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  1. F

    Homebrew Super Mario 64 Port - Wii U

    On forums there's a lot of spam, but I found a patch for sm64ex that seems to include a "cheat button" for the shell aswell as the Caps und Bobomb. It's called "Additional Buttons for EX", I can't post links yet but I think with this information it's easy enough to find. Maybe I'll...
  2. F

    How to play super Mario sunburn on the Wii u gamepad

    I can confirm that this works with the latest version of Super Mario Sunburn (1.8c)
  3. F

    Always coming back to retro (NES/SNES/N64/Wii)

    Sometimes I think I prefer getting mods to work over playing. Finally my older child can appreciate :D I have great respect for modders and have some basic understanding of development and reverse engineering. Concerning games I am only a consumer of mods/hacks who likes to share his (consumer)...
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