Atmosphère 0.9.0 released, introduces emuMMC support


Today's the big day! Atmosphère, the Nintendo Switch CFW made by @SciresM and his team, has reached a new milestone, thus marking the release of version 0.9.0!

A few improvements were made to creport and dmnt's cheat virtual machine, adding more detailed output and 32-bit game support for the former and a new debug opcode for the latter, however, most users will be excited to know that a highly anticipated feature has finally been included: we're talking about emuMMC, of course! This has been possible thanks to a collaboration between @SciresM, @_hexkyz_, @m4xw and @CTCaer and it's the first publicly available free and open source implementation of NAND redirection for the Switch. Atmosphère's emuMMC can be enabled by editing the file emummc\emummc.ini and setting "emummc_enabled" under its relative section to 1. The feature is able to redirect reads and writes to either a separate partition on the card (recommended) or loose files in a directory with the archive bit set: in order to choose one of the two, you have to set either "emummc_sector" or "emummc_path" to a valid value (read the changelog for more information). By default, emuMMC will use a different Nintendo folder called "Nintendo_<emummc_id>", however, you can choose whichever directory you like by setting "emummc_nintendo_path" to your desired one.

While the current implementation is in a working state, the developers stress it should still be considered an experimental feature; as such, users who want to set emuMMC as their main boot option are advised to wait until any eventual bugs are fixed in the next update. Some planned features are also currently not included, for example having a separate atmosphere folder for each emuMMC.

The official changelog is as follows:
Changelog said:
0.9.0 is Atmosphère's eighteenth official release.

fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.9.0.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 0.9.0 is bundled with hbl 2.1, and hbmenu 3.0.1.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • Creport output was improved significantly.
    • Thread names are now dumped on crash in addition to 0x100 of TLS from each thread.
      • This significantly aids debugging efforts for crashes.
    • Support was added for 32-bit stackframes, so reports can now be generated for 32-bit games.
  • dmnt's Cheat VM was extended to add a new debug opcode.
  • With thanks to/collaboration with @m4xw and @CTCaer, support was added for redirecting NAND to the SD card (emummc).
    • Please note, this support is very much beta/experimental.
      • It is quite likely we have not identified all bugs -- those will be fixed as they are reported over the next few days/weeks.
      • In addition, some niceties (e.g. having a separate Atmosphere folder per emummc instance) still need some thought put in before they can be implemented in a way that makes everyone happy.
      • If you are not an advanced user, you may wish to think about waiting for the inevitable 0.9.1 bugfix update before using emummc as your default boot option.
        • You may especially wish to consider waiting if you are using Atmosphere on a unit with the RCM bug patched.
    • Emummc is managed by editing the emummc section of "emummc/emummc.ini".
      • To enable emummc, set emummc!emummc_enabled = 1.
    • Support is included for redirecting NAND to a partition on the SD card.
      • This can be done by setting emummc!emummc_sector to the start sector of your partition (e.g., emummc_sector = 0x1A010000).
    • Support is also included for redirecting NAND to a collection of loose files on the SD card.
      • This can be done by setting emummc!emummc_path to the folder (with archive bit set) containing the NAND boot partitions' files "boot0" and "boot1", and the raw NAND image files "00", "01", "02", etc. (single "00" file with the whole NAND image requires exFAT mode while multipart NAND can be used in both exFAT and FAT32 modes).
    • The Nintendo contents directory can be redirected arbitrarily.
      • By default, it will be redirected to emummc/Nintendo_XXXX, where XXXX is the hexadecimal representation of the emummc's ID.
        • The current emummc ID may be selected by changing emummc!emummc_id in emummc.ini.
      • This can be set to any arbitrary directory by setting emummc!emummc_nintendo_path.
    • To create a backup usable for emummc, users may use tools provided by the hekate project.
    • If, when using emummc, you encounter a bug, please be sure to report it -- that's the only way we can fix it. :)
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
For information on the featureset supported by 0.9.0, please see the official release notes.

A reminder for people new to Switch hacking: emuNAND/emuMMC will not help if your console is banned, has been flagged by Nintendo or if your NAND has been "tainted" by running CFW/homebrew and you don't have a clean backup. All currently available implementations are preventive measures which let you have a clean system partition that you can use with your legit games online (no homebrew or game backups) and another separate one (the emuNAND/emuMMC itself) on which you can run everything else offline without fearing a ban. The latter is created from a copy of your Switch's internal memory: as such it will not let you evade a ban, nor clear any modifications or error logs made by homebrew apps.

