Homebrew Homebrew Development


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
United States
I know C is possible, I'm talking about mp3, mp4, etc., and if we can use those formats in homebrew.
There is the mvd service for the n3ds, but if you are asking is there a play mp3 api you can call in libctru or other 3ds provided api, then the answer is no. Libctru does provide apis to access the frame buffer and play audio samples. So you just need to either decode the files yourself or find an existing library that does this. You will then need to provide the "glue" to take the decoded information and put it in the format the 3ds requires and then display/play it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2016
I'm working on drawing text using Citro3D and after peeking at the system font example I've got something that works pretty well.
The thing is that I need to be able to have a black background behind the text in order for it to be visible in some situations and I'm not sure how to handle that with my limited knowledge of 3D stuff.

I'll just post my horrible code rather than try to explain the monsters contained within :D
#include <3ds.h>
#include <citro3d.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "ui_main.h"
#include "ctr_vid.h"
#include "ctr_util.h"
#include "font.h"

#define FontWidth 8
#define FontHeight 16
#define CharsPerLine ( 320 / FontWidth )
#define LinesPerScreen ( 240 / FontHeight )
#define MaxCharsToDraw ( CharsPerLine * LinesPerScreen )

struct {
   float Left;
   float Top;
   float Bottom;
   float Right;
   struct Vertex Verticies[ 6 ];
} GlyphInfo[ 256 ];

static C3D_Tex Font_Tex;

static struct Vertex* VBOData = NULL;
static rgba32_t* Font_Data = NULL;

static int VertexCount = 0;
static int VBOIndex = 0;

void Font_Begin( void ) {
   C3D_TexEnv* Env = C3D_GetTexEnv( 0 );

    * Courtesy of the system font example.
    * I still don't really totally understand this yet.
   C3D_TexEnvSrc( Env, C3D_RGB, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, 0, 0) ;
   C3D_TexEnvSrc( Env, C3D_Alpha, GPU_TEXTURE0, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, 0 );
   C3D_TexEnvOp( Env, C3D_Both, 0, 0, 0 );
   C3D_TexEnvFunc( Env, C3D_RGB, GPU_REPLACE );
   C3D_TexEnvFunc( Env, C3D_Alpha, GPU_MODULATE );

   VertexCount = 0;
   VBOIndex = 0;

void Font_AddText( float X, float Y, const char* Text, float R, float G, float B, float A ) {
   struct Vertex* Ptr = NULL;
   int Len = 0;
   int i = 0;
   int v = 0;
   int c = 0;

   Ptr = &VBOData[ VBOIndex ];
   Len = strlen( Text );

   if ( Len ) {
     for ( i = 0; i < Len; i++, X+= 8 ) {
       for ( v = 0; v < 6; v++ ) {
         c = Text[ i ];
         memcpy( Ptr, &GlyphInfo[ c ].Verticies[ v ], sizeof( struct Vertex ) );
         Ptr->Position[ 0 ] = GlyphInfo[ c ].Verticies[ v ].Position[ 0 ] + X;
         Ptr->Position[ 1 ] = GlyphInfo[ c ].Verticies[ v ].Position[ 1 ] + Y;

         Ptr->Color[ 0 ] = R;
         Ptr->Color[ 1 ] = G;
         Ptr->Color[ 2 ] = B;
         Ptr->Color[ 3 ] = A;


     VertexCount+= ( Len * 6 );
     VBOIndex+= ( Len * 6 );

void Font_End( void ) {
   C3D_TexBind( 0, &Font_Tex );
   C3D_DrawArrays( GPU_TRIANGLES, 0, VertexCount );

int Font_Init( void ) {
   C3D_BufInfo* BufInfo = NULL;
   float x = 0.0f;
   float y = 0.0f;
   int i = 0;

   printf( "Font_Init\n" );
   C3D_TexInit( &Font_Tex, 128, 256, GPU_RGBA8 );

   Font_Data = LoadImageToPx2_32( "3ds/vmac/gfx/ui_font4.png", 128, 256 );

   if ( Font_Data != NULL ) {
     UI_UploadTexture32( Font_Data, &Font_Tex, 128, 256 );
     printf( "Texture uploaded\n" );

     for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
       x = ( i % 16 ) / 16.0f;
       y = ( i / 16 ) / 16.0f;

