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Trump 2024 - Is it inevitable?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Don't get ahead of yourself, please. Even I do not think this and I do not even consider myself a republican.

His win against Trump was narrow, and despite some clear fuckery going on at the time especially with the mail system being the way it was it really could have gone either way if things got more fucked up than they really were.

Finally he won against Trump not because of how great he was, but how much of a lesser evil he was compared to Trump. The dead corpse of Ronald Reagan would have probably won against Trump if it was in the direct running. When people have had enough of your shit almost anyone else would look like the better option. The DNC just went with Biden for the same reason they did with Hillary in 2016. It was a familiar face and it was an internal push to get them into the primary seat. He was not even in the most likeable candidates early on (about in the same category of likeability as Bloomberg and "YangGang") until they started pushing him more over the other candidates, otherwise we would have probably had Warren or Sanders touching the Primary seat.

Also he did not prevent anything pandemic wise. He pushed orders to control the pandemic and resources dedicated to the ongoing virus. Hell, even the development of the covid vaccines were in large part during the Trump administration (which I find funny as most Anti-Vax conspiracy driven far right ignores this detail and still sees it as all Biden's doing). There was no prevention here, the prevention would have had happened if this Virus would have been taken seriously as soon as reports started coming out of China and us shutting down international transport to prevent potential spread, which clearly did not fast enough and was during the Trump era.

As for the Ukraine situation, that is a problem split down the middle. Many countries are giving them their support as well as the people of the country donating their way to support as well, which is fine. That said there needs to be some attention here on what the effects of this situation has done to our already damaged and inflated economy as now gas prices are reaching new frightening highs with no priority task to limit or bring down said prices. This in large part is because of our dependence on Russia's petrol and we have not really done anything better to redirect those needs from other sources. As a result we are in a bit of a shitshow right now that seems to climb ever higher for a situation that might have no reasonable end in sight. There's nothing wrong with helping a country fight off an invasion, but we need help here too.

Finally, as for "Which US-President has managed so many obstetrical of this grand scale?" There are many examples, but if you do not want to count the founding fathers of our nation, or Lincoln, you also have Franklin F. Roosevelt, who was President during Word War 2, helped pull us out of the first great depression and more while his legs barely worked given that he had suffered from Polio which permanently disabled his ability to walk. He is an example of what a president is supposed to do, not a shining example of an exceptional one.

A president is supposed to lead the country and help it and its people prosper through any event no matter how grand or small. That is their job simple as that. You have shit ones, good ones, great ones, and ones that have done the bare minimum.

Its probable. If Biden was smart he would either endorse someone younger to step up to the plate (though I do not know of Harris is capable of this and hell if I know the country is even ready to accept a "Madam President" yet, probably too risky of a bet for a primary seat) Because at his age even people on his side of the court are doubtful of his mental cognitive ability anymore. I still feel he won solely out of him being "the lesser evil" choice, but if his time in office does not highlight everything he has done vs the things he bungled on, its going to be a tough bet to try again and see what happens. A younger candidate would just be the better option wholesale.

As for Trump, its a bit chaotic right now. The Republican Party is a 3 headed dog that can't stop trying to bite one another while also fighting everyone else off. You have the traditional conservatives, you have the GOP republicans and you have your Trump supporters, not all 3 of these entities agree with each other or really want to be associated with each other. The Trads want the party to be respected as it once was even with its core beliefs and disbeliefs, the GOP wants to basically gain control of everything and throw the core concept of American freedom out the door while installing their own control for the country. Going out of the way to screw over everyone they can to get their way and set up elaborate systems just so they could shut down any opposing bill or plan with extreme tactical precision, and the Trump supporters are just chaotic disenfranchised folk that want to have their existence be recognized and Trump just happened to be the person to find and feed into these people utilizing and weaponizing them into a group that can actually be useful in voting and protesting., regardless of how mentally unstable they can be. The GOP by extent saw this and basically endorsed Trump for office because of the very same reason.

