Recent content by Shanita1515

  1. S

    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm SO sorry that I forgot to mention that they were DS games and the fact that I use forwarders, I will follow TurdPooCharger instructions later and I will inform you of the results as soon as I can XD P.D: Professor Layton and the Mysterious Blank Icons, soon in your stores...
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    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    Hello again, sorry guys it took sooo long but I had mid-term tests so I couldn't afford to do anything else, hope you don't mind :( I hope this would help with the problem:
  3. S

    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    Okay right now I can't do that but I'll make sure to upload one as soon as possible. By the way, I just want to clarify something since it seems I may have been rude to you somehow: I am REALLY grateful to both of you for your help and for taking the time to explain and try to help me the best...
  4. S

    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    Okay, and why would I want to do it? I'm sorry if this is dumb but I want to make sure I understand what I'm about to do Yes, I mean, when you install a game, you get an icon of the game on the menu right? Like a picture of the game (usually a character appears, it's like the "carátula" of the...
  5. S

    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    I don't really mind about that because if a game goes with the blank icon, it always means that it won't work so I directly erase them and then I try again, so I don't really have any save data (I hope I understood this correctly) I don't think I quite understand what you say. I mean, whenever...
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    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    Sorry this is the third time I quote you XD You must think that I'm bothering you on purpose but I swear that's not the case. I have another problem. Now I have the same icon as if I had the game but with no image at all (not the first time this happens), so I deleted everything as I should but...
  7. S

    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    Okay, I did what you said, no game was erased and now I can finally install the game (though it does not work anyway XD) a HUGE THANKS for replaying, have a nice day, much love <3
  8. S

    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    Will this erase the tickets from games that I've installed but I haven't been able to play just yet? Like I have a couple of games that I want to play and I installed them but I haven't even started them, you know what I mean?
  9. S

    Hacking Failed to install cia file Error:0xc8e083fc (already exists)

    Hello everyone ! First of all, sorry if I'm writing this on the wrong discussion and sorry if this is already answered but I DO NOT HAVE FOUND the solution for this error anywhere and/or understood what the possible solution might be. Also, sorry for my English, not a native speaker so I might...
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