Recent content by lawlietl4

  1. lawlietl4

    Hacking NORwegian Teensy PS3 NAND/NOR Downgraders (Socket, Clip, and Ultimate)

    I would recommend looking on a site called tindie: adapter-flashcatusb-xport-360-clip-tsop-48-nand/ I was able to find a 360 clip to flashcatusb xport adapter and for the 360 clip not staying on I have seen people use books, binder clips, glasses of water and even rubber bands to keep it in...
  2. lawlietl4

    Hacking NORwegian Teensy PS3 NAND/NOR Downgraders (Socket, Clip, and Ultimate)

    I was wondering if you could supply a parts file and their locations for an individual manufacturing run, I couldn't find any mentions of parts in the GitHub
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