The Republican party is honestly split internally, but would rather try to get along with eachother if only to have their hand in control again over simply splitering off the groups formed within so they could try to regain their credibility again. Its sad because if the Trads had more backbone and started to toss out the GOP/Trump folk from the party not only would it make them seem more respectable as a party again, but it would mean those who would be tossed out would try to platform as their own party. But we all know that no such third party ever succeeds in votes compared to the big two and as a result would be relegated as a joke.
I think you're underestimating how much power Trump has over the Republican Party. If it is a "three headed dog," the other two heads are insignificant compared to the Trump head. It's why he's all but guaranteed to get the nomination if he runs.
Last edited by Lacius,
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Resident Robot Hoarder
Mar 25, 2021
The Best State on The Best Coast
United States
What do you consider yourself as?
It does not matter but at this point I might as well be an independant that finds both sides plagued with shit and problems, both of which unlikely to change or flush out since they are too stuck in their ways (and probably profit from it because of this) to actually do anything better and respectable for the party they represent and of course the people that want to support them.

Can you provide proof?
81mil for Biden (51.3%) vs 74mil for Trump (46.8%) by popular vote and 306 vs 232 electoral (which as of this time states are already starting to get rid of in support of pushing popular vote only for future elections). Despite the lead it was enough for there to be enough bitching on both sides to defend or complain about recounts or doubt of complete numbers. Also with the mail in ballot system being a complete and total shitshow especially with Trump's last minute hiring of DeJoy to take over the USPS before the election and his extreme cutbacks on the mail service made this even more suspect of foul play being implemented with the mail in ballots. Fortunately it was not enough to give Trump the edge he wanted to take this election away but the attempts to fuck with it were clearly there plain as day.

Okay, that is you interpretation right?
Not at all, its considered by a lot of people who simply did not want Trump to win a second term in office. People wanted someone else other than Biden, if not for the fact that in his past he as a democrat did not really speak to everyone's mentality given that he supported going to war with Afghanistan in 2001 and also is not supportive of the idea of federally legalizing marijuana making it no longer an issue that has to be dealt with between state and federal law differences. (A state can legalize it, but it does not stop federal autonomy to step in at any given point and raid/shut down shops/arrest shop owners as its still federally illegal in this country!) For a modern democrat he is a moderate in that he wants to play both sides of trying to meet half way with republicans while still coming off as a democrat. A mentality that goes nowhere in the pool of power as Republicans simply don't play ball with Democrats and will stand their ground until their demands are met or the whole thing gets thrown out entirely. Let's not forget that Obamacare was originally supposed to be essentially our own version of universal free healthcare for this country and this was cut down and mangled extensively to the point that it resulted in nothing of its original promise and effort thanks to Republicans standing their ground and refusing to let it or anything of that nature pass without it being so screwed over that the end result is nothing that benefits anyone except those who benefited from the old system already.

People wanted a progressive democrat, not a moderate. The DNC thought Moderates do better in the polls, and pushed Biden among all else. No one really likes moderates however, as they rarely get anything right done in the country.

I don't think so, for the same reason wie neo-Reaga DeSantis will not win. Its over. The USA is in clear decline, a Reagan canidate will not work.
Its about media representation and attention. Reagan was originally an actor first before becoming a politician and that kind of charisma works wonders with people. Trump has a similar pull given his many years on and off TV and media making him a well known person long before he even had his foot in the race. It helps too that speaking your mind, whether it be good or bad makes you look far more genuine than any other cookie cut politician who is afraid to actually do so and comes off as artificial, not genuine, and out of touch with the people (again I am remembering Hillary's "Pokemon-GO to the polls" speech, reflecting the out of touch mentality she is presenting with her potential voters). Trump got as far as he did because he is what he says he is, he believes in the things he says and that resonated with people that felt forgotten and disenfranchised with the current government at the time. Its not hard to understand this at all, the problem is that politicians seem too stiff and afraid to actually loosen up to meet with this same level of down to earth speaking of their mind and trying to relate with their audience as themselves and not about the party they represent.

Well, he won fair and square.
Results are what they are, and I am not debating that. I will always debate the shit that went down at the DNC that got him into the primary seat but that is all.

What is your point here? That Biden did not handle the pandamic well?
He handled it the best he could in his power and the situation has presented it. He could not prevent something that had already begun here and spread hard here as it was started at the end of the Trump administration. By the time Biden came to office it was already doing heavy damage and death toll here. It became a matter of writing off several executive orders and effectively trying to undo the damage that had already taken place prior to his term in office.

Well, thats life. Biden did handle the situation well.
People here need just as much support as overseas. One of the major criticisms in the past was that we do more to help out and bail out other countries are large end entities than we do help ours who actually need it. That is part of the reason why Republican rhetoric is stronger in this opinion in people and why shit like "Make America Great Again" became such a powerful phrase in Trump's original run. People genuinely want to return to the days where the US took care of itself first and foremost, ignoring other countries and the world problems outside of itself. A selfish mindset given our power in the world but not one that can't be understood given current situations.