For user support or bug reports, please use the GBAtemp thread linked below.

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:arrow: GBAtemp thread
Last edited by RattletraPM,


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2016
United States
Not very user-friendly at the moment, but really awesome start! I'm happy that atmos now supports emunand! I'm sure it'll be more fleshed out and user-friendly in one or two updates.
yes im happy about the progress, but not going to re-read all the previous posts, I just feel the title is a little misleading


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2008
I'll respond this one time (I usually just report the off-topic posts)...this website is a joke sometimes. I have reported several of these idiots to the moderators, and nothing has been done about it, except one post being removed. I don't care if Team-Xecuter fanboys/shills want to circle-jerk with each other about how superior SX OS is to Atmosphere (odd, since it uses/steals Atmosphere code), but it shouldn't be allowed in this thread, since it is off-topic. They can go do it in a different thread. And before anyone says anything, SX OS uses Atmosphere code, so discussion of Atmosphere in their threads is, sadly, not off-topic. I also don't believe that known thieves who once included brick code in their "software" deserve the same considerations, anyway, but that's just my opinion.

I always find it amusing that SX OS fanboys often resort to this "they are just jealous because they can't afford it" nonsense, when the majority of its userbase uses it to steal games, so they don't have to pay for them.

And no, I actually buy the games that I want, and I have no interest in using Atmosphere for piracy purposes.

I've noticed that Team-Xecuter fanboys like to use the term "hate" a lot. Like there is anything wrong with "hating" Team-Xecuter's garbage "product"...

By the way, you need to get over yourself. Nobody on this site cares if you consider their opinion credible or not, or whether or not you consider them to be trolls.

Just a quick little point for you...

At the start of this thread, the 5th post was a post by a fanboy bashing SX. Before that there was no bashing. SX users didn't come in here bashing Atmos. Atmos users started trying to bait SX users simply because they now have a beta version of what SX has had for the last 8 months or so. I rarely see a post by an SX user trolling an Atmos user, but it seems in Atmos threads Atmos users try to bait SX users and in SX threads Atmos users spam the thread turning it into trash that nobody wants to read.

If Atmos is so superior why can't Atmos users take the higher ground and stop spamming threads into oblivion? Just be satisfied with the far superior CFW you have... Unless of course, you have to bash SX users to convince yourself that Atmos is a better option? Because that is what it looks like
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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2017
I accidentally updated it before SX supported that version (because nobody knew that updating games via local wireless also updates the system), I waited like 2 weeks, TX didn't launched any update to their CFW, at that moment I knew that SX sucks, while others enjoy Atmosphere or ReiNX updated, I was just here waiting, so I decided to switch to a better cfw where I could use custom sysmodules and fast updates, atmosphere, but, uninstalling the emunand based in a hidden partition was a pain in the ass, it took me the entire day and I lost a lot of time because of it, just because TX emunand sucks and they didn't thought of people that wanted to backup their emunand (which also makes it pointless, as if the emunand bricks, you can't recover your save files/tickets), fortunately, after like 10 hours, I got my emunand installed on the sysnand and it booted on atmosphere, but obviously not on SX


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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United States
:lol: Just LOL, Atmos is as much a piracy tool as any other CFW on any other system. Stolen code is a moot point when most users using wither Switch CFW are using it to play STOLEN games. I use both Atmos and SX for their differnet reasons but mainly SX due to being able to play a large library of games from USB hdd without any installing.

1st.. It takes a matter of seconds to find a build of Atmos ready to go fully piracy enabled. I stand by what i said because im willing to bet the majority of Atmos users are using a piracy enabled version for playing pirated games :)

Just because you can easily find a build of Atmosphere that enables piracy does not mean that the developers of Atmosphere support those solutions, and whether or not most users of Atmosphere use it for piracy purposes is irrelevant to that.

What? When did I ever say, "They are jealous because they can't afford it"?

Okay, I admit that I probably misread that. I have heard that claim many times by Team-Xecuter supporters, however, but yeah, I now see that you weren't saying that. My mistake. It doesn't really matter though, as that is far from the only reason why people dislike them, as has been pointed out in this thread. It's not simply because it is a paid solution. If Team-Xecuter actually did their own work, I would have no issue with them releasing a paid solution.

Take a look at what you've just posted, and look how you LITERALLY posted nothing. No points, just "They use the term 'hate' so they're wrong herrrr".

