Recent content by Mika_

  1. Mika_

    ROM Hack Pokemon Legends Arceus Cheat Database

    Looks awesome! will you be posting it?
  2. Mika_

    ROM Hack WIP Monster Hunter Stories2 SaveDate Editor(Modified Version)

    Does anybody know why the egg share tab with the eggs hex and ids got removed from the excel ??
  3. Mika_

    ROM Hack How to kick or push in boxes to villagers in NHSE?

    Ignore them, report them to Isabelle and time travel 5-6 days.
  4. Mika_

    ROM Hack Cheat Codes AMS and Sx Os, Add and Request

    Read the rules, it's not allowed here. Google is your friend.
  5. Mika_

    ROM Hack Discussion Animal Crossing: New Horizons -- Reverse Engineering, Glitches, Bugs, etc. thread!

    Of course not, that's why you have to update it to b0d6d16556b61bf5.
  6. Mika_

    ROM Hack Discussion Animal Crossing: New Horizons -- Reverse Engineering, Glitches, Bugs, etc. thread!

    The .txt file=build id. I am on the latest firmware using sxos if it helps.
  7. Mika_

    ROM Hack Discussion Animal Crossing: New Horizons -- Reverse Engineering, Glitches, Bugs, etc. thread!

    Weird, they work for me. All I've done is updating the .txt file.
  8. Mika_

    ROM Hack Discussion Animal Crossing: New Horizons -- Reverse Engineering, Glitches, Bugs, etc. thread!

    It has already been answered, hold L or R while selecting 'new'.
  9. Mika_

    ROM Hack Discussion Animal Crossing: New Horizons -- Reverse Engineering, Glitches, Bugs, etc. thread!

    When I made my post I refreshed the site beforehand and nothing else was posted, so there is that.
  10. Mika_

    ROM Hack Cheat Codes AMS and Sx Os, Add and Request

    [AC:NH cheats v1.0 by-怪盗B] [bells don't decrease] 04000000 00FC27A0 6B1F0114 [miles don't decrease] 04000000 00FC27F0 6B1F0114 [money/milesx4] 04000000 02211F00 10000000 04000000 02211F04 B9401403 04000000 02211F08 1B037C21 04000000 02211F0C 8B214115 04000000 02211F10 D65F03C0 04000000...
  11. Mika_

    ROM Hack Discussion Animal Crossing: New Horizons -- Reverse Engineering, Glitches, Bugs, etc. thread!

    [AC:NH cheats v1.0 by-怪盗B] [no decrease money] 04000000 00FC27A0 6B1F0114 [miles not decreased] 04000000 00FC27F0 6B1F0114 [money/milesx4] 04000000 02211F00 10000000 04000000 02211F04 B9401403 04000000 02211F08 1B037C21 04000000 02211F0C 8B214115 04000000 02211F10 D65F03C0 04000000 02211F14...
  12. Mika_

    ROM Hack Pokemon Sword and Shield Cheats/Hacks/PKHex

    Thank you very much!!!
  13. Mika_

    ROM Hack Pokemon Sword and Shield Cheats/Hacks/PKHex

    I am also having this problem. I thought sys clk was incompatible with sx os? How did you fix it and what parameters are you using?
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