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Migrants don't come over because they want to, they come here because they have to.


Dec 11, 2015
It's not American politicians job to tax its citizens and give that money to other nations or to look out for the rest of the world, It's an American politicians job to look after Americans and that's it. Somehow these politicians have lost their way and you need a political change - time to change the system and kick out all these foreigners that have invaded your land and sack any politician that fails the people.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I have another idea

  • First, let's stop thinking USA is the fucking center of the world, it isn't, ALL first world countries receive migrants.
  • Second, if the USA has an inmigration problem, it's the USA fault. All these decades bombarding us with propaganda of how the USA is the fucking best, the country of opportunities where a poor man can come in a boat and rise to become a millionaire obviously had a massive effect on people running from war, poverty, racism, religion or other fucked up issues that plague the world
  • Third, mayyyybe, just mayyyyyyyyyyyyybe the first world countries should stop poking their big fat noses in the third world countries, creating the social, economic and politic issues that pushes these poor people to migrate to better, greener pastures. The USA are the worst offenders on this by the way.
  • Fourth, let's stop creating billionares, let's re-distribute wealth so people on third world countries - at least those that aren't caught in a cycle of war - have a fucking chance at life, shall we? We shouldn't have to see shit like Musky Balls buying twitter for shits and giggles after mocking the world by saying that he would donate the necessary amount to end world hunger, only to not do it afterwards. We shouldn't have to see a few corporations owning almost all the brands in the world. In 20 fucking 22 we shouldn't have to see shit like child labor and slavery in the name of fucking corporations
  • And last: Get rid of right leaning politicians. Like, literally get rid of them, they're barely human and add nothing valuable to the discussion. They only spew hate and are egocentric assholes who wants to have nothing to do with anything that isn't their own little, tiny, crooked world. In 20 fucking 22 we shouldn't have to see something like this
ime to change the system and kick out all these foreigners that have invaded your land and sack any politician that fails the people.
This vomit inducing bullshit is nothing but Xenophobia, wich is a byproduct of an outdated, miserable world view that has no place in a modern society. THIS creates most of the issues that pague the world right now. We need to get rid of it. To hell with anyone that refuses to help other human beigns

Inmigration issues are no other thing than the bed first world countries made. Now they MUST lay on it.
Last edited by Osakasan,


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Osakasan……I disagree with you on every point.
I am ‘right leaning’ and am entitled to my opinion and views.
“Literally get rid of them….’” Wasn’t that a thing in Germany back in the 40’s?
You know, i'm tired of the fucking bullshit of the right.

"Oh, we can advocate to get rid of anyone we want, but if the left do it they're acting like fucking nazis"


When the best the right can do when they see an injustice agaisnt a group they don't like is to look the other way, they're showing they're undeserving of any kind of pity and compassion.

So yes, i'll say it again.

Get rid of fucking right leaning politicians. They don't add anything of value. They're homophobic, xenophobic, racist, warmongering, money amassing idiots, waste of space.

And while we're at it, middle and low class people who follow these politicians and their views are downright idiots who are not aware of what their worth is in the eyes of right leaning politicians:

You're nothing, literally nothing

Just a number, a dot in the mob they're aiming to create to take over the world, country after country.

A money making maching to fill their already money filled pockets.

And you don't even realize. Your views? They're not natural, they were implanted in your mind through religion and propaganda, they made you a hateful idiot programed to serve them and their tiny world. When they rise to power you will be given the scraps of those who receive the scraps. For them, you're literally flea shit.

Also, i see you're british? Were you sleeping in a cave while the right leaning politicians separated your country from the EU and tanked the economy HARD in a any% speedrun? Are you sure you want to enforce THAT?

From someone who lives in a country that is facing a literal assault from the far right and is still recovering from a fascist dictatorship: Fuck off, fuck off right to the sun, and don't fucking come back.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
Still Here
United Kingdom
Got you loud and clear, but still exercising my right to think ‘my’ way .
I am British, and ‘working class’ (if that’s still a thing?) but you’re off the mark with coming out of the EU - it wasn’t the politicians, it was a national vote that brought about the separation, fuelled by mass media coverage of illegal immigration levels into UK!
I have no problem with structured legal applications to re-locate here, what I do have a problem with is thousands of Middle East/ south Asian/ North African illegal arrivals who run onto shore without going via any border /health/security control checks.
They claim to be fleeing any number of things, and under the Dublin convention are to be offered refuge over the first safe border they cross - so why cross five,six, or ten borders?
No, re-read thread title again and realise these people dont ‘have to’ be streaming into the UK - just like that tide which is streaming up across the Mexican border in US.
I still disagree with your view, but you don’t need to duck off on my account……unless you arrived illegally🙃


Dec 11, 2015
@Osakasan, I'm also more right wing than you and I find your left wing views to be unhinged to say the least. Why should I work and pay taxes to pay for these Illegals? I don't want to and yet I have no choice, our politicians are weak and the only reason they let these illegal migrants stay instead of instantly deporting them is because they are friends with the the rich that own all the house building companies, and other companies that make money from high house prices, cheap labour, suppressing workers rights etc.

