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  1. G

    ROM Hack Can you edit the button controls on a ds rom?

    Wait, I still can't patch it, when I try it "xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT" comes up. I'm pretty sure that it is a bad ROM... Perhap you shoul try it again with the (E) version.
  2. G

    ROM Hack Can you edit the button controls on a ds rom?

    Yup, you were right... While you're at it, could you make something like this for Squeak Squad? From what I understand the game uses the same engine.
  3. G

    ROM Hack Can you edit the button controls on a ds rom?

    It isn't working. Xdelta says it can't find the patch when I try to apply it.
  4. G

    ROM Hack Can you edit the button controls on a ds rom?
  5. G

    ROM Hack Can you edit the button controls on a ds rom?

    Thank you. I'll make a WordPress for these hacks. :lol:
  6. G

    ROM Hack Can you edit the button controls on a ds rom?

    Thank you for replying to something on a 6 year old post so quickly. Most of what you wrote went over my head, (I am but a simple man that wishes to play Kirby properly) but I think I'll try the cowboy method and replace all instances of one button press causing something with another button...
  7. G

    ROM Hack Can you edit the button controls on a ds rom?

    Could you please explain how to find the controls and how to edit the values of the buttons? The links you gave are all down. I would like to edit the atrocious controls of Kirby Super Star Ultra and Kirby Squeak Squad, and swap the b and y buttons.
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