Recent content by mandyone

  1. mandyone

    Homebrew Official Retroarch WiiU (wip.)

    Just tried adding the asset files but that didn't seem to do anything. All my other cores work fine, and games still run on the mame2003 core its just the menu is really difficult to navigate as you can't see the text of any option until you highlight it if that makes sense. Should I maybe just...
  2. mandyone

    Homebrew Official Retroarch WiiU (wip.)

    I'm 99% sure I did but I'll try again and report back. Any ideas what it may be if not that?
  3. mandyone

    Homebrew Official Retroarch WiiU (wip.)

    Hey guys, dunno if this should be a separate thread but chances are you've all heard of this issue anyway. So I've got the mame2003 libretro core running for RA on the Wii U, but every time I boot into it the screen is completely black and white, making it quite awkward to navigate folders. Any...
  4. mandyone

    Hacking Help me lol

    Update, managed to get it working with the newest version of UWUVCI as it's super user friendly and kinda does everything for you haha.
  5. mandyone

    Hacking Help me lol

    Yeah I couldn't seem to find one but I didn't look very hard, I was using Wii U USB Helper for injections, but it's lacking a lot in the VC department, is the something better being used these days?
  6. mandyone

    Hacking Help me lol

    Awesome thank you, that narrows it down to a different issue at least haha. Tried injecting using Donkey Kong 64 in Phacoxs injector and just got a black screen sadly. Thanks for the help :)
  7. mandyone

    Hacking Help me lol

    You're a legend, even just reading that makes more sense on this topic than anything else has, nice one bud cheers auto That was another issue I was having is that a few of those just say By Nintendo which has no link or otherwise, for example for Super Mario 64 it doesn't have a link to any...
  8. mandyone

    Hacking Help me lol

    Unsure as to if the 18 people viewing the thread all have the answer and they wanna let me suffer, or they all want the same answer I do haha
  9. mandyone

    Hacking Help me lol

    Delete if this is in the wrong section, and I'm sure if it's not someones about to make me feel real dumb real quick, I'm having trouble finding INI files for N64 injections? Modded my Wii U all fine, got Gamecube injections and all that working perfectly but I can't find these files for N64 and...
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