Recent content by supdotcom

  1. S

    ROM Hack RELEASE Monster Hunter Rise 60 FPS mod

    Sorry I apologise for asking, its 2am and my reading comprehension getting is poor.
  2. S

    ROM Hack RELEASE Monster Hunter Rise 60 FPS mod

    Sorry I haven't kept up with the switch scene recently, what's this about a 2131 ram? Is it a overclock for ram past 1600? If so, what tool do I use?
  3. S

    ROM Hack Suggestion Request - Hades docked mode resolution

    Docked mode seems to be running the same resolution as handheld, resulting pretty awful image quality on tv. Any chance for a resolution patch?
  4. S

    ROM Hack [Request] Tokyo Mirage Session #FE Encore - Docked resolution patch?

    I've noticed that the docked mode for TMS seems a bit soft, possibly sub 1080p? I'd like to request a resolution patch for it if possible. Thank you.
  5. S

    ROM Hack Question is there any 720p handheld patch for FFXII?

    I'm curious if this game could be pushed to 1080p with max oc? Would be nice since the current docked mode is a bit blurry on a big tv screen.
  6. S

    ROM Hack RELEASE Final Fantasy IX - Crunched Moguri Mod Field Backgrounds

    Great work! By the way, with the FF8 released for switch recently, any chance you'll be porting the background mods for that game?
  7. S

    Hacking Phantasy Star Nova Translation [We need your help!]

    Awesome project, hope you guys keep up the good work!
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