You have LITERALLY posted nothing since you joined this site yesterday, and I never said that "They use the term 'hate' so they're wrong herrrr". That statement of mine was merely an observation.

You have no points toward your argument, and yet, the ones who support SX have actually given solid points.

Atmosphere supporters have given points towards their arguments, and have given their opinions for why they dislike Team-Xecuter's "software." They are just as valid as what Team-Xecuter supporters have offered (and that their points are "solid" is simply your opinion). Apparently, you are the one who is too stupid to see this...

Just let everyone use what cfw they want

Great. My point was to keep it out of this thread. In case you weren't aware, the title of this thread is...

Atmosphère 0.9.0 released, introduces emuMMC support

I guess the moderators disagree, but I don't think that this should be a thread for discussing the pros and cons of various custom firmwares. For organization purposes, that should be in a different thread. I would say that this thread should be for gratitude/criticisms of the release, users reporting their experiences with 0.9.0, bugs, etc.

But if you're going to try and argue, at LEAST do so with ACTUAL facts and ACTUAL points

I provided ACTUAL facts and ACTUAL points (that they steal code from open source projects, and that they once included brick code in their software). Other users have provided ACTUAL facts and ACTUAL points as well. There were even some referenced in the fifth post of this thread, which another poster referenced as a post "bashing SX OS." By the way, I also disagree with their use of the term "obsolete." Whether something is obsolete or not is subjective, and a matter of personal opinion.

It literally does everything that Atmos can do

:rofl2: They *literally* steal code from Atmosphere. It would be pretty embarrassing if it couldn't "do everything that Atmos can do."

And I can promise you, I will never be "salty" when it comes to anything by their company. I have an unhacked Switch on 1.0.0, and have no problem waiting for a solution that suits me (like, you know, a solution that wasn't once malware). I'll just continue to wait/go do something else until that solution is ready.

YOU are what's wrong with this forum.

Nah, I would say that the entitled children, who only care about their warez, and who feel the desire to bash and disrespect homebrew developers because they disagree with their anti-piracy stances, are one of many things that are wrong with this forum. I've seen this false sense of entitlement on here since the Wii hacking scene was in its prime, and it was directed at Team Twiizers/fail0verflow. I'm sure that's not the only example.

Now unless you drop the bias, I don't want to hear any more about this from you.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

Who's acting immature and stupid now? You don't tell me what I can and cannot post about on here.

Just a quick little point for you...

At the start of this thread, the 5th post was a post by a fanboy bashing SX.

Why not just ignore it, then? I've seen posts in SX OS threads of SX OS fanboys bashing on Atmosphere. I don't care or really even notice though, since I very rarely go into those threads. Too bad the SX OS fanboys in this thread can't do the same thing...

Unless of course, you have to bash SX users to convince yourself that Atmos is a better option? Because that is what it looks like

Nah, I was convinced when the brick code was discovered that Atmosphere was a better option. ;) I assumed Atmosphere would be a better option prior to the discovery of the code. No "bashing of SX users" was necessary...


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
Just because you can easily find a build of Atmosphere that enables piracy does not mean that the developers of Atmosphere support those solutions, and whether or not most users of Atmosphere use it for piracy purposes is irrelevant to that.

Okay, I admit that I probably misread that. I have heard that claim many times by Team-Xecuter supporters, however, but yeah, I now see that you weren't saying that. My mistake. It doesn't really matter though, as that is far from the only reason why people dislike them, as has been pointed out in this thread. It's not simply because it is a paid solution. If Team-Xecuter actually did their own work, I would have no issue with them releasing a paid solution.

You have LITERALLY posted nothing since you joined this site yesterday, and I never said that "They use the term 'hate' so they're wrong herrrr". That statement of mine was merely an observation.

Atmosphere supporters have given points towards their arguments, and have given their opinions for why they dislike Team-Xecuter's "software." They are just as valid as what Team-Xecuter supporters have offered (and that their points are "solid" is simply your opinion). Apparently, you are the one who is too stupid to see this...

Great. My point was to keep it out of this thread. In case you weren't aware, the title of this thread is...

Atmosphère 0.9.0 released, introduces emuMMC support

I guess the moderators disagree, but I don't think that this should be a thread for discussing the pros and cons of various custom firmwares. For organization purposes, that should be in a different thread. I would say that this thread should be for gratitude/criticisms of the release, users reporting their experiences with 0.9.0, bugs, etc.

