You know you're trans when...


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
United States're not quite sure what your name is anymore. soon as you come out as a transguy, you start buying dresses for when you're a drag queen. go to a gay club, and no one knows if you're a gay male, or a gay female. (Okay, so this one actually happens to me a lot.)

...a church group tries to approach you and all you can think is, "I'm sorry but your religion doesn't believe in me." are glad you are bisexual, because at least people won't be confused about what you like.

...athletic fit T-shirts are your enemy.'re in a same-sex relationship with someone of a different gender. (This is true for me.) can share boxers with your partner as you are both the same size. default to "human" when someone asks who/what you are in hopes it educates them.

...when you're introducing yourself to friends of relatives (who don't know), you forget your old name.

...Youtube keeps directing you to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. go to the store to buy aftershave and tampons, both for you. not only want to go through puberty a second time, but you're willing to go through seeing a therapist for months in order to do so.'re in such deep stealth you consistantly bitch about periods you don't even have. dress in so many layers you start feeling like a .PSD file. ask a store employee to refill the toilet paper in the restroom, and they ask, "Which one?"

...any form that asks you to identify your gender stops you dead in your tracks.

...the phrase, 'duct tape can fix anything' couldn't be more true.

...there are people who expect you to undergo major surgery before they will respect who you are.

...someone tried to insult you by tell you you look like a boy/girl, but you are flattered because you were told you look like a boy/girl.

Just felt like throwing these out here.

Try to think up some more! :D
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Me > You
Global Moderator
Jul 15, 2008
United Kingdom


GBAtemp's Kpop lover!
Mar 15, 2009
Visit site
Woah. A huge list. About the " ask a store employee to refill the toilet paper in the restroom, and they ask, "Which one?"". I question. Which toilet do you go to o.o? No offense intended. You dont have to answer this if you dont want to. Just really curious.
Keep it up with your new life :yay:


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
United States
Woah. A huge list. About the " ask a store employee to refill the toilet paper in the restroom, and they ask, "Which one?"". I question. Which toilet do you go to o.o? No offense intended. You dont have to answer this if you dont want to. Just really curious.
Keep it up with your new life :yay:

Depends on how I'm dressed, who I'm with, and where I am.


Tyrant R. of ye olde Prinny Squad
Nov 10, 2010
Wherever Yakity sax plays
... Someone saying “if you grew your hair out you would make a pretty hot chick” made your day untill they went on to say “just kidding”

... Someone calls you handsome and you wish they’d said pretty.

... All you’re non-internet friends know you by your given name and all your online friends know you by your chosen name.

... You unconsciously write all your papers using gender-neutral pronouns… and later have to explain what ‘sie’ and ‘hir’ mean to your professor.

... Your dad says, with disdain, that your new hairstyle makes you look like a boy/girl and you take it as a compliment.

... Your class discusses gender, and what they say makes you lose faith in humanity.

... You know more about steroid hormones and their administration than your Biology teacher.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
United States
Wow... I don't want to be rude, but so much of what you wrote in response to my little quips is just... wrong.

1. Sex and gender are very much so connected to one's name in a huge way. Our society has name which are strictly for men, names for women, and names either can have. For a trans person like me, this can cause a huge problem when the name you have coorelates too well with the sex you were born with. I was born male, and my legal name is Ben. So, when I came out I obviously needed to change it to match my new self, right? However, it's not as easy as just going by a new name. Everyone around you has to know why, and the trans person in question needs to be extremely patient while those people learn to use that name consistantly. I've been out for well over a year, and despite pleading to the ones I care about to be more considerate when they address me, most of them still use my legal name instead of my preferred name. So, this becomes an extremely huge issue when I'm dressed as a girl, and one of my buddies calls me Ben, and someone else immediately finds out I've not been a girl my whole life.

2. I agree that not all trans-people dress in accordance with their 'true' (the word is true. Saying it's 'preferred' assumes being trans is a choice, which it is not) gender. I am actually one of those people. About 90% of the time I still dress like a boy, simply because I like the clothes. They're comfortable, and I look good in them. It is this fact why when I go to a gay club people have a hard time telling, because my physical body is far too androgynous for people to figure out 'what' I am with that information alone, so the turn to what I'm wearing for clues. Since I'm dressed as a boy, it's more difficult to tell, because about 95% of the cis-gendered women there are also dressed in male clothing.

3. As far as church goes, dress up as the opposite gender and go to your Sunday service. People /do/ stare, and most, not all, do have a problem with it.

4. I realize sexual orientation and gender identity do not coorelate at all, but most do not. This is convenient for those of us who are bisexual, because when they come out, they don't have to worry about people assuming they're attracted to one gender or the other. I myself am a lesbian, but most assume that just because I'm a trans-girl I must be attracted to guys.

5. Athletic T's can be troublesome for anyone with gender issues, simply because they are very revealing. A trans-man (born a girl, but transitioning towards male), has a problem because they do not want their chest to show, because it can give them away as being born female. A trans-woman (born a boy, but transitioning towards female) could have a problem with them because they are not completely 'out' yet, and can't afford to let certain people know they're trans just yet. This is true for me. My clothing options when dressing as a male have drastically diminished since starting hormone therapy.

6. When one becomes used to using their new name (which they actually like), it's normal to forget what their old name was. I've done this a few times.

