Five Nights At Freddy's creator, Scott Cawthon, has retired from game development


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I never once said someone wasn't free to condemn his choice. I said they were condemned to threatening his livelihood.
If Scott's actions causes people to not want to patronize his video games, that's Scott's fault. People are free to spend (and not spend) their money as they choose. He's not entitled to their money. If Scott's livelihood is somehow threatened by the response to his actions, perhaps he shouldn't have done it, and that's on him.

Again, you are putting words in my mouth because you, as usual, are incapable of anything BUT putting words in people's mouths. It's the #1 habit with almost every post you've done on this forum since I joined. You're adding context that isn't there. You're adding concepts that are not expressed. Because that is all you can do. And here, AGAIN, we see you do it, AGAIN, with the same lines of text, AGAIN. Please, for love of god, stop.
You seem to be making the argument that there's somehow something wrong with people using their conscience to decide how they want to spend money. If that's not what you're arguing, and if you're not arguing that Scott is somehow entitled to people's money regardless of his political donations, then you can drop the whining about Scott's livelihood. It would be hypocritical to say Scott can spend his money how he wants, but his fanbase doesn't have the same rights with their money.

In other words, if a boycott is threatening someone's livelihood, that's not the fault of those participating in the boycott, and they are undeserving of condemnation. They are free to spend their money as they choose.

By the way, nowhere, once, in here, have you condemned the people who doxxed him, and while you condemn the doxxing, you've yet to condemn the people because it got the result YOU agree with. That is the epitome of a crooked mentality. You are embodying my whole point.
I've said numerous times in this thread that doxxing, harassment, etc. are unacceptable. I've never condoned these things, and I've condemned them. Please don't make things up about what I have/haven't said. Thank you.

Nobody said it gives freedom from criticism. but this isn't about the criticism. It's about the doxxing, the harassment (which is not necessarily criticism), so on and so forth. but again, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN, you try to twist what I say AND imply to make it about YOUR narrative.
If this conversation is only about harassment and doxing, then you and I are on the same page. However, those aren't the things I'm talking about. I'm specifically responding to the hypocritical whinings about "cancel culture." People are free to criticize Scott's actions and boycott his products, and rightfully so. Scott's actions were bad.

I know to cancel stuff too. I stopped following Coke after their anti-White campaign and haven't looked back, because ANY form of overt racist mentality is unwelcomed in my mind. (Edit!) The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products. MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE LEFT'S GOAL WITH THE FNAF CREATOR???

Yet again, you put words in my mouth, and I am honestly tired of you trying to gaslight people, to lie to them what I and others around you say, because the only way you naturally know how to argue is to put words in peoples mouths.
I'm not putting words in your mouth. If you are going to argue that people shouldn't be boycotting Scott, then you are saying Scott is entitled to people's money despite his actions and how his fanbase feels about his actions. If you're not arguing that people shouldn't be boycotting Scott, then great. We are on the same page.
"but there I was, trending on twitter for being a homophobe, getting doxed, with people threatening to come to my house"

I'm sorry, I don't see how slandering a person as a homophobe and getting doxxed DOESN'T harm their livelihood. Much less threatening to come to one's house because they share a different opinion. Maybe you've never heard of MENTAL TRAUMA/STRESS?
As I've already said, doxxing and harassment are unacceptable behavior. That being said, calling someone out for homophobic actions like donating money to a homophobic candidate is not slander, and it's a fair criticism of Scott and his actions. Acknowledging what he did, explaining why it's bad, condemning it, boycotting his work, and suggesting others do the same is not harassment, and it's Scott's fault if that results in a loss of income.

I'm waiting for you to provide documents. I don't believe ANYTHING you say seeing as you've lied about what I've said at least TWICE now.
I haven't lied about anything you've said, and there's nothing untrue in the list of the former president's anti-LGBT behavior I posted. You are free to deny it all you want, but it would be pretty silly to do so. Most things on the list, including things like the trans military ban, are common knowledge.

Never said it wasn't his fault. But hey, again, you're putting words in my mouth.
If you aren't saying it isn't Scott's fault, then I'm not sure why you're condemning everyone involved other than Scott.

To quote:
"“To be less white is: to be less oppressive, to be less arrogant, to be less trusting, to be less defensive, to be less ignorant, to be more humble, to listen, to believe. , break with apathy and break with white solidarity ” ."

There's a link to the twitter post with the documents inside, which mind you, Coke has admitted existed and took them down.
I wasn't aware of this. Regardless, it looks like this wasn't mandatory training, and it wasn't Coke that said these things. It also looks like Coke responded by removing it, so I'm not sure what else you want from them.

