Recent content by Bones304

  1. B

    Gaming Pokémon Let's Go trade thread

    He just showed up! Yayyy! Got him !! :D
  2. B

    Gaming Pokémon Let's Go trade thread

    Thats fine that he is level 25. He is a shiny wartortle right?
  3. B

    Gaming Pokémon Let's Go trade thread

    Okay thanks, I'll stay on here and let you know if I find one. Must have seen 1000 squirtles by now My shiny charmander took about 6 days not game time but days in general maybe 25 hours game time
  4. B

    Gaming Pokémon Let's Go trade thread

    I am looking for a shiny squirtle or wartortle/blastiose! Am willing to trade 3-4 of my shinies for it, been grinding for 12 hours at a 61+ squirtle combo and about to give up If you can help me out please let me know The shinies I currently have and willing to trade are Machamp 52 Pidgeot 45...
  5. B

    Gaming Pokémon Let's Go trade thread

    I was literally about to give up on charmander and just got my shiny ! Mad lucky. I'm still down to trade
  6. B

    Gaming Pokémon Let's Go trade thread

    Will trade any / all of these for a shiny charmander on lets go pikachu/eevee ( I am on let's go pika) shiny Pikachu lvl 7 shiny Pidgeot lvl 40 shiny Graveler lvl 24 shiny Machamp lvl 35
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