The E3 Experience - CELEBRITIES, Deadlines, and Sore Feet


Hey everyone, and welcome back to the first (second!) day of the conference! With the passing of Day Zero and the majority of all of the press conferences having come to its conclusion today, what went on today in the legendary expo? Well, for starters, word of the day. Ouch. It could also be this: unforgettable. What was I personally up to all this time? Well, click below, and I promise, this piece is something worth reading today, and will personally go down as the most unforgettable day in my life.

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Well, the day started out early. Having passed the hell out the day before, today I was up and ready with fresh vigor. I got to the convention center at 8AM. The floor officially opened at 12PM, so I had four hours to mingle and socialize with other game journalists. I made some new friends in that department! We all sat around the guy's laptop as we watched first the Nintendo E3 digital conference, which took place at 9:30AM, and then followed up with Square Enix right after. Unfortunately, as most of us observed, Nintendo delivered a relatively lackluster E3 performance, with many in the media being incredibly disappointed by some of the reveals. Most people felt incredibly let down by the conference, where it was concluded that it was the year of the 3DS, with the Wii U being relatively forgotten in the distance. I can't award Nintendo for best conference this year because it sadly fell under par.


So, that was about two or three hours killed, and it was 11 AM. I immediately decided to start lining up at the main entrance to West Hall. West Hall is where all of the real magic is at. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, with countless other booths. I had no idea what to expect, as almost all entrances were guarded by suited security. Photo ID needed and badge visually ID'd with blacklight scanner. For every time you enter one of the showrooms. (So, quick explanation. Convention center is divided into four blocks - West Hall, South Hall [Lots of other big name folk, more indie devs here], the Concierge level, and the Meeting level). And, I managed to find a smaller side entrance that is relatively unknown, and got to be first in line.


See, I went into this all cool and thought that I had everything under control. My map routes were flawless. I had to make all my appointments on time, and whatnot. The moment those doors opened (and the moment where I left my shame at the entrance), the immediate reaction was: holy fuck. There is no other way to describe that initial sense of sensory overload. Those in line with me had a huge kick at seeing my enthusiasm, and were like, man I remember that feeling. I mean, seriously. The moment I ran in there, all of my carefully thought out plans went out the door. It was bullshit. Fuck my deadlines, those may not even have happened (but yeah, I managed to make it to all of them!) I didn't know where the hell to start. It's a god damn theme park in this place! So, I headed to the Nintendo corner, which took up a HUGE part of the hall, and just hung out there. I was one of the first few to get to dig my hands into the new Star Fox Zero!

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Star Fox Zero is an incredibly beautiful title. It looked visually stunning. Everything was bright, vibrant, and played very smoothly for demo footage. I got a killing from playing it. And right next door, I got the chance to play Yoshi's Wooly World, which was another great title and very charming. I got to pair up with a Nintendo rep that was there, and we had a great time just messing around on the demo stage, which faded to black after seven or eight minutes of running around. Okay, fine, maybe it was ten. I don't remember, but I did thoroughly enjoy the game, because it looked very nice and I always liked Yoshi's Island. Fans of that game will find this game pretty similar, only that things are in yarn. I couldn't get over the fact that the environment backgrounds could be interacted with. Things that I thought were background material were actually foreground material, and to me, that just offered a whole new sense of depth to the title that I hadn't seen in a while. See it to believe it.

So, as far as appointments went... once you hit the show floor, you kind of don't want to go to those meetings, because they feel so transient and not worth it. If it's an interview, then hell yeah, by all means, go and get some footage! But if they're just briefly showing you something, you really shouldn't bother too much with it, because you need to remember that you're at E. Fucking. Three. It's a big deal. With my appointments for today, it was mainly just the folks at Natsume and a group called Snail Gaming, which was into Android console/gaming development.

My first appointment stop was with Natsume, which was... all the way across the convention center over at South Hall. Kill me, that walk was awful. Probably about a mile's walk. It felt like it. At Natsume, I got the chance to try out two titles - Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories (coming to Wii U, Android, iOS, and I believe PC this holiday season), and a 3DS title called Gacha Racing. The person who was kind enough to show me through the titles did a great job on selling me for the game. With Seeds, the title was extremely diverse, and is on a staggered development scale, according to my representative at Natsume. Some of my more important interview comments are below for your viewing pleasure with regards to Seeds.

B: Will Natsume be able to cross platform the game and share data across all four devices?
N: Unfortunately, no, due to the way that each company processes and approves the product. It would take far too long to be able to get that kind of communication going.

B: What kind of release schedule are we looking at for this?
N: The development schedule and release depends on whichever finishes first. We will release it then when we feel it's ready even if it doesn't match with other platforms.

B: Will controls be similar for all devices? (Side note: The controls were very intuitive, click and touch play for the iPad version I was playing).
N: PC and Wii U will have their own forms of play that match their style, as you can understand.

It's also a single player game, surprise. They just released some new DLC for today in the game.

B: Is there going to be a lot of DLC packs?

N: There will be DLC but they wanted to give players the full experience first.

As far as Gacha Racing, that title was incredibly interesting. It felt like a simpler version of Mario Kart. It's still top down, but the controls are a lot more reduced. Accelerate, brake, and combine the two to drift around a track. It was really straightforward, and the thing that interested me was the idea of the Gacha roller. In Japan, Gacha machines are used to get little trinkets. The same concept applied here. Use in game earned coins (No in game purchases needed!) to get parts, which could then be added or fused to your car in order to modify the stats. The game seems to be good at allowing customization, and the rep was telling me that there's so many options that even if you used the same root car, your upgrade paths will more than likely differ and it will lead to a changed game. Lots of stats that are similar to Mario Kart!

One of my finalized stops for the day was to go visit this group called Snail Gaming, where they were showing off a new Android device that was more akin to a gaming device. It had similar dimensions to a Playstation Portable and played using the Android OS, and had a lot of high performance features. I don't remember the tech specs off the top of my head, but it's called the W3D if you're interested. One of the cooler things about it was by holding it about arms length away the device detects that and it initiates a 3D mode, which is similar to the Nintendo 3DS effect. It felt very artfully done. No price, but it does also work as a phone which features dual SIM card slots, in case that you had multiple carriers.

They then brought me over to an Android home console, called the OBOX. It looked like an OG XBOX, with shades of black and green. It played with 3D, playing Android games as well, using 3D glasses technology. I wasn't too impressed, but it did have some promise.

Anyways, from that point on it was just kind of... wandering around, picking up some small freebies here and there, trading business cards with some companies to get the site name out, but other than that, I found that today, I spent the majority of my day in West Hall. All the magic was happening there. I even got to play the new Mario Maker!!


Holy god, that title. Seriously. Where do we even go with this? The demo was pretty much unlimited. There was no time limit, and there were literally like a dozen consoles all lined up for play so that people could try. Except, for my line, two people were playing it for forty five minutes each. What the fuck, Nintendo! I was so shocked because they had such stringent limits on all of their other demos. So then, it came down to my turn! The possibilities were endless. I got to demo the new stages that debuted at the Nintendo World Championships, as well as try some other developed levels made by the Treehouse (Nintendo's secretive R&D division). That was super fun, and it becomes quickly apparent that the possibilities here are ENDLESS. There were some really sadistic maps out there, and some features that we'd never see on any stage in a standard game. And the real joy? These maps are shareable so we don't have to play the same levels over and over again! I can see this being a real crowd pleaser when it releases come September, and it was a huge hit in the crowd as well. The game was artfully done, and just being able to go through some of those OG graphics and play those custom levels was incredible. I demoed the editing feature as well, which let you basically play God and design a stage however you wanted to. The limit is your mind. You can also choose to test out the level at any time to see if it's perfect or not!

And, we get to the big moments of the day, meeting gaming celebrities. Oh my god, this was so incredible. I can't believe my luck today. So, first of all. Since we were on the subject of Mario Maker, just a small distance away was a guy demoing it with a guest. An incredible one, being the man who helped voice Mario and Luigi for the past twenty-five years. Yes, Charles Martinet was at the conference, and for giggles he was looking for audience members to see if they could replicate his trademark Mario and Luigi sound effects. I actually heard some really good ones today! But at the end, and once they were ushered off stage with their commemorative coin prizes, he was like, "any questions from you guys?"

