Gaming Guise have you seen Iron fall? [60fps, graphic whore edition?)

Jul 20, 2011
The 3ds launch ~2 1/2 years ago. The phones you are describing now are recent and even then they still cost more.Most phones and tablets don't have game controls, if any with nexus sort of power. The 3ds has 3d and Nexus doesn't even have a SD card slot.

Come on please. Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Comparing 3DS effect SD card slot? Come on. We all know the next iteration won't support 3D (see Nintendo 2DS) and an SD-slot costs shit. The 3DS is big enough to fit a beast inside there while compact phones don't. And you're going to tell me plastic buttons are expensive? Please unless you have any idea what it takes to manufacture electronics please don't comment any more.

You seem to forget that Nintendo has most handheld gaming patents which are usually the bulk of costs. And when they don't have those licenses, chances are they won't even include it. (think codec support, radio licenses etc)


Sep 13, 2009
United States
KingVamp, you and I both know that the 3DS was underpowered Day 1.
Come on please. Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Comparing 3DS effect SD card slot? Come on. We all know the next iteration won't support 3D (see Nintendo 2DS) and an SD-slot costs shit. The 3DS is big enough to fit a beast inside there while compact phones don't. And you're going to tell me plastic buttons are expensive? Please unless you have any idea what it takes to manufacture electronics please don't comment any more.

You seem to forget that Nintendo has most handheld gaming patents which are usually the bulk of costs. And when they don't have those licenses, chances are they won't even include it. (think codec support, radio licenses etc)

Didn't really have time right now discuss, but my whole point is 3ds has more hardware then you are downplaying. As of right now, original 3ds $170. Nexus $350.

"Won't have 3d." We'll see.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2012
Lol they wrote their own SDK for this game in pure assembly? It's obviously going to contain numerous exploits, I might pick it up, just so that when an exploit for it does come out I wont have to pay 5x more to get the game.
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Jul 20, 2011
Didn't really have time right now discuss, but my whole point is 3ds has more hardware then you are downplaying. As of right now, original 3ds $170. Nexus $350.

"Won't have 3d." We'll see.

Yeah sure, let's compare current price versus launch price. Well done.
Let's make that 250 shall we. Also good job taking the price of the 4G LTE version, the wifi version is just 225USD.

Just look at what you get on a N7 voor 225 USD:
1920*1080 capacitive IPS Display
32GB Flash memory
Snapdragon 600 1,5 Ghz Quadcore
3950 mAh battery

Just look at the heavenly specs you get for such a bargain. And that's JUST the specs. You can not possibly believe that Nintendo put any effort into creating something that was worth the price. Not for the 250USD pricetag it had. It was already horribly outdated with shit SoC, crappy screens and also a very small battery which couldn't even power a nokia 3310 for a day. If you value the hardware buttons at such a high price, then be my guest. But you're just being blind imo.

Why is it so hard to acknowledge that Nintendo is ripping you off? Nintendo is like the Apple of toys. They come with outdated specs with a too high price tag. Seriously it would be nice if they could make an effort into bringing out at least some future gen hardware instead of going back in the past and making it become outdated before it even releases. Let alone when it ages over the year.


End of the World
Jan 26, 2009
All I know is that this game looks impressive on a Nintendo handheld, which have been consistently underpowered. Draw the baselines there -- "underpowered".

Comparing its graphics to games on other devices with obviously better specs is... well, messy.

Go find a relatively on-par device, get the best-looking game on that, and then start comparing -- textures, models, framerates, everything.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
United States
Yeah sure, let's compare current price versus launch price. Well done.
Let's make that 250 shall we. Also good job taking the price of the 4G LTE version, the wifi version is just 225USD.

Just look at what you get on a N7 voor 225 USD:

For all you pricks pandering specs and what not, what you ignorants fail to realize is that the 3DS can do what it does without getting hot to the touch. Try gaming on a Nexus for several hours, and let's see what gets warm.

Now the fun part, do this for several months, gaming several hours a day. Let's see what dies first.

And why the f****** are you comparing a 2011 device to a 2013 device? Go back to your Android versus iOS wars, keep that sh*t out of here.
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Jul 20, 2011
For all you pricks pandering specs and what not, what you ignorants fail to realize is that the 3DS can do what it does without getting hot to the touch. Try gaming on a Nexus for several hours, and let's see what gets warm.

