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  1. Awesomegameplayer

    Hacking Modding Yoshi's Woolly World

    Asking For Help Hey there, I was wondering what tools there are to mod Yoshi's Woolly World? I'd be interesting in anything from simple audio and graphic hacks to replacing entire levels/worlds and plus adding new things into the game. What I've Discovered For those of you who might end up here...
  2. Awesomegameplayer

    Howdy y'all!

    Greetings fellow people! I keep landing on this website each time I try to find any sort of info about modding Wii U games, and finally after finding a download link for an extraction program that doesn't work anymore for the tenth time I've decided to join this community- not only in hopes of...
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: