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  1. K

    Help with correct kernel for R4

    Thank you so much, it works, and i even managed to get twilightmenu on autoboot on it, you guys have been a huge help. I am still having a little trouble getting GBArunner2 to run, but that will have to wait for another time, for now everything else work nicely.
  2. K

    Help with correct kernel for R4

    I tried to launch the Wood R4 v1.62.nds file from within the Kernel i have on it now. It shows the loading bar, but then just freezes. I am at a loss, sorry for not being so comfortable with the terminology and know how, of which flash cart i have.
  3. K

    Help with correct kernel for R4

    Hi, I have had some problems finding the right kernel for my R4 card, and identifying it. I downloaded many different kernels and finally found one that works, but the issue now is any ROMs i try to launch, ends up freezing my DS, and i have to reboot. I know it worked a couple of days ago with...
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