What's wrong with weed?

Uncle FEFL

Sep 7, 2009
PM me for Social Security information
United States
I think that the US, at the very least, should emulate Portugal. It's working for them.

Ok so let's try to have an intelligent discussion on this subject (even though aside from a dozen or so of you, that'll be impossible).

-It's also been proven to reduce your chances of getting cancer by upwards of 35%.


Certified Crash Test Dummy
Apr 2, 2011
The Twilight Zone
United States
IMO we should legalize all drugs and make them super expensive thus tax everything and bam get the moneys!

if you do that, it will again be sold on the streets

As opposed to how it's sold now?
But with more people taking them. Besides, we don't need bath salts being sold at your local 7/11.

PS: In case you haven't heard, http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/30/security-video-shows-entire-miami-zombie-attack/


Apr 29, 2010
United States
FUCK. I had this nice long essay written out, and i accidentally pushed the back button >:(

Anyways. Weed isn't healthy for you. Especially when you inhale its smoke. Marijuana smoke contains carbon monoxide and tar, which, no - is not healthy. I'm not arguing there is no medical benefits. There is - like any other drug.

I don't care if you smoke it. I just choose not to because it doesn't make me feel good. I'd rather sit down and crack open a brewsky than smoke a bowl.

Ingesting marijuana is a different story. You don't hear about no one getting a gray lung from eatin a pot brownie ;) I've personally never tried ingesting it, but i'd be open to trying it as well.


Apr 29, 2010
United States
I don't like weed simply because the people I know who smoke it are annoying as hell. When they aren't saying something stupid while smoking it, they're doing something stupid. I live in an area with potheads all over the place and every time one of them knocks on my door to ask for money to buy weed, it takes every ounce of me not to slam their fingers in the door or punch them in the face. Another bad experience I had was at one of my old jobs. Two other employees and I were in one of the company cars and they decided to smoke weed and since I didn't smoke it, they tried to give me a "contact high" by rolling up the windows and smoking it. The boss didn't seem to mind when I told him so I just quit. And I do personally think it's a waste of money and time if you're going to act like a jackass when you get some. There are enough stupid people and jackasses in the world without making it legal to possibly add more. I'm not saying all people who smoke weed are like that, but the ones I've encountered(many of them) are.

This is my opinion, though. To each their own.

While those people you're talking about, the pot heads, are annoying as hell, that's not necessarily cuz of the weed. I mean, it might be, but I'm sure if you took away their weed, they'd still be annoying as hell. It's a problem of the person, not the drug. I don't personally smoke weed, however I know people who you talk about, the - annoying as fuck - type who try bumming weed or money just to get high, then act stupid as hell. And the other type - who smoke it once in a while, every day, once a year, whatever. And aren't - annoying as fuck.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
1: It's a gateway drug. Fact. It leads many, many people to end up trying harmful drugs. Or people end up smoking it laced with some harmful shit.
2: People often get addicted to it. "But Hells it isn't addict-" it is. It's mentally addictive, people who use it, I think it was, 3 or so days a week start to quickly develop a mindset that makes them feel awkward when they aren't high, that they need to be high to feel right or proper. This is bad. Addiction is not a good thing.
3: It's a pointless waste of money. That's just my personal opinion though. While i'm on "my opinion" I also can't stand the smell. It makes me want to vomit.
4: 95% of the people i've met who smoke weed are fucking annoying. I don't know if it's the weed or just the kind of person but I absolute can not STAND these people. It's probably because people make weed a lifestyle instead of an occasional passtime.
5: The medical excuse is pretty null and void since a very large majority of people do not smoke weed for any medicinal purposes. It's recreational.
This pretty much. You've actually left me with nothing to add. :(

Ditto! Summed up everything i think about marijuana.


Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
My personal opinion on weed? It's fine, really. As long as your mental state is strong enough to differentiate reality and your mindset. It's good in moderation, and it has helped me with my depression. Yes, really. I don't do it anymore, because it got to a point where it just didn't make sense. It's fine to do as long as it's controlled, and you know that you can't exactly do everything while on it.

The only negative I can find? Is that, like everything else? It's horrible when done too much. I've seen the effects of what it does when done everyday. My ex was just fine, until she found a group that did it everyday. It made her pretty damn close to illiterate. Granted, she was out of school.

