Gaming 3DS games

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Dec 29, 2008
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+1 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked. It still is one of the best games I've ever played.
-1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Horrible controls, a bad camera, nearly unnoticeable 3D, unmemorable music...the Sand Temple (Spirit Temple?) was great. The rest of the game was horribly frustrating. It was all just so bland, cliche and uninspired.

Edit: Totally forgot I already voted for DOA:D and Rayman 3D! I hope they weren't already added.


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Dec 16, 2008
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Isabelyes said:
-1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Horrible controls, a bad camera, nearly unnoticeable 3D, unmemorable music...the Sand Temple (Spirit Temple?) was great. The rest of the game was horribly frustrating. It was all just so bland, cliche and uninspired.
Not sure if trolling


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Apr 21, 2010
ashxu said:
Isabelyes said:
-1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Horrible controls, a bad camera, nearly unnoticeable 3D, unmemorable music...the Sand Temple (Spirit Temple?) was great. The rest of the game was horribly frustrating. It was all just so bland, cliche and uninspired.
Not sure if trolling
Read the post and I was like 0_0...


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Dec 29, 2008
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gifi4 said:
ashxu said:
Isabelyes said:
-1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Horrible controls, a bad camera, nearly unnoticeable 3D, unmemorable music...the Sand Temple (Spirit Temple?) was great. The rest of the game was horribly frustrating. It was all just so bland, cliche and uninspired.
Not sure if trolling
Read the post and I was like 0_0...

I really wasn't.

For instance: I'm in the midst of a hallway, surrounded by some flying bats. I want to run away form the bats, but to be able to do so comfortably, I need to turn the camera in the direction I want to walk.
However, if I press L, it focuses on the enemies - exactly what I want to run away from.
Things like this were the cause of more than half my deaths.

Checkpoints were kind of badly placed sometimes, too. In this dark, invisible-paths dungeon, there was one point where, if you fell into the abyss, you'd be placed ~1 minute of walking time back. Which isn't bad at all, if it weren't for the annoying spiders where you have to stop, wait until they turn, and then kill them. Three of them.
All in all, it was a very tricky spot to die, and each time I did, I had to take 3 minutes to get back while it could have just costed 20 seconds.

There are countless instances of small, but noticeable imperfections like this.
I get it's not a bad game - while I simply don't understand people who claim this to be a masterpiece, I can see why people would enjoy it. I, however, could not, and that is enough for me to minus the game.

Also, about the game's locations: they were all stuff that's been recycled to death in this kind of game.
I know that this game was probably the first to have such varied, 3D locales in one world, but I'm not judging this as a remake - I'm judging it as though it's new, and as a new game, the setting's horribly cliched.
It's supposed to be the best game ever made, for God's sake; I don't think you can blame me for looking at this game as if it's a new game (which it was, for me).

In the end, I guess I died too many times to have fun. Don't get me wrong - I love hard games more than anything else - but not when it feels unfair. That's not the only thing, though; some games are unfair just for the hell of it, and I can enjoy that. For instance, games like The Dark Spire and the Touhou series are all made to kill you, and I don't mind fulfilling their wish a few times. However, TLoZ: OoT clearly wasn't such a game; it was intended to be difficult, but not if you actually used your brain and tried to assess (?) the situation. I did, and in all honesty, some of the puzzles were quite good - but in the end, the game was just too unintentionally frustrating for me to enjoy solving them.

If you want to discuss it - I'd love to. I'd love to know why people think this game is so great, and who knows; I might just come to like this game a bit more in the end.

My apologies for not making clear why I thought it had bad gameplay, too.
I should have known simply listing what I did would make me look like I was trolling, which honestly was not - and still isn't - my intention.


