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  1. B

    Homebrew MoonShell 2.10childzwai beta

    Ok so using the link you gave me for it, I downloaded it and did the set up and this is exactly what shows up on the cards main directory: DUSTBOX(Folder) moonshl2(folder) moonshl2_backup20101206-210522(folder) moonshl2.nds moonshl2_altloader_dkpr27.nds moonshl2_directboot.nds Where do I get...
  2. B

    Homebrew MoonShell 2.10childzwai beta

    Ok let's see if I can get this. I'm really not dumb lol. I just haven't done it in a long time and I can't even remember which version I used on the original card.
  3. B

    Homebrew MoonShell 2.10childzwai beta

    Can you please include a link to the file you downloaded for moonshell? Posts merged How do you place that?
  4. B

    Homebrew MoonShell 2.10childzwai beta

    This is the exact error I keep getting. Couldn't find_DS_MENU.DAT
  5. B

    Homebrew MoonShell 2.10childzwai beta

    Would someone be willing to give me instruction on how to get this to work on a new card? I can't seem to get it to work.
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: +2