Recent content by DahniMae

  1. DahniMae

    Need Help: Ripping Cosplay Pikachu Animations

    I've followed the big main thread about ripping animations from UsUm, but every method I've tried to follow, I've run into some snag or issue that I can't fix. I can get all the models/textures/animations up and running perfectly In SPICA, but I can't get them OUT of SPICA properly exporting...
  2. DahniMae

    Tutorial Export your Pokémon animated models from 3DS to Unity Engine 3D

    Hi there, I'm currently trying to rip the models/textures/animations of all the Cosplay Pikachu forms from my copy of Omega Ruby, but I'm running into a lot of trouble I can load them all properly in SPICA itself, however, every method of exporting I've tried has had issues 1) Selecting one...
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