If, however, you're still upset by Coke's actions, you have every right to condemn them and boycott them. The same goes for Scott's fanbase.

I already answered this. Why is it so hard for you to read things as they are?

The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products. MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE LEFT'S GOAL WITH THE FNAF CREATOR???
I'm not sure how this is relevant then. Nothing I've said in this thread, aside from condemnations, has to do with harassment and doxxing.

Sources. FOIA Requests, Court Documents, Investigative reports released by police agencies. I trust absolutely nothing out of you as a person.
That sounds like a personal problem. Regardless, you don't have to trust anything I've said. Go look it up yourself. All it takes is a Google Search for "trans military ban," for example, to find what you're looking for. I look up just about everything anyone posts in threads like these (I looked up your Coke claim, for example). It isn't difficult, and it's not my responsibility to do your research for you. If you want to be able to come up with a substantive response to anything I've posted, you have to do the work yourself. Speaking of which, if you do respond to this post, please respond to it directly or tag me in it. Otherwise, I might not see your response. I almost didn't see this one, but fortunately for you, I was in the thread rereading my own posts.

Where's the federal charges for all the looters/arsonists/etc as their charges were dismissed by Portland and New York, following Biden taking office?
State governments aren't beholden to the president of the United States, and with regard to federal charges, the Biden/Garland justice department is still going through with hundreds charges against people who committed crimes during BLM protests.

You should turn off the Fox News every once in awhile. Discussions like these aren't fun when we live on two different Earths.

As you said, by not condemning those who are doing such actions, they themselves are condoning the actions. Isn't that how it works? Because IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

Violence against LGBT people abroad occurred in part because the former administration explicitly refused to condemn it, and violence against LGBT people in this country occurred in large part because the former administration refused to talk about it or do anything about it.

Lemme reword this for you:

Violence, murder, looting, arson against people abroad occurred in part because the current administration explicitly refused to condemn it, and such against people in this country occurred in large part because the current administration refuses to talk about it or do anything about it.
Biden has condemned all of the things you say he hasn't, before and after the 2020 election. Oof.

Same difference. They like Trump can pass off a light 'plz don't do this', like how Trump gave his half-assed request for the Proud Boys to 'stand down'. But until Biden begins pushing for Federal cases against the Arsonists and the sort, he's spewing platitudes.
Last I checked, Biden never responded to white supremist protests by saying "there are good people on both sides." Biden didn't cause a deadly riot on the Capitol. Biden didn't tell the Proud Boys to "stand down and standby."

And Biden's justice department is indeed continuing to pursue federal charges against some of the people who committed crimes during the BLM protests.

Wow, you really are incapable of realizing just how narrow your entire worldview is. You don't realize that everything you've said about the Republicans ALSO applies to the Democrats.
Before I respond to anything else you say, please post the #1 best example of something I've said about "Republicans" that also applies to "Democrats." Please and thank you.

I am very amused that if you are from this or that "community" you should vote yes or yes for a specific candidate.

If you are Gay it does not make you part of the LGBT community.
If you are a Woman, it does not make you part of the Feminist community.

Each person is different, do not try to group the thought by gender, sexuality or race.
Each person is different, and there are going to be people in one group (LGBT, for example) who vote against LGBT interests. However, that is not the same as saying they shouldn't vote for LGBT interests. They should. Everybody should vote in favor of civil rights.

If a person is gay, it does not automatically make them a part of the LGBT community. However, if a person is gay and identifies as gay, then that person is a member of the LGBT community. That doesn't mean, however, that the person has to agree with the broader LGBT community on anything whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
United States
If Scott's actions causes people to not want to patronize his video games, that's Scott's fault. People are free to spend (and not spend) their money as they choose. He's not entitled to their money. If Scott's livelihood is somehow threatened by the response to his actions, perhaps he shouldn't have done it, and that's on him.

Original post:

Seriously what's the most pathetic thing in this topic is the intolerant left. Because he voted trump he's an evil person by association of the republican party? My god people, and you wonder why so many people dislike the further-left democrats. You guys are the definition of intolerant.

My issue's the intolerance. And I specify this twice more throughout my post.

yet even before the Republicans were out of office you Democrats wanted to take away every Republican minded person's job in the world and half of you all seem to wish them dead!

The Republicans are definitely a cult under Trump's stupid personality and many don't realize the damage they DO cause, and the more extreme Democrats are so stuck in their self-righteous dogma I would swear that lot should make their own god damn religion.