Inflation is still a problem, people can barely pay for things as it is, and now gas is making the task of getting to and from places necessary an almost self defeating purpose.

Well most of the war effort came from britain and Russia. The US came in late and that is not as impressive as you seem to think.
Don't ever underplay the impact we had on WWII. We lost people there, damn good people there. To undermine our part in the war would be to undermine their very efforts and sacrifices which is just heartless no matter how you look at it. Also I am pretty sure Japan would like a word or two about how our impact in the war might have changed things for them and ultimately the world over with the development and deployment of the first nukes the world has ever witnessed forever changing the landscape of power and fear of war. Don't ever disrespect our impact in the war.

No, look at Gaius Julius Caesar as a referance. Under Biden the USA is undergoing paradigm changes of a scale the US has never seen before. You may not like them but they are truely bold moves
I don't think it would be in good nature to reference our current president with a roman dictator who got assassinated by his people a few years later.

I think you're overestimating how much power Trump has over the Republican Party. If it is a "three headed dog," the other two heads are insignificant compared to the Trump head. It's why he's all but guaranteed to get the nomination if he runs.
A cult of personality helps, he draws people in and riles them up. The original party folk just wishes it did not have to come from a person of his nature, since all it does is reflect poorly on the party and making them the parody that everyone has made fun of for decades now. They have become the joke they were trying to step back from because of this.

I do not doubt his nomination, but one can hope they have someone else in their party that can try to deplatform him. Unlikely to happen unless he is removed by force or by legal ramifications actually going through.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2021
Thank you for your detailed responsed. Much appreachiated!
It does not matter but at this point I might as well be an independant that finds both sides plagued with shit and problems, both of which unlikely to change or flush out since they are too stuck in their ways (and probably profit from it because of this) to actually do anything better and respectable for the party they represent and of course the people that want to support them.
Yes, I perosanlly think it is a deliberate process to distract people from the idea of actually finding functional solutions. What do you think?
81mil for Biden (51.3%) vs 74mil for Trump (46.8%) by popular vote and 306 vs 232 electoral (which as of this time states are already starting to get rid of in support of pushing popular vote only for future elections). Despite the lead it was enough for there to be enough bitching on both sides to defend or complain about recounts or doubt of complete numbers. Also with the mail in ballot system being a complete and total shitshow especially with Trump's last minute hiring of DeJoy to take over the USPS before the election and his extreme cutbacks on the mail service made this even more suspect of foul play being implemented with the mail in ballots. Fortunately it was not enough to give Trump the edge he wanted to take this election away but the attempts to fuck with it were clearly there plain as day.
That evil man Trump.
Not at all, its considered by a lot of people who simply did not want Trump to win a second term in office. People wanted someone else other than Biden, if not for the fact that in his past he as a democrat did not really speak to everyone's mentality given that he supported going to war with Afghanistan in 2001 and also is not supportive of the idea of federally legalizing marijuana making it no longer an issue that has to be dealt with between state and federal law differences. (A state can legalize it, but it does not stop federal autonomy to step in at any given point and raid/shut down shops/arrest shop owners as its still federally illegal in this country!) For a modern democrat he is a moderate in that he wants to play both sides of trying to meet half way with republicans while still coming off as a democrat.
Yes but isn't it great how he holds the country together?
A mentality that goes nowhere in the pool of power as Republicans simply don't play ball with Democrats and will stand their ground until their demands are met or the whole thing gets thrown out entirely. Let's not forget that Obamacare was originally supposed to be essentially our own version of universal free healthcare for this country and this was cut down and mangled extensively to the point that it resulted in nothing of its original promise and effort thanks to Republicans standing their ground and refusing to let it or anything of that nature pass without it being so screwed over that the end result is nothing that benefits anyone except those who benefited from the old system already.
Going back to the idea that both sides are a plague. They seem to work together in a thing one might call organized irresponsibility. They promise stuff and then point to the other side to rationalize why it wont happen. Isn't it so? If so its a scam!
People wanted a progressive democrat, not a moderate. The DNC thought Moderates do better in the polls, and pushed Biden among all else. No one really likes moderates however, as they rarely get anything right done in the country.
All of this draws a pattern of not wanting to do what is expected of them if you ask me.
Its about media representation and attention. Reagan was originally an actor
there you go
first before becoming a politician and that kind of charisma works wonders with people.
Its all so clearly a show.
Trump has a similar pull given his many years on and off TV and media making him a well known person long before he even had his foot in the race. It helps too that speaking your mind, whether it be good or bad makes you look far more genuine than any other cookie cut politician who is afraid to actually do so and comes off as artificial, not genuine, and out of touch with the people (again I am remembering Hillary's "Pokemon-GO to the polls" speech, reflecting the out of touch mentality she is presenting with her potential voters).
I call it it is all fake. Pokemon-Go to the polls, hot sauce its not real. Fasade
Trump got as far as he did because he is what he says he is, he believes in the things he says and that resonated with people that felt forgotten and disenfranchised with the current government at the time. Its not hard to understand this at all, the problem is that politicians seem too stiff and afraid to actually loosen up to meet with this same level of down to earth speaking of their mind and trying to relate with their audience as themselves and not about the party they represent.
He was a good and believable talker, but he was not trustworthy.
Results are what they are, and I am not debating that. I will always debate the shit that went down at the DNC that got him into the primary seat but that is all.
Bernie is in it too. He runs a campain only to pass the torch. He is a distractor.
He handled it the best he could in his power and the situation has presented it. He could not prevent something that had already begun here and spread hard here as it was started at the end of the Trump administration. By the time Biden came to office it was already doing heavy damage and death toll here. It became a matter of writing off several executive orders and effectively trying to undo the damage that had already taken place prior to his term in office.
People here need just as much support as overseas. One of the major criticisms in the past was that we do more to help out and bail out other countries are large end entities than we do help ours who actually need it. That is part of the reason why Republican rhetoric is stronger in this opinion in people and why shit like "Make America Great Again" became such a powerful phrase in Trump's original run. People genuinely want to return to the days where the US took care of itself first and foremost, ignoring other countries and the world problems outside of itself. A selfish mindset given our power in the world but not one that can't be understood given current situations.
Oh you don't want that. The US will either wage war outwards or inwards. Inwards is not gonna be fun for you, be careful.
Inflation is still a problem, people can barely pay for things as it is, and now gas is making the task of getting to and from places necessary an almost self defeating purpose.
I'm sorry for the people that suffer under these pressures.
Don't ever underplay the impact we had on WWII. We lost people there, damn good people there.
Well I have to push back on that. The USA nuked Japan after they sought for surrender, there were alot of evil things that were done to the japanese as well as the german non military targets/civilians.
To undermine our part in the war would be to undermine their very efforts and sacrifices which is just heartless no matter how you look at it.
Consider the crimes against the germans and japanese civilians. The many german cities the britians burned down were not military targerts. Extreme evil.
Also I am pretty sure Japan would like a word or two about how our impact in the war might have changed things for them and ultimately the world over with the development and deployment of the first nukes the world has ever witnessed forever changing the landscape of power and fear of war. Don't ever disrespect our impact in the war.
I cannot respect that. It is a horrible crime. They where debating in the Manhatten project to nuke Kyoto to destroy the japanese cultural and histroic center. Truely evil creatures from hell.
I don't think it would be in good nature to reference our current president with a roman dictator who got assassinated by his people a few years later.
I undestand.

Please do some research on the manhatten project. These guys estimated a 10% chance to destroy the whole world by testing their nukes and did it anyway. It is unbelievable. Pure evil. I understand that the american population is not of that nature, but their leadership has shown their ugly face without shame.
Last edited by Creamu,


Sep 13, 2009
United States
True, but he doesn't accept that loss as legitimate and neither do his cultists. If he does run again, he'll keep harping on the idea that 2020 was stolen from him throughout the entire campaign. Losing a second time, however, might cause some of his most loyal devotees to start questioning that narrative, and might even be enough to cause him a full-on psychological break.
Last time he did this, he lost votes for Georgia. I can't imagine the voting deterrent, if (hopefully) he loses again.

I think you're overestimating how much power Trump has over the Republican Party. If it is a "three headed dog," the other two heads are insignificant compared to the Trump head. It's why he's all but guaranteed to get the nomination if he runs.