       GlyphInfo[ i ].Left = x;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Top = y;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Right = x + ( 1.0f / 16.0f );
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Bottom =  y + ( 1.0f / 16.0f );

       // Top left, 1st triangle
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 0 ].Position[ 0 ] = 0;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 0 ].Position[ 1 ] = 0;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 0 ].Position[ 2 ] = 0.5f;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 0 ].Texcoord[ 0 ] = x;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 0 ].Texcoord[ 1 ] = y;

       // Bottom right, 1st triangle
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 1 ].Position[ 0 ] = 8;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 1 ].Position[ 1 ] = 16;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 1 ].Position[ 2 ] = 0.5f;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 1 ].Texcoord[ 0 ] = x + ( 1.0f / 16.0f );
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 1 ].Texcoord[ 1 ] = y + ( 1.0f / 16.0f );

       // Top right, 1st triangle
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 2 ].Position[ 0 ] = 8;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 2 ].Position[ 1 ] = 0;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 2 ].Position[ 2 ] = 0.5f;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 2 ].Texcoord[ 0 ] = x + ( 1.0f / 16.0f );
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 2 ].Texcoord[ 1 ] = y;
       // Top left, 2nd triangle
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 3 ].Position[ 0 ] = 0;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 3 ].Position[ 1 ] = 0;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 3 ].Position[ 2 ] = 0.5f;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 3 ].Texcoord[ 0 ] = x;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 3 ].Texcoord[ 1 ] = y;

       // Bottom left, 2nd triangle
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 4 ].Position[ 0 ] = 0;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 4 ].Position[ 1 ] = 16;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 4 ].Position[ 2 ] = 0.5f;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 4 ].Texcoord[ 0 ] = x;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 4 ].Texcoord[ 1 ] = y + ( 1.0f / 16.0f );

       // Bottom right, 2nd triangle
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 5 ].Position[ 0 ] = 8;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 5 ].Position[ 1 ] = 16;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 5 ].Position[ 2 ] = 0.5f;
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 5 ].Texcoord[ 0 ] = x + ( 1.0f / 16.0f );
       GlyphInfo[ i ].Verticies[ 5 ].Texcoord[ 1 ] = y + ( 1.0f / 16.0f );

     VBOData = ( struct Vertex* ) linearAlloc( sizeof( struct Vertex ) * 6 * MaxCharsToDraw );

     if ( VBOData ) {
       BufInfo = C3D_GetBufInfo( );

       if ( BufInfo ) {
         BufInfo_Init( BufInfo );
         BufInfo_Add( BufInfo, VBOData, sizeof( struct Vertex ), 3, 0x210 );

         printf( "VBO Created\n" );
         return 1;

   Font_Close( );
   return 0;

void Font_Close( void ) {
   C3D_TexDelete( &Font_Tex );

   if ( Font_Data )
     linearFree( Font_Data );

   if ( VBOData )
     linearFree( VBOData );

   Font_Data = NULL;
   VBOData = NULL;

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Deleted User

So, started learning homebrew development today. I managed to build the sample programs and get both ctrulib and sf2dlib working, however, I'm having trouble getting sfillib to compile and install. Whenever I run "make install", I get the following error message:

c:/3DS_Homebrew_Development?sfillib-master/libsfil/source/sfil_jpeg.c:5:21: fatal error: jpeglib.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated
make[1]: *** [sfil_jpeg.o] Error 1
make: *** [build] Error 2

My Google-fu didn't help much, in this case. Are there any dependencies for this library I should be aware of? If not, what am I doing wrong?

Deleted User

Sounds like libjpeg isn't installed or it isn't being detected?
Do you have a portlibs directory in your devkitpro directory?

I thought devkitpro came with libjpeg already installed but you might have to install it yourself:

Ah, I'll try that.

EDIT: Sorry if I'm asking a noob question here, but how would one go about installing these? The instructions on the website are a little vague.
Last edited by ,


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
United States
After you run make, run "make install" and everything should go in the proper folders.

He'd need to invoke the configure script first to get a Makefile.

Ah, I'll try that.

EDIT: Sorry if I'm asking a noob question here, but how would one go about installing these? The instructions on the website are a little vague.

