Hacking A modded nus downloader...

  • Thread starter Deleted User
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Deleted User

So I was scouring the internet for a nus downloader that used to exist. (it was mentioned in a post, WAY way back. and it was some other user.) But I was able to find the github for the place. So, I must ask, how do we compile it. Because it has no make file. But if we could get it working. We could therotically have a vwii nus. (I was able to find the vwii common key floating around) however issue is, no make file. Which is rather disappointing. Now I'm not a professional, so if you find out that it was (to make the program or what not) was very simple fix. Don't go killing me. ALSO, I do not own it! it is the work of someone else, so credit to the guy who made it...

https://github.com/zhuowei/NUS-Downloader-WiiU link to the modded nus downloader. (in the CommonKey.cs we have to manually input the wiiu common key. But can't we just replace that with the vwii common key? or replace the wii key with the vwii key?)

Deleted User

I did, and those are way older. And they don't work. I'm specificly talking about vwii apps. as vwii has a different encrpytion key. And that link is to the orignal nus downloader. which again. No vwii support. (I mean there is, but I'm more talking about downloading vwii only files. Like vwii version of ios 58. and so on.)

Deleted User

Ah ok. Sorry!
Its fine. You just have to look at the dates. the github was last written to 3 years ago. which was around 2014. meanwhile the google code builds where made nearly 6 years ago! Now i feel really old.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2017
United States
Oh my lol, I should've looked at the names. One said modded and one didn't:P

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That's strange there is no make file though...

Deleted User

Oh my lol, I should've looked at the names. One said modded and one didn't:P

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That's strange there is no make file though...
probably because... Idk. However I was able to find the compiled version... except well... doesn't have vwii key, and the wiiu key appears to be in, but wiiu common key is obviously not the same as the vwii common key.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
nus downloader doesn't pack the files correctly in the wad, and doesn't generate a proper file (ticket, or tmd?)

On wii, it doesn't matter, but on vWii it does.
If you are on an older WiiU version and you install a bad vWii system file, you will be stuck on an old WiiU version. It will refuse to update to latest version until you install proper and good signed vWii IOSes.

Please, follow proper tutorial to extract good signed IOS for your own backup instead of packing system files incorrectly with an old tool. It could be bad for people if you release it without warning, or without proper tests. users should be aware to install only the IOS they properly dumped from their console (or another console), but in no way install a file packaged from a tool generating a faked signature.
Last edited by Cyan,

Deleted User

nus downloader doesn't pack the files correctly in the wad, and doesn't generate a proper file (ticket, or tmd?)

On wii, it doesn't matter, but on vWii it does.
If you are on an older WiiU version and you install a bad vWii system file, you will be stuck on an old WiiU version. It will refuse to update to latest version until you install proper and good signed vWii IOSes.

Please, follow proper tutorial to extract good signed IOS for your own backup instead of packing system files incorrectly with an old tool. It could be bad for people if you release it without warning, or without proper tests. users should be aware to install only the IOS they properly dumped from their console (or another console), but in no way install a file packaged from a tool generating a faked signature.
gotcha... does it decrpyt the .apps properly though? Its just rather annoying to know that the files are out there. And I already have a valid dump of my system. But it would be convenient to be able to re download those, I mean its also silly no one has really tried to work on vwii once it was eploited, sure we have wiiu side to work on. But the vwii is behind compared to the wii in certain places. Being able to have a form of a nus downloader (for vwii), being one of them.
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GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
I don't know if it can decrypt.

I didn't check how nusd worked, and always used it to get neek required files, no other installed title on the console.
I just know it's not good for vWii.
maybe the issue was the ancast, but again I don't know if it has been updated after ancast key was made public.

that's true that vWii seems less interested, we could have tools to fix semi or fully bricked vWii directly from WiiU homebrew (installing files using WUP server instead of using wads for example), but I think most homebrew devs left. they lost interest in Wii, or just have their own life taking their time (I'm the later).

Deleted User

I don't know if it can decrypt.

I didn't check how nusd worked, and always used it to get neek required files, no other installed title on the console.
I just know it's not good for vWii.
maybe the issue was the ancast, but again I don't know if it has been updated after ancast key was made public.

that's true that vWii seems less interested, we could have tools to fix semi or fully bricked vWii directly from WiiU homebrew (installing files using WUP server instead of using wads for example), but I think most homebrew devs left. they lost interest in Wii, or just have their own life taking their time (I'm the later).
Because, honestly, if we could advance the vwii scene we could do a lot more, possibly even take advantage of what Nintendo has made (they managed to get the gamepad to work on some vwii games. And if thats possible, theoretically speaking we could get it to treat the official gamecube controller as a gamecube controller port (I hope that makes sense) Which I'm pretty sure that their is some sort of custom ios, or. fw.img (their is a fw.img for every wii game, even those without gamepad support. which makes me think there is some sort of patching that has to be occurring) But if we could take advantage of that it would give some nice options. Like Nintendon't being able to be used on gamepad, but I'm more intrested in getting the gamecube adapter to emulate as... well a gamecube port on a wii. Which would mean that all games that use would be better. (sonic riders zero gravity, and super smash bros is simply not the same without it.) However, if it is Ios base... then we may need to scratch that. However if its a setting that is treated by the fw.img, then perfect. COURSE, I'm not a developer of sorts! I'm just basing out of what I found out about the system and what I have looked into.

EDIT: I'm well aware that Nintendont does support the gc adapter. But I'm more talking as to get it treated as so OUT side of homebrew.
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GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
The gamecube adapter is a simple USB HID adapter, and Wii games don't have that library coded when they have been compiled by nitendo. the SDK didn't include it.
to make the HID working in games, it would require a lot of patching, different for each games because they are all using different SDK and sources.

It works in nintendont because it's not the game which is running, but nintendont running in the background doing the bridge between hardware and software. nintendont is always in memory, while playing Wii games there are no OS or multi-threading enabled. only the game is running and using its own code to interact with the hardware.

it also work in Smash Bros WiiU because nintendo coded HID support in that game.
Last edited by Cyan,

Deleted User

The gamecube adapter is a simple USB HID adapter, and Wii games don't have that library coded when they have been compiled by nitendo. the SDK didn't include it.
to make the HID working in games, it would require a lot of patching, different for each games because they are all using different SDK and sources.

It works in nintendont because it's not the game which is running, but nintendont running in the background doing the bridge between hardware and software. nintendont is always in memory, while playing Wii games there are no OS or multi-threading enabled. only the game is running and using its own code to interact with the hardware.
gotcha, well good thing I said theoretically. And I just remembered something. I think and pretty sure the fw.img is responsible for the gamepad. First off it breaks wiimotes entirely. The second one being that even if the gamepad is disconnected virtually. It can still shut off the console. However that's all the proof I have. So I'm probably wrong.


Aspirant Wii U homebrew dev :P
Oct 9, 2016
gotcha, well good thing I said theoretically. And I just remembered something. I think and pretty sure the fw.img is responsible for the gamepad. First off it breaks wiimotes entirely. The second one being that even if the gamepad is disconnected virtually. It can still shut off the console. However that's all the proof I have. So I'm probably wrong.
That fw.img is an IOS, you'll probably want to read this

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