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  1. W

    Can other Switch models be modded with a "Lite" variation of modchip?

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have a few extra V4 chips and was wondering if they can be wired into other units. I'm wanting to use them up before buying some Picos, haha. I just don't want to waste the time if people know they won't work on Non-Mariko chips.
  2. W

    Can other Switch models be modded with a "Lite" variation of modchip?

    This is assuming you wire it yourself, I guess I'm asking if the chips are all the same and the ribbons/accessories are the only difference between variations? IIRC, I have seen that they can be used on OLED but OLED would have Mariko, right? I wouldn't be surprised by that but can they also be...
  3. W

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    Hey, Everyone. Been a LONG time since I touched a Switch and the modding game has changed a bit. My last modchip install was SX, haha. Anyway, a quick question about a Lite and an hwfly chip: Once installed (assuming it's a good chip), I do the typical with Hekate. I remember all of that with...
  4. W

    Does anyone know which ICs and/or mosfet handle joycon on the Switch board itself?

    Hello, all. I have found some posts about this and none seem very certain. I'm not looking for parts in the Joycon board but the actual Switch Motherboard. Which ICs and/or mosfets are used to work with the joycons when inserted? Be it data or charging. I'm wondering because I have a working...
  5. W

    Can I use any eMMC board to rebuild a NAND?

    Ok, thank you so much for the reply! I wasn't sure if the ones I bought from China were wiped and/or by necessity. Given that I have working donors from unfixable Switch tablets, I could hopefully save myself the time and money.
  6. W

    Hacking Strange Switch behavior (Never modded, AutoRCM on dead eMMC, etc)

    Oh, ok. I never knew that so I appreciate the reply and information! Much appreciated. So there is nothing strange at all here, haha. Just a Switch with a bad eMMC/NAND. I guess I'll just rebuild the NAND on another board (if reballing it doesn't help) and use/sell it as an offline Switch...
  7. W

    Hacking Strange Switch behavior (Never modded, AutoRCM on dead eMMC, etc)

    Hi all. A strange situation I hope someone can explain to me: My coworker knows I fix tech and brings me his "broken" Switch. He claims he didn't use for almost a year because during his last use it basically crashed and refused to turn back on. He says if I can fix it he'll pay me and if not I...
  8. W

    Can I use any eMMC board to rebuild a NAND?

    Hi, all. Can I use any working Switch eMMC board on a Switch it did not ship with IF my plan is to rebuild the NAND with the keys of the new Switch? Put simply, "Switch A" is broken but the eMMC board is still good. "Switch B" works fine in every way except it has a bad EMMC board. If "Switch...
  9. W

    Tutorial How to skip the "Connect Joycons" system init screen

    This is just to skip the prompt you get after a factory reset (or very first boot) of the Switch to insert joycons. It will not let you proceed without them and many don't have them at all. AFAIK, this only patches that check so we can bypass it without having joycons. Someone please correct...
  10. W

    Hacking Can someone with coding skill do me a favor?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just swapped the text from the Lite version to do what I asked below. I worked too hard to take a break and rolled the dice. Worked fine and very easy, haha. Thanks. If you do this remember to change 0x2 to 0x8 as well. Even easier? Just use the Lite build, lol. Same exact...
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    Hardware Can I Replace Emmc with a new one without nand backup?

    Thanks for the reply! I may have made a mistake, let me clarify. The broken Switch in question has an EMMC that is bad and not fixable. It's not a question of NAND backup as it wouldn't let me back up when obtained. Yet, it was initially in good enough shape for a full key dump. So I have...
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    Hardware Can I Replace Emmc with a new one without nand backup?

    Hello. I'm in the same situation as OP here but I do have all the keys from the broken Switch. So, I obtained a Switch with a bad NAND. It's fried. No backup. The usual method of rebuilding a NAND isn't working for this unit, unlike a unit I posted about fixing here in the recent past. Yet, I...
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    Hardware Ps4 Slim Error ce-30391-6

    Not on 7.55, sadly. On 505 users can do the kernel clock method above but I haven't seen anything work on another FW where the problem is the kernel clock-battery. Only an update and PSN log-in will fix it.
  14. W

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    Such a noob question but I have a mental disconnect on this one thing: Ok, so people can install new NAND (eMMC) modules. It's been done, either 32GB up to 128GB. Yet, if I have a working module from "Switch A" I cannot do anything to use it in "Switch B". Not even with keys and rebuilding...
  15. W

    Hacking Question Rebuilding NAND, at the end and can't delete odd file

    Hi. Yeah, there are a few online that have basic steps and such but I used this video tutorial off off YouTube: FYI, I was on an earlier FW than his is in the video so I just rebuilt with the same FW that was installed already. The unit came with 10.1.0 and so I downloaded and rebuilt with...
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    Hacking Question Rebuilding NAND, at the end and can't delete odd file

    Yes, I also came to that conclusion given the folder. Before that I had also read that it was a common fault specifically with BOTW but I never asked the seller if they owned that game.
  17. W

    Hacking Question Rebuilding NAND, at the end and can't delete odd file

    EDIT: Solved my problem and going to share in case anyone else has this issue: Ok, the unit was purchased as broken with the 2002-4373 error. Those are listed (barely anywhere and not specifically even on Ninties site) as basically NAND corruption. The unit boots directly to the error screen...
  18. W

    Hacking [RCM Payload] Hekate - CTCaer mod

    Odd question about eMMC RAW GPP backup. I get this error at 5% after using multiple different SD Cards (all legitimate) and formatting them in both Fat32 and ExFat, both 16k and 32k splits: error reading 8192 blocks @ LBA 00308000 It tries 3x real quick and then aborts. My question is whether...
General chit-chat
Help Users
    They both suck hahaha
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    "Where is the bathroom?"
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    The bar goes up in flames.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @Xdqwerty wdym by that
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    A old man goes to doctor and says "Doctor I take a shit every morning around 9am." Doctor says "That's good and healthy." Old man says "But I don't wake up till 10am."
    That's a great one @BigOnYa
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    haha, kinda corny tho
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @BigOnYa when I read your jokes I imagine Im seeing south park and Randy Marsh is telling the joke
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    also here's a better version of your vacuum cleaner joke @HUNTERFOX
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @salazarcosplay and I bet when you read mine you imagine a toilet and the dookie somebody had after eating Taco Bell
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    computers having hamsters inside them and stuff
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    not very funny :/
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    tbh kinda cringe
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ffs stop crying about it
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    tbh I'm not having the best day today
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    the morning could've been better
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    and I do want to rest now that it's the end of school for the week
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    I don't wanna get annoyed or angry about anything........ but for ONCE could we talk like actual people and not like creeps
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Man and wife get in bed together. Man rubs on wife wanting some and wife says, " I can't tonight, I have a gynecologist appointment in the morning." After a few minutes, man starts rubbing on her again. She says "Didn't you here me? Stop." He says "What, do you have a dentist appointment too?"
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    Boy oh boy would I pay to chat on GBAtemp in 2015
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Kirbydogs, I wouldnt
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Kirbydogs, also I agree its cringe
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @Xdqwerty what was it like
    Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs: @Xdqwerty what was it like