I also voted for Brexit, I don't want some unelected EU dictating what goes in UK and I also don't want to give them our money, the EU is one of the most corrupt protection rackets in the world, but I guess you are too unhinged to see that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I am British, and ‘working class’ (if that’s still a thing?) but you’re off the mark with coming out of the EU - it wasn’t the politicians, it was a national vote that brought about the separation, fuelled by mass media coverage of illegal immigration levels into UK!
I'm sorry to say this, but you're too naïve. Since it was a historical event, i followed it from the outside, and the mass media coverage was eerily similar to the anti inmigrant propaganda certain channels and personalities broadcast here in Spain, and it amounted to It's all the inmigrants' fault, and EU's fault too for allowing it

And yes, that was all orchestated by politicians

Right now my country is in a dire situation when it comes to mass media. All the main channels are owned by the right and far right now, even the national TV (TVE) whose control the government gave to the main right wing party in the country in exchange to solve a certain issue (wich, by the way, didn't happen, so our government basically gave the national TV to the right wing for nothing)

I wont be such a smartass to presume what the situation regarding mass media in UK is, but i can tell you one thing: It's the main propaganda tool available, and they will give the message their owners tell them to, and the right was VERY interested in getting UK out of the EU, leading to the shitshow Brexit was.

I have no problem with structured legal applications to re-locate here, what I do have a problem with is thousands of Middle East/ south Asian/ North African illegal arrivals who run onto shore without going via any border /health/security control checks.
Please realise that you specifically mentioned other races. That, my friend, is racism and it's one of the evils of the right wing. Very strong vibes of the Good inmigrants/Bad inmigrants stereotype, and makes a very bad case for your argumentation.

Also, you should realize why they try to avoid security control checks. I don't know if you're aware of this, but here in my country we had an incident where our border patrol killed 70 inmigrants in sight. What's worse, that happened under a socialist/progressive government (well, the main party is a closeted right wing party, but that's a story for another day)

They avoid security checks to avoid either get thrown back at the sea or killed, because human treatment doesn't seem to be something typical of borders.

They claim to be fleeing any number of things, and under the Dublin convention are to be offered refuge over the first safe border they cross - so why cross five,six, or ten borders?
Do you think inmigrants one day just take a boat and throw themselves at the sea without any kind of information, preparation or help? No, and that's where their countries of origin enter the fray. Inmigrants are usually handled by mafias who decide to wich countries they're sent because of arbitrary conditions, and if they chose the UK, it's not the inmigrants' fault.

No, re-read thread title again and realise these people dont ‘have to’ be streaming into the UK - just like that tide which is streaming up across the Mexican border in US.
Just like they don't have to be streaming into France - wich, by the way, has a high percentage of non white population and they see nothing wrong with it - or even north Spain, but they do, and it's ok.

I still disagree with your view, but you don’t need to duck off on my account……unless you arrived illegally🙃
I was patiently waiting to reach here to finally tell you this:

This is my main issue with the right wingers: The egoism, the egocentrism, it's all ME ME ME ME ME ME ME

Do i need to be an inmigrant to emphatise with them? Do you? Why? We're all humans, one single slip in the grand scheme of things and every single one of us could be in the same situation. Mine was a country of migrants during Franco's dictatorship for fuck's sake.

I'm not ducking off on your account, but on everyone's who think like you, who have their head buried so deep in their asses they can't care for anything that isn't them and their inmediate surroundings.

This isn't only related to inmigrants, but also to women, the LGTBI+ collective, people of color, you name it. You people don't care until it hits you, and you specifically. It's nauseating.

Get yourself some empathy, ffs.

@Osakasan, I'm also more right wing than you and I find your left wing views to be unhinged to say the least. Why should I work and pay taxes to pay for these Illegals? I don't want to and yet I have no choice, our politicians are weak and the only reason they let these illegal migrants stay instead of instantly deporting them is because they are friends with the the rich that own all the house building companies, and other companies that make money from high house prices, cheap labour, suppressing workers rights etc.

