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  1. CharredChar

    Homebrew Question Tinfoil and Updates/DLC not installing

    I tested A and B by uninstalling the game, removing all updates except for the latest from the game folder and attempting re-install+update. This seems to have worked for the particular title I was using to test, even though during one test I did remove the game from my system and re-installed...
  2. CharredChar

    Homebrew Question Tinfoil and Updates/DLC not installing

    I think so and it threw an error, I changed a couple of things since then though so I will try again and report back and also post the error. auto installing update.nsz disabling sleep blocking home button installing application cnmt %s Failed to register placeholder NCA...
  3. CharredChar

    Homebrew Question Tinfoil and Updates/DLC not installing

    For all files they are as follows. Game Name[TitleID][version].extension
  4. CharredChar

    Homebrew Question Tinfoil and Updates/DLC not installing

    I've run into this with previous versions of Tinfoil and usually an update fixes it. This time I am on Atmos 0.10.4, Tinfoil 8.10 R22 and NUT 2.50 over Network so I need to find out what else could be causing this. As it goes, you have a list of New DLC and Updates in Tinfoil, you can install...
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