My dead set opinion, though? Is that if tobacco is legal, weed should be too. You all can argue that it kills brain cells (it does, much like alcohol).. and it can cause (very rarely) lung problems. It's not good for people with asthma or any lung related illness/disease/virus. If marijuana is illegal, I honestly feel that tobacco and alcohol should be as well.
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Apr 29, 2010
United States
1: It's a gateway drug. Fact. It leads many, many people to end up trying harmful drugs. Or people end up smoking it laced with some harmful shit.

False. If someone goes on to doing harder drugs, they probably would have ended up doing it anyways. I know people who smoke weed and have done nothing harder. I know people who have done hard drugs before they have ever touched weed. Weed isn't the gateway.

2: People often get addicted to it. "But Hells it isn't addict-" it is. It's mentally addictive, people who use it, I think it was, 3 or so days a week start to quickly develop a mindset that makes them feel awkward when they aren't high, that they need to be high to feel right or proper. This is bad. Addiction is not a good thing.

True. It is addictive. So is alcohol, tobacco, coffee, prescription drugs, soda, other junk food.

3: It's a pointless waste of money. That's just my personal opinion though. While i'm on "my opinion" I also can't stand the smell. It makes me want to vomit.

False. Thats an opinion. Some people would see spending $20-$50 on a night at the movies or casino pointless. It's an opinion. Also, a lot of people cant stand other smells. (perfumes, cigarettes, etc. just something you have to deal with)

4: 95% of the people i've met who smoke weed are fucking annoying. I don't know if it's the weed or just the kind of person but I absolute can not STAND these people. It's probably because people make weed a lifestyle instead of an occasional passtime.

False. Don't pull arbitrary numbers out of your ass. 95% of people i've met EVER are fucking annoying. It's human nature to be annoying. Lots of people are annoying whether or not they smoke weed. I know annoying people who smoke weed, I know annoying people who don't smoke weed. I know cool people who smoke weed, I know cool people who don't smoke weed.

5: The medical excuse is pretty null and void since a very large majority of people do not smoke weed for any medicinal purposes. It's recreational.

Depends. Some people legitimately use it for medical purposes, and some just use it as an easy way to get a hold of it for recreational purposes. It's just like any prescription drug though, especially opiates (hydrocodone, oxycodone, other painkillers etc) and amphetamines (adderall, ritalin, other add meds etc)

and no, I don't smoke weed.
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Aug 3, 2009
United Kingdom
I smoke weed a fair bit ( Straight Green, I don't mix it with tobacco ), most days to be fair but I agree what the people against are saying. I've blazed ( Smoked Weed ) for a few years now and I can tell you that it is essentially a gateway drug , I've tried many drugs in my time and I never would have if It were not for weed but that doesn't mean it should be completely banned.

The thing that needs to happen is children from a young age need to be educated from a young age PROPERLY. Yes you always have drug talk ect in schools but they make out like a drag on a spliff will kill you or you will end up alone and poor, they make all drugs out to be a lot worse than they are. Yes most if not all have side effects just like alcohol but there are many benefits as well. If they educated people correctly and told them the pro and cons, and actually told the truth then we wouldn't be having the same problems. People have such bad thoughts weed and then when they try it surprisingly they don't die/become poor, then it makes you think what else have they been lying about.

Also as mentioned with weed being illegal it's more attractive to the younger generation, as shown in various country legalizing ( with proper controls ) actually decreases users and problems related to it, it becomes more boring effectively in the eyes of the younger generation.

The one thing that annoys me is how I could meet someone and we could both become very good friends, just like with some people on this forum and then the moment they find out I smoke weed I'm somehow now different and hated. How can you hate someone for their choices if you liked them before you knew?

Weed isn't actually bad if you don't let it become the centre of your life, you have to let it be a part of your life not what it resolves around


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
I smoke weed a fair bit ( Straight Green, I don't mix it with tobacco ),
That's all I smoke my weed with. Nothing beats a good ti-hit when you wake up. Good headrush and it's a good way to make me more awake and alert (almost weird to say that considering it's weed). But I also do bong hits of just tobacco too.
most days to be fair but I agree what the people against are saying. I've blazed ( Smoked Weed ) for a few years now and I can tell you that it is essentially a gateway drug , I've tried many drugs in my time and I never would have if It were not for weed but that doesn't mean it should be completely banned.