I also voted for Brexit, I don't want some unelected EU dictating what goes in UK and I also don't want to give them our money, the EU is one of the most corrupt protection rackets in the world, but I guess you are too unhinged to see that.
Yes, i'm unhinged, and proudly so. I'm tired of being one of the good lefties who tolerates bigotry because tolerance is the left's thing. Tolerating the extreme right is what lead us to the WWII, it's what put Donald Trump in the White House and allowed Steve Bannon to spread his poison all over Europe, and it's what have my own country in turmoil due to the rise of the alt-right/Fascist/franquist party.

I'm fed up.

Just like i'm fed up of Q Anon-like conspiracy theories like the shit you're spouting and that were created by the alt-right for gullible people like you to listen, absorb and parrot like mindless drones. You don't deserve an elaborated reply, in fact you should be thankful to the fact that i'm wearing down my keyboard switches by dedicating you some words.

I'm unhinged? Yes, i am, and you better pray for people like me to stay in the shadows.
Last edited by Osakasan,


MediCat USB Dev
Jul 23, 2012
WA State
United States
It's not American politicians job to tax its citizens and give that money to other nations or to look out for the rest of the world, It's an American politicians job to look after Americans and that's it. Somehow these politicians have lost their way and you need a political change - time to change the system and kick out all these foreigners that have invaded your land and sack any politician that fails the people.
We get it... You're a shitty person that hates helping others.

In fact, you should just get that printed on a t-shirt and proudly wear that shirt where you live.


Dec 11, 2015
Get yourself some empathy, ffs.
Nope, we don't want illegal economic migrants - you might want them, but we don't as we're the ones that need to pay for them, all our prices go up because of them, they suppress the wages, decrease the housing stock and generally make the place a worse place to live. Send them back to their own country. If I woke up tomorrow and every single Illegal migrant was deported I would vote for that governement that got rid of them for the rest of my life. Also you seem to think all migrants are fleeing from some war - no the vast majority of them are not, they are also coming mostly to UK from France, there's no war in France, or any other of the countless European countries they have passed through. So don't even bother with that piss poor arguement as it doesn't wash with me or the rest of the sane people in the UK.
Post automatically merged:

I'm fed up.

Just like i'm fed up of Q Anon-like conspiracy theories like the shit you're spouting and that were created by the alt-right for gullible people like you to listen, absorb and parrot like mindless drones. You don't deserve an elaborated reply, in fact you should be thankful to the fact that i'm wearing down my keyboard switches by dedicating you some words.

I'm unhinged? Yes, i am, and you better pray for people like me to stay in the shadows.
Well firsty I have never visited a Q Anon website so I don't know what they or you are spouting on about.

You seem to think everyone should think like you do - perhaps 25% of the population are left of centre, 50% are centre leaning and 25% are right leaning. You're a left leaning type & don't get to decide for the other 75% of people so you had better get used to that or you'll be forever fed up. If you want to change anything in the world, you can vote, if you want to make the world better - start a company and pay people a fair wage and give them decent workers rights. Don't sponge taxes off someone that's working hard and expect them to pay for you or anyone else, take responsibility for your own life and make the best of your situation and that of your family. As for worrying about feeding/clothing and giving other people my money or paying taxes so they can benefit, nope - it's not up to me or anyone else to worry about them, they can take care of themselves.
Last edited by mrdude,

Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
Nope, we don't want illegal economic migrants
illegal≠immoral vice versa legal≠moral
The right constantly has double standards when it comes to the law. It's the law for thee, but not to mee!
And additionally, also believes (hypocritically) that every law is moral, and therefore it's immoral to be broken.

You don't know why they came over here illegally, you assume immediate malice, and then of course, you end up stating garbage.

but we don't as we're the ones that need to pay for them
We don't pay for them, as they don't get any tax returns, can't apply for social security programs period.
they suppress the wages,
Companies suppress wages, they'll do it independently of fucking over immigrants, by threatening deportation. The minimum wage should be over 20 dollars an hour right now. but you don't care about it. Double standards strikes again. You complain about suppression of wages, but then fight against trying to prevent wage suppression.

