it was just lucky it had so many issues from 1.0 that it was possible. Do you see the Vita and Wii-U? What will come first, free CFW or a pay method? And who do you think works on that too...

As for the disbelievers, there are currently MANY people working on things like this, collaborating, sharing information. With each new release, we learn little bits more. Yifan has does a wonderful break down of how things work, and Smea's write-up explains the GPU DMA well. It's silly to disbelieve someone can do something simply because you can not.

I actually guessed the GPU DMA exploit before it was public, some hints were around if you pay attention, but i didn't make a public post about it or tell people because i could not understand it fully. That's what i mean, you can theory-hack something but you can't make it. This guy means well, so good, but don't make a post until something is working.


The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
I don't even have a Gateway you retards, and you don't even know what i have or have not done. But i've looked and understood enough to know when something is difficult or not and if the person seems capable of doing it. i'm not being harsh i'm giving him advice based on my own inability to hack - i was not personally insulting the guy. I know what it's like. It doesn't mean i've done nothing at all ever - i bet you 100% you used something i helped with in the past.

I support GW because they are reputable. It's better for the long-term if their flashcart is the main method for piracy, i can tell this because since they hacked 4.5 entirely - nobody has even fully recreated that work publicly. It's good the best pirate hackers are paid for their effort.

I was involved in the PSP scene it was free CFW all the way. It meant people working for free having to catch up with Sony on each FW and it was just lucky it had so many issues from 1.0 that it was possible. Do you see the Vita and Wii-U? What will come first, free CFW or a pay method? And who do you think works on that too...

Cool,:creep: No one gives a shit what you think about the Gateway. You're uppity that people want to develop free mods for the 3DS, who cares if they do? This doesn't concern you, and you are not even contributing to the conversation :rofl2:


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2008
While this sounds awesome, soon you will understand why no one wants to release a cfw for 3ds on gbatemp... I give it 2 more days before they start whining to you to hurry up and make a cfw so they can pirate their games.

ara ara, she only thought of the idea yesterday sure.


why do particular devs get upset when a CFW for the public may become available/released ?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
Cool, so, now you're stooping to ad hominem attacks by calling people retards? That's very kind of you :creep: No one gives a shit what you think about the Gateway. You're uppity that people want to develop free mods for the 3DS, who the hell cares if they do? This doesn't concern you, and you are not even contributing to the conversation :rofl2: Guess what, people are going to develop soft mods for the 3DS and there's not a thing you can do to stop it.

You started the personal attacks, but you got 12,000 posts and don't know that i've been around posting about this stuff for a long time... people will make free mods - hell i am one of the people that would even help that stuff usually, but the details about the later stages of kernel hacking is not very easy to recreate from some quick write-ups by 2 guys.

If people don't give a shit they can ignore. But i've been trying to advise people since before GW was even released - I was right that it was real, it was going to be supported. Then i advised not to buy MT-card. Then i advised not to buy Sky3DS. Now i'm advising this particular guy not to talk in public about something that's hes 'working on'.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2008
Well, he's a programmer of course, he knows what he's talking about, right? Obviously, as a programmer, what he says is definitive and absolute, as such, his words cannot be refuted /sarcasm :rolleyes: He's clearly a butthurt GW sheep, sent on a mission to discredit any hacks that are freely available to 3DS users who wish to hack their console without spending 60-80 dollars on a flashcard. In his world, a free softmod is tantamount to a federal crime :creep: Thanks to lemmings like him anyways. I think he doesn't want there to be a free solution.
wow what a jerk. This is why GBAtemp can't have nice things is because of people like infinity. Why can't more people be supportive?
Also, ignore the gateway slaves. they're just butthurt because they already spent the money to pirate and they don't want others to pirate for free. Maybe true that we wouldn't be where we are today without gateway, but that doesn't mean we can't have choices going forward.
TL;DR, don't tell the OP what he can or can't do, you're not a programmer or a hacker. Debby Downer much? You don't have the knowledge either, so what can you contribute to the 3DS hacking scene? Discouragement and negativity? Go kiss Gateway's ass, I'm sure they need more sycophants.

As for the disbelievers, there are currently MANY people working on things like this, collaborating, sharing information. With each new release, we learn little bits more. Yifan has does a wonderful break down of how things work, and Smea's write-up explains the GPU DMA well. It's silly to disbelieve someone can do something simply because you can not.
You get a different reply, because you're not just trying to cling on to a hope.
It's silly to blindly believe someone who yesterday, asked me in a thread how they should start programming, and that they had this great idea.


Cold Beverage Lover
Jan 9, 2015
United States
I don't even have a Gateway you retards, and you don't even know what i have or have not done. But i've looked and understood enough to know when something is difficult or not and if the person seems capable of doing it. i'm not being harsh i'm giving him advice based on my own inability to hack - i was not personally insulting the guy. I know what it's like. It doesn't mean i've done nothing at all ever - i bet you 100% you used something i helped with in the past.

I support GW because they are reputable. It's better for the long-term if their flashcart is the main method for piracy, i can tell this because since they hacked 4.5 entirely - nobody has even fully recreated that work publicly. It's good the best pirate hackers are paid for their effort.

I was involved in the PSP scene it was free CFW all the way. It meant people working for free having to catch up with Sony on each FW and it was just lucky it had so many issues from 1.0 that it was possible. Do you see the Vita and Wii-U? What will come first, free CFW or a pay method? And who do you think works on that too...

You get a different reply, because you're not just trying to cling on to a hope.

It's silly to blindly believe someone who yesterday, asked me in a thread how they should start programming, and that they had this great idea.
My comment was not targeted towards you, simply everyone as a whole. We are all supposed to be working for the same cause here, homebrew. If we all are at each other's necks, we will never get anything done. There has been a lot of work towards the use of the webkit hack as well as the GPU DMA hack. With the release of Regionthree, st4rk and shutterbug2000 have been modifying it slightly for different uses. It is very well possible that TheHomesk1llet, and his helpers, understand what they are doing. The information I was given came from Smea himself, and instead of hording it for my own good, I have been sharing it with anyone that asks.

Instead of bashing everyone for trying, can't we all just help each other?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2014
United States
I'm fixen to upgrade my 3ds sd card from 4gb to 32gb! getting ready for what will come of this!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2008
Again, it was not directed towards anyone, simply everyone as a whole.

Everyone in this thread who says they're working or had worked on something 4 hax, was OP, the guy you quoted and yourself.

The rest are angry because gateway is a drm card.

I'll say what I said earlier today though, I doubt her ability, but if she thinks she can do it, I hope she really does prove me wrong.
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