Not once have I EVER been unclear that my issue is with the most intolerant, extreme, hostile democrats, the ones who think it's fine to directly threaten others, whether through emotional trauma, physical threats, etc. The exact sort YOU play word gymnastics to try to convince me and EVERYONE else here that YOU aren't. Don't believe me? Look at your next sentence.

You seem to be making the argument that there's somehow something wrong with people using their conscience to decide how they want to spend money.


How many bloody god damn times have I said this exact next line line? LET'S SEE! I'll color code each individual instance!

What people are not allowed to do is wish people to lose their livelihood/jobs over their political choices, that, (EDIT) their right to their political freedom,(/EDIT) is the VERY ESSENCE of "Freedom of Politics".

He's welcomed to his opinion as much as you are yours, it's when your opinion threatens another's livelihood that you're exiting 'political speech' and entering a realm I could only explain as "verbal lynching".

(Edit!) The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products.

I never once said someone wasn't free to condemn his choice. I said they were condemned to threatening his livelihood.

Nobody said it gives freedom from criticism. but this isn't about the criticism. It's about the doxxing, the harassment (which is not necessarily criticism), so on and so forth. but again, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN, you try to twist what I say AND imply to make it about YOUR narrative.

I know to cancel stuff too. I stopped following Coke after their anti-White campaign and haven't looked back, because ANY form of overt racist mentality is unwelcomed in my mind. (Edit!) The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products. MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE LEFT'S GOAL WITH THE FNAF CREATOR???

(in response to you saying I think he's entitled to money from the left)
I will repeat what I said before:

I know to cancel stuff too. I stopped following Coke after their anti-White campaign and haven't looked back, because ANY form of overt racist mentality is unwelcomed in my mind. (Edit!) The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products. MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE LEFT'S GOAL WITH THE FNAF CREATOR???

(In Response to you asking me what's the difference between me boycotting Coke and the Intolerant Left Doxxing, Threatening, slandering Scott.)
I already answered this. Why is it so hard for you to read things as they are?

The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products. MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE LEFT'S GOAL WITH THE FNAF CREATOR???

That's EIGHT times, I've told you the same exact thing. There has never been an issue with people not paying him. The issue is that they DOXXED him, they leaked his public details so any Joe, Jill, and in between can harass him because of his political opinion. They can call his phone and call him all sorts of slurs. They can send him bombs if they're insane enough. They SLURRED him, they call him a Homophobe because he voted Republican because THEY are Homophobic, not because HE is homophobic. That's the same as Nintendo calling all of us Pirates and arresting us because this forum promotes use of game modifications which are often used by piraters!

So on and so forth. TIME, and TIME, again, you are continuing to put words in my mouth. You either are completely illiterate, or you are so delusional you are incapable of reading the English Language. This isn't even me trying to insult you, this is exactly what you are.

If that's not what you're arguing, and if you're not arguing that Scott is somehow entitled to people's money regardless of his political donations, then you can drop the whining about Scott's livelihood. It would be hypocritical to say Scott can spend his money how he wants, but his fanbase doesn't have the same rights with their money.

If people won't hire him because of a false stigma he's homophobic simply because of his political arrangement, if he can't leave his house without being uncertain someone won't shiv him for being a 'Republican supporter', then he cannot safely ensure the livelihood of himself or his family. Maybe this idea's so foreign because you lack any and all ability to place yourself in someone else's shoes, and I'm not speaking empathetically - although clearly that is a skill you lack - I'm speaking just being able to place yourself psychologically into a situation and emulating events in your mind. You don't consider what effects ANY of this can have on a person's livelihood.

I've seen cases like Vic Mignogna and Johnny Depp over the years, who even to today struggle to find jobs even a fraction as good paying because of lies and slander about what they've done in their lives. People editting images or extremely specific frames out of context of a video, by people like you who tell the third-party people what THEY think even as they tell everyone else that they didn't think or feel anything like the image implies, while the fourth party (the readers/viewers) are wasting time having to listen to your political bullshit in an attempt for people like you ruining people's images.

In other words, if a boycott is threatening someone's livelihood, that's not the fault of those participating in the boycott, and they are undeserving of condemnation. They are free to spend their money as they choose.

And this is time #10 I'll need to tell you this is about the Doxxing, harassment, etc!

I've said numerous times in this thread that doxxing, harassment, etc. are unacceptable. I've never condoned these things, and I've condemned them. Please don't make things up about what I have/haven't said. Thank you.