Sep 7, 2011
United States
+1 Ocarina of Time
+1 Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D - I dont understand the hate for this game, i think its really fun to play online and while I definitely would have preferred there to be a full-fledged storymode (even if it was just a RE4/5 remake) and a bit more content, but there are still plenty of gameplay hours with all the unlockable levels, characters, skills, weapons. At first I thought the game was pretty lame, too easy and the AI was dumb. But then I started to unlock the harder levels and wow, did it get better! Nothing like the tension of getting chased down by those crazy chainsaw guys and executioners at the same time lol. The only thing that i still hate about the game are teh QTE's, and thats because I'm so used to the tradition xbox controller facebutton layout that i cant get them right most of the time on the 3DS. It flashes X on the screen and i hit Y because thats where X normally is, it flashes B and I hit A, etc. But as long as you avoid the guys without weapons that grab you, it doesnt happen too much. There were a few frustrating times when I was getting chased by a chainsaw guy and got grabbed by a zombie and failed the QTE and got 1 hit killed as a result, but oh well, there are supposed to be frustrating times in games imo, its not A Walk in the Park 3D.

Isabelyes said:
gifi4 said:
ashxu said:
Isabelyes said:
-1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Horrible controls, a bad camera, nearly unnoticeable 3D, unmemorable music...the Sand Temple (Spirit Temple?) was great. The rest of the game was horribly frustrating. It was all just so bland, cliche and uninspired.
Not sure if trolling
Read the post and I was like 0_0...

I really wasn't.

For instance: I'm in the midst of a hallway, surrounded by some flying bats. I want to run away form the bats, but to be able to do so comfortably, I need to turn the camera in the direction I want to walk.
However, if I press L, it focuses on the enemies - exactly what I want to run away from.
Things like this were the cause of more than half my deaths.

Checkpoints were kind of badly placed sometimes, too. In this dark, invisible-paths dungeon, there was one point where, if you fell into the abyss, you'd be placed ~1 minute of walking time back. Which isn't bad at all, if it weren't for the annoying spiders where you have to stop, wait until they turn, and then kill them. Three of them.
All in all, it was a very tricky spot to die, and each time I did, I had to take 3 minutes to get back while it could have just costed 20 seconds.

There are countless instances of small, but noticeable imperfections like this.
I get it's not a bad game - while I simply don't understand people who claim this to be a masterpiece, I can see why people would enjoy it. I, however, could not, and that is enough for me to minus the game.

Also, about the game's locations: they were all stuff that's been recycled to death in this kind of game.
I know that this game was probably the first to have such varied, 3D locales in one world, but I'm not judging this as a remake - I'm judging it as though it's new, and as a new game, the setting's horribly cliched.
It's supposed to be the best game ever made, for God's sake; I don't think you can blame me for looking at this game as if it's a new game (which it was, for me).

In the end, I guess I died too many times to have fun. Don't get me wrong - I love hard games more than anything else - but not when it feels unfair. That's not the only thing, though; some games are unfair just for the hell of it, and I can enjoy that. For instance, games like The Dark Spire and the Touhou series are all made to kill you, and I don't mind fulfilling their wish a few times. However, TLoZ: OoT clearly wasn't such a game; it was intended to be difficult, but not if you actually used your brain and tried to assess (?) the situation. I did, and in all honesty, some of the puzzles were quite good - but in the end, the game was just too unintentionally frustrating for me to enjoy solving them.

If you want to discuss it - I'd love to. I'd love to know why people think this game is so great, and who knows; I might just come to like this game a bit more in the end.

My apologies for not making clear why I thought it had bad gameplay, too.
I should have known simply listing what I did would make me look like I was trolling, which honestly was not - and still isn't - my intention.

I think the part that really makes ppl think that you're trolling was teh "unmemorable music" when this game has some of the best music ever... in fact, i dare say the music was one of the MOST memorable things about the game (and there were a lot IMO) Back when it first came out it was even more amazing, but even today the melodies are quite good i think. Hell, i have two soundtracks for the game, the orchestrated Hyrule Symphony one, and the one that has the actual in-game n64 music.

