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Aww don’t let dreams stress you out :/
Just take your mind off of em okay? It’ll be alright
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HinaNaru Cutie
HinaNaru Cutie
@MicmasH_W thank you, and i am not stressed out now -ended up having to drink some ibriprofin for my headache x.x" and ate something good, so good to go -it's just a bit weird that i had a dream about him :s i asked my brother and he said that maybe something is gonna happen to him. @_@;;.. i hope not. But i'm gonna use my switch and do something -anyway how are you doing?? i hope you're doing well ;w;
Deleted User
Aww I hope you get to feeling better.
I’m doing amazing :3
Some people very close to my heart have been cheering me up all day and I finally got a hug for once :3
You aren't alone, for the past two years all I've been dreaming of is a certain ex girlfriend of mine, so I feel you. Best thing that works for me is to find some distractions like games and whatnot to sorta tire my brain out a bit without having to take medicine/drugs so I end up having no dreams at all... Good luck there and don't let dreams stress you out, especially bad ones!
HinaNaru Cutie
HinaNaru Cutie
@ThoD wow that's actually worse than me....o _o to be honest, i honestly do not what to say there, but it's odd of you to be having dreams of her. well there is a saying; when you dream about a person, it just means you miss them. Or that's how it goes, so i'm assuming you probably miss your ex
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HinaNaru Cutie
HinaNaru Cutie
@ThoD -even though whatever relationship happen, you miss her, and i miss my ex bf as well...-i just don't understand why would i miss him...odd. Well, i took a nap, that counts as distraction -right? lol. umm what else? i played my switch, that made me feel a bit better, and now i am responding to you because i just woke up.
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HinaNaru Cutie
HinaNaru Cutie
@ThoD -Why the hell would you think taking medication, or even drugs to begin will be second thought. -you okay?? it's impossible to not have dreams, you do have them it's just normally your mind will forget what dreams you had.
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HinaNaru Cutie
HinaNaru Cutie
@ThoD -it's what happen to me, i really thought i never had dreams as a kid, but as time went one (still kid age) i ended up getting them. Looked up, about it and yes you can forget your dreams, the mind works very tricky -you can say. I won't, thank you for the advice. -sorry for the major mini spam, the darn character limit really sucks
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Napping to avoid bad dreams sounds like a paradox honestly:P And yeah, I miss her, of course I do, I love her despite everything she did and caused to happen, no need to feel bad for me over it though, don't worry. You have dreams when your brain didn't have enough time to process the information it got throughout the day and it's not too tired, that's for the most part at least.
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As for the medicine part, stuff like propofol for bad cases of unwanted dreams is a thing... but distracting yourself can help better honestly. Dreams only happen when certain conditions to activate specific brain function are fulfilled during stage 1 sleep.
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You don't always have them, your brain doesn't forget the dreams, you just don't have any then the brain fills the blank with the delusion you forgot since dreams involve information in your brain moving between the short and long term parts of it's memory.
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PS: I know character limit is annoying AF on here, don't worry, but you don't have to keep tagging me, as long as I've replied to your original status even once, I'll get notifications every time someone posts another response to this whether I'm tagged or not:P
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