Now, remember, I said that I kicked my shame to the ground when I entered the place. So there's me, near the front, and I just shout out, "Can I have your autograph?" Oh man, he started laughing, and the Nintendo guy was like, oh, wait! He was planning to do that a bit later, can you come back then? Charles, being the great gentleman that he was, was like, hey, not a problem, and I'll open this to fifty other guests, which were counted by a member of the security team that was present. And yes, I got an autograph and a picture, with the legend who voiced Mario and Luigi.

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On top of that, this one being the biggest and most unforgettable experience. So, first of all, a bit of backstory. Nintendo Treehouse Live is ongoing at the event, taking small breaks at predetermined intervals off camera to let the next interviewees prepare (you even see teams of people doing their makeup and adjusting their hair so that they look absolutely perfect on camera which is in front of them, away from the viewers watching it on TV). Mr. Miyamoto was up there a few times today, and so, one of his interviews ended. I noticed that there was a girl who had quickly snuck up to the side door that allowed Miyamoto to exit quietly, so I quickly ran over there, and we both asked him to give us an autograph. I managed to get my New Nintendo 3DS XL autographed by the living legend himself, and it's BEAUTIFUL. Also in Sharpie, so it never will fade. Not to mention, the guard at that door wanted to shut the door, but me being ballsy, I just stuck my hand in there, 3DS outstretched, and Mr. Miyamoto did such a great thing - he smiled really widely and he basically told the guard, hey, I'll allow him, but no more. So there were a few people behind me who were disappointed, but really happy that I got an autograph.


Now, here's the REAL kicker. I came back to the area towards the end of the evening, where Mr. Miyamoto was finishing up wrapping another interview. I was waiting for it, and this guy saw my console in hand, and he was like, NO WAY, THAT'S HIS SIGNATURE! HOW! I asked the guy to trust me, follow me, and I repeated the same exact tactic that I mentioned above. The press people were like, oh heck no, Mr. Miyamoto is a very busy man, and he's got a very tight schedule. And we were both a bit crestfallen, but Mr. Miyamoto was extremely nice enough to beckon us to go under the barrier rope, and as a result...


Yep. I got a picture with Shigeru Miyamoto himself, and I got the chance to thank him for developing some of the most awesome games. The guy tagging along with me also did, and everyone that happened to see that was applauding me for being so brave to do that. It felt great. I loved it, and now I have a memory that can never ever be forgotten. One of those photos where I can show to my kid twenty years from now.

So, that's a wrap on this first official day of the show opening to everyone in the trade. I got the chance to make some observations that there were an incredibly wide mix of folk - education, retail, analysts, the military, etc. The presence of booth girls was diminished and hard to come by. I want to get a picture with Cammy from Street Fighter because apparently she does... things... if you ask for the Special Cammy Pose. :creep: A lot of those stages you see on streams are intriguing, as they're just on elevated platforms, with the cameras away from them, and a small team of fashion stylers to make sure that the interviewees are in presentable order. It's a lot of hectic activity, and by far one of the most insane experiences that I will ever get to participate in. I barely even finished one hall today. It's insane. I walked almost twelve miles at the show today, so now my feet hurt like shit. I was so glad to be a part of the show, and even if it ended today, I met my goal! I got a picture with Shigeru Miyamoto. It still hasn't sunk in. It's insane.

And with that, I'll wrap this piece up. Thanks for reading all the way through, and I'll catch you all at the next day of the convention! Twitter is sadly out of the question, given that signal is absolutely awful in the place. :( Photos of my second day of E3 are below!

:arrow: E3 Photos - Day 2



Revenge is beneath me but accidents do happen.
Jun 20, 2013
The C Standard Library
United States
Lucky bastard.(If you were black shigeru would have walked right past you and shut the door... Asian benefits.) Also, how soon should we expect him to commit seppuku for the disaster that was their e3 direct.