I will agree that the L-trigger thing can be annoying at times, when you want to center the camera but it ends up locking on to something instead. I do wish they could be two separate buttons. But, tbh, that becomes a problem very seldomly (i mean, cmon, how often do you really run away from things in this game, other than a couple of the mini bosses?). Maybe it has to do with my half a dozen playthroughs of the game, but i dont think its really that unfairly difficult. Now Master's Quest is definitely more challenging, which I'm currently playing through and absolutely loving!

Oh, and about your issue with dying and having to retread back to where you where: get Fraroe's Wind ASAP!


Former Staff
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Dec 3, 2009
+1 Ocarina of Time 3D
It is just a great port, well even more


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Dec 29, 2008
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steiner666 said:
Isabelyes said:

I think the part that really makes ppl think that you're trolling was teh "unmemorable music" when this game has some of the best music ever... in fact, i dare say the music was one of the MOST memorable things about the game (and there were a lot IMO) Back when it first came out it was even more amazing, but even today the melodies are quite good i think. Hell, i have two soundtracks for the game, the orchestrated Hyrule Symphony one, and the one that has the actual in-game n64 music.

I will agree that the L-trigger thing can be annoying at times, when you want to center the camera but it ends up locking on to something instead. I do wish they could be two separate buttons. But, tbh, that becomes a problem very seldomly (i mean, cmon, how often do you really run away from things in this game, other than a couple of the mini bosses?). Maybe it has to do with my half a dozen playthroughs of the game, but i dont think its really that unfairly difficult. Now Master's Quest is definitely more challenging, which I'm currently playing through and absolutely loving!

Oh, and about your issue with dying and having to retread back to where you where: get Fraroe's Wind ASAP!

While the overworld's theme started out /brilliantly/, it quickly lost its pacing and made way for a quite hostile tune.
I don't know if this only happens when there are enemies, but it happened so frequently and on the same moment in the song, that I'd think it's part of it.
The dungeon's themes are unmemorable. They really are. Most are just atmospheric sounds. Some, like the Forest's temple, are quite original, but ultimately not fantastic.

I don't mind the way it sounds or anything (MIDI, was it?). It's just...the only times I liked a tune were when I recognized it from, say, the Minish Cap. (I am well aware of the fact that this means that MC took some of its music from OoT, but still.)
Honestly, I might be doing it injustice by comparing it to Yuzo Koshiro's or ZUN's music, which I think are the best the video-game industry has ever seen (or rather, heard) - but I have played all Gameboy (including Advance) Zelda games, and they all had better music than OoT. No offence, but I simply can't remember a single melody that I hadn't heard first in a different Zelda game, while I can hum some of the Gameboy Zelda's tunes even though I haven't heard them for years.

The L trigger problem, granted, only provided real difficulties when in a boss battle - but isn't that exactly where there shouldn't be any problems? Though I did feel the need to escape from enemies a few times, I had far more difficulties locking on a boss correctly - due to me not exactly facing his direction, and stuff like that.
Uh, that's not very clear, is it now. >-> Like, if I face the opposite side from the boss - meaning the boss is behind me - but the camera is tilted in such a way that I can see the boss. I press L, but instead the camera turns /away/ from the boss, so I have to manually re-figure out where exactly the boss was relative to my position, press L to face the boss, and the press L yet again to lock it. Which can be rather frustrating, especially when the boss moves.

Thanks for the hint, but I already know about Farore's Wind.
It didn't work in the example I gave you; it simply returned me to the hallway where I started.
It's like this: There's a pretty long hallway directly connected to a huge open cavern, with lots of invisible boobytraps and such.
If I get caught by those, or fall into the abyss, I get thrown right back to the beginning of that long hallway. Summoning Farore's Wind doesn't work either, because the Green Orb just goes to the beginning of the 'area', which, in this case, is at the start of the hallway - exactly where I'd be sent to if I fell, and exactly where I /don't/ want to be.