Send them back to their own country. If I woke up tomorrow and every single Illegal migrant was deported I would vote for that governement that got rid of them for the rest of my life.
Then you're a garbage piece of crap, who can't empathize with other human beings.
Also you seem to think all migrants are fleeing from some war - no the vast majority of them are not, they are also coming mostly to UK from France,
Oh fuck off and cut the bullcrap. You dog whistled and now trying to pretend you weren't. saying "Illegals" is a right wing dog whistle. I know your not making this argument honestly. Considering we're on a US sentric form, with you talking in previously in us sentric politics, you meant Mexicans, you'd be happy to see them all booted out of the country.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
Still Here
United Kingdom
@mrdude made some very valid points there @Nothereed - I’m sorry you didn’t like the way he expressed them but truth is truth still ….,,isn’t it?
They DO cost a society great amounts of money and (in my opinion) they DO have a detrimental effect on many communities. Here in the UK they are a strain on the welfare, legal, health and public services budgets.
the ranting @Osakasan even branded me a racist for mentioning ‘specific races’ wtf? I”ll do it again to reinforce my point (and my racism)…
@Osakasan comment with France having no problem with “non white population”
this is a result of historically having an empire / commonwealth and taking responsibility for them! ……and UK has been doing that since forever.
We have some of the oldest established Chinese and Caribbean communities , and large legacy of Indian and Pakistani settlers (since the partition) all of whom have settled in and made part of UK.
The problem to the economy is the financial migrants we have arriving illegally - demanding treatment, assistance, free legal representation, basically free everything! it’s all paid for by someone (think that’s that ‘working class’ we alluded to earlier)

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
You know, i'm tired of the fucking bullshit of the right.

"Oh, we can advocate to get rid of anyone we want, but if the left do it they're acting like fucking nazis"


When the best the right can do when they see an injustice agaisnt a group they don't like is to look the other way, they're showing they're undeserving of any kind of pity and compassion.

So yes, i'll say it again.

Get rid of fucking right leaning politicians. They don't add anything of value. They're homophobic, xenophobic, racist, warmongering, money amassing idiots, waste of space.

And while we're at it, middle and low class people who follow these politicians and their views are downright idiots who are not aware of what their worth is in the eyes of right leaning politicians:

You're nothing, literally nothing

Just a number, a dot in the mob they're aiming to create to take over the world, country after country.

A money making maching to fill their already money filled pockets.

And you don't even realize. Your views? They're not natural, they were implanted in your mind through religion and propaganda, they made you a hateful idiot programed to serve them and their tiny world. When they rise to power you will be given the scraps of those who receive the scraps. For them, you're literally flea shit.

Also, i see you're british? Were you sleeping in a cave while the right leaning politicians separated your country from the EU and tanked the economy HARD in a any% speedrun? Are you sure you want to enforce THAT?

From someone who lives in a country that is facing a literal assault from the far right and is still recovering from a fascist dictatorship: Fuck off, fuck off right to the sun, and don't fucking come back.
Just get rid of all politicians, they're all bad.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
They come because its governments (Western govts in general) offer welfare support and that's what incentivizes them to take the risk. Countries that do not, they don't want to go there.

The U.K. places migrants in 5 star hotels meanwhile its homeless, elderly, and veterans don't get any help.
Post automatically merged:

comment with France having no problem with “non white population”
There's so much wrong with this, but I decline to reply to it in detail because this community gears towards the left and "right" opinions are "wrong."


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
I am British, and ‘working class’ (if that’s still a thing?) but you’re off the mark with coming out of the EU - it wasn’t the politicians, it was a national vote that brought about the separation, fuelled by mass media coverage of illegal immigration levels into UK!
Fear by far right politicians lies funded by russia. Immigration was always going to be made worse by leaving the EU & now we can't fill jobs or you can't so easily decide to work in the EU.

Unfortunately 52% of the voters in the referendum were either racists or deluded. It was the largest act of self harm which is never going to achieve what you want it to. You may as well say you voted to leave the EU because you thought it would increase your chances of marrying a super model.

All that it will achieve is no more conservative government for the next 20 years, because the £100 billion that has been lost since leaving the EU is only the tip of the ice berg and a whole lot of people who voted to leave are going to be deprogrammed real soon.


Dec 11, 2015
The U.K. places migrants in 5 star hotels meanwhile its homeless, elderly, and veterans don't get any help.
Post automatically merged:
In UK homeless British people were being thrown out of hotels the other week so that Illegal migrants could get the rooms. It was on the news.

A lifeboat crew (that's ferrying these illegals) was thrown out of their hotel to make way for the migrants:

You've also got nurses being chucked out of their hotels to make way for the illegals:

If this government think this is what the British people want, it shows how far out of touch with reality they are - they will find out come election time though when they lose their seats.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
In UK homeless British people were being thrown out of hotels the other week so that Illegal migrants could get the rooms. It was on the news.

A lifeboat crew (that's ferrying these illegals) was thrown out of their hotel to make way for the migrants:

You've also got nurses being chucked out of their hotels to make way for the illegals:

If this government think this is what the British people want, it shows how far out of touch with reality they are - they will find out come election time though when they lose their seats.
A British couple received an eviction notice because that's to house migrants.

How is this fair...

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