See, I think weed is only a gateway drug depending on the person. Like I stated before, I smoke a lot of weed, and I have no urge at all to try any other drug. Except for Salvia, but that's cuz its legal and I really wanted to see if I would have had a video game hallucination. But nothing happened, I didn't see anything or nothing. I was still fully aware, could talk, I was just at a happy high.

My personal opinion on weed? It's fine, really. As long as your mental state is strong enough to differentiate reality and your mindset. It's good in moderation, and it has helped me with my depression.
This as well. I was severely depressed. Slowly started smoking weed, and then I've found myself being more open, sociable, and willing to go out to clubs and concerts. Now I just smoke weed to have a good time.

The only negative I can find? Is that, like everything else? It's horrible when done too much. I've seen the effects of what it does when done everyday. My ex was just fine, until she found a group that did it everyday. It made her pretty damn close to illiterate. Granted, she was out of school.
but but but... I smoke it every day, almost all day :( Nothing happens to me, well not anymore at least. When I first started I would get all stupid and shit, but now it relaxes me, I smoke some before I go to sleep, and it's just a good way to be chill :)

Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
I have nothing against weed. Hell, literally 90% of my entire damn family smokes weed. (I've had 3 cousins move to California to grow the shit, one of them who used to grow and was pretty much the main provider in Philly on a HUGE "plantation"). I've seen the effects of YEARS AND YEARS of smoking weed, and so far I'm not gonna say it's oh so bad for you...when used in a controlled manner. 3 of my uncles have been smoking pot daily for...20, 30 years or something...and I would argue that they are some of the smartest people I personally know. Albeit they can be kinda stupid and annoying, but they aren't dumber than a sack of potatoes.

My brother grows with another cousin of mine as well here in MI, smokes a bowl at least every hour and he's in a ton of debt, my parents are paying most of his bills, and he does a lot of stupid shit. It all began when he was younger, he fucked up his back, got surgery, surgery didn't help for shit to relieve pain, no pain meds did, but weed did so he got a Medical Marijuana card. So I suppose you can say I've seen kind of both sides of the "WEED IS BAD!!" "NO WEED IS COOL!".

As others have said, it is a gateway drug. "But Suprgamr232, I haven't done any other drugs and I've been smoking for # years!" So what? Still happens.

It's also addictive as well, and I feel Guild has explained that extremely well enough so I'll just leave it at that.

I also agree that a lot of people who smoke it can be annoying as fuck. "So what'd you do *pothead friend here* yesterday?" "SMOKED A GODDAMN BOWL AND A HALF AND GOT SUPER FUCKED UP AND I BOUGHT A NEW BONG AND BLAH FUCKING BLAH BLAH". That's the shit that annoys me. I don't mind if you smoke it, but don't go around telling anyone who asks.

Also, @ShadowSoldier the 35% reduced cancer thing is wrong, it does reduce the risk for some cancers, but not by 35%. I don't even think there was a percentage last I knew, it was just "It reduces cancer A B and C" I think it was like...cancer growth in the head and neck areas or something.

tl;dr I don't smoke, weed is fine when controlled, agreeing with people, telling stories etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
Cleveland, OH
United States
I love how the OP is so confident in his drug smoking habits, "I smoke it everyday", "But the weed I smoke...", "I smoke weed just for...". Bragging about smoking a drug that's still currently illegal, does not make you cool, nor should it make you FEEL cool just because you're breaking the law. Seriously, only the potheads are the ones that don't see a problem with weed. All the clean, above the influence people are the ones who have the correct outlook on weed. The majority of the people who smoke weed, smoke it for fun. They don't smoke weed just to cure certain problems with them. They smoke it to have the high feeling, which ends up making them do stupid shit. If weed was legalized, do you really want the population to go more downhill? Do you really want to see somebody walking down your street high as a kite not contributing to society? With the amount of potheads out in the world, you can basically already say weed IS legal since people are still doing it. So OP, why are you asking such a stupid question and stating that it should be legal, when you seem to be doing it anyways with no problems? There's no point in legalizing something that is already being abused nonetheless.
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With Love<3
Apr 19, 2010
Its all good. As long as no one gets hurt. ^_^

To be quite honest, i kinda use it to study.