Granted, this is the first 3D Zelda game I've ever played - and if memory doesn't fail me, it is also the first 3D Zelda-esque game I've played. I mean, I've had my share of games like Kingdom Hearts (DS) and such, but they're merely 3D in the sense that you can hit enemies IN 3D!, while Zelda is more than a 2D game translated to a third dimension. You have to be accurate with your slashes and walking direction, because otherwise you'll fail.
Now, because of this, I'll admit that the problems I had with the game's gameplay and controls are only because of my inexperience with the genre - but this game was supposed to be the first 3D Zelda-esque game ever made!
People, at the time of its release, had probably never played a game like this before - they must have been as inexperienced as I am now.

I mean, the game's controls were fine. The game was fine; I'm really not trying to say that it was bad, because, even though I didn't enjoy it, I can definitely see its merits.
But I won't ever be able to call this a masterpiece, because it simply isn't better or worse than others. It might have been revolutionary in its time, but now it's just another game. Nothing less, but certainly nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
United States
Isabelyes said:
gifi4 said:
ashxu said:
Isabelyes said:
-1 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Horrible controls, a bad camera, nearly unnoticeable 3D, unmemorable music...the Sand Temple (Spirit Temple?) was great. The rest of the game was horribly frustrating. It was all just so bland, cliche and uninspired.
Not sure if trolling
Read the post and I was like 0_0...

-Ocarina of Time Criticism-

Uh this game is incredibly easy, I've only died once. The puzzles aren't exactly Layton difficulty either. They're pretty damn easy mate...

and really cliche? Really? When this game was originally released there were barely if any fully fleshed out Fantasy Adventure games. The controls are perfect if you consider the control layout. Would you prefer pressing Left Right or Y A to turn around? The 3DS only has one circle pad. For boss fights keep yourself locked on to the boss? Also an easy way to turn the camera around is to move the circlepad down and press L. It's instantly turns the camera around.

You sound like someone who has been spoiled by current-gen graphics and gameplay elements to appreciate older games.

I mean, it's like watching Star Wars for the first time and saying "haha oh wow what a bad movie too much talking not enough action"

I started playing Zelda from Oracle of Seasons, the GBA games, DS and now Ocarina of Time on 3DS. Never played the original. (But I did play Banjo Kazooie)


Erratic Temp user
Nov 18, 2010
Somewhere Else
Someone doesn't like a game that other people like? Must be trolling!
Even as a massive Zelda geek I concede that OoT is massively overrated- and I agree with the anti OoT poster on a lot of points, especially the music (there are a few memorable tunes in there but a lot of atmospheric noise). The best 3D Zelda to ease yourself in with after all the 2D ones is Wind Waker- it starts holding your hand until you are used to the controls, then the latter half reminds me of the original LoZ or LttP where you are essentially meandering all over the map prodding things (with bombs) in a bid to find out where you go next. And Wind Waker's Ocean theme is equal to the original overworld theme in it's beauty.

Why was I in this thread?
Oh, yeah...
-1 Starfox 64 3D. I know it should be a +, I really do but I just can't recommend it. As someone who never had the original I thought I'd be in for a treat. I wasn't.
It looks lovely and plays like a dream but it's very short and quite easy. I'd have preferred it if they used the engine to create an original 3DS game
Yes I know people will accuse me of trolling but I really am not. If it were £15 cheaper it would be a +

-1 Driver Renegade. I don't even own this game, but a friend bought it and after about 3 hours turned up on my doorstep and said "play this for 10 minutes, is it really as bad as I thought". I had previously heard nothing but negative comments about it, but it excels itself in terms of dreadfulness. Poor handling, terrible cutscenes and repetetive missions. AVOID AT ALL COSTS


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Dec 29, 2008
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ashxu said:
Uh this game is incredibly easy, I've only died once. The puzzles aren't exactly Layton difficulty either. They're pretty damn easy mate...

and really cliche? Really? When this game was originally released there were barely if any fully fleshed out Fantasy Adventure games. The controls are perfect if you consider the control layout. Would you prefer pressing Left Right or Y A to turn around? The 3DS only has one circle pad. For boss fights keep yourself locked on to the boss? Also an easy way to turn the camera around is to move the circlepad down and press L. It's instantly turns the camera around.