Now the fun part, do this for several months, gaming several hours a day. Let's see what dies first.

And why the f****** are you comparing a 2011 device to a 2013 device? Go back to your Android versus iOS wars, keep that sh*t out of here.

Wow, you guys are really ignorant and borderline aggressive. It's like you almost want to pay insane prices for outdated hardware otherwise you'll murder someone over it.

You also have no clue how SoC's work. You want to make a bet that the 3DS dies first when stressed over it's max compared to a Nexus? Not just max, but pretty much all stress levels you can imagine. The 3DS will be outperformed by any device including those who were released at the same year as well as before I can guarantee you that.

A SoC made with the latest ARM architectures optimized for performance, battery life etc made by top notch semiconductors like Samsung, nVidia and Qualcomm versus an old ARM architecture with pretty much no notable features made by a random Japanese startup. It's not hard to pick a winner? A startup doesn't have nearly enough experience nor the income to produce anything noteworthy.

You also seem to forget that phones and tablets are meant to be compact and light. Of course they will run hot when used too long at maximum performance. Anything does. But on the other hand, have you seen how much unused space the DS has? Or what about that big ass XL? It's not impossible to provide for additional cooling and/or better airflow then a phone/tablet has.

In conclusion, it can host anything a tablet has without having to sacrifice anything you currently enjoy. As for your last argument, Nintendo would release an underpowered device in 2013 too. It wouldn't be much better than what we have now.

I simply do not get why people are so hostile when suggestions are given to improve Nintendo's overall gaming experience. Is it such a bad thing? I seriously don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
United States
Both are on the market in 2013 and pitched as current devices doing similar things, as such they can stand to be compared.

Okay, so since both are on the market, and do "similar" things, they can be compared? So let's compare a Nexus 7 2012 to an Nvidia Shield, how about comparing an iPhone 4S to insert-Snapdragon-800/600-device-here, uh oh, FOX BREAKING NEWS, the stuff that came out recently is a hell of a lot better than the stuff that came out in the yesteryears! So what are we actually comparing? Oh, the only thing I can see "similar" are that the 3DS and insert-Snapdragon-800/600-device-here can play games. As the 3DS' primary function. Yes, I know it can "browse" the web, but nobody buys it primarily to surf the web, it is to play games, and so now we are comparing gameplay, right? Ah gee, I can't play 3DS games on Android! Why? I thought we were comparing "playing games", why can't I play 3DS games on Android?

See how stupid that sounds? What should be compared are ecosystems, and last I checked iPhone users upgrade to the latest iPhone to enjoy their iOS apps in a better experience, some folks jump aboard the latest Android device to enjoy their apps in the latest number of cores/speed. 3DS games? Aha, seems like only Nintendo makes 3DS systems, and if anyone wanted to play 3DS games, they'd have to buy one of three handhelds. That leads us to:

Wow, you guys are really ignorant and borderline aggressive. It's like you almost want to pay insane prices for outdated hardware otherwise you'll murder someone over it.
Does Motorola make Nintendo consoles? No? Who should I buy from? Overpriced Nintendo? No one else makes 3DS systems, so Nintendo set a price: $250 for the initial MSRP. That didn't work out to well, so what's it at now? $180, and look how that is selling now. Overpriced? Get out of here. Nintendo is in a market, and that is handheld gaming, who is the other guy? Sony? And what, their PSP or Vita? Not to knock on either of those, but last I checked they don't play 3DS games either. And last I checked, they weren't selling too well. I think they may be overpriced. (hint hint hint)

You also have no clue how SoC's work.
How smart! I'm sure you don't manufacture any either.

You want to make a bet that the 3DS dies first when stressed over it's max compared to a Nexus?
Has anyone ever "stressed" a 3DS to the max? I have a 3DS, and I've played with a Nexus 2012 several times, and that thing gets warm at a corner. Like, don't-touch-that-corner hot. Never with my 3DS while playing a game. This "bet" of yours will have to wait until someone plugs the 3DS CPU directly into a wall socket.

Not just max, but pretty much all stress levels you can imagine. The 3DS will be outperformed by any device including those who were released at the same year as well as before I can guarantee you that.
Will be? You can guarantee it? Who here even remembers when the 3DS was first revealed? It was revealed in 2010. I'm sure you forgot everything about device development, planning, and manufacturing. The damn thing had playable prototypes at E3 2010, so it was very much being worked on in the months before that. It would practically be a 2009 device. Want a trip down Android Memory lane during that time span? It was still suffering under Froyo/Gingerbread, and I don't need to remind you all the hilarious horror stories of HTC's rise and fall, as well as the deluge of cheapo Android phones that followed. I've given you proof, now show me yours.

A SoC made with the latest ARM architectures optimized for performance, battery life etc made by top notch semiconductors like Samsung, nVidia and Qualcomm versus an old ARM architecture with pretty much no notable features made by a random Japanese startup. It's not hard to pick a winner? A startup doesn't have nearly enough experience nor the income to produce anything noteworthy.
What are we talking about again? Qualcomm's Adreno followed up on ATI's Imageon. Nivida had their mobile GeForce. Samsung? Finally realized their Omnia phones just weren't making the cut, so hello Mali GPU. Their technology market was already established, they are competing against each other, and last I checked Nintendo are the only one's manufacturing insert-numerical-DS-here. Again, want to play 3DS games? Go buy an Android I'm sorry I meant 3DS/XL/2DS.

You also seem to forget that phones and tablets are meant to be compact and light. Of course they will run hot when used too long at maximum performance. Anything does. But on the other hand, have you seen how much unused space the DS has?
I thought we were talking about the "overpriced" 3DS at $250, and what you, and everyone else hating on it, fail to realize, is that Nintendo effectively doubled or nearly tripled the power of the DS, in the same size shell as the DS Lite! And the DS Lite is fatter than the 3DS! If that's not an improvement, nothing will satisfy whiners.

Or what about that big ass XL? It's not impossible to provide for additional cooling and/or better airflow then a phone/tablet has.
I thought we were talking about the "overpriced" 3DS at $250.

In conclusion, it can host anything a tablet has without having to sacrifice anything you currently enjoy.
In the same shell as the 3DS? I don't want to burn my fingers, thanks, I'll pay the $160 USD Brand New amount that I paid for it.

As for your last argument, Nintendo would release an underpowered device in 2013 too. It wouldn't be much better than what we have now.
A new device, or something of the same family? You mean there's a new system that can play a new generation of games?:O /s

I simply do not get why people are so hostile when suggestions are given to improve Nintendo's overall gaming experience. Is it such a bad thing? I seriously don't get it.
I'm not being hostile. You want to know how I translated your past few posts?

"WTF, Nintendo is selling overpriced hardware, Nexus 7 2013 is better, cheaper, and can play games that aren't 3DS games."

Now you may not have worded it in the exact same words, but doggonit I saw you as perplexed and confuzzled as to why someone would buy an ancient, 2010/2009 device at $250 I mean $180. Why? Because I want to play 3DS games. And because no other manufacturer builds 3DS systems, I'm going to hand Nintendo my money. Can they make a newer, better device now? Hot damn yeah, but that's not the market, right now they have an ecosystem in place that says "3DS games", if they were to make a 3DS successor with the latest Snapdragons now, do you know how stupid that would be? It wasn't even 3 years, and now everyone gotta buy a new device to continue playing 3DS games/ start playing the new games.

Different markets, different strategies. The Nexus lineup has to compete with HTC, Sony, Huawei, etc. Those are meanto have better specs than the competition. Nintendo is not in the phone/tablet craze, it's in the tried and traditional console lifespan strategy.

Next topic: "overpriced" iPhones. No way in hell a plastic iPhone is the same price as it's previous alloy'ish brother....../s


Global Moderator
Jan 6, 2008
United States
I thought we were talking about the "overpriced" 3DS at $250, and what you, and everyone else hating on it, fail to realize, is that Nintendo effectively doubled or nearly tripled the power of the DS, in the same size shell as the DS Lite! And the DS Lite is fatter than the 3DS! If that's not an improvement, nothing will satisfy whiners.
Which might have actually been somewhat impressive if it wasnt released over 6 years after the ds


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
United States
Which might have actually been somewhat impressive if it wasnt released over 6 years after the ds

Did you want it thinner to the point where we can't hold it comfortably anymore, or did you want the Vita to fit into there? Xperia Play didn't turn out so hot...

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