Then how is it SO GOD DAMN HARD for you to get that I've made it clear since POST ONE that my issue has been with the INTOLERANT LEFT, the LEFT EXTREMISTS, who go so damn hard that they HAVE doxxed them? Even if you HAD failed to see it, I made it SO CLEAR in my response to your gaslighting absurdity that the issue has been the doxxing and I am all for boycotting that you SOMEHOW find yourself incapable of reading THE ACTUAL LINES and are reading between the lines looking for a boogieman, persistently trying to accept anything else than what I have bluntly put as the truth for you and everyone else to read.

And you never condemned them. I've yet to see you condemn ANYONE in this topic directly for being thankful for the doxxing. You've condemned the action, but you have yet to condemn a SINGLE SOUL for actually DOING the doxxing and have SUPPORTED it simply by saying "Oh the act's bad, but I still appreciate it because it lead to him quitting".

HIM QUITTING should NOT have been a result of his being Harassed, Doxxed, and Slandered. It should be a result of his own actions. The fact you are one of those who are thankful he quit as a result of this and show no sympathy for him shows the sort of monster you really are.

If this conversation is only about harassment and doxing, then you and I are on the same page. However, those aren't the things I'm talking about. I'm specifically responding to the hypocritical whinings about "cancel culture." People are free to criticize Scott's actions and boycott his products, and rightfully so. Scott's actions were bad.

Says the biggest hypocrite here who can't even realize his own actions are, as I stated above, supporting the act of the cancel culture. This was never a boycott, it was shaming and threatening a man until he quit.

I'm not putting words in your mouth. If you are going to argue that people shouldn't be boycotting Scott, then you are saying Scott is entitled to people's money despite his actions and how his fanbase feels about his actions. If you're not arguing that people shouldn't be boycotting Scott, then great. We are on the same page.

I've established you've been ignoring what I've said, and said I've said something else OVER 8 TIMES NOW. So yes, you ARE putting words in my mouth, PERSISTENTLY.

As I've already said, doxxing and harassment are unacceptable behavior. That being said, calling someone out for homophobic actions like donating money to a homophobic candidate is not slander, and it's a fair criticism of Scott and his actions. Acknowledging what he did, explaining why it's bad, condemning it, boycotting his work, and suggesting others do the same is not harassment, and it's Scott's fault if that results in a loss of income.

That's Fair criticism to the extreme who don't see nuance. The world isn't black and white.

I haven't lied about anything you've said

And I'm ending this here, because now you're starkedly lying to my face. I've had enough of your flagrant lying habits to my face.

You've been laying direct implications of what you THINK I THINK since your first reply to me in this topic. You've randomly brought up concepts that never got implied in my posts. You didn't NEED to reply to me, but you did, and by doing so you attempted to deflect by attacking those you misperceive as not agreeing with YOU.

I know about how people like you play gaslighting political speech. You attempt to lay implications to make people think 'hey, why is he bringing this up? Is this person like this'? Like when in your initial reply you implied that I am one of those people who quote:
The most pathetic thing I've seen is probably the hypocritical posts about how one group of people (Scott and other conservatives) are free to donate money to politicians, express conservative views, and even enact deplorable policies that, for example, hurt LGBT people, but another group of people can't express their views and decide how they want to spend their own money.

I was clear from the start my issue was with the "Intolerant Left", the "Extreme Left", the sort who cannot grasp there is a difference between a simple Boycott, and the threatening of a person's life to scare them out of business. You started this whole argument chain, claiming you're against Doxxing, Threats, Etc, and yet every time I mention SPECIFICALLY that I am not against boycott but against the very actions that ruined his career, that has provided anxiety to the man's wife, you somehow twisted it around and implied I said something entirely different.

Like I implied above, just because someone supports a political platform for something they do like, does not mean they agree to ALL that party's bad decisions. It's why I don't view myself as Republican OR Democrat. BUT there is no actual 'third party'. It is because they have rigged the game so that only those two parties exist that this whole situation started. Each side is looking out for people in their own way, and each side is plagued with extremists who are inhuman monsters. American politics are the worst kind of joke.

On the right, they got Anti-LGBTQs and Anti-black Racists on their end. They have the likes of the KKK! These groups are still horrid in their own rights, but they do not make up the entirety of the right, or even the right's political structure.