You sound like someone who has been spoiled by current-gen graphics and gameplay elements to appreciate older games.

I mean, it's like watching Star Wars for the first time and saying "haha oh wow what a bad movie too much talking not enough action"

I started playing Zelda from Oracle of Seasons, the GBA games, DS and now Ocarina of Time on 3DS. Never played the original. (But I did play Banjo Kazooie)

Haha. Oh, don't even get me started on the difficulty of games. I've beaten all three Etrian Odyssey games, same with The Dark Spire, and I'm an avid Touhou player. If I die in a game too frequently, it'd only be natural for me to blame it on the game itself. Which I didn't, because I admitted this game's so-called 'difficulty' might just lie in my own inexperience.

About the cliche thing...I even said I'm judging the 3DS game, not the original. I know it was back in its time, but now countless games have done the same, and better. Did you even read my post? You quoted it as "OoT Criticism", but I'm starting to suspect that's all that your fanboy eyes saw, too.

Like I said above, I play Etrian Odyssey (whose gameplay is based on games that are probably older than you are), The Dark Spire (which contains a wire-frame mode, turning all of its graphics into simply white lines), the Touhou series (some of which are incredibly old, and they certainly don't have Xbox 360-level graphics). My most recently bought game is, in fact, Bit.Trip SAGA, which I haven't played yet (it hasn't been delivered yet), but I'm anticipating it with every step I take.

Please, don't just go off assuming ignorant things all by yourself.

...I'd like to stop here, but since I'm on a roll anyway:

In movies, I love talking. I love conversations. Same with games. I've played a fair amount of Visual Novels (practically /books/ with a background, music, and sometimes voice acting). Phoenix Wright and 999, for instance, might be a bit more expanded than normal VNs, but they're VNs nonetheless - and rather excellent ones, I may add.
I'm sure you can see the appeal of such games, even when they haven't got any gameplay. After all, you aren't spoiled /at all/.

I love dialogue - the more there is in a game, the better. That also goes for anime.
Ever heard of Bakemonogatari? It's an anime that almost entirely consists of conversations. As of now, it still holds the record as Japan's top-selling anime. I can see why, because it's utterly brilliant. It's one of my favourite anime, too.

You played Zelda? So did I. I grew up with it, on my brother's old, yellow Gameboy Colour. It's a great game series.
OoT is great, too. I can see that. I just didn't have a whole lot of fun playing it.

Lastly, Layton is a pretty easy game. If you wanted to give an example of a difficult game, you should have made sure you've played any. Also, what does Banjo Kazooie have to do with any of this? Do you want me to congratulate you on having played it? Should I pet you, and say you're a good boy?

...I won't say you're a troll, since many people probably think of /me/ as the troll here; after all, I criticized their God.
Nonetheless, I'd like to ask you to for fuck's sake, please think before you reply to a post you haven't even read.

Thank you.

QUOTE(Weaselpipe @ Sep 22 2011, 11:24 AM) Someone doesn't like a game that other people like? Must be trolling!
Even as a massive Zelda geek I concede that OoT is massively overrated- and I agree with the anti OoT poster on a lot of points, especially the music (there are a few memorable tunes in there but a lot of atmospheric noise). The best 3D Zelda to ease yourself in with after all the 2D ones is Wind Waker- it starts holding your hand until you are used to the controls, then the latter half reminds me of the original LoZ or LttP where you are essentially meandering all over the map prodding things (with bombs) in a bid to find out where you go next. And Wind Waker's Ocean theme is equal to the original overworld theme in it's beauty.

