Recent content by Deleted member 505985

  1. Deleted member 505985

    Hacking [RELEASE] WiiVC Injector Script (GC/Wii/Homebrew Support)

    Could you build the title and then upload the file to google drive for me to download
  2. Deleted member 505985

    Hacking [RELEASE] WiiVC Injector Script (GC/Wii/Homebrew Support)

    Tried to post a pic auto I edited it so it shows the error auto This is the error : (“C:\Users\Drew\AppData\Local\Temp\WiiVCInjector\SOURCETEMP\TIKTEMP\tmd.bin’.
  3. Deleted member 505985

    Hacking [RELEASE] WiiVC Injector Script (GC/Wii/Homebrew Support)

    Help! Whenever I try to use it, it gives me this error! (“C:\Users\Drew\AppData\Local\Temp\WiiVCInjector\SOURCETEMP\TIKTEMP\tmd.bin’.
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    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @SylverReZ, thx