On the left, you got Anti-White Racists as they attempt to convince everyone that White People are legitimately the cancer of American Civilization (if not the western world), such as that Coca-Cola Critical Race Training campaign. You also have Antifa on that end to alter from the KKK. I'd even include the ACLU in this group too seeing as their intense involvement in the likes of Amber Heard.

And yes, I know there's other known groups, but I list KKK and Antifa as they are the most well known extremists of each side.

So should we cancel you because you support the party that has an Open Secret of a discretion policy to not talk about Antifa (in fact, despite fact checking Biden as condemning the looting and violence, he has refused to name Antifa - much as I am loath to use MSM here's a site with a list of examples example - ), or if they do, try to convince people Antifa doesn't exist? They sure as hell aren't doling out Federal Charges (just like Trump didn't to the more hostile Proud Boys) to the Antifa who actively cause Riots.

The only people I see 'doxxed' on the active left ARE the people who participate in the riots and other such conflicts, and their doxxing is done via entirely public information listed on police websites or on individuals own facebooks/twitters where anyone could find them until they hide them after their arrests. Meanwhile anyone even dares support the Republican party and they're the ones doxxed by the left. (I won't even speak the neutral doxxing as it's clear the FNAF fanbase isn't exclusively left or right.). Now mind you I don't follow everything, but what I see is it's always the conversatives, those against Feminism (Johnny Depp Case - Amber Heard's side doxxed a whole list of Conservatives including Depp's sister), LGBTQ+ (Scott), or the like who get actually cancel cultured. Not Boycotted, Cancel Cultured.

No. We should not cancel you. I'd sure as hell boycott you if you were a company though.

P.S.: This whole time, you've jumped from idea to idea, trying to attack my avenue of thinking, while I've been EXTREMELY clear where I stand while trying to warp what I say/mean/think.
Last edited by VartioArtel,
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
You have to work in excess of 120 hours in order to purchase one share of the S&P500 index, the de facto investment into your own future. In the 80's your parents had to work 20 for the same share, and they had ostensibly "lower" wages.
You're not telling me anything I didn't already know, you're just attempting to deflect blame from ultra-wealthy (corporations) who you've already admitted control both parties. The middle and lower classes have less purchasing power and fewer life-changing opportunities precisely because they will it so. Zuckerberg alone has vacuumed up almost half of all wealth accumulated by millennials. As long as billionaires are treated like the royalty Americans threw a revolution to escape, the system will remain broken.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
You're not telling me anything I didn't already know, you're just attempting to deflect blame from ultra-wealthy (corporations) who you've already admitted control both parties. The middle and lower classes have less purchasing power and fewer life-changing opportunities precisely because they will it so. Zuckerberg alone has vacuumed up almost half of all wealth accumulated by millennials. As long as billionaires are treated like the royalty Americans threw a revolution to escape, the system will remain broken.
The extremely wealthy do not set monetary policy, the government and central banking does (since the federal reserve is technically a separate entity in every way except the ones that actually matter). If you have corrupt politicians that sell out to the highest bidder then you should hang them, plain and simple - it's treason, the penalty for treason is codified, 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Ultimately it is the government that's at fault. In slightly less hyperbolic terms, it's the government that takes the dirty money for their dirty policies, so that's the body responsible for the current state of affairs.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Original post:

Seriously what's the most pathetic thing in this topic is the intolerant left. Because he voted trump he's an evil person by association of the republican party? My god people, and you wonder why so many people dislike the further-left democrats. You guys are the definition of intolerant.

My issue's the intolerance. And I specify this twice more throughout my post.

yet even before the Republicans were out of office you Democrats wanted to take away every Republican minded person's job in the world and half of you all seem to wish them dead!

The Republicans are definitely a cult under Trump's stupid personality and many don't realize the damage they DO cause, and the more extreme Democrats are so stuck in their self-righteous dogma I would swear that lot should make their own god damn religion.

Not once have I EVER been unclear that my issue is with the most intolerant, extreme, hostile democrats, the ones who think it's fine to directly threaten others, whether through emotional trauma, physical threats, etc. The exact sort YOU play word gymnastics to try to convince me and EVERYONE else here that YOU aren't. Don't believe me? Look at your next sentence.


How many bloody god damn times have I said this exact next line line? LET'S SEE! I'll color code each individual instance!

What people are not allowed to do is wish people to lose their livelihood/jobs over their political choices, that, (EDIT) their right to their political freedom,(/EDIT) is the VERY ESSENCE of "Freedom of Politics".

He's welcomed to his opinion as much as you are yours, it's when your opinion threatens another's livelihood that you're exiting 'political speech' and entering a realm I could only explain as "verbal lynching".