Sadly, I've never played Wind Waker - I'm not a console kind of guy - but I've had a friend's brother show it to me, and it did look like a very impressive game indeed. If they ever decide to remake it for the 3DS, then I'd certainly be willing to give it a try.

Thanks for the recommendation-of-sorts. I guess I should play it at my friend's; it sounds like a game I'd like.
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Dec 16, 2008
United States
QUOTE said:
I know that this game was probably the first to have such varied, 3D locales in one world, but I'm not judging this as a remake - I'm judging it as though it's new, and as a new game, the setting's horribly cliched.
QUOTEAbout the cliche thing...I even said I'm judging the 3DS game, not the original. I know it was back in its time, but now countless games have done the same, and better. Did you even read my post? You quoted it as "OoT Criticism", but I'm starting to suspect that's all that your fanboy eyes saw, too.
You're calling OoT cliche by comparing it to games that came after it.

Why are you judging it as a new 3DS game? It's a REMAKE of a N64 game.

Just WOW really?

I don't care if you see it as a new game, fact is the game is over a decade old. The 3DS version only polished and revamped the graphics.


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Dec 29, 2008
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ashxu said:
QUOTE said:
I know that this game was probably the first to have such varied, 3D locales in one world, but I'm not judging this as a remake - I'm judging it as though it's new, and as a new game, the setting's horribly cliched.
QUOTEAbout the cliche thing...I even said I'm judging the 3DS game, not the original. I know it was back in its time, but now countless games have done the same, and better. Did you even read my post? You quoted it as "OoT Criticism", but I'm starting to suspect that's all that your fanboy eyes saw, too.
You're calling OoT cliche by comparing it to games that came after it.

Why are you judging it as a new 3DS game? It's a REMAKE of a N64 game.

Just WOW really?

I don't care if you see it as a new game, fact is the game is over a decade old. The 3DS version only polished and revamped the graphics.

Way to ignore the rest I posted. Eh, it can't be helped I guess.

I am judging it as a new 3DS game, because that's exactly what it is.
For instance, you can't just port a 20 year-old game to the 3DS, update the graphics, and say that it should be given 10 out of 10s because it was just that awesome back then.
"Fact": we rate games because we want to know if they're worth buying. We want to know if they're /better than their competitors/. Would you market a game with, "It might suck now, but back then it was the only way to go!"?
Because, following your logic, you would.

Should I be like, "I didn't like OoT, but it'd have been awesome when I was five, so I guess I should give it a 10"?
That' just doesn't make any sense.

This thread is for /recommendations/. For recommending games you think /are worth buying, right now/.
Nobody gives a batshit if I thought Pong was awesome ten years ago. They want to know if it still is, and to learn whether it is or not, we need to judge it by today's standards.
I did, and I thought it wasn't worth my money.

You're saying I should judge it as a Nintendo 64 game, even though it was released for the 3DS?
What if all games for the 3DS were better? Should we still just randomly give remakes a 10, simply because they were good back then? No!
You might not care about me seeing it as a new game, but others don't care about it being old. They want to know if a game is better than other games, because there's simply too much choice, too little time, and they only want the best.

And please, don't go all like "Everyone who wants the best is a spoiled brat".
We are here, in this thread, exactly because we want to know what's best.

If you don't want the best - if you're content with old games simply because they were good ten years ago - then what the hell are you doing here?


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
United States
So answer me this.

why are you calling the game cliche by saying games after it have done the same but better?

That doesn't make any sense at all.


Oct 6, 2011
+1 Zelda OoT, because I played the original and it was great, but an hour into this remake I find my eyes seriously screwed (haha, I'm noob like that) but can't put it down anyway.
+1 Street Fighter 3D, because the box it comes with is damned cool, and it plays like the arcade version of the same game, with extra content. Am playing with a friend's, but going to get me a copy soon.
+1 Dead or Alive: Dimensions, just because of the babes- no, really, fighting sequence is cinematic, though I can see how it may get repetitive, I'm getting it if I have spare moolah.
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