First, I organize my stuff on a table such as the books im gonna study, pencils, pens, etc. Then have some water/tea/juice with some fruit on the side for that munchy effect.
Go to a website with lots of types of music but mostly classical/trip-hop/jazz in this event. ha. Once im all good to go, i lit it up. One puff, two puffs and three puffs. Tada!
Thus begins my studying time. ^_^

So it depends on what people use it for. I'd prefer this over alcohol anytime.

*My exams have never been lower than a 90. Except twice. Of course this doesn't mean it will work for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
Also, @ShadowSoldier the 35% reduced cancer thing is wrong, it does reduce the risk for some cancers, but not by 35%. I don't even think there was a percentage last I knew, it was just "It reduces cancer A B and C" I think it was like...cancer growth in the head and neck areas or something.

I can't find the link, it was a couple months ago when I found the link, but it didn't say it would do it by exactly 35%. It said it COULD prevent it UP TO 35%,
I love how the OP is so confident in his drug smoking habits, "I smoke it everyday", "But the weed I smoke...", "I smoke weed just for...". Bragging about smoking a drug that's still currently illegal, does not make you cool, nor should it make you FEEL cool just because you're breaking the law. Seriously, only the potheads are the ones that don't see a problem with weed. All the clean, above the influence people are the ones who have the correct outlook on weed. The majority of the people who smoke weed, smoke it for fun. They don't smoke weed just to cure certain problems with them. They smoke it to have the high feeling, which ends up making them do stupid shit. If weed was legalized, do you really want the population to go more downhill? Do you really want to see somebody walking down your street high as a kite not contributing to society? With the amount of potheads out in the world, you can basically already say weed IS legal since people are still doing it. So OP, why are you asking such a stupid question and stating that it should be legal, when you seem to be doing it anyways with no problems? There's no point in legalizing something that is already being abused nonetheless.

a) It's not bragging, it's stating and actually using me as an example, and not just going "my friend" or something stupid everytime. And I'm not saying it to be cool, so please, get off your high horse your majesty.
b) It's not breaking the law if it's legal for us in this certain case (personal reasons, but it's not illegal at our work).
c) Again, if you read the thread, I stated that I don't do stupid shit or am a stereotypical stoner.
d) The world doesn't need Weed to make it go down hill, it's doing just fine on it's own.
e) I walk down the street high as a kite all the time. I also drive, and work high as hell too. And guess what, I'm sure I contribute a hell of a lot more to this country than you do for yours.



Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
Cleveland, OH
United States
Also, @ShadowSoldier the 35% reduced cancer thing is wrong, it does reduce the risk for some cancers, but not by 35%. I don't even think there was a percentage last I knew, it was just "It reduces cancer A B and C" I think it was like...cancer growth in the head and neck areas or something.

I can't find the link, it was a couple months ago when I found the link, but it didn't say it would do it by exactly 35%. It said it COULD prevent it UP TO 35%,
I love how the OP is so confident in his drug smoking habits, "I smoke it everyday", "But the weed I smoke...", "I smoke weed just for...". Bragging about smoking a drug that's still currently illegal, does not make you cool, nor should it make you FEEL cool just because you're breaking the law. Seriously, only the potheads are the ones that don't see a problem with weed. All the clean, above the influence people are the ones who have the correct outlook on weed. The majority of the people who smoke weed, smoke it for fun. They don't smoke weed just to cure certain problems with them. They smoke it to have the high feeling, which ends up making them do stupid shit. If weed was legalized, do you really want the population to go more downhill? Do you really want to see somebody walking down your street high as a kite not contributing to society? With the amount of potheads out in the world, you can basically already say weed IS legal since people are still doing it. So OP, why are you asking such a stupid question and stating that it should be legal, when you seem to be doing it anyways with no problems? There's no point in legalizing something that is already being abused nonetheless.

a) It's not bragging, it's stating and actually using me as an example, and not just going "my friend" or something stupid everytime. And I'm not saying it to be cool, so please, get off your high horse your majesty.
b) It's not breaking the law if it's legal for us in this certain case (personal reasons, but it's not illegal at our work).
c) Again, if you read the thread, I stated that I don't do stupid shit or am a stereotypical stoner.
d) The world doesn't need Weed to make it go down hill, it's doing just fine on it's own.
e) I walk down the street high as a kite all the time. I also drive, and work high as hell too. And guess what, I'm sure I contribute a hell of a lot more to this country than you do for yours.


You are so fucking cool man. Teach me to be like you PLEASE! :)

I guess nothing affects you huh? I guess just because it doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect anybody else. You are god. Wow so cool.

