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  1. Cintaï

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    Alright, great. Thanks for your answers!
  2. Cintaï

    Hacking SWITCH NOOB PARADISE - Ask questions here

    Hi hi. Is using (or having used) AutoRCM bannable, and currently used by Nintendo to ban? Also, regarding this: Does that mean CFWs prevent the burning of fuses on updates from system settings? What are the chances of getting the banhammer if you only use CFW sysNAND to do that? Lastly, I...
  3. Cintaï

    Homebrew [Release] [New 3DS browser only] Twitch Client for New 3DS (browser-based)

    That's great! But the site seems to give me an error whenever a try to reach a channel, stating that /twitch/view.php was not found...
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