I provided ACTUAL facts and ACTUAL points (that they steal code from open source projects, and that they once included brick code in their software). Other users have provided ACTUAL facts and ACTUAL points as well. There were even some referenced in the fifth post of this thread, which another poster referenced as a post "bashing SX OS." By the way, I also disagree with their use of the term "obsolete." Whether something is obsolete or not is subjective, and a matter of personal opinion.

:rofl2: They *literally* steal code from Atmosphere. It would be pretty embarrassing if it couldn't "do everything that Atmos can do."

And I can promise you, I will never be "salty" when it comes to anything by their company. I have an unhacked Switch on 1.0.0, and have no problem waiting for a solution that suits me (like, you know, a solution that wasn't once malware). I'll just continue to wait/go do something else until that solution is ready.

Nah, I would say that the entitled children, who only care about their warez, and who feel the desire to bash and disrespect homebrew developers because they disagree with their anti-piracy stances, are one of many things that are wrong with this forum. I've seen this false sense of entitlement on here since the Wii hacking scene was in its prime, and it was directed at Team Twiizers/fail0verflow. I'm sure that's not the only example.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

Who's acting immature and stupid now? You don't tell me what I can and cannot post about on here.

Why not just ignore it, then? I've seen posts in SX OS threads of SX OS fanboys bashing on Atmosphere. I don't care or really even notice though, since I very rarely go into those threads. Too bad the SX OS fanboys in this thread can't do the same thing...

Nah, I was convinced when the brick code was discovered that Atmosphere was a better option. ;) I assumed Atmosphere would be a better option prior to the discovery of the code. No "bashing of SX users" was necessary...

Christ. The mental gymnastics on this one. The clear immaturity you exhibit shows your lack of rational thought. Not to mention, you still haven't provided any real points to support your argument. The way you're trying to prove your point (which you still haven't done...) reeks of irrationality...You're not worth my time. I'm done arguing with you.
Last edited by Josshy0125,


GBATemp Developer
Nov 16, 2015
United States
I hate posting on topics like this, but I feel the need somehow to point out that people who know they're wrong but want to argue to make themselves seem like they are on the high ground typically bash a person's personality and critique what they say with a microscope. They also tend to say that they are finished, make a huge point about how the other person is being unreasonable, and then try to always be the one with the last word, no matter what. Just an observation.

Also, I use Atmosphere and backup/play my own, legit purchased games. I do not, have not, and will not ever download pirated copies of games for the Switch.

The emergence of the emuNAND is a great first step towards helping users play the way they want to. I see it being used to have 2 copies of a game (like Smash); one for offline cheats and mods, and a fully legit one to play online with other people. Excited to see the possibilities!
Last edited by FoxMcloud5655, , Reason: Clarified that I use Atmosphere and fixed grammar.


Jun 16, 2019
United Kingdom
I hate posting on topics like this, but I feel the need somehow to point out that people who know they're wrong but want to argue to make themselves seem like they are on the high ground typically bash a person's personality and critique what they say with a microscope. They also tend to say that they are finished, make a huge point about how the other person is being unreasonable, and then try to always be the one with the last word, no matter what. Just an observation.

Also, I use Atmosphere and backup/play my own, legit purchased games. I do not, have not, and will not ever download pirated copies of games for the Switch.

The emergence of the emuNAND is a great first step towards helping users play the way they want to. I see it being used to have 2 copies of a game (like Smash); one for offline cheats and mods, and a fully legit one to play online with other people. Excited to see the possibilities!

Smh. There's no correlation between what you're talking about. I'm literally taking the high ground. I'm not 'pretending', nor am I being 'sneaky'. What I said, is not indicative of me "being in the wrong" at all. To try and say this is a silly attempt at a jab. I wanted to reply one last time, and had every right to do so. I'm not bashing the person's personality. I've made very valid points. He made literally zero, and tried bringing up "outside points" (which meant literally nothing...) in an attempt to try and appear to "win" the argument. The point is, I called him out on that, and his reply was just silly and 'jabby'. What you're trying to accuse ME of, is not indicative AT ALL of me being in the wrong. And the fact that you're trying to assume that shows that you're simply trying to manipulate.

And do you? That's great. Cool. But the odds that most of the people out there who use Atmos to do everything BUT play pirated games is SEVERELY slim. What you're doing is not indicative of what everyone else is doing. And if you think about it from an unbiased viewpoint, odds are, the majority of atmos users are pirating games as well. To say they're likely not is simple bias and ignorance.