Zonark - Noun - A God
Jul 11, 2010
United States
I’m assuming this entire post is satire. All the babies are dying because of starvation yet we give it away at our borders. Not saying Trump is the answer but if you think about it he really did do some amazing stuff I mean the vaccine was developed under the trumpet ministration that was most successful Pfizer. The education board was growing and unemployment levels were dropping. Not to mention all the success with North Korea. No one’s really giving that administration any credit that it deserves. Trump was good about surrounding himself with intelligent people in the right roles. He was not good with talking at all
Last edited by Zonark,
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2021
United States
With how badly Biden is runing the country, I'd say either trump or Ron Desantis.

God knows I have my money on DeSantis, Trump is just too far right for me to even consider.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Trump's supporter base has mostly dwindled down to the most devoted but lost a lot of the casual supporters. I believe the only means for him to get into the office now would have to come from an attempt to overturn election results.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Trump's supporter base has mostly dwindled down to the most devoted but lost a lot of the casual supporters. I believe the only means for him to get into the office now would have to come from an attempt to overturn election results.
I hate to burst your bubble, but national polls show a hypothetical match-up between Trump and Biden as being too close for comfort. In an Emerson poll from April, Trump wins by +2%. For context, Biden won with +4.4% in 2020.

You're right though that they're also positioning themselves to be able to overturn the election if it goes Biden's way.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
I hate to burst your bubble, but national polls show a hypothetical match-up between Trump and Biden as being too close for comfort. In an Emerson poll from April, Trump wins by +2%. For context, Biden won with +4.4% in 2020.

You're right though that they're also positioning themselves to be able to overturn the election if it goes Biden's way.
That is uncomfortable, how recent are these polls?
With how badly Biden is runing the country, I'd say either trump or Ron Desantis.

God knows I have my money on DeSantis, Trump is just too far right for me to even consider.
What is Biden doing that is so bad?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2021
United States
What is Biden doing that is so bad?
Probably not just him, but just the price inflation and gas. Might not be his fault, but under Trump, gas was inexpensive, and I want that back.

Unfortentualy, Trump is too far right for me, so I suggest Ron Desantis, he is better.


THEE GAY WARLORD™ - Defender of GAY Rights
Jan 25, 2021
On the Patio NaKeD w/COFFEE
United States
I'm going with the song I heard

♫♫Fuq Donald Trump♫♫ ♫♫Fuq Donald Trump♫♫ ♫♫Fa fa fah♫♫♫♫Fuq Donald Trump♫♫♫♫Fuq Donald Trump♫♫♫♫Fa fa fah♫♫♫♫Fuq Donald Trump♫♫

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Probably not just him, but just the price inflation and gas. Might not be his fault, but under Trump, gas was inexpensive, and I want that back.

Unfortentualy, Trump is too far right for me, so I suggest Ron Desantis, he is better.
That's not a real issue that can be resolved through the president. Gas prices also peaked at a crazy high rate under Bush because of the wars that were started. This should be an issue that drives people to want to change how the oil industry manipulates prices during wartime. Again, these prices are set by private industry, not by the president.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I dislike this. I don't care much for Biden but the idea of Trump again is not a pleasant idea for me.
If he decides to run in 2024, it's a very real prospect that we will get another Trump term.

Might not be his fault, but under Trump, gas was inexpensive, and I want that back.
Biden released gas reserves, and he increased the supplemental ethanol, all to lower prices. If not for those choices, gas prices would end up worse. You should be thanking Biden. I'll wait.

I hope you understand that it's because of the effects of the pandemic back in 2020 that caused the gas price situation we are seeing now. I wonder who was president in 2020...
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
If he decides to run in 2024, it's a very real prospect that we will get another Trump term.
I guess it's a good thing that I've already either gotten all of my legal shit finished or soon-to-be-finished. Coupled with my stockpile of hormones that I've acquired due to my surgeries taking me off them for a brief period of time. It's not much but it's shit ready in case of the worst.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2021
United States
Biden released gas reserves, and he increased the supplemental ethanol, all to lower prices. If not for those choices, gas prices would end up worse. You should be thanking Biden. I'll wait.
I won't thank Biden, as he did what he should of done. I am grateful, but i won't thank him.

I hope you understand that it's because of the effects of the pandemic back in 2020 that caused the gas price situation we are seeing now. I wonder who was president in 2020...
As you said, the Pandemic.

Also didn't biden say he would remove the travel bans and masking only to keep them on? Hell, I've gone maskless since 2021 but that's only because we actually had a governor who cared enough to invalidate local masking orders and remove the statewide one as well.

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