Recent content by Mihsah

  1. M

    Hacking Why my PS VIta is Dead, Unable to charge, unable to turn it on.

    hi @DontShootUp yeah i already did that. now i dk what to do , i hope charger's chip is blown, because i already bought it and waiting for it to be delivered and replace it.
  2. M

    Hacking Why my PS VIta is Dead, Unable to charge, unable to turn it on.

    Thanks for idea, i will try to replace it
  3. M

    Hacking Why my PS VIta is Dead, Unable to charge, unable to turn it on.

    Hi everyone, I need advice an advice regarding this issue. What the cause of PS VITA is dead. Which part should i replace to make my PS Vita alive again? I already replace the battery still no change. I also try to charge using different cable and different power supply but still no change...
  4. M

    Hacking PS Vita , New SD card from 32 to 512 gb

    Hi Guys , my sd card is fake memory card i guess, i try it on my phone, and its not working and slow, thank you for your help
  5. M

    Hacking PS Vita , New SD card from 32 to 512 gb

    For this instruction , clean or clean disk?
  6. M

    Hacking PS Vita , New SD card from 32 to 512 gb

    I will try and let you know , Thanks
  7. M

    Hacking PS Vita , New SD card from 32 to 512 gb

    Hm so any recommendation for sd card should i buy again? is it speed of sd card matter for ps vita?
  8. M

    Hacking PS Vita , New SD card from 32 to 512 gb

    I use H2w to test my 512 sd card, and i took 1 day. Warning: Only 501726 of 501728 MByte tested. The media is likely to be defective. 26.7 GByte OK (56198327 sectors) 463.1 GByte DATA LOST (971336521 sectors) Details:0 KByte overwritten (0 sectors) 0 KByte slightly changed (< 8 bit/sector, 0...
  9. M

    Hacking PS Vita , New SD card from 32 to 512 gb

    its online, since im from asia its different online platform, i think its work fine, yeah just want to make sure, and the price is suite with the item
  10. M

    Hacking PS Vita , New SD card from 32 to 512 gb

    Ok, i will try and let you all know. Thank you very much. Im in the middle to check whether my 512 gb card is fraud or not
  11. M

    Hacking PS Vita , New SD card from 32 to 512 gb

    I just bought my 512 gb sd card and its not working, i already did write zzblank image to 512 and format it 64kb allocation and exFat. And i copy everything from my old sd card (32gb ) to new (512 gb). And even i uncheck the *hide protected os file* and copy everything. i also check at storage...
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