(Disclaimer I primarily use Linux for development though I sometimes do some development on windows with Mingw/MSYS)
I assume you are on Windows? You will need MSYS or equivalent in order to run the configure script.

Once you have that use the command given in that wiki to get a Makefile.

then its all of a matter of running the commands TarableCode mentioned.

I don't see why they didn't include precompiled versions of those libraries somewhere (I at least don't seem to have them in my devkitPro installation).


Mr. Picross
Dec 24, 2014
United States
No. But like elhobbs said, most libraries only decode the file and the actual playback portion will have to be written by you.
Do you mean to use ctrulib's ndsp.h/dsp.h/csnd.h when you want me to make the playback myself, and does the library have to be Linux and Open source? (Yes I know csnd.h is outdated)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2015
United States
Do you mean to use ctrulib's ndsp.h/dsp.h/csnd.h when you want me to make the playback myself, and does the library have to be Linux and Open source? (Yes I know csnd.h is outdated)
Yes, you will need to use ctrulib to get the actual physical output, and the library does need to be open source since I don't really think you will be able to find a closed source library that will be compatible with the architecture and compiler.

Deleted User

I assume you are on Windows? You will need MSYS or equivalent in order to run the configure script.

Once you have that use the command given in that wiki to get a Makefile.

then its all of a matter of running the commands TarableCode mentioned.

I don't see why they didn't include precompiled versions of those libraries somewhere (I at least don't seem to have them in my devkitPro installation).

Well, I have a Windows desktop and a Ubuntu laptop. I'd like to develop on both, though one would suffice.

Also, an issue installing (on my Ubuntu laptop). zlib builds just fine, I just can't get the other libs to compile.

For example, libjpeg-turbo won't compile. I run "make libjpeg-turbo", then "sudo make install", but the terminal spits out this line:

/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible ./libbz2.a when searching for -lbz2
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbz2
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I also get warnings when compiling, like this:

/opt/devkitPro/devkitARM/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.3.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000008020

Not sure if this is related, but I also have two devkitPro folders on my laptop. Probably because I ran the install script twice. Would deleting one alleviate the problem, just out of curiosity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
United States
Well, I have a Windows desktop and a Ubuntu laptop. I'd like to develop on both, though one would suffice.

Also, an issue installing (on my Ubuntu laptop). zlib builds just fine, I just can't get the other libs to compile.

For example, libjpeg-turbo won't compile. I run "make libjpeg-turbo", then "sudo make install", but the terminal spits out this line:

I also get warnings when compiling, like this:

Not sure if this is related, but I also have two devkitPro folders on my laptop. Probably because I ran the install script twice. Would deleting one alleviate the problem, just out of curiosity.

Stick to ubuntu laptop then much simpler.

The reason why you get that error message is because its trying to link the libbz2.a that lives in /usr/lib (or some other default path the linker searches) with your library which you don't want here. That libbz2.a was compiled for x86 or x86_64 architectures and is incompatible with the 3d. You will need to point it at the libbz2.a you compiled for the 3ds there should be a flag you can pass to configure to do this.

Deleted User

You will need to point it at the libbz2.a you compiled for the 3ds there should be a flag you can pass to configure to do this.

How would I compile libbz2.a, and would I pass this flag to configure it to do so?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
United States
How would I compile libbz2.a, and would I pass this flag to configure it to do so?

download the source from here http://www.bzip.org/

it in itself should have a configure script

./configure --host=arm-none-eabi --prefix=$DEVKITPRO/portlibs/arm --enable-static --disable-shared

but looking at that wiki page and your post here are you sure you have the correct libjpeg source?

and on a higher level what is your end goal in all of this just for more context?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
United States
Can someone please say me what the difference between normal and linear heap is?
They are two separate memory address spaces. The main difference is that linear can be accessed by hardware and "normal" cannot. Linear can be used for csnd and dsp playback buffers as well as GPU texture, vertex, and index buffers. If the "normal" or main heap is used for these buffers then it will cause garbage to play for sound or cause the gpu to hang the system requiring a full shutdown to resolve the issue.
Edit: and only main is used by malloc/new. The linear functions are needed to alloc/free for the linear address space.
Last edited by elhobbs,

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