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  1. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Need to break ipod touch homebutton'

    This thread is getting pretty off-topic. Anyways, try getting it to the Apple store and see if they'll simply replace it. Because breaking something else while making sure it doesn't look like it's you who broke it is a pain in the ass.
  2. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'So, I got my knee checked out today'

    What are you talking about? I hear it all the bloody time!
  3. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Nintendo Power'

    I used to have a subscription for a year or two. Then I saw all the info was on the net for free.
  4. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Freshmen: Young Meat, Part I?'

    I ignore them.
  5. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Power outage'

    I go crazy after two hours. I usually find some way to get electricity, be it a huge pack of AA batteries or a home-made generator.
  6. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'My birthday'

    I smoked shisha too. I don't exactly get the point, but it's much better than cigarets.
  7. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Life has been quite dull lately.'

    I don't get dropping out of High school. To me, it's on of the single most stupid things you can do in life. Same with not going to University. Then again, our system here actually makes it worth it to finish High School and getting a degree is pretty cheap, compared to you guys.
  8. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'first and only blog thingy'

    That computer was worth WAAAAAY more than 60 bucks. Great deal for him.
  9. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'I just scored 2 HP touchpads 16gb :D'

    This. Been looking all over for these. Especially since I heard some people are working to get Android on it.
  10. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'The 3DS just what!?'

    Old news is old. We've know this for weeks now.
  11. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    He's gone. I did it. I had found a vet willing to help and was getting ready to go when he just ran out from an open door and got hit by a car. Sadly, it didn't kill him. He would have had to wait for his blood to run out before death finally came. And it was gonna take it's time. So I shaved...
  12. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    The question was mostly rhetorical. I already knew I would be impossible to get my hands on that stuff. I have made a list of vets to call ASAP, but it's currently 5 AM. If they won't do it today or early tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to bear watching the poor thing any longer. As for the...
  13. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    Yeah you're right. It's too slow to achieve death. I though the technique would be similar to insulin shots, though about it and saw it didn't work. And @Jeffrey you wouldn't happen to know where I could get my hands on sodium thiopental or pentobarbital, would you?
  14. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    By sleeping, I meant under the effect of some kind of sedative. And I think he's too weak to give up much of a fight really. Holding him down shouldn't be a challenge. For the method used: 1: Pinch the skin around the hips or between the shoulders so as to tent the skin. 2: Swiftly but...
  15. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    That is why I'm planning on having the cat sleeping before administering it. I have never worked in a hospital before(though I am studying chemistry and biology as a hobby), but I have had to make injections for relatives who, mainly, were a little scared of doing it themselves. It happened to...
  16. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    There's no one who wants to take in a animal that is almost dead. People would rather just go to the store and get a healthy kitten. Best case scenario he probably won't live another year. As my friend said it, "he's a goner either way, man". Which is why he told me to get it euthanized. He...
  17. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    I do agree that I never made an euthanasia before, but that doesn't mean I can't handle a syringe. I did it in the past, it isn't so difficult. Getting the lethal dose of potassium chloride into his bloodstream shouldn't be very hard.
  18. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    It means a lot to me that you guys are supporting me. I will clarify a little for DDJM. The cat is professionally diagnosed by my friend who came from Egypt to practice, put can't get his license here unless he redoes his studies. Stupid Quebec immigration procedures. I can't remember the name...
  19. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    The "mix of crap as you call it is KCl. It is widely used in lethal injections and will put the cat to death in a matter of seconds. I'm trying to avoid whatever pain he may feel by using a sedative or some kind of analgesic. It's very similar to what a vet would do and the very injection used...
  20. Pyrmon

    Comment by 'Pyrmon' in 'Lethal injection'

    Here, we have what is called "Le berger blanc", where you go to look for lost animals, give up an animal, euthanize an animal and pick up an animal. All of these services have fees which my parents are unwilling to pay. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
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