And I agree with the emunand thing. I think it's amazing that Atmos has that option now. As with all the arguments I've witnessed on this site prior to joining, this one also went off track, and in a weird spiral, to avoid valid points that were made. I, along with NUMEROUS others made VERY VERY valid points about the simple fact that SX is not obsolete, and that there are still many that prefer it, while there are many that prefer atmos. If you look back at my initial post, you'll find that all I was doing was stating how users need to stop bashing one firmware over another, and that, well, yeah, it does come, FAR more often from Atmos users, due to nothing but literal bias. If you look at the replies here, all of the points they've made are all "whataboutisms", and things like, "SX steals" or "atmos doesn't 'come' initially patched with the ability to pirate"... like ALL of those things are incredibly wishy-washy, and hold no ground toward arguing the very valid points that I, along with others, have made. It's like they were trying to bring up outside points, which don't even further their argument, in an attempt to "prove us wrong". It's silly, and is quite literally immature. And it's pure bias. Whereas, the points that I, along with others, were making, were actual VALID points. And unlike them, we weren't trying to spin the conversation into a completely different subject, in an attempt to "win the argument". So please. Take that bias elsewhere. Because trying to psycho-analyze my actions for my previous post has absolutely no bearing on whether I'm "right or wrong". Please stop trying to manipulate what I'm doing to make it seem like I'm "in the wrong", when in actuality, what I said and how I'm acting holds no connotation toward being "right or wrong". I did, however, state ACTUAL valid facts, and reasonings, whereas, the other people were, in the LITERAL sense, trolling, going, "HAHAHAAHA FOOL" and childish shit like that. I think if any unbiased individual were to read this thread, it'd be clear where the bias and baseless hatred comes from. So please. Stop attempting to say that I'm in the wrong by bringing up an entirely irrelevant thing, which actually holds absolutely no connotation as to whether or not I'm "right or wrong."

... This is the kind of childish shit I'm talking about on this forum, that needs to stop. The hateful circle-jerking and baseless bias, without actual "points" needs to stop. And it's quite clear as to which side plays the part in the "trolling". And if you read a few posts back, you'll see a very reasonable post by someone who stated who's more likely to troll and try and reel in people to start arguments. It's pure childishness, immaturity, and hateful bias. So please. Leave it out. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2008
can i use my sx os emunand files with this? i ask because i wanna switch but dont wanna lose data

Why not just backup your saves, then make a new emunand with this?
Or if you have a spare micro SD card lying around, make make a new on that to test it, then when you know it's working properly transfer your saves/data over...


The key that lights the dark
Apr 18, 2016
United States
Why not just backup your saves, then make a new emunand with this?
Or if you have a spare micro SD card lying around, make make a new on that to test it, then when you know it's working properly transfer your saves/data over...
cause i dont want to have to reinstall all my games, and i cant test it because i dont have a spare sd thats big enough


Nintendo nerd
Sep 18, 2016
United States


This is now a Spiderman thread.........
Nov 19, 2008
United Kingdom
Just because you can easily find a build of Atmosphere that enables piracy does not mean that the developers of Atmosphere support those solutions, and whether or not most users of Atmosphere use it for piracy purposes is irrelevant to that.

Blah Blah Unnecessary ranting that doesn't apply to this

I was replying to the guy who said Atmos doesn't come with the required patched for piracy, that's fair enough but still doesn't throw any water on the argument that MOST Atmos users ARE using it for some sort of piracy. Even backing up and playing your own carts is still considered piracy. Therefore your comment about whatever being irrelevant is actually irrelevant itself :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2018
United Kingdom
First of all, y'all need to shut up about arguing about sx OS and atmosphere. Both are good in their own right but I never wanted to pay for it, so I waited.

Main point though is I guess I'll wait for this to be improved upon. From what I'm reading we have no clear indication of how reliable this is of avoiding a ban. Even loading vanilla with hekate but avoiding burning fuses is surely just another risk in its own right, to use a clean nand but not burn fuses. It sounds great if I were able to play tetris 99, splatoon 2 and super Mario maker online with legit copies. Yet, I don't feel like risking it on a new release of emummc (which from my experience everyone who rushes to quickly use these new features seem to get banned because there was an unexpected error or such that made ninty aware). Don't quote me on that just from my perspective. Maybe down the line this will be great when it's more clear of the risks, and been polished up to actually avoid bans and protect the systems fuses.
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