Salut, tu pourrais m'expliquer comment jouer au jeu stp ? D'habitude je joue à mes jeux avec Loadiine, faut faire comment du coup ? J'ai bien l'iso et le .tik ! Merci !
I have been using NextDNS for a while now, but sometimes I need to turn it off. I found this app on the Play Store. Its saying i need to run this command with ADB; adb shell pm grant com.flashsphere.privatednsqs android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS Can someone check if this is safe?
download that, put it on your folder with the NUS files, put the title.tik, and open CMD to the same folder as the NUS file like "cd c:\zeldaNUS" then type "cdecrypt title.tmd title.tik"