"What are you doing?" "Something unexpected."
Aug 17, 2013
Wow you met miyamoto, you got a signed N3ds, you took a picture with miyamoto and you went to LA! You made such a good work!! Im so jealous :(
I hope you or someone else in this forum goes next year

Lucky bastard.(If you were black shigeru would have walked right past you and shut the door... Asian benefits.) Also, how soon should we expect him to commit seppuku for the disaster that was their e3 direct.
I know that their conference wasnt the best one but a lot of videogame forums say that it was funny and interesting, here almost everyone says it was crap
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See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
Wow you met miyamoto, you got a signed N3ds, you took a picture with miyamoto and you went to LA! You made such a good work!! Im so jealous :(
I hope you or someone else in this forum goes next year

I know that their conference wasnt the best one but a lot of videogame forums say that it was funny and interesting, here almost everyone says it was crap

I got to shake his hand too! :) so I basically won on all fronts.


"What are you doing?" "Something unexpected."
Aug 17, 2013
I got to shake his hand too! :) so I basically won on all fronts.
Yeah you are right and the best part is that everyone was applauding to you, apparently Miyamoto is a really nice person, i like how he smiles and gets excited while he tells something about starfox


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
Yeah you are right and the best part is that everyone was applauding to you, apparently Miyamoto is a really nice person, i like how he smiles and gets excited while he tells something about starfox

I never want to see that man angry. I just can't imagine it.


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
I see 8bitdo was at e3 too, did you try the nes30 pro?

Yes! As a matter of fact, I did! And it's a beauty. They were actually one of my stops today as GBAtemp was able to procure a review unit of the Pro controller, which someone else will be reviewing once I return from E3 and ship it out. I got to do a comparison with all of the units at hand, and the Pro was by far the better option. The blue accent lights on the side are really nice, and it feels a lot nicer in the hand compared to the original ones with the sharpened edges. I did mention that to them when I was talking with them, and their reasoning was that it was a way to maintain the original vintage feel of the NES controller, and this one was more suitable as a more modern device. But overall - HUGE improvement, and I can't wait to see what our reviewer does with it. Hope he likes it.

With that, I'm gonna get some sleep. I'll catch you all on the floor again tomorrow. :)


Oct 24, 2002
That's incredible. You are so lucky - well actually no that's not luck, that's being ballsy and hard working.
Hard working because you worked really hard to get a pass, and ballsy because nothing stopped you, not even a hand-crushing door! :P
It was a thrilling read. Congrats and thank you for everything you're doing for GBAtemp ;) I hope the last one or two days will be as fun, but I don't know how you can top that, haha


See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
That's incredible. You are so lucky - well actually no that's not luck, that's being ballsy and hard working.
Hard working because you worked really hard to get a pass, and ballsy because nothing stopped you, not even a hand-crushing door! :P
It was a thrilling read. Congrats and thank you for everything you're doing for GBAtemp ;) I hope the last one or two days will be as fun, but I don't know how you can top that, haha

Not with that attitude! I intend to forge a relic tomorrow by adding the autograph of Reggie Fils-Aime to the console. If I do that console will become even more priceless. That and, well, more pictures. Maybe some exquisite freebies too? :)
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See you later, guys.
Jan 31, 2008
United States
This has been a roller coaster of an experience, that's for sure. Day three is coming, and I'll be heading out in just a little bit. I honestly don't know what can even come close to topping this, because I am having the time of my life here. All I can say is that the blood, sweat, and the pain of doing this kind of work is incredibly worth it.

I still find it absolutely hilarious, because me and Costello were talking about this, and how I really wanted the tiny chance to meet Shigeru Miyamoto, and I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't leave until I got that opportunity... and then I ran into him twice. :lol: I gotta keep it consistent and make it a third time. Maybe he'll sign my phone next? :P

EDIT: What the fuck! I'm looking at my list of Streetpasses that I picked up (so many!) and apparently I ran into Reggie Fils-Aime! WHAT!
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