EDIT: Also, why are you so mad stop being mad. Go smoke your precious weed and "relax" (as you think it is in your mind).
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Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
1: It's a gateway drug. Fact. It leads many, many people to end up trying harmful drugs. Or people end up smoking it laced with some harmful shit.

False. If someone goes on to doing harder drugs, they probably would have ended up doing it anyways. I know people who smoke weed and have done nothing harder. I know people who have done hard drugs before they have ever touched weed. Weed isn't the gateway.

This isn't entirely true or false, generally it depends on your social class, as basic as that may seem. Generally higher class people won't get into situations where other drugs are around. They'll usually get weed via a proxy or something like that. Lower class people however will usually be closer or involve themselves with people who have access to more drugs. Weed for them is absolutely a gateway drug. People think "It's just weed there's nothing wrong with that" and when they're offered the next drug (because having the connections to get weed directly often means having the connects for other drugs) they think "why not".

Where I live, it's generally upper-middle class and weed is a huge thing around here. I hear about people I would never think of smoking weed. A kid in my school is going to Harvard and the other day I heard that he was a major pot smoker. Of course there are some generally "lower class" people here who do smoke pot but there's a distinction. They look like the people who will enjoy drinking and would get themselves into something worse than weed while the upper class people will not get into these situations.

Weed can still absolutely be a gateway drug.

Also, on the whole medical marijuana thing, it pisses me off in general. You insult medical marijuana and they equate it to punching a person with cancer in the face. You know what, cancer patients deserve it if it really helps them. And I believe it does. But the system itself is incredibly broken and there are plenty of people who abuse it just to get free legal weed. Then there's also people who think pot is some sort of "miracle drug" that seemingly cures anything and people try to act like it'll make you live forever. It's not super healthy and there's plenty of issues that come with the drug that aren't strictly chemical. As mentioned, paranoia which equals stress, the infamous "munchies" often lead to a lot of eating of probably less-than-health foods, and apathy, a lot of things that end up being a slippery slope. There's a fair share of people who can smoke pot casually but there are probably more people who end up making it their life, to a point where they're almost nonfunctional when they're not stoned. People who have no motivation and just want to get stoned every day. I've seen kids in my school, kids I used to know and be friends with, go from bright young kids when we were younger to slipping into an abyss in high school. And it's not because they're somehow naturally inclined to, pot played a major part in it.
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GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
You are so fucking cool man. Teach me to be like you PLEASE! :)

I guess nothing affects you huh? I guess just because it doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect anybody else. You are god. Wow so cool.

EDIT: Also, why are you so mad stop being mad. Go smoke your precious weed and "relax" (as you think it is in your mind).
Z.Z You and several other people in this topic don't know what the phrase, "civilized discussion" means, do you? I.E. Respecting other peoples opinions, and discerning facts from said opinions. I think you're confusing your opinion with fact. The people who stay sober most likely have differing opinions. I know for one, I've been sober all my life, and I fully support legalization of weed. I don't discriminate against people who like smoking, even if it isn't my cup of tea. You need to chill out and let him express himself in the civilized manner he's been conducting himself in.
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Sep 24, 2011
You are so fucking cool man. Teach me to be like you PLEASE! :)

I guess nothing affects you huh? I guess just because it doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect anybody else. You are god. Wow so cool.

EDIT: Also, why are you so mad stop being mad. Go smoke your precious weed and "relax" (as you think it is in your mind).
Z.Z You and several other people in this topic don't know what the phrase, "civilized discussion" means, do you? I.E. Respecting other peoples opinions, and discerning facts from said opinions. I think you're confusing your opinion with fact. The people who stay sober most likely have differing opinions. I know for one, I've been sober all my life, and I fully support legalization of weed. I don't discriminate against people who like smoking, even if it isn't my cup of tea. You need to chill out and let him express himself in the civilized manner he's been conducting himself in.

Civilized manner? Have you not read any of his posts in this thread?
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Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Civilized manner? Have you not read any of his posts in this thread?

I dunno if you're supporting or going against Sterling but Brian kinda just came into this thread and went "OH YOU'RE A REAL BIG MAN SHADOW SOLDIER COME AT ME BRO". I mean I've disagreed with ShadowSoldier on this topic from time to time here but we've kept it chill.
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