(Edit!) The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products.

I never once said someone wasn't free to condemn his choice. I said they were condemned to threatening his livelihood.

Nobody said it gives freedom from criticism. but this isn't about the criticism. It's about the doxxing, the harassment (which is not necessarily criticism), so on and so forth. but again, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN, you try to twist what I say AND imply to make it about YOUR narrative.

I know to cancel stuff too. I stopped following Coke after their anti-White campaign and haven't looked back, because ANY form of overt racist mentality is unwelcomed in my mind. (Edit!) The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products. MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE LEFT'S GOAL WITH THE FNAF CREATOR???

(in response to you saying I think he's entitled to money from the left)
I will repeat what I said before:

I know to cancel stuff too. I stopped following Coke after their anti-White campaign and haven't looked back, because ANY form of overt racist mentality is unwelcomed in my mind. (Edit!) The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products. MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE LEFT'S GOAL WITH THE FNAF CREATOR???

(In Response to you asking me what's the difference between me boycotting Coke and the Intolerant Left Doxxing, Threatening, slandering Scott.)
I already answered this. Why is it so hard for you to read things as they are?

The difference? I ain't doxing, threatening to lynch, so on and so forth until they drop out of business entirely, I simply stopped buying their products. MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE LEFT'S GOAL WITH THE FNAF CREATOR???

That's EIGHT times, I've told you the same exact thing. There has never been an issue with people not paying him. The issue is that they DOXXED him, they leaked his public details so any Joe, Jill, and in between can harass him because of his political opinion. They can call his phone and call him all sorts of slurs. They can send him bombs if they're insane enough. They SLURRED him, they call him a Homophobe because he voted Republican because THEY are Homophobic, not because HE is homophobic. That's the same as Nintendo calling all of us Pirates and arresting us because this forum promotes use of game modifications which are often used by piraters!

So on and so forth. TIME, and TIME, again, you are continuing to put words in my mouth. You either are completely illiterate, or you are so delusional you are incapable of reading the English Language. This isn't even me trying to insult you, this is exactly what you are.

If people won't hire him because of a false stigma he's homophobic simply because of his political arrangement, if he can't leave his house without being uncertain someone won't shiv him for being a 'Republican supporter', then he cannot safely ensure the livelihood of himself or his family. Maybe this idea's so foreign because you lack any and all ability to place yourself in someone else's shoes, and I'm not speaking empathetically - although clearly that is a skill you lack - I'm speaking just being able to place yourself psychologically into a situation and emulating events in your mind. You don't consider what effects ANY of this can have on a person's livelihood.

I've seen cases like Vic Mignogna and Johnny Depp over the years, who even to today struggle to find jobs even a fraction as good paying because of lies and slander about what they've done in their lives. People editting images or extremely specific frames out of context of a video, by people like you who tell the third-party people what THEY think even as they tell everyone else that they didn't think or feel anything like the image implies, while the fourth party (the readers/viewers) are wasting time having to listen to your political bullshit in an attempt for people like you ruining people's images.

And this is time #10 I'll need to tell you this is about the Doxxing, harassment, etc!

Then how is it SO GOD DAMN HARD for you to get that I've made it clear since POST ONE that my issue has been with the INTOLERANT LEFT, the LEFT EXTREMISTS, who go so damn hard that they HAVE doxxed them? Even if you HAD failed to see it, I made it SO CLEAR in my response to your gaslighting absurdity that the issue has been the doxxing and I am all for boycotting that you SOMEHOW find yourself incapable of reading THE ACTUAL LINES and are reading between the lines looking for a boogieman, persistently trying to accept anything else than what I have bluntly put as the truth for you and everyone else to read.

And you never condemned them. I've yet to see you condemn ANYONE in this topic directly for being thankful for the doxxing. You've condemned the action, but you have yet to condemn a SINGLE SOUL for actually DOING the doxxing and have SUPPORTED it simply by saying "Oh the act's bad, but I still appreciate it because it lead to him quitting".

HIM QUITTING should NOT have been a result of his being Harassed, Doxxed, and Slandered. It should be a result of his own actions. The fact you are one of those who are thankful he quit as a result of this and show no sympathy for him shows the sort of monster you really are.

Says the biggest hypocrite here who can't even realize his own actions are, as I stated above, supporting the act of the cancel culture. This was never a boycott, it was shaming and threatening a man until he quit.

I've established you've been ignoring what I've said, and said I've said something else OVER 8 TIMES NOW. So yes, you ARE putting words in my mouth, PERSISTENTLY.

