Recent content by Gucci

  1. G

    Hacking Does Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 work on DSTT?

    I want to buy a dstt to play shin megami tensei:devil survivor 2, will it work,are there ANY ANY problems from start to finish ?? in the whole game? if not,is there anything I can do to make it work? I know that the game has an anti-piracy but there is a 'fixedpatch' one. So will it work?
  2. G

    Gaming What games are you getting?

    Resident Evil of course !
  3. G

    Hacking A question about Pokemon Black or White ?

    I am really sorry but I kept searching and I read over 5 topics but I still didn't understand .. Do these games currently work on dstt ? is there a translated Pokemon game ? I know nothing ! I am a noob .... Give me the updates about DSTT ... who is this retrogamefan ? what is the big deal...
  4. G

    Hacking DSTT 'Buzz' ??

    Ahaa okay thanks . What a cheap piece of crap ! ( sorry lol )
  5. G

    Hacking DSTT 'Buzz' ??

    Thank you Both ! but are you guys SURE that it now works for the CONNECTION Between Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Battle Revolution ( Wii ) ? Because before it didn't work
  6. G

    Hacking DSTT 'Buzz' ??

    Hi everyone and I am really sorry to start this thread but I just can't seem to figure out what is going on because I haven't visited the site since forever. And went through about 10 threads and I read about Retrogamefan and his updates and I also read that there is 6.?? unofficial update to...
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