7. Transpeople for whatever reason do tend to wear more layers than other in order to create a certain appearance. Like me, I wear more layers to build up the way my chest looks, but for a trans-man, he may wear a chest binder in order to compress and conceil his breasts in order to help him pass better.

8, Calling a trans-person's appearance in their prefferred gender role a 'disguise' is so incrediably inconsiderate. When I dress as a girl, it's not a costume, or a way to hide anything, it's an expression of who I am, and how I prefer to be percieved by the general public. I'm just dressing the way I feel I look best and am most happy, the same way everyone does.

9. Forms which require gender disclosure really are a trans-person's worst nightmare, because most times we do in fact have to check the box for the sex we were born with as opposed to the gender we actually are. This is extremely upsetting, especially when the person in question is presenting themselves as their true gender, and the person reading the form sees the difference. It means yet at least one more person has to know you're not quite what you should be, and I can say from personal experience that this is depressing.

10. I can and do blame people for wanting me to conform to the general order of things they are used to. I might be trans, but despite what I have and don't have I am a girl. People who expect documentation and a 100% 'correct' physical self could not be any more closed-minded. I have good friends who refuse to treat me like a girl because I have not had surgery. Being okay with that, and not blaming them just isn't fair on my part. It's like saying, "It's good that you've come out, and found who you really are, but I'm not going to accept you or treat you how you want to be treated until you spend years of you life and thousands upon thousands of dollars to make it official."

11. And finally, correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume that 'mister...miss?' comment is directed towards myself. If so, I can even begin to say how incredibly rude and inconsiderate you're being in saying that sort of thing. I am a girl, a lady, and I expect to be treated as such. If you aren't open to that, that's fine, but you do not have to be a jerk about it.

Anyway, I suppose I'm finished ranting. I realize this novel probably won't change how close-minded you percieve people like me, but hell, at least I tried.


♂ ♥ Gallant Pervert ♥ ♀
GBAtemp Patron
Dec 26, 2008
Steam City
Damn. I actually thought this was about transforming like in Power Rangers. D=
Seriously tho, I have no probs with transgenders, especially seeing as the body and the soul are too different things so whilst your body makes you one think, your heart and soul tells you you're another. z.z
But as for me both my heart and soul feel the same gender and I only do drag for fun sometimes (a festival we have in my country where we mask ourselves kinda like halloween but more cheerful), although I purpousefully make a crappy job at it for fun.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto

I've sent you a PM clarifying what I wanted to say, sorry if I offended you - I didn't mean to, it was a matter of me putting words together crudely rather then some planned and thought-through maliciousness. ;) I've since removed my post as I realized that we strayed a little bit off-topic. :P


Secondary Feline Anthropomorph
Apr 23, 2009
North East Scotland
Creating a Trans topic on a generally non-Trans board. This is gonna go well. (I'm a cynic)

I think Firegrey has demonstrated a "you know your Trans when..." thing though. People won't stop asking about private things like that.

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  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Tired of the entire "BUT BUT BUT WINDOWZ SPYWARE!!!" thing too, when the same people give out tons of their personal info to plenty of other companies but say nothing about it.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @RedColoredStars, Companies do the exact same thing with other companies as well, so it's not just Microsoft. There are 3rd-parties like 'data brokers'.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I'm 52 years old and one of my jobs in life was marketing research. Im well aware. I've been online for around 30 years. Everyone and their grandmother already has my personal information. One more having my email address isn't ruining my life or even effecting me in any way whatsoever.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    In fact. I freely give info. Stuff like gasoline apps, to save $, grocery apps, lots of cash back from rakuten, etc. etc.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    $300 back last year from Rakuten for allowing them to track my purchase. I'll take the money for them to know I bought a bunch of stuff for my cat and some video games. lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    No matter what you sign up for your info is out there
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Thats what im saying
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Exactly.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    And for people to say things like "But I use all fake info". No, they don't. lol. They use fake info for all of their banking and online shopping? Fake shipping address, fake payment info? lol
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Fake name, address and payment info for internet service, etc? lol. Ill say it again. Everyone freaks out about OMG WINDOWS!! But crickets on anything else they do.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Other windows stuff people complain about hypocritically too. Like "But but but Windows bundle junk apps!!!!" Yeah?? So do many Linux distributions. Dont like it? Use one without them. Same with windows. Either find a pre-made version without the bundled stuff, or very easily make your own installer with what you want and do not want.
  • console @ console:
    I agree with all above! Microsoft made a biggest mess with us and everyone! I wish Microsoft company should be fired then lost it. LOL :rofl2:
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I dont like the stuff added either. I have zero use for copilot or recall. But I also just simply disable it and move on.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Always disabled dumb cortana from day 1 too.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    When you're a billion dollar company even upper management is just peons to the company
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    MS is funny. Insider programs for both Windows and Xbox, where they listen to absolutely none of the insider feedback and just do what the fuck they want. lolol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Xbox idea to make midrange consoles saved them this Gen and buying your wife
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    The Xbox is dying already. I don't know what to say, Microsoft takes the L for that one.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    How is the Xbox dying?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Xbox one sold nearly 60 million units
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Remember when Phil was going to buy out more studios to work with them? I guess they couldn't keep up with demands.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    They already have dozens of studios with big names why care about little Jim making your favorite indie point and click exclusive
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Florida just getting your driver's license.... They sell your phone number and address to marketing companies lol
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Like .3 cents a person or something
    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: Like .3 cents a person or something