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  • I've seen an innocent woman get killed in her own home for nothing, and now UK police brutality worse than what happened in America some time ago. What in the devil is happening...
    • Wow
    Reactions: Xdqwerty
    you are receiving so many jam allergic people and pamper them as immune to the law, if you lower the cost of a crime the criminals will growth.
    Back again, been a while eh. :P
    Hi boy,do you remember me?
    How are you doing? Where have you been? I thought you had withdrawn from the world, hidden away in some ashram lost who knows where...🙏😑
    Given your new avatar, your dark side must have awakened, alas. 😱
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    Reactions: Jiehfeng
    Of course I do, how could I forget you haha. I am doing pretty good, I was studying at a college and doing some work at the same time, but haven't forgotten my journey as well. You could say something has awakened in me, so I am now figuring out the rest. :D
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    Reactions: Nikokaro
    I really need something like a USB C to C cable that when you plug it in to any two devices, on both devices immediately a file explorer opens up to copy files to and from both devices. That would save so many headaches and time.
    There are some proprietary solutions, and devices with OTG can attempt to do it, but there's nothing universal.
    • Like
    Reactions: Jiehfeng
    Reminds me of
    interlnk.exe ←→ intersvr.exe
    Okay, only one PC controls the stuff, but has bidirectional access to everything.

    Was fun to use.
    ChatGPT is scary, I watched this video and as a developer this makes me feel nervous about the future of my work.
    I realize for more complex things it can fail with regards to code, but looking at how quick ChatGPT got released in this state, how can we not expect it to be on par with experts in the future?

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    Reactions: Halbour
    Nvidia Broadcast's look at the camera AI is scary. I would use it in uni but the only problem is looking away and back has a very robot-like eye movement.
    • Wow
    Reactions: AncientBoi
    Mind is such an illusion, you look back into the past and it can compress a year into feeling like it flew by like in a month even though if you think about it, you know you experienced a day each. Something so common I see is people thinking their childhood was great but really it was pretty normal, the present is probably worse in comparison so it looks great.
    I was a bad boi [still am] in my childhood. :blush:
    Just think of all the micro Terabytes of DATA held within one's mind. :O
    • Like
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    Commendable wisdom, unusual for your young age. The mind is illusion: whether it remembers the past, anticipates the future, selects certain moments and enriches the simple fact and twists it, with subjective desires or fears. The past is never better, the future neither: totally immersed in the here and now: only that is real, the rest is daydreaming. 😑
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    Reactions: Jiehfeng
    I'm building like an AIO video downloader / player app for Android and possibly iOS. But I wonder, is there any way to allow downloading videos from YouTube, or would I be in legal trouble? Are there workarounds, or is just allowing to play a video from an extracted URL fine if I don't provide a download option?
    If we use NewPipe as a case study, it looks like they were allowed on the Play Store provided that version does not allow downloading of videos, it can only stream. Not sure if other compromises were made.
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    Reactions: Jiehfeng
    As far as legal concerns go outside of just Play policy, youtube-dl is still around even after some tried to take it down, so there must be some justification? Would recommend looking into that case
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    Reactions: Jiehfeng
    Subscription plans are great for Buddhists, you don't truly own anything in life and you don't get to take anything to your grave anyway. So it's just a free discount.
    • Haha
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    Elon Musk: Vote if I should step down from my CEO position at Twitter, I will abide by the results of this Poll.
    *majority votes yes*
    *replies to Tweet suggesting the Poll may have been rigged by bots*
    Elon musk: Interesting.
    • Haha
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    PowerToys is awesome.
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