That's Fair criticism to the extreme who don't see nuance. The world isn't black and white.

And I'm ending this here, because now you're starkedly lying to my face. I've had enough of your flagrant lying habits to my face.

You've been laying direct implications of what you THINK I THINK since your first reply to me in this topic. You've randomly brought up concepts that never got implied in my posts. You didn't NEED to reply to me, but you did, and by doing so you attempted to deflect by attacking those you misperceive as not agreeing with YOU.

I know about how people like you play gaslighting political speech. You attempt to lay implications to make people think 'hey, why is he bringing this up? Is this person like this'? Like when in your initial reply you implied that I am one of those people who quote:
The most pathetic thing I've seen is probably the hypocritical posts about how one group of people (Scott and other conservatives) are free to donate money to politicians, express conservative views, and even enact deplorable policies that, for example, hurt LGBT people, but another group of people can't express their views and decide how they want to spend their own money.

I was clear from the start my issue was with the "Intolerant Left", the "Extreme Left", the sort who cannot grasp there is a difference between a simple Boycott, and the threatening of a person's life to scare them out of business. You started this whole argument chain, claiming you're against Doxxing, Threats, Etc, and yet every time I mention SPECIFICALLY that I am not against boycott but against the very actions that ruined his career, that has provided anxiety to the man's wife, you somehow twisted it around and implied I said something entirely different.

Like I implied above, just because someone supports a political platform for something they do like, does not mean they agree to ALL that party's bad decisions. It's why I don't view myself as Republican OR Democrat. BUT there is no actual 'third party'. It is because they have rigged the game so that only those two parties exist that this whole situation started. Each side is looking out for people in their own way, and each side is plagued with extremists who are inhuman monsters. American politics are the worst kind of joke.

On the right, they got Anti-LGBTQs and Anti-black Racists on their end. They have the likes of the KKK! These groups are still horrid in their own rights, but they do not make up the entirety of the right, or even the right's political structure.

On the left, you got Anti-White Racists as they attempt to convince everyone that White People are legitimately the cancer of American Civilization (if not the western world), such as that Coca-Cola Critical Race Training campaign. You also have Antifa on that end to alter from the KKK. I'd even include the ACLU in this group too seeing as their intense involvement in the likes of Amber Heard.

And yes, I know there's other known groups, but I list KKK and Antifa as they are the most well known extremists of each side.

So should we cancel you because you support the party that has an Open Secret of a discretion policy to not talk about Antifa (in fact, despite fact checking Biden as condemning the looting and violence, he has refused to name Antifa - much as I am loath to use MSM here's a site with a list of examples example - ), or if they do, try to convince people Antifa doesn't exist? They sure as hell aren't doling out Federal Charges (just like Trump didn't to the more hostile Proud Boys) to the Antifa who actively cause Riots.

The only people I see 'doxxed' on the active left ARE the people who participate in the riots and other such conflicts, and their doxxing is done via entirely public information listed on police websites or on individuals own facebooks/twitters where anyone could find them until they hide them after their arrests. Meanwhile anyone even dares support the Republican party and they're the ones doxxed by the left. (I won't even speak the neutral doxxing as it's clear the FNAF fanbase isn't exclusively left or right.). Now mind you I don't follow everything, but what I see is it's always the conversatives, those against Feminism (Johnny Depp Case - Amber Heard's side doxxed a whole list of Conservatives including Depp's sister), LGBTQ+ (Scott), or the like who get actually cancel cultured. Not Boycotted, Cancel Cultured.

No. We should not cancel you. I'd sure as hell boycott you if you were a company though.

P.S.: This whole time, you've jumped from idea to idea, trying to attack my avenue of thinking, while I've been EXTREMELY clear where I stand while trying to warp what I say/mean/think.
If your only issues are with the doxxing and harassment, then you and I are on the same page. "Cancel culture" is not about harassment and doxxing; it's about public criticism and the dissemination of information that will, among other things, allow people to make informed decisions about how to spend their money. If, however, you take issue with people choosing not to spend money on someone they perceive to be supporting a deplorable former president, then you and I are in disagreement.

As for the bottom of your post, you seem to think I've somehow misrepresented your positions throughout this thread, but I haven't. What you seem to be taking issue with are the logical implications of some of what you've said, and I wasn't wrong to point them out. If there's something in particular you take issue with, please quote what I said and well me how it misrepresented your position.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
United States
If your only issues are with the doxxing and harassment, then you and I are on the same page. "Cancel culture" is not about harassment and doxxing; it's about public criticism and the dissemination of information that will, among other things, allow people to make informed decisions about how to spend their money. If, however, you take issue with people choosing not to spend money on someone they perceive to be supporting a deplorable former president, then you and I are in disagreement.

As for the bottom of your post, you seem to think I've somehow misrepresented your positions throughout this thread, but I haven't. What you seem to be taking issue with are the logical implications of some of what you've said, and I wasn't wrong to point them out. If there's something in particular you take issue with, please quote what I said and well me how it misrepresented your position.
Cancel Culture's thing is to shame, humiliate, Dox, threaten, contact companies to tell them they'll not support X, doing anything EXCEPT a natural boycott. THAT is Cancel Culture's Modus Operandi. It's been that way for ~ a decade now.

Public Criticism and harassment are different things, but you don't get that. You act like you do, but you constantly conflate the two as the same thing and keep defending the whole damn thing of what happened to Scott. You continue to try to gaslight, IE:

If, however, you take issue with people choosing not to spend money on someone they perceive to be supporting a deplorable former president, then you and I are in disagreement.


Stop replying to me Lucius, ever again. I WILL consider your very responses to me harassment after this point. Your lying to everyone's faces and willful ignoring my words over and over again? I'm considering it harassment. I'm considering your VERY responses to me harassment now.

Deleted member 546149

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
Cancel Culture's thing is to shame, humiliate, Dox, threaten, contact companies to tell them they'll not support X, doing anything EXCEPT a natural boycott. THAT is Cancel Culture's Modus Operandi. It's been that way for ~ a decade now.

Public Criticism and harassment are different things, but you don't get that. You act like you do, but you constantly conflate the two as the same thing and keep defending the whole damn thing of what happened to Scott. You continue to try to gaslight, IE:


Stop replying to me Lucius, ever again. I WILL consider your very responses to me harassment after this point. Your lying to everyone's faces and willful ignoring my words over and over again? I'm considering it harassment. I'm considering your VERY responses to me harassment now.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Cancel Culture's thing is to shame, humiliate, Dox, threaten, contact companies to tell them they'll not support X, doing anything EXCEPT a natural boycott. THAT is Cancel Culture's Modus Operandi. It's been that way for ~ a decade now.

Public Criticism and harassment are different things, but you don't get that. You act like you do, but you constantly conflate the two as the same thing and keep defending the whole damn thing of what happened to Scott. You continue to try to gaslight, IE:
Cancel culture is not about doxxing, harassment, etc. Anybody who engages in these behaviors should themselves be "cancelled." I explained in my last post what cancellation should mean. If our only issue is a semantic one, then you and I are in agreement.

Public Criticism and harassment are different things, but you don't get that. You act like you do, but you constantly conflate the two as the same thing and keep defending the whole damn thing of what happened to Scott. You continue to try to gaslight, IE:
Criticism and harassment are different things. I've said that, that has been my point for several posts, and I've condemned harassment numerous times. I'm not sure how you can think I conflate the two as the same thing.

Stop replying to me Lucius, ever again. I WILL consider your very responses to me harassment after this point. Your lying to everyone's faces and willful ignoring my words over and over again? I'm considering it harassment. I'm considering your VERY responses to me harassment now.
Nobody is requiring you to respond to my posts. Nobody is requiring you to read my posts. There is nothing in my posts, by any objective metric that I can come up with, that qualifies as "harassment." If you sincerely do not want to see my posts, there is an Ignore button you can use.

I think any impartial reader can see that I'm attempting to figure out where we agree and where we disagree, but you seem to want to make this an issue of Scott vs. harassment (and yell at me in all caps), which is not the issue I'm here to address. I wholeheartedly condemn harassment.
Last edited by Lacius,

Deleted member 546149

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
I would like to remind everyone that... How does that one go...? *cough cough*

"Joe Biden is now officially the 46th President of the United States of America"

*Takes cover*
TRUMP WON!!!!!!!
YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
(please don't ban me it's a joke)


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
I would like to remind everyone that... How does that one go...? *cough cough*

"Joe Biden is now officially the 46th President of the United States of America"

*Takes cover*
I was just going to post a message to everyone saying can we please keep the political bullshit for the politics section then you posted that you crazy motherfucker. Talk about stirring the pot :rofl2:


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I was just going to post a message to everyone saying can we please keep the political bullshit for the politics section then you posted that you crazy motherfucker